HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-4-1 "RESIDaLTIAl" , APPLICAIf!!l!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 , " , , . .l.:cce:Pt Ii /1.:208 SPRINGFIELD -W-, ecJ-y~c~ hti-b-e...SJ.... ~ ~~~ I ~.~=<~'~# 1/259 ",..~.: . Job Location: 570 A~'PE~ 1'7 03 :=?~;;)~ T= Lot # ()() 500 i ASGesGorz Map # Subdivision: Q.mer: ~ f-e.p hCLn L e.- Address: 510 ~e.a . City: ..;::}'()J/ I ~a he-lei , / Np:'.,) ~ ~LL'c-~c~ Addi tien Remo.::.el :100-:' Ie Rome Date of Applicatien L:onrrac'tors Genera I PZwnbing Electrical Mechar.ic=l Const!"l.lcnon Lender c, W Yl.-e-JI E f.JJY I€- Phone: 7% 7> 85 I zip: c; IV 77 C1 L.fS"' \ I /I / Describe 1>'01''': '-t1 ~(o .. . to Sigr..ed: itRJ,~ ~-/-88. Date: Value Aciciress Lise.? EX"Oircs Piwn~ It ill the zoespontti-biZity of the permit hol.der to Bee that all i7UJpections are made at the pzoope:r timc, tr.at ecch :;dLi:ress is rea.:iaD:: fzoom the street, and that the perrrrit card is 'Located at the f1'07lt of the property. 4Bui?ding Ir..vi::ior: apprc71:ed p1.an slu:.ll remain on tm: Bu-:.Zding Sit;;; at aU times. P,'?OCE:DUP.E FO,,? IflSPECTIO!l .'?E'DUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUl' City designated job nw.:ber, requested ar~ w~en you wiZZ be ready for ir~poction, Contractors or Owners nc~e and phone nu~CI'. :."i7..Z. be made the same day, requests made afta 7:DO a:n Lli7..Z. be made the next :xJrkir.q day. Reauired TnsDecticn~ 0', SITE' I:','S?E'C':'IO.'!: To be made after excavation, but prier tc set up of fo:rms. o UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. E'LECT?IC,1L (; NECf:',~,::IC;":": To be made before any work is .::overed. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be m:J.de af~er ~renches are excavated and forms ere erected, but prior ~o pourir~ cencret~. I I~ U.VDERC.~OU:.'D PLUl.fBINC. SE;"~.~, r..'.~TE'.r:', DRAI!I;"C~: To De made prior ~o fic- ,Zir.g ~renci1ei:. ~, UNDERPLOOF! !'WI~TNG r, I-!ECHAI:ICAL: To be made prior ~o in3~alLa~ion of 11001' insu~tion or decking. POST AI.'I) BEAf.~: To be made prior to instaLl:;.~ic'tl of floor ins~i::ztion Or' Mckin;. ~ ROUCH ?LU:~BI.~.'G. ELEC7'.'?!C..~~ ;; f.0:Ch'- A!lICAL: Ho work is ~o DC coverea ur.til these inspections have been 'made ar~ cpprov~~. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLccir_J facing ma~eI'iacs and before framing inspec- tior:. I FR/i:~J!:r;: Mui:t be requentcd after -1 approv.::L ef rough plwr.bing, eZec~ri- cal ..; mecnani.::al. AE roofin'J bracing & chimneys, et.::. ~~st-ue : completed. lIo work is to be con.- ..' ~,cealed until this inspection has 'been madc and approvcd. =:J ~ JOG address, type of ir~pecticr. Reques~~ received befere 7:00 ~ YOUI' City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber In: 8<8D:2.....B) D I1!SULATION/V/iPOH BARRIER I,"/S?ECTIO": DEtfOLITIO!.' OR gOVE;; BUILDI:,'r;S To be made after all insulation ~A requ-:.red vapor barTiers a:re in place --"l Sanitary se"..Jer ::apped at FI.:.opcrty Zir.e but before any lath, gypsum beard or ~ walL covering is applied, and beJ'ore ~ St' t k d rl.r II d th - ep 'Z.c an P;":Y,c Ir.'_ J i e, wi gra;;e: any insulation is concealed. D DFlyr,'ALL INSPECTION: Te be made af~er aZL arywall is in place, but prior to any tapir.g. I Final - linen above ite:~s are completed ~ and when de~clition is complete 01' struc- ture moved ar~ pr~ses cleaned up. o location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section MASONRY: Steel Deam;:;~ Groutina aocora.dJ.zce Lr~ th 2415. WOODSTO~'E: After ,installation is ccmpletcd. ~ Blocking and S2t-~p ~ Plumbir~ connect-:.ons s~cr and water I Electric=l CC7l1:ection - Blocking, set-u; ~ and plu~bing connections ~~st ce approve~ before request:ng electrical ir.spectio~ Nobile Hcmes D D CURB ,.; APP.'?CACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring C07'lCre te. SIDE'WALK '"' DRIlrE;r",~Y: For an con- crete paving within street right- oJ~wcy, to be made after all eXca- vating ccrnplete & fo= work & sub- base material in place. I Final - After porcr.es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. D ~ AccescOI".:i Sui lc.:ng D FENCE: lo.'her. co:nplete -- Provide gates or movable sections througr. P.U.E. ' D D All Froject cor.ditions, suc~ as the instdllat-:.on of street trees, co~lctio" of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. , " ~ FIllAL PLWBIl.'G ~ FIN/.L HECHANICAL ~IN~~CTRIC~L o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Fi~l Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspecti01'llJ have been made and approved. =:J AA['L NA!,'!!CLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCE:S~IBLE, ADJUS'!'.'S:lT TO BE 1,~1DE I.T 1.'0 I:='ST TO Cry I P::ge of = I JOB NO. I Z O"ll": Lot S,q. Ft.;. S of lot CJlJerag:: ,f of Stories Total Height Topography T""~.., S~.F'!'C Main I Cc::rac;(' I Cart1crt IAcccssor~ I I TOT,1[, VALUE' S.D.C. (vc:,u.:;) 1.5 :r: Building Pcrrrri t State Su:1'charae Total Cha..~ge3 lITE/-! l.':.J. I Fi--naoes I Residential (1 bath) I Sar.i t::z:ro:;l SeLJer I Wc:te.." I PI:mrbing Perr.:i t State Suzocr.arge Tcta! cr.:::.racs I T",~.. ......-... I :,;... I I I I~ I I . I I I I Res. So. ft~. 'N~/E=tend Circuits I IT~orary Service 'Ele~trical Permit State Suzot!harae Total Charces : I7'E/.~ i F'liMuce PTU' S : E::fzaust Hoo=- ; Vent Far. ; i{::Jodsto:Je Permit'I3su:mcc Me~ha.nic=Z Pe~ t State Surchc.roc Tote Z cr_'1ra",~ -- DICHOACH/,!!::::r 5e~~ri.tu Dc~03it Storace .~~i"tenar~r. Permi t TotaZ Lnarr7eS !:'w' bcu t sidel.Jalk .t'r.n::c Electrical l.abcZl,~8 '5 ,"'obiZe H:Jme :"OTAL ,(MOll.':T DUE':. SOLAR ~ESS OCCUfXXncu .. LCT TYPE Intericr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va lue FE C;:../1.~C~ J I ~~ .~-ol I I / I I I I I /./3 1~3.~3 .. -. lo........ F-~ C}f;"r:c~ REQ.- L-COG~ T~pe/cor~t:~ j I Setback!' I House Caraoe Access. I Be::ro07':s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast "Sou th IWest Ener:7u Sources Heat TUr"e Watf!"r Hc:r.~r~ Hance FireDlacl? Wooa.::to!:e I I I I I -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall, in aZI respect~, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinar.ce, regulc:ting the ccnstl'"~~ticn and u~e of buildings, and m~y be su~pended 01' revoked at c:r.y time upon vic-: Lation of any'pr::Jvisior.s of said Ordir~nces. I ! , 4 J . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Recc:ipt fI: Sig7':ed: Plumbing Permit No percon ~haZZ construct, instal!, alter 01' ciuInqe any r.ew cr e---:.sting plumbing 01' drainage systen in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal. possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is awned, leased 01' operated by the appli- i cant.'. I , ! ..' , i .J i " i : I :J Electrica I Permit Where State Laz.J reouires tr~t the electrical worK be done bu an E1.et!rncal Contracto~, the eLectricaL portion of this permit shal.L r~t-be val.id until the Zabel has been signed by the Elecrrical ~ontra~tor. 0u..ro ~~ ~1 n _,f) c, ,-0 ~~" '0-, ___O~ -..v. -~c..J). ~~. \JO ~~ A-f~ . · ~ X~ djJ-u"_O_G~ . i 1 Mechanical Permit ] ~\ I ' ,~ I I 4 l I I I 1'Lan l:.xaTl1. ner Vat" I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the corrroleted at'Dlication for permit, and do hereby certify that all i:-:fo:'mation hereoll is true ar.d correct, cm.:f I further certify that any ar.d all. work perfoMlcd sroall. be done in act!or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of SDrinJficZd, and th= ~s of tha State of Oreg::Jn p=rt~ining to the worK described hcrein, c:r.d tr.at NO OCCV- Pl-fiCY will be maie of any structure without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certif~ that only contra~tors alod enpl~yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project I , ~ r" L.) I I I I ~~;j.~ I · ~ ;;;!,Z? /#/i'-L<' d c!c~ D.:zte '}I~ If cf