HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-28 Rcce~pt.l/ /gP3Z5' ."-~ '--~ '.. REStO E~' or, A too, APPLICATION/..I1JRMIT 225 North 5th Street SpPingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I ob Location: II ~ S- l15~tJ ST saessor:: Map H i7..tt?':1--~;> - 3 c.f 'ubdivision: Ta Lot II 029t1/6 HoUG I flJc" I (NC-. I fi:41A.tr 11\f~ TO rJ \.mer: ~ At-l z60 ddress: 140'?S S,UJ- 'i ty: 1SGA \.)~ ~tU W~.,' 7<tvLL Phone: &4\0 r- 3S6 z. Zip: 9700S B'SS--9043 '. .~ ~ LtaJ AlL ~.Value ::?B:~ c=roa> ),-, ~ ont~aetors, Address Lise. UBld~s Hoard Reg. :eneral ^jffiUt:/Ui}(? Pmo,t(eSS /3btJ IN f 571^/hJ~ 6f'Llt# i 'lumbing I. JdlJ1.A/'f>;"fu- V tu.-VwhiYLey 2107~ f(3$V 1}7yZ-,;;-' leehanical ' 0 () :J,t:ctri!;C:ll~~~ ,,~#/&L../~ :l1DeI;~<;t't;;T_~E~ee t r ~e 1<1 i1 ' I Npw -"l ~Addftie~ )(L Remod~l 'I .'Iobi le Floma ,!.. , \' .... . ..,. .... ~', ...~.....~ .... ...... p".'12-"tSFb Date of Applicaticn /1 ../,J;'- 90 '. Describe fl'or],: ''''-, 4 ~.~ S~tl rE5.D .. Si;';d'~~ Da~e~, /' ///...~?6. ~ ..., . . -, ., FXD'r(-'~ ' 't/J71/ /0/9/ l2.lliw p &'(3 - 8ZJ5~ ~cf5. ~ V/() 2- , . 't is the responsibility of the permit hoUier to see that all inspections are made at the proper time, that each ~dress is readabZe "rom the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property.' ' I IBui!ding Lr:vi::io~ appro~ed plan shall remain on tha Building Site at all times. '.'?OCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION REQ.UEST,~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwf.ber, job address, type of in3pec~icll 'equcstcd a~d when you wiZl be ready for inspection, Contractors or Or.mers name and phone nwnqcr. Requests recei~ed before 7:00 c::I -Hl be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 = will be maa.e the m::ct wrkiTI{J day. ' " ;"":' ' : ,?:"'.', ,;,,,,:,.'(:,,-~....,.,'-. '.Your,C.ityDes,igr.atqdJob'NwnberJo: ~1?~""7 /cquired Ins[lpcticn$- _ _' ,,' oJ ,'. " , .) . ] SjTE IN~PECTION: ~o be rTilde:aftl1'.<rE INSULATr,ON/.VAl'OH. BAR~EF:R I"NS~!,;CTION: I DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDI;J(;S , exoavat1.0n, but pM.er to set up of l.LJ To be made after -aH trlsuratton a~.d forms. ,', rcquired vapor barriers are in place --, Sanitary Se'.Jer :]apped at property Ur:e ] ' UNDERSGAB PLUftfBING. ELECTRIC,1L & .. :',' Out before .any . lath, !?ypswn beard or --.J".., "II~A.I.r.'il'IlIf\~,";,t~I/;""":11 1,.!1 i~,I", !,~ MECHANICAL: To be made before any LXlll .covert~g t~ apphed, and before --, Septi::J tank p;;,mped and fillad L1ith gra;;el work is aovcred. any tnoulatton tsooneealed. --.J ] FOOTING ~ FOUNDA'i'ION: To be made after trellChes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouringconcret~. U.'WSRGROW!D PWM3INC, SEWER. W.1TE!i.1 DRAINAGE: To be made priOl' to fiZ- lir.g trenches. ] ] UNDE!?F'WOR PW!,fBINC & MEC.'IANICAG: To be made prior to inatallation' of f100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatien of floor ins~lation or deckill{j . ROUGlI PW'!BJ!lC; Ef,ECTR!CAE. ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No :.lork is to be eOL'ered ' ,w:ti 1., t!zese. \inspections have beer: made and apprbved.":- '. >. FIREPGACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing in spec- tior.. ' VI PRA!fING: Must be requeoted after CJ ,appz'oval of rough plumbing, alectri- cal t mechani:]al.. A l.! roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et::J. nr~st be , ,compl.eted. No w;)rk' is to be con- o cealed until this inspection has . been made and approved. ~ ~ ] ~ FINAG PWMBItlG ~ FIlIAG ME~IIMIICAl. ~ FINAL ELECT!lICt.L =:J o \il DRYWALL IlISPf:CTTON: To be made ~ after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. ~ ,Final - rlhen above items are cempleted ---3 and when demolitior. is eomplete or stru~- ture moved and premi3es ::Jleaned up. D MASONRY: Steel beamo, grouting accordance rJith 2415. location, bond or verticals in U;B.C. Section Mobile Hcmes o After installation is'-' : -:I Blocking aru: Set-~p . ~ ,t. ~ ~Plwnbing connections st:1Jer-:and L1a~el' ,--;~Electrical CC7lnection - Blocking, ,set-u::J :.,---J and plwnbing connections nr~st ce approved before requesting electricaZ inspec~io~ WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. D CURB & APP.ROACll APRON: Afte'J' f~;';;'s are ere::Jted but pz.ior to pouring . ~pnaT'ete. O SID..'IrIALK ,! DRII:Er/!:Y: For al~ c"O~~ , '>crete pavtng wtthtn street r1-ght- , '~" of-r.x:y, to be made aftel' aU exca- ,: . " vating ccmplete & form IJOrk & cub- base material in .pla:]e.. , ., ~ Accessory Bui lding ~ Final - After porches, skirting; decks, ---l etc. are complet~d. D ~ENCE: '~~er. complzte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D o All project conditions, suc!: ao the installation of stz'eet trees. "cOo':lpletion of tile required landscapir.g, etc., muot be satisfied before the BUILDINC PINAL c!ln !Ie requeDt:ld. FINAL DUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the pinal PlwnbiniJ Electrica~. and Mechar:ieal. Inspectiono havc been made and approved., .... . ""~".. . \ ......., "") ...- .. , ... 'AU, U/iNIIOr,ES ANn CDP.ANOUT:J !lIIST np. ACCP.SSTBDP., AD.T~ST!fF:NT, TO. BE N.~nF: n ,..0 r~ST TO CT'!'Y l':1(~e '! of :: ...... ^," ~ , . ~/-;:- - I JOB N<?qOl381S0. LAR ArCESS Zona: (~ 'f-:-- Occupancll Gl', Lot Sq. Ft:;. LOT TYPE Z of lot Coverag:: .~ of stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I Main I~age Carport SQ.FTG Accessoru &:mt?z,&( - To.TAL VAWE Is.D.c. ' IlJa~ueJ 1.5 x Bui"Ldina Permi t State Surcharge