HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Fire Damage Report 1989-2-5 ~, DO NOT WHITE IN THIS SPACE CON'TROL EXP, NQ Nn STATE OF OHEGON FIRE HEPOHT STATE FIRE MARSHAL FInE DEPT. ALARM NO. Sm- District ofIncident >pri'J(\fic/J f, I). County Lo.n~ -' MO DAY YEAR DAYOF E'9 Sun 0 Tues 0 Thur ()7 os- I '1 ~'i WEEK 0 0 0 ,- Man Wed Fri SP(!'.'l<,I/,cld Responding ARRIVAL TIME DepL ALARM TIME 021<; o Satur TIME BACK IN SERVICE 051S- ISO CLASS 3 02Z(.) INCIDENT ADDRESS ?;2,')" A~(?<{I S;t-, >fril)uj{idd Of2. OCCUPANT NAf.1E (Last. First. MI) 0-ID....1c'.S J ~Joh VI BUSINESS OWNER NAME (least, First, MI) ADDRESS ZIP '1741'7 CENSUS TRACT 52 DOB (optional) t - 21-5'/ TELEPHONE 71b-IOS-( TELEPHONE DOB (optional) 5 OWNER NAME (Last, First, MI) ADDRESS DOB (optional) TELEPHONE FIRE REPORTED BY (Last, First. MI) &..JV1<'> 1 :)Gt(''''I METHOD OF 0 Telephone Direct ALARM 0 Municipal Alarm System o Private Alarm System , r., "Cf,71-77 Sfn f)<lr'C leI, uf- DOB (optional) TELEPHONE 71b - 10'>/ ADDRESS ~g S- 1t5 f( "I , eg 911 (Tie Line) o Voice Signal Muni Alarm o Not Classified Above Mutual Aid (extinguisn Dr investigate only) ~ Received 0 Given . 0 N/A o Radio o Verbal O' No Alarm Hec'd 8 # OF FIRE SERVICE PERSONNEL RESPONDED q # OF ENGINES RESPONDED 2 # OF AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED /""'" ~j # OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (do not include PA's) '2 TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND ~ Structure Fire o Other Prop. w /value 10 METHOD OF EXTINGUISHMENT o Vehicle Fire o Brush, Grass, Leaves o Trash, Rubbish o Other (List) TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN .1R1 Extinguish ..3 Investigation o Removed Hazard o Stand By o Salvage o Not Classified o Undetermined o o ~ Automatic Ext. System Pre-connect hose/tank only Pre-connect hose/hydrant. standpipe o Hand,laid hose/hydrant, standpipe o Master Stream Device o Not Classified Above MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete line M) o Self, Extinguished o Make,shift aids o Portable Extinguisher 11 F1~ED ~ROPEWY USE S ,noi/( -+ci Mil '1 M MOBILE Y!tAR PROPERTY PROPERTY COMPLEX (If applicable) JUJeiUn.:l, I MAKE../ SERIAL # LICENSE # MODEL 12 ROOM/AREA OF FIRE ORIGIN L; V; IW\ r OD{'Y\ uJld I E EQUIPMENT YEAR INVOLVED IN IGNITION 13 IGNITION FACTOR Fi ,e Ii, -F1'rcfiC((e 14 FORM O,F HEA;rOF IGNIJ.'ION CD/1,:{vLh Dn -+ f',).Y"l 15 LEVEL OF FIRE ORIGIN fSJ Grade le\'el to 9 feet EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION (Complete Line E) t/11?C'vC (j'r-C(ICI.((' SERIAL # VOLTAGE MAKE MODEL /..AJOOcG .....1 ; j h ,'J~J MATERIAL FIRST IGNITED IV AS MADE OF W.0c?.J. !,-l'-::'OC.{e i k 1 neQ+ (() n tl lX, + i 0") ITEM FIRST IGNITED: H (ci,.i!.,- be i--,: /Ic'( o o o Undetermined VV1,:t V1 ,k 1 S{4I~ o Over 70 feet o Objects in Fligbt Vehicle and Contents o 30w 49 feet o 50 w 70 feet Contents ~O, ()L'{) .00 ~ 10'..::000 o 10 to 19 feet o 20 to 29 feet Below grd. level Not Classified Other TOTAL II S-.. OtJO .00 i <;' , {)O{).OO 16 VALUE Building " 7') I nooOO .00 .00 LOSS f 2 I~"YX) .00 .00 .00 o 13to 24 stories o 25 to 49 stories o 1O,000,19,999sq It 0 50,OOO,99,999sq ft o 20,000-49,999 sq It 0 100,000-499,999 sq ft o Unprotect. Masonry Ext. & \\-'ood Int. .