HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2004-9-20
11P-lo-Z0D4 '~Z:9Ipm
Fr...K & A Enllneerlna, Inc.
T-195 P,OOZID01 F-8S1
K I A Elgine8rlng, Inc.
P.O. Box 28624, Eagen&, OR 17402
621 MI/lIII8L, Suite B, &111'" OR 17.
(&41) IIU ... Voice
(1141) IIlIH868 fAX
8llpb.. 21,-
Hayden IfomIls
2464 SN Glacier Pl8c8, SUIte 110
Redmond, OR 9776/1
Subject: QuaIiIy 888llIIJ1CI . house foundaIlon pad construation
Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - 2'" AddIUon
Sprlngllllld. Oregon
PnIjIIcI: 74JM
PU,~I' w 1:':; AND IClII'E
M !'8ql8d, K . A Eng~, b1C. haS complel8d ... . :...:~ lbe conslruclton of IndMdual foundation pads
at the 8UbI8CI new:..:!.. UJ 8lIlCIlV18Ion. 39 individual fouOOallon padS WIl1 construcl8d at the &lie and
prepaJ'8d I8lIdyforfurmlng nsw fOlllldstlons. '
PrIOr to con&lrUalion, I GllOIBChnk:allnvestlgation' was made of the subdivision 10 develop specific
l8Com~ for developing lII8 slI8 for IIlskl8nll8l fOUl\datlons, ~ and U!IUlIlllI.
1lle puIJlO68 Of our a81Yic8s was to provkle ,... ..:.. construction offoundallOl1 pacI8 to llSlilJIU 1hat conmKrtion
crllllrla oullIned In Ute glllll8chn1ca1lnvest1ga1ion was addr888ed. .
11lI8 report documents foundallon pad construction and makes reoallllTl8lld8tiOllor sullablllly for resk/enllal
foumlaUon construclIon.
The faundllion pads dsveIoped lor thIS pl'OjecllR to support CllIIY8nUonally framed Ill5idBnIia1 aInJcIIna
suppol\8d by cOllV8llllonal cast-ln-pl8Ce conCflltB sprud footings. 0lIe to the slope 1Il1l1l BIIlIITIlISt D1l1l8
foundation PBds W8J'I construcled In two or /TlOIQ benaha8, sapalBted In grade by 8P.' ,,;,.. ,.... ~ 110 2.188t.
FountIIllaII 8alII
1l1e BeotecllnlcBllrMlallaatlon (BoIr8) had pl'8(bd tI1at hJgh plasticity slits or clays woukl UIldelll8 the 8118.
E!llcavaIlon for!lll padS conflnned that in most of the founllatIllII pads, 1IIar8 was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly
plastlc,lI1IIlIBrBIeIy stIIf, and nUsl &lit. In sane Iocalians tile gray 81~ conlaIned a slgnlllcant lIIT10lIIt 01 sub-
IllllIlCI8d IgnIOU8 CCIIlbIe$. ThIs slit was oItBn covered by D.li-to 1.1l-1eet 01-' velY Jaw.danslty peaty 8IIl8.
'NelIthered ~-tan tuffaceous ,111.{'.. .: or sandstone was encoulllllrvd underreath thl pIaslIc sllt8.
1 BoIre A......;,:.J, lno.. G... ..'. '.' lIIIhv8dgdlll1lortJeJuperMBadllW8Gecond Additilll1, SprlngIIIIlI. 0I8Q0n.
FtbnIIIy 18, 21m
e 'd 6W'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dtt:6 g006'g .uer
T-13s P.0091001 H52
'1 S,p-ZD-Z004 Ulal,. Froe-t: I A En,ln88rinl, Inc.
K & A Elat_Ing, 110.
lhe gray plaalic IlIII8 and gray pIasllc 81118 with ooIlbleSWlll1 deepest Ihrollllh d1e westllm portion of 1118
subdivision. IsoIaI8d 2ll1l88 Of gray plllGllc slit or p/aslic 8IIl with cobbles Will also encounl8ted throughout II1e
cenIJ1l and easI8III poItIons Of ilia subdlvlslon.
FaundIIiaD PId GDllllrlc/Ion
Because Ihe daplh and Wnt 018018 varied significantly across lite Bubdlv,*", IjlIIlh pad was evaJuaI8d
IndMduany III d8IIlnmle IIIe proper dlllllh of excavation and !tie amount of select 110 10 be placed in !tie
For rnarw !If tIIll foundaIion pada, 1118 depth to weathered sl~s!Ilns or sandstone was IBss than 2.feet and, In
Ihesll cases, the foundation pads were excavaIed to bsdtOCk, and gradad srmolh, JeveI, and Ire8 from loose
malVrta16. In ~ cases the b888 of 1I1e excavatlClll _ in two benches sapara1&d in grade fllIm 1111 Z.feet.
S8I8ct aranular fI WIll placed In t!Ill prepared mccavalIon and brougllt to fooling grade.
In those ama m daepsr III'IY pl881lc sit, the sills were rlIIlllMld 10 a minimum depth m 111-inchaa beloW tootInlI
grade. The botloll18 of th8 8Xll8VlIIIons ~ graded smooII1, l&vel, and free from Ioo!lll ma!ll~als. In most
cases the baSe of tho 8llIlIVIlIClll WB8 In two benclhas eepandBd In lII8lIe fltIm 110 Z.fsel 88fect granular nn
was placed In 1118 pt(Ipa/'8lI8llC8VlIIton and brought III fooling grade.
In aU cases whel8 peaty 8Ila were encountered, lI1e psa/t8lll8 were compIetetJ rernovacI frOm IIIll foundldkln
IIItaIIrInaIIr Pill
Select graIIlIar ~1Is conslsllld of e aub-base rnateIIaI end a b8S8 maIllIIal. The lIUb-base malsrlal was placed Clll
1Il8 prepared subgrade in Ih8 fotnlalton pads and consl8bld of a S-lnch mRls wau.gradBd quany aggregatB.
The baee rnaIIlrIaI WIll pJac:ed over the sub-JlaSe rock and consI8t1ld of.1 *Inj:h minus denaa.gradad quany
l109l1lg81B. Both 8lllI11I/8I88 were produced at1l1e Morse Bros, Quany In Sprlngtleld.
TlNl8lJb.bac8 tI*lICIllISI g8fl8l8lJy ranaed from 8 to 12-jnch88. Base rock ranged from 4111 12-ilchea In
lIdclcnBa8. ,In I few aU8ll (1oIB 3311l1'ou9h 39) II1e sub-base rock was eliminated and baslllllCk was used
IIIlCklslV8ly for1he saIect granutsr fiB.
The &elect Dl1IKIllr fiDe W8Ill W8II ell.. .....,oJ in 12.inch lllIIldmum lifts (loose) usil1ll a stIlel-WII88led VIbraIDry
niler. WBIer was IIpplilld a II8C8llSlIIY to maintain optmum waI8r contant during COIllII8CIIon.
IlIIIIIty al8_ ..... fill
11le clensIly ~the 8ulHlase was evaIUaIBd by lnSpecllon of plal;llI!lCIIl;, '., .,. ancI flsld mIua1Ion of water
conlel1t. 1l1II dlll8lly was considered adequaI8 If passes by the IaIge YIInlory 8le8klrum roller did not IBaY8
VIslbIe nukS ~ the flUb.base BIIII~ at th8 edges of the drum ancI if the soil waIllr.. ~:. ,~eppearud to be
near optimum 88 cWlnll4t1llCl1n the fteld.l
I Squ8BzIng ._1IlXIUllt of lis liner IlIGI8UIlB in the hand did not produce silPficlntfree w. and WOUld nmaln In a
lliIIIiYely WlIform IlaJ wttMIUl k,.,1ICIaIeIy fljIq lIJIIl,
Project: 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision f'Ila88 II, Springfield, OR
ClIent: Hayden HoIlEs
Page 2 of S
liepIBmbsr ZO, 2004
v'd lUS'oN
S3WOH N30AVH Wdgv:l gOOl 'g 'uer