HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Fire Damage Report 1988-3-22 FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE: OYJ~/J-,Y TO: Building Department FROM: Springfield Fire Department SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Building Address or location of building ,1-70 ~'---'" v r:f2~~f} ft~ ,{)_u~.fJa':'~1~ - (Dwelling, Store, l~a~eh6'Use, Name of O\'mer 17/~~ / Type of building etc. ) Estimated value of building $ !< ?;Ooo Estimated loss to building $ g{ I 00 0 Date of fire 0 3/ ~ ~/ :i-,V Location 0' d~mag/;n b~lding ~hfl- ~j} Dr! Il:fh:--'{'~A~L) (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire -A/L) SlA?IA~f7./A!.~ MYrJM6 /~ , (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) ~.dditional oertinent information ,lCJ ~_ _~ ~ (/ ,~ f~~JJuJ-6~ ~)~l~, ~,&~_ ~~g<,,/ U 'if -L 1 ~ i J.' I " )2i"eJ ~{"''l.-~ ___ '^ -' ~-<-c-'l ~ r!!-'~~- (~Jirinq, Outlet~, etc.) Electrical Hazard {!~VL{O jJ~~.t1 (:; ~ U~U!a 'J I I . I 0,./' / .: ~ I I /' Signed YJL l) __,,/ An...~ cc: . .L'o.I':"~_ -.~'.-~,'1I""'_':"'c,"'.~' ,~'-_-,"',:.... ..:..... !":t~~~.,~:~,.~-" '_ _"~- ~:'.,; '/0'- _.- ~~'_'J-,~ l:~-,-:':.';.- ';.:"l7l#~~..;:~~.~jS"~:~""" '.:..__.:...._:"":":":,:" !:.', , '....~'~~--,.. ,", DO NOT WRITE IN TillS SPACE CONTROL ' EXP, NO, NO, District of Incident ~ ' A ~ ~ /. ~ tJ --'.J , ~, ~-~ (-I MO DAY YEAR DAY OF ,0 "u- 03 ~~ g-y WEEK 0 ,2 INCIDENT ADDRESS , IJJC7 ~ ' 3 ~CCUPANTNAME(Last,First,MI) () ;, .A ",/I J e.~, /yrl A..-l".A 4 BUSINESS OWNER NAME (Last, First, MIl ADDRESS I) OWNER NAME (Last, First, MI) ....~4 6 FIRE REPORTED BY (Last, First, MI) p. ~r.r'1~- /(.,6d,;', .r'_ (}METHQltOF ' 0 Tel~bone Direct 0 ALARM 0 Municipal Alarm System 0 o Private Alarm System 0 8 , OF FIRE SERVICE PERSONNEL RESPONDED 9 9 TYPEOFSITUATIONFOUND ~truct"'" Fire o Other Prop, w/value 10 METHOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPOR' STATE FIRE MARSHAL Sun :J;:!K.Tues o Wed J ~tJ3 o Satur ) 7.;1 ZIP 97'177 9' ~J?~ MOD CENSUS TRACT "":11.... DOB (optional) ,DOB (optional) --- ADDRESS DOB (Optional) TELEPHONE ,,-- ADDRESS S-7:J I? ~ DOB (optional) TELEPHONE 7 i../ 7-'-11 ~ 1- Mutual Aid (extinguisb or investigate oniy) , ;e Received 0 Given 0 N/A Radio Verbal No Alarm Rec'd Q, 911 (Tie Line) o Voice Signal Muni Alann o Not Classified Above , OF ENGINES RESPONDED ~ o o o Vebicle Fin! Brusb, Grass, Leaves Trash, Rubbish o Self-Extinguished o Make-sbift aids o Portable Extinguisher I OF AERIAL APP AHA TUS RESPONLED # OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (do not include PA's) ( o Otber (List) TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN 8: Extinguish o Investi~ation o Salvage o Not Classified o Removed Hazard o Stand By o Automatic Ext, System ::a::: Pre-connect hose/tank only o Pre,connect hose/bydrant, standpipe PROPERTY COMPLEX (If applicable) o Hand.laid hose/hydrant. standpipe o Master Stream Device o Not Classified Above MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete line M) o Undetermined 11 FIXED PROPERTY USE C /J 17 , I ~ rV~~/ M MOBILE YEAR MAKE ~ PROPERTY 17 NUMBEROFSTORIES B 2stories B 5to60tories ~ 1 story 3 to 4 stories 7 to 12 stories 18 BUILDI~'9~GE(lnYears) I BUILDING SIZE (GmdFlrOnly) g 1000-49998Qft ~ V 0 (}'999 8Q ft 0 5000,9999 SQ ft 19 CONSTRUCTION TYPE 0 Heavy Timber 0 Unprotect. Steel Bldg o Steel & Concrete. 