HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1979-7-30 (;~.: ,~' . ' " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: ~95. Aspen Street, Eugene, Oregon 17-03-34.2.4 # 209 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-2138-79 TRS, TL: Subdivision: Diamond Acres, Lot 1 Block 2 , This permit for the ref~renced property is hereby approvfi!d. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly abserved. Violatian can result in revacatJan of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane Caunty's I nfraction Ordinance, and/ar other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Cantractor's OS # Larry G Gardner, 695 Aspen Street,'Eugene, Oregon 97401 same as applicant, Orleys Custom Woodstove I Total Canstruction Value: $600.00 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 746-6303**** I 746-6303 Sanstructian approved by this permit: Woodstove, (OrleyF-2-43)' lCBO # MH 10999 PJ # 795c3462 Structures now on property: house Water Supply: na # Bedraoms: 3 # Plumbing Fixtures: ' na # Employees: na PLANNING DIVISION' Zoning: na, Partitioning # na Parcel #. na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front:, na side exterior: na ; interior praperty lines: na ;rear proper-ty line: na Special Instructians: na Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, . 96x 100 approx. For infar:matian call 687-4394, Roger Hollis WATER POLLUTION , CONTROL DIVISION Site Inspection # na I nstallatian specificatians: na lineal feet af drainfieldrequired; max. depth af trenches: Special Instructions: na . na na gal. min. septic tank capacity;, Setbacks . Septic Tank Drainfield ~i,;nterior praperty lines .,' 10' 10' 'tdge af road right-of-way' ,10; 1'0' Buildingfoundatian 5' 10' vVe)ls, other water'saurces 50' 100' For information call, na between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m;, na :CONSTRUCTION Type of Cansttuction.;.5-Ni t IIG rtaJJ 0: , 'h' a1R~13, b' . Fire ZoIlea: 3 Use Classification: . SFD/stove PERMITS/INSPECTION. I t f wooas,-ove ns a, a 10n s e instaIle ,exactly in accordance with lCBO and the mfg. 's ' - n!dM~d~~ion instructions. .' , ' DIVISION For plans information call '687-3767. 'between 8:00 a~m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim Lamb Far'inspectians (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00p.m. C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 Hans Ett1in/ly' By: ' bne county \.- , Directians to. Site: . Centennial' Blvd. to Aspen and Diamond on corner, brown & tan house Date Issued: 07-30;..79. , 1\.6 Pi t~, DEPARmENTOF ENVIRONI1ENTAL /1ANAGEMENT . PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '#-~4 Z'U>j r, Job Address t~5' ,ASPiTif 'Sr; . ',~#1MEt(9e-r/P ;i~;;;'~f~~fP.~~~~~~7!~~~tr' /~;~~~~/~~~~.~ ~~:ijtk ~ Applicati~~ for CPtJ/'Jdl snv:-.p pP)e~ /T Structures now on the property ~~~ij~ii~19ii:~9fPtjP.~tty{ . ~l,~j~jn!~il C/~AAIl~r.~'~.J: C/':~~~~:~~:i~#l () jM'~jM~::: Affidavit: I,. L41</fl)/'~~$~~~(k:e/e , hereby certify that this information' is true and ac~urate, If this application is for ,an agri'cultural building it will be us'ed for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lan~ ,County Code Chapter 10' (zoni,rig) 'and for no other purpose, I have the fol1owing legal jnterest in t.he property: X owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; 'holder of an exclusive option to purchase; . . dUlY. authorizid t~t for the~,r r" ,vj)1w iiss k knnoowwledgeable of t~is ~Pli.catiOri.:,,' .' .' t=UfJgr~,r . ' Slgnature/Address~~~A~~. . 695 At.fPe-rt/ . .sr. (Zlp) 91'i()( '?' Tel.{,;hone ( 7i/t; -{,.fd3 or " Date, 7/ /.:?/ 77 When permit is ready noti?',: ~APPl ica>>t, <<-Owner, /~/ Contractor ..tiY: C/ mail ?8( Phone_, ' . Owner L~V. 6=-~ :r;.~ted'VPk . 67.r:e<Pb'.I-t ,Jr: (z~p) 97f/Qf Phone 71/10 6303 Contractor CJJRL~V3 C i J f I O/Yf WI"Jd,..! ..s I (j ItH ~ . (ZlP) Phone ,I Contractor's OSR# , '.Jit,~IEi,'i ,e-~Z~g~7~ . ,L 'A!$~iij~,::::~yiil~~n~ Plumbing by 'A" f.jscr,inti~~lil~i;lii , a,;&/~~~(~,~: F--?-,.j/3) ,~.j;." 4/# /1J~9/""i1 . ," P. J.# 71',~~ ~ t):{;Z-' 'r ' :DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE #' of employees':it:~J~ij:1:i.~:: $$~1 () Exisling, BP # [) Proposed,S I # :oi~:t: jl$~I ' Valuation' Fee If' Commercial :uu!~~~~;;'~~ 'Residentjal: *~t~ft~j~; ~ ;<> 51 test holes. ready Subtotal $ &t:::J/J ,c. $ $ $ $ each $' each $ $ $ $ $ $-f. ~ , I Parcel Sizen:..rx ,/t:?cJ~.. , ' C/:~~f,~:::~' )f' .. . .' - .................... .. ~~!~::I~V~~d ~".: : ' , 'Water Sup~ly ~~~ Pr,oposed , EXisting->, Year Installed Total Va;luation: $. ~~.1'~:~~~t~l~at $ ~'rl*~tit#~ijijl at $ , , .4% State surcharge , , Plans check fee Chang,e of Occupancy TOTAL ~ERMIT 'PROCESSING Zo~~~~~l;"part. # '/-1~" ct., front ; YSlde ~omments~~~~.~4 a~ To ,be typed on 'permit. < . . if .:::7 Pa rce 1 #~ " ; int. . Minimum setbacks : For plans information call (area .inspectp.r) Directions to site . ~?#~N(~.z;, : 7CC~j~ '~..; Pl ans to:. CP& I , ' .set (s')' WPC 'sel{s), ,F~?-,~q . ~ .,~/ -:z.. By ,/~ ~..j~ . Date.. "7-/..:5-.77 :./ Us ~?sifica<t.ion. 5 Fe;) /Snl ". ~ ,~~-~--.;y.''''-_....~~.-ta'~''' _~~W'-., ......,....~-.<r ...,.~..........---.'!>-.. :~~,.f!f~r;rj . ',.~~;~1..~~~~:~;':.;~: ~~~2) ~.-. ,'J (,.,~' j..,.., .."<-i...L71~~:..J~~"....~e7i ..~dQ r. ,'~~t;..-,.'7~~~-"r-, \ C~~", ~.~,,?-..., I '~l'-j}};'.ru,~?1I~'Jfi:1i!;;,!b1i ' .-1, I ".~//- ~ r~"""-r.:r'-./ 1 By" 1JRu~/'I ~ Date : .' I'~-' --.....JL-,. 'Phone - Z4 ~ \,' " .~._1'" .) , I CP&I Type ~ Group' IZ~:; Fire Zone " t ~~~;~-:... ~ . - ~..... ~ .r-;-'l'i-"""- To,b_e typed on permit r .~~-,.~_._._~-~~.'''''-Lt.' . .:---::::::" :7 WOODSTOVE INSTALLA TION SHALL BE ---:/ INSTALL!W EXACn.,y IN ACCORDANCE I WITH I.C;B.O. AND THE MANUFACTUilSRIS INSTALLA T101/ INSTIWCTIONS. C/ SIFO ;:tL CP&I C/ wpe C/ Planning C/ Publ ic Works C/ Elevation C/ n/a C/ Addre.ss Cf Facil ity Permit C/ Environmental Health Date 773 :s ~ .' A O',.J, . ') ,~:; 'I/- vl''i'l e ~':.-.d/ ' (OClUP-L. ~ Hold Slip Date to pce ~;~1ted..~ _-"-.J.. __, ?Zf ~ -~"":;"""'i"~ -r BIZ ()~41 '7?1~ Da te to pec AfP,~ FOR INFORt<1ATION about progress of your appl ication call: C74-171 Perm,it,eo'ntrol Center 687-HElP (687-4357) 1 2 2" 4 5 6 . ~..r, . ~;. . . , (. ./.,j:. . . . '. I ,\ '. ,9. , ..,' 'v " , .\ . '~.' ~ ...! , \ ,,' .;t. . t, 10 . '" ~ . J: :,.l", . ;.~; : . .,'."I'",~I 12 '..... , , " .-" 14 / ,'t.!.:' . 16 . I... ." " ,18, :1, ;',,- i/0 .: I ~.J.,.'. ~- , , .~ . ''-,.,' !:}',t . I.. r ;1, .~ . ,"II U I' 20 -:~, -, , . ' ;~ ;'. 22 t "l.' I".. ."( 24 'j"- '~l , . , . .-. -. },-' ~ ;.,.;,.\..... ~..J ,,' L~NE CO'UNTY'DEF'T'" E:NV AFiPLICANT GARDNER LARRY- ' ,,'0: ~ TL::::, '1 7033424002~9 'SUBIU\/.'.:, '~I~_ . ~., ," NEW :'BLDG ,TYPE ST. USE, F~, NO . BDRMS ,03 i~1 JO~E'.;::I\f.';~~L. NO A;C:~ON / DES.~CftIF'~ION", . g..W . ,. ',; MGT' F'~tCEIF'T =:::' 2'13879 DATE.'071379 ADDR 695 .ASPEN STREET j EUGENE', ORE' , " , "LOT '. BLK NO UNlTS ,,001. NO .STOrnES . NO BLDGS 001 . SQ fT'. UNIT .COST 'VALUATION,' FEE DAYf iii ,.'IW 34 BF' ,:. 3F' .'" 36 BF" .',.. BF" ," .' .LC2'13879, WS. 38 I"L~; NO~~,FIXT9RES :'. MECH.. 10 S'U~, /CK 12 rD \J ..' 1{. , ~, . "':' . ,~, _.;.,,'r ,. ,-", .. ,.-'. " ..~.oj: :' ~', :~ ,<!, 'f. , ~ " .'~ , '; ,j:~. ..'~ .f .... " ' " .,oRLEY. F':"2-43, , :,. NO' A ':CONNECTORS : " " MECHANICAL ,FEE, -. ". 'STATE SURCHARGE \'PL..{:lf~' CHECK' ,FEE 4.00 ;600.. EACH .~ ' 6.0<;> 5 ''1 "'.,' ':4% '0% 0'~,24 16 /:: ," ,'(.'. .. o o , (:) o . 0, o o J,'" . it ; 'j .! ~ 14 '{ - , .. .. .: j ~.~ :.~j . I.. ~ .. :i: 18 J SIFO '.CFiI , 'TAKEN BY: Rl;H " ,WPC .', ,I' , : "~'" ,- ',. .. . PLAN::':' ELEV APDR . ..:~8M~~~ETED BY, . FP' ...' ,.,ENVH, ". ,,' . :!', "". . TCVfAL , FEE"** ", " 6.24 CK ;0 .~' :1' . "r ;2 "', ..." l'.~". . .. ~ . .r J.". ,'I. : .. z ~ ,. 3 t ,,:;j , ;2. i~ ....L' . nJ :... } '. " ,"r. . ,-" , :. . ,,~-:...' '. i6. :, "I n ,', " ,w ;: &k .,_~ o ~ < o ~ :.."". '.' io ;8 ~. J ,,,,' -,,~" .., . "'i' .'~ ' ........ ,0 ". " ~ ..'1 . , " '.. .~, , 7 o t,;' 6. ~ . ",[\', 12 "i" < ,f. ""~ . ~, ". . t'.,..~ . s o " o ,. '" e , \ ,4 . I'. , ". ';~t.' " .' . ,. I.... f-. "; . -......, ~, '-. . /'p . ... .~... POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~/ ,,j, JOB ADDRESS:09S5 m~ ~t:;L'CG€;o ~~o @i?~ ~2ill51!t=bi9 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: Jl.21=@~~Q2o,!J. () 2@Q) S,ubdivision: ~f-"--':2G ~"i?O[fJD ~g ], DdlGm ~ This permit for the referenced property is hereby [1l.f10'-'V~~ Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Vi,olation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies.allowed by law, Appl icant/ Address: Owner/ Address:, Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # lk.s~l>'yS (&)1:a'~...Eo 6!V.s1 ,~~ ~g~o 12~Q2Do ~~ s:JY'lj@R ~. 00 eJi.fiWJ},iY:s~I::Bg @g-JlOWO ~otse::J t~0YV'G # . Total_c;onstructi()n Value: ~~~.OO Telephone: 21~t)l.'J6-2J Telephone: II Telephone: Q't~:Dro Construction approved by this permi'f: ", . . . , , . t:J~~~o'~@lfll.~ rrc:;~~~~' '21~ f!) 181! l@~p)s) lP.2 (I y~~~~ $~~9 ,~:~ tv~0~~l(;:7g ~ " Water Supply: BO PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines .;c.. Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION , '. ,. , #Bedrooms: 3 lG.rl #.Plumbing F.lxtures: # Employees: lvV',\"' " Zoning: !i29 Partitioning # ~ Parcel.# ~ Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 'lIDO ' side exterior: ~ ; interior property lines: 1ill!i.l ;rear property line: \Jl?3 Special Instructions: 11llQ. Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, q)(5 . 'E J],@@ Gl?lPJl.~OOo For information call 687-4394, ~;;;zore lE9ll,to Site Inspection # 00 I nstallation specifications: lillQ lineal feet of drainfielq required; max, depth. 0f trenches: Speciai instrudiohs:ro ' S!!2 :00 gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' . ....;'.... . Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call ~' between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m"l5lal' Type of Construction: ~I Group: Jli=o35 Fire Zone: ~ Use Classification: $Wl#OWv<.::l Instructions: t~ ~5t'j).fl(@;~. l"1~j\J1, ~ ~~ @]Q~, ~ &:l~1="e'3l ~~ ~-QJ ~' ~ og~-ooo l.18EJ'~jlJl.m\?~l:@~ ~~~ For plans information call @~tf=~?I6Y be~ween 8:00a.m. and 9:00 a.m., JIlLQ )7,..,'1f"\ For inspections (see back of this permit) ca11687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: ~~~ B1v~(> 190 1k.;!..~ oorj ~,S~ ~ ~~~l) bID:;A':Ja ,~ \t~ ~~ Date Issued: @~=~~'P'!D . ' By: m!~(1 Ei;;illm!JL;1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ::::::--.. ,C55.13 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 bne county ,.ca ~ ;; .. , SITE. I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS <0 FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ,APPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPEC1'OR REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap.PROVED / / DI SAPPROVED .I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECT 17 ApPROVED L.J{.....! DISAPPROVED / / DATE-8 - I CJ -7.51 NSPECTOR ~ /' R'M""~ ~ - ~ Z(. ~ ~~f:~ ~~~ d'frC~ ~.. '~,~ .-' .A.<-- 1 ~ . ,. -- I b ,....J '+ .It~...... ...~.4t ~ ( ~ .... - ..4.. '-" ~ IT - I eJ .. J--." v · ~_ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS . ~ ~; . . (', ~ ~ \5\JJ ~ Phone (503) 672-8566 ~ ^ ~ ORLEY'S CUSTOM STOVES 1459 S. E. STEPHENS ST. ROSEBURG, OREGON 97470 L// J ,\ uo~~~ ~J J~~~. ~f/ ~~ ~ 3/ I /977 .~ erJ ;;dJ .;) h ' ",~ ~ .. ":;2; J~ {~~ ~)s. . O ~' If-/} ~ . ~ '~,~: ' ,OF EUGENE .--N",L.I2..,-~ ~.~ .... "\'~Z ;~th914il2 -:i-~. ' '/'C~F~ ,~ RLEYS CUSTOM Sl~OV~S - CUSTOM WOOD STOVES-