HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-6-29 / . !. ;).- jJ ~ 6 ~ ''Srt-Pf1I+IJ/ c 4,- POST THIS PERryllT ON MA.IN BUILDING AT SITE RCLEj u~ , , .....,.~..iJ.x:-.... ~,.., TRS, TL: 17-03"'34.,2..3 (j 50<<)" ' - {liD L.0 S7D A$f?e:.0<?L,': . CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 5f..' f I .L - , Gtr; Lff"J ~ Subdivision: . '.' LO=-itS31=19 ~p~.' 'J.(~>"B':;"ADDRESS:630 ~o gtilgaQ~. 0re~ "\ , , This permit for.thereferep~ed prop!'lrty,is her'eby. ,'. . :', ' ".," S~tbacksan~therdon'ditibns of approval must~estrjc~lyobserv'ed..~.v}olation can " I result in revocation.of this'permit;citation under provisions ot' Lane':County's:lnfractipn Ordi'nance, and/or othe'rremedies allowed bylaw.' . . "I (" . , I 'Applicant/Ac;ldress: ',D~ g'UJ,'s~'Patzer CmW~5i~O&l$,~ 34l!:h~~3~ ~Olll. ,: 97405 . , Owner/Address:' " /~iM.~ a~L.~Y .,6c'. ~~\~G./~: ' . . , -r z. f.=,. -5" S z..1 'Contractor/ Address:----: lti~m&' ~t;Lon . . , " ' V; -I Contractor~s OS #, t? 6ti~~, . :". .:' ',' t.T()t~I,:C9~~~r.,u~tio'n Y:~!Ui~i".,$l~n()O, ,Construction approved by_ this permit:": ~',:ta~1l' ,E'~o' ~f~~,.':" ':, 1"'" . . ""';:~~~~~~:i"~.,,~"~~~t~8:,,~' i2a" , , , Water Supply: '. . . . '.' , ',' ',,#Bedrc>Orl1s\. QSl,~' #Plumbing FixturEls: Telepl;o'ne: Telephone: ' Telephone: . . 48$,~J2..r"O/485=3241 7~~~$21 . 48sf.32~~oo ~i:;{'~- .' . , . ". ~ . ' * . ...... ..... , '. .... ilQ #,Employees: \ .fU1 , \ PLANNING DIVISION 'Zon'in~: ~., .' ' 'Partition'in~.#. < n8 . " Parcel # ' u: .: ',,:,!inImlJm. req\J.ir,ed str~ctur~tse.~R~;C~~, fr.o~rrce~t,erline o"f.rOCld,fr~nt:."ns, 'Side e~.~r1or:u. ; interIOr property Ilne~: ; na ;rear.profJerty line: . W!, ., Special I nstructions: llW '. Parcel Size: . ;Gent~rline:9f road; ~. ~. ,. &; ;~;:~~';.~\:/ For information call 687-4394, Sltml:!"lm\;It:~ll~ , : . , .~':'r . Site InSpection ';t: ',. ..' .~. 'lr1stallatipD:~speCif.ications: '. ;.';ka ' lineal ,fe~~. ~f dr?infield,re.quir;ed;J~?~:-:,i8~p~h'of.tr~l1ches:: ' ',< ,...,'. '.. ,~p~clal Ins.tru,cgons:, fiB., . ." " ." .' ~":::,, . - - '. tm ' ~ ga L. m in.'septictank capacity ;', , ',WATER POLLUTI~QN ,CONTROL o"lVISlbN :' '.. .' . 2'''~ :';' 'J " I /," For informatiq[lcall .' ~~. . " /" Type of Construction: S=o-N . Gro~p:, ]ld3 Fire Zone::) Use Classification: "Instruc,tions: ~:tfii1l$l.'ild.~<~~oQ!fJ)' "f1asho repJl.eee patio &tor, to ~1a~d> ((o'or$) " ~~t i_ !me~fom' the .tn1m:'ttAlrooo!.);' : A Drainfield 1 O~' .10: .:..' 10' 100' , :: .~t' : "., : Setbacks'~:S.eptic t~hk Interior property lines ..:, ',':, 10" ::lgeof road' right-of~vitay::t";: ,'.10',' t3'uilding foundation '.' 5" Wells, other water sources 50' ~.~ ."" 'I,.t', .:/ ",.j, . ,'. ",' /, ' ",". . .,' . ~_ ,":" ..v ,: . between 8:{)0 - 9:Q.o.'a.m., n,n',.,. CONSTRUCTION ..PERMITS/INSPECTioN 'DIVISION - , S:m>' stGxef, , :tw ~~ ~M / .,} '" ", ' ./ , Fo~ plans information call 687"':376f~ I:>~t""eeh 8:00 ci.m~ and 9:00a.m., Jim Lm:lb , 'For Inspections (see,back of this perrni.t)', call 68i4665 betwe,eri 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ,-/ , ..~.:.",:- :,.' ,_,1:', t /.,,": " .,~. ~P~rctions to Site: OfflermltesW Blvdt) wrsar d.t.yof l'!j~d . Date Issued: '. 06-2,....79. I .I . .~...' ,. C55013 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ,125 EAST 8TH AXstJU~,~Uc>f;:N.. E, Q,Fl!=GON... 9749~ , By: To'f~ !!f!1)rd.sll:y . 'bile county' .....~ """',:~ / " }~ I I ) , " . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED .I / DISAPPROVED / . REMARKS 11.t7. FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED I REMARKS. ./1, c1, FRAMING INSPECTION / DATE INSPECTOR / DATE INSPECTOR ApPROVED' / / DISAPPROVED / I DATE INSPECTOR RE~ARKS.~C-- .~~ ~_ "//'_'~'~'/'" ~, ~ ~ ~ //-/--;cr ~ . LATH OR SHEETROC~ INSPECTION Ap.PROVED ;. I DISAPPROVED .I REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS /J I' .A~"'~~ tf' .p4 .,,~._ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / DATE INSPECTOR / DATE INSPECTOR ~.vl!!=6/90 { - I . , ::ru ~)'Jlj C!- REMARKS / NOT READY TO ISSUE INSPECTOR READY TO ISSUE I .' I , I DATE