HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-28 , , ..~~~,.:,:-;:...~.':t".-o:~...:.~,,"'.'t.:;.........,,\ .,::';:"'~#:..." ...'\....-,..~_.. ..':. ..._..._.... ........i..........-r.c.;;.,;,;!lIl"..-:"Io..".....,.......;.....-...;o;....:::.....:. _r..' .-........L...T.._ ........... _~_. .. RESIDl:f\JTIAL.. APPLICATION /PER!1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd.) Oregon 9747? Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: Ie; {j r; '(l{I./l2.P~ Asaessors Map # II( () '3 ,3 c/ f:J '-I Suhdivision: OI.mer: ik/rrl ,{- {khlu~ ,1)91} {(/.J1'J~ Address: Ci ty : I I l'i J I' I I l NI?UJ Additien Remodel Hobi l'e Home T= Lot # 00 -360 Rcce:,Dt 'i I () / V..:;L OG? (pO, \ \ I I \ \ - I ) ~riunJ J rJ2fo - ?0 () LJ lf '6 1" ! Siqr.ed: Date: cc.> f /' ~<?- r/} Phcme: Zip: 7JJIli!~ !# ~n;- 'b{cl1~/ J iWi~ ' , /lJ),tJryl) , ~ Value '3 '7/ ~g 2... 7"C> Acici...""'eS3 Lise. if E=ircs PrLDnc It is the respcmsibi1.ity of the permit holder to see that azz. i7UJpections are made at the -proper time, that c.=ch =dd:ress is rea.::ci>:" J100m the street, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the proPerty. 4Bui!ding Divi::ior: approL'ed Flan shcllremain on thE Building Sit:: at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nlo;;ber. raques~ed ar.a when you will be ready for ir.spcction, Contracters or OI.mers ncme cr.a pr~r.e n~cr. :.'iZZ be made the same d.c.y, requests mcde c.ftcr 7:00 ern /Jill be made the n=t :.Jorking AZl project conditions, Guch as the installation of street trees, co~Zetion of tne required landscc.pir.g,c' etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. ~eaui~pd TnSDP~ticn~ ;l SITE INSP::CTION: To be made after :-1 e:ccav.::'Cion, but pricr to set up of forms, ". -. I, U!/DERSLAB PLUI.fBING. ELECTRICAL & .-J NECHA::IC/,L: To be made before' c.ny . wo1'~s :::ovc~., ' ~ FOOTING,:'! FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after ~renches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g cencret~. --, U.'lDERGROU:,'D PWM2ING. SEWER. W,1TER, .--.1 DRAIIIAC::: To be made prior to fil- Ur.g trenches. , -;). 0 '7l UllDERFLOO.'? PW;'.,'SJ,'IG & MECHANICAL: ~ To be made Drior to installation of floor insuktion or decking. ' :;:n POSTSrw BF:AN: To be made prior to --1J instaLL.::"ien of fZoor ins~Lation or decki~ "'>,;)' 'Y :;;) ,~ I '7J ROUGH ~l;?.'BIHG. ELECTRICAL ;p, MECH- ~ ANICAL: No ~ork is to DC covered ,ur.til these inspections have beer.' made ar'.d approved., ~ FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g fc.cing ~ mc.'Cerials and before framing ~nspec- tion. ,_ \7l FRAHIlICY'Must be requeated after ~ approv~l of rough plUmbing, electri- cal & mechani:::al. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et:::. nr~st be ;' corrroletcd. I/o work is to be ccm- ~ cec."led until thia inspection has . been made and approved. 4l 2J lJ ~ :>4 FIl/AL PLUf.~Il/G ~~ FIliAL I.fECHA.'lICAL \1t1 FINAL ELEC':'RICAL I~ o . , FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reauested c:fter the Fin.aZ PZ.w::bfrg Electrical, and Mechar.ical InspectiornJ have bee'n'made and'appl'oved". " Your Cityo,DeSigr.ated/~ Number Ia: ! It I INSULATION/VIiPOF? BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insul.::tion ~.d ' required vapor bar.riers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beard or wlZ covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. \\ fZ] DRYWALL INSPECT:ION: To be made after all dI'ywalZ is in place, but prior to c.ny taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance /Jith U.B.C. Section 2415. rvJ WOODSTO'lEt:> ~ter installation is ~ cempleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring co=rete. job accress. type of ir.3pec~icn Reques=s recei~ed befere 7:00 ~ Ca~" ~105~f I DElfOLITIO!c' OR :';Ov:::;; B:JILDI:,'CS :=J Sani-:ary 8e'..Jer capped ::t p~op<:rt":i line :==J Septic tank p~~ed and filled uith gra~eZ --, Final - I>,hen abave ite:ns are cc:rroZeted ~ and when demclition is complete 01' st~:::- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections sewer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing com:ections nr.;st ce CI?provec: before requesting eZec-:rical inspec-:io~ ~ Accessord Building --, Final - J.ftcr F~rcr.es, skirt~ng, decks. ~ etc. are,comple-:cd. D 4ALr. UANHCLES AND CLEANOfJTS MUST BE ACCES$IBLE. ADJUS1!f2m'TO BE g1DE AT 1:0 C~ST TO Cry I P::ge 1 of 2 o SIDEWALK & DRIl'E:W,~Y: For all con", crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & s,ub- base material in place. D ~ENCE: ~~en c~~plcte Provide gates or movable secticns through P.U.E. o JOB' NO. Sf/058Lf ::O>:C: (.I)rZ.- . :-c:, L - CO G-<'; SOL A R A r ': S S R E Q.- Ee::r~or.:s: ..4PZ/ "5 I?--~ I Lot Faces - I I P.I.. ItJortn lEast ISouth IWest Occur;anc" GrO'.l:-'~' I I 'I I k:::-7?~i~7/~/:< b~~ I c-;Y/.57. I/. v//L (.. I .-/(~ 4?.-..1 13'~3>C' 13~S-$21~ 1'3'~?~--<'101 Ill./I ~ I -=</S":Sc> r, I /t!).?g 1226" .28 -:3~ ~ /7':-1 '3. ~C> I Pe~~t Issuance I, ',' ' ~: 'f . . 7 .~ ~ -, n .Db ,!;~~ c:;C) ~ ~::::r.::::>~4fJ5::\ 1fa~{~~ CO 9, ~ ToteI cr.'!m".-:\~c..-~~ -::?1. ~ 51. '2...\ I CO , I ~~--.~~ I ~ Pl~ 'CJn1.neT' ' l' ..- /" I I, I · I 'I I' :2 c::> 1_ ~I".\ (~4<t-/ .~ 1--- ~~ I rJ i . :-at Sq. Ft;; . ~ Qf 1st, CQVerage , of Stories 7'otaZ Height ?opogr=;;hy !';'~."'f I s~. F':G x -,lain A::race :....arvcr:: ,~cccssor" ;lpD/T/0v /?~ ft iOT,1[. FAWE S.D.C. IV':::"....::; 1.5 :r: Build.ing Permit State Surch(D"~e Tota! Cha-:oges :'I'E;'..' ND. I ~~_ Lf ? t) c:> I I I I ," i:r:-::Ja' e s ,'?esidc:r.tial (1 bath) ~c:r:i~! Se1.J..'cr :\~cte!' PlUl7:bing Per::. t State S:ffcr..:::.r~e ToteZ C'r'::'Y'(7C,~ -~.~:.: I ,,~. i =?~.t;. ~,=. ft=. I I I i';? ~~~ I I I I ,';~/E:r:ter.d CirC".Ai ts ~~~rar~ Service Ele~tY'ical Pe~it St:::.te SU1":Jr.a.rae Total C'r.arces --;-";;"., I :::. I ,:-2 I I CU1'r.ace ETU' S :::r:haust Hood /ent Fan / ~es.p (s:~ I '.':Jodsto:Je -pq~ V'F#/ I -- E//Ci1'JACH/.:pi(iy-:'- .r . 'cc--~r-~ t:J-75zv:J3it taraoe ':i,,=cr~r~.'" ~~t Tctc.l Chc.)"'(7cS :4!"!JC'..J : ide-..J.::z Z... f'n~c LeT TYF2 Intericl" Corner PanhandZe Cul-de-sac Value C.::'-i.:.:,-;::.- :5t!? <::T&> , I I I I I I I I .1 "J'6'. 00 J' /-6pf-~ 2?/r$OI,. 1 ! ~...:::'..&ol r ;..<r <' --5"0 1- ' " I /. / 3rL.\ I .~ :;f.b3 I · L.;~rJ.:"'.:;. :ectl"ic.::zZ Label ff: 1 :5&';;)' B I n,R CG'Oh"Z'}J ~/I".#'7#~/j ~s:...o ;/.Ph~M4. I (/f-'367.66 :;biZe Home' _ ....~:.., I'w\'.ji.::.~' ~;,;::.,:.. s~,A/ I E:n<!rr.~' So"r~f'::; I Access. I I I I~ I ~~~~~ ~~~: I I T:,~c 'I',<pe/Cor.st: W~;;;- Sethccioc;; Hol.is." I Caraae I ' 6a S-'1"" I /'2/ I I €}t/ :.sT:/ ,'ieat tEeE'er Watr~ ~c:::.tcY' I' Ha>l1:e F:;ps Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said, ccnstru:Jtion shall, in all l"espects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C:rd::nance, l"egulatil1g the rxnstr.lcticn and UGe of buildings, and m:::.y be sucpended 01" revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any pr:Jvisions of said Ordinances. --). IPZan Check Fee: /4rtJ. 0 <it y- ) 2. -fr 1 /3{;;f1CJt-j (' .r.~ Plumbing Perrrdt (- I Date Paid.- Rec<:iDt #: Sig~ed: No person sr~ll construct, install, aZter or change any ne~ cr e=isting plur.:bi~J or drainage s~ste~ in whole OT' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing work to proper~d which is ow~ed, leased OT' operated by the appli- cant. ," Eiectrica I Permit W'here State LClJ,) reauirestr.at the electrical LJork be done b" 'a~ Ele:Jtrical Conrracror, tne eZec~riccZ ;ortion of thi3 pe~i~ sr~ZZ nc= be v~Zic until "tne Zabel has D~en zignec.. ~y r;ne ELecr;picaL ~onT;r".:;c:.o:r. ^'\ e c h ani c a I Per m [t " -Ce -2S - Z?'"".) I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and de hereby certify that al l, i~fo:oor::ation hereon is true al"..d correct, ani I further certify that any ar.d all WOT'k per.fomlcd shall be dO'1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, aId ths L~~s of the State of Oreg.:m pCl"taininp to the, LJork described herein, and ,tr.at ','0 OCC'.)- PI'.!lCY LJill be made of any structw';! without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl"thcr certif,} that o'1ly contra:JtoT'S a;:d e:'lpbyecs who arc i,: c~pliance,with ORS 701.05t will be used on this projcct /-1 ~J' ~ 6~4f-~ 1