@ p'rotect.ed \Vood Frame 17 NUMBER OF STORIES 0 2 stories 0 5 to 6 swries .Kl 1 story 0 3 to 4 swries 0 7 W 12 stories 18 BUILDING AGE (In Years) I BUll.DlNG S. IZE (Grnd Fir Only) .0 1000,4999 sq ft z.. 7 0 0-999 sq ft 0 5000,9999 sq ft 19 CONSTRUCTION TYPE 0 Heavy Timber 0 Unprotect, Steel Bldg o Steel & Concrete, 3,4 hr. proto 0 Protect. Steel Bldg 0 Protect. Masonry Ext. & Wood Int, EXTENT OF DAMAGE CONFINED TO: Flame Smoke DETECTOR PERFORMANCE o 50 stories or more o 500,000 sq ft o Unprotected \Vood Frame o Not Classified Above SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE 1 0 Equipment operated 2 0 Equip. should have oper.-did not 3 0 Equip. present fire too small to opel. 9 0 Not classified above o 0 Undetermined or not reported 8 l3. No equipment present (N/A) 1 The object of origin 1 0 0 0 1 In room of origin-opel. 2 Part of room or area of origin' 2 0 0 ~ 2 Not in room of origin-opec. 20 3 Room of origin 3 0 3 0 0 3 In fm of origin-not opec-fire too small 4 Fire-rated compo of origin 4 0 4 0 0 4 Not in rm of origin-not oper. fire too small 5 Floor of origin .5 0 5 0 0 5 In room of origin-not oper. power disconnect 6 Structure of origin 6 !8 6 0 0 6 Not in rm of origin-not opec. pO\lo;er discon. 7 Extended beyond structure of origin 7 0 7 0 0 7 In room of origin-not opec. dead battery 0 8 Not in room of origin-not opec. dead battery 9 No damage of the type (N/A) 9 0 0 9 No detector present 0 10 Undetermined 21 HEMARKS Weather Conditions (optional): (OLP bO C. I t'W- / .Sprinklers Controlled Fire: YES 0 NO 0 # of Heads Opened o cant. on back 22 Follow Up Investigation Requested Y_ NL- lfyes, who will investigate 23 Number of Injuries Fire Service .--8.. I Number of Fat.alities Fire Service I Title C . ,C{f'mi /I I Title Dale ....--~, -,C:/ Other ,-f)--- .-2_T Other Date z (S- Igcl 24 Member Making Report \)d'v!-V1 25 AdditionallnfoGJtion by rVL /) r? I v4 L::'"4:rLiA:. 1);( , 814-440-10 (R-86) F',' (<. () :r:0 O$: [f)'tI --3t"' _tIl t"'--3 tIltIl "'l"'l -0 ::0::0 tIl)>- [f)r-' r-' () :r:0 O$: [f)'tI --31:"" _tIl 1:""--3 tIltIl "'l"'l -0 ::0::0 tIl)>- [f)1:"" I:"" () o $: 'tI I:"" t.>:l --3 tIl "'l o ::0 )>- I:"" I:"" :r: o [f) --3 - I:"" tIl "'l ;:0 tIl [f) [f) --3 ::0 C () --3 C ::0 tIl "'l ;:0 tIl [f) o Z I:"" 0< .' / ~cr 66CJ3 FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR . ELECTRICAL HAZARD q'-(o, \11 ( k~ DATE: Z Is 1'54 / f f ) 'j TO: FR or~ : Building Department Springfield Fire Department . .:1 ~/ SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Building Address or location of building 'X <~) A H'cn Sf- . Name of O\'mer -.JOlrl'" (--o..-..cs Type of building . Si'I)'"ik ,-Cai'V1;('f dLu.ef{I'n~ - (Dwe1'1ing, Store, \~arehouse, etc.) I Estimated value of building. $ r5,OO"O Estimated loss to building $ i?,OOO- I')r{)OO Da te of fi re L. /<:; / ~q Location of damage in building Sovih w,dl i'l 1'\"11"1 100."1 a"..d !1. of-' yHie J- rooF dIve.. 0rc. burnet.! ii ,i-Ji 10 vytcki-Cl/( (Roof, Wall, Exterior, rnterior~ etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire ..,., ^ r I. I PV(fi(/X ;-,':1.TI-us., SVlI "j ("'s (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) Additional pertinent information Electrical Hazard EI~dr;<' C~;li'l~ Hei\~ Lvi ((5 ~)<(?O)Jzj c.vh</, C'",i/,'nc! I ./ .~./ . CCj'li'tl,\, ("{Jso wcikr Llv-c,if);nq ;,)'Jo JI'L:1)')~ !ixfJr(J o.h/ .[tlV1~ In (-cilt',,<. J (Wiring, Ouflets, etc.) ./ cc: 1V,11). ;2hJ ~'r.' ~ ~ ~ I'" S i 9 n ed ~l\11t\ 0/1/1 ' ,}117-( [)C.tLuJil \J