3-4 hr, Drot, 0 Protect, Steel Bldg 0 Protect, Masonry Ext, & Wood Int, EXTENT OF DAMAGE CONFINED TO: Flame Smoke DETECTOR PERFORMANCE - ~2 ROOM/AO~~IN E EQUIPMENT YEAR INVOLVED IN IGNITION 13 IGNITlONFACTOR '/J () ,~/ o..t'~y , 14 FORM m' HEAT OF IGNITION O~~ 15 LEVEL OF FIRE ORIGIN o Grade level to 9 feet , 16 VALUE ~ ~ Building o(fl,OC'd LOSS (~,OOO 1 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 The object'of origin Part of room or area of origin Room of origin Fire-rated compo of origin Floor of origin Structure of origin Extended beyond structure of origin 9 No damaltOoCthe type (N/A) 21 REMAliKS Weather Conditions (optional): ~2 Follow Up Investigation liequested <.. ( \ <: -L..L I ". i;?" J. /J. /L~ IV- 2, ~ I"~-v-.... ~U1-.J--/<.-vVI- M~ERlAL~IRSTIGNITE6WASMADEOF I~~FIRSTIG~D:" - l ~~IU)~ 'tJ~~dt~ ' o 30 to 49 feet 0 Over 70 reet [j Below grd, level o 50 to 70 feet n Objecta in Flight 0 Not Classified _.r- Contents Vehicle and Contents r Other <:J,I 0 (J 0 ,00 ,00 ,00 I MAKE -B 10 to 19 feet 20 to 29 Ceet -- , MODEL SERIAL # LICENSE # - ,00 ,00 10 :~ 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 Y_ N V- - EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGMTION (Complete Line E) -1 ,'.. J,~~ ~ k~ MO~1 's!;:RIALI , VOLTAGE - o Undetermined ,00 '9? TOTAL ,) lrOOd " 9..,-00 t7 ,00 .00 10 2 0 3 0 4 0 52l. 6 0 7 0 9 0 B 13 to 24 stori.. 25 to 49 otori.. o IO,OOO-19,9998Qft 0 5O,ooo-99,9998Qft o 20,000-49,999 SQ ft 0 100,000-499,999 8Q ft o Unprotect, Masonry Ext, & Wood Int. .&. Unprotected Wood Frame o Protected Wood Frame 0 Not Classified Above SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE 10 2 0 3 0 9 0 o 0 Undetermined or not reported 8 'C>l. No equipment present (N/A) o 50 atories or more o 500,000 8Q ft 01 o 2 o 3 o 4 o 5 o 6 o 7 o 8 ~9 In room of origin -oper. Not in room of origin-oper. In rm of origin-not oper-fire too small Not in rm of origin-not oper. fire too small In room of origin-not oper. power disconnect Not in rm of origin-not oper. power discon. In room of origin-notoper, dead battery Not in room of origin-not oper. dead battery No detector present 0 10 Undetermined Equipment operated Equip, sbould have oper,-did not Equip, present fire too small to oper, Not classified above Sprinklers Controlled Fire: # of Heads Opened YES 0 NO 0 o cont, on back ffyes. who will investigatp ,..--- 23 Number or Injuries Fire Serv;('e -- Other 24 Member Makin~ H.ePOr2~ r.J..k'~ 25 Additional Information by 01 A "'An 1n ID at:'\ I Number of Fatalities Fire Service - Other !.- I TitJe,-o~~ ;/ Date ./ Date OJ/:)..,:1../ rX- / I Title n :z:0 02: CIJ'tl :j~ t"'''-3 l"1l"1 ...,..., -0 ~~ l"1> ClJt'" t'" ,00 n o a:: 'tl t'" l"1 "-3 l"1 ..., o ~ > t'" t'" :z: o CIJ "-3 E= l'=j ..., ;; l"1 CIJ ,00 CIJ "-3 ~ c:: n "-3 c:: ~ t:I:j ..., ~ CIJ o Z t'" -< 1 ~6 #- 88 o.;;5~..-.I.u FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE: O~/JYJ-,Y TO: Bu il ding Depa rtmen t FRor., : Springfield Fire Department L1li () SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Building '-'., " <:. Address or location of building j-7o {2~,-", 171 ~J r:t~pj-C~f} v Type of bu i 1 ding ____I ~~,~ rJfJ ~\H'.-fL-1 _~ - (Dwelling, Store, \~areh6Dse, Name of O\'mer etc.) Estimated value of building $ 1< S;ooo Estimated loss to bu"ilding $ g( J Oc" 0 Date of fire 0 3/ g( a../ :i-/V / /) _I//J-, Location of damage in building 1./.~AJJ-f)~"VfJ o;}_ (Lu~.J~~~.t._) 0- - (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire (Burned rafters, Seams, Joists, etc.) Additionai oertinent information rl(!JJ ./~'\..o ":;;_ ~ o:ii~ ~~- lld~JJLd--6~ Electrical Hazard ~) ~lc~'-<:1_. ~., oXf~j Cl~~-z~-eg~/ U " '/" L ~ 1 // ,/ j '- )2lo ,A.if{"'-t.,~...... '\..L,.' /J/l..<.....('t. ~u, (I!..-,~~~__ (\-Jirinq, Outlet~, etc.) {! 1-- Vc(~jJ~-"'-J2~J1 r:- " /1:1:' IlU <<2,1 0/ , ;' :' .J ~ / j ';' <:: " ; <:, ' / / ..lqned Zr~' ~)L ,1 ,j/ A ;avVL~ cc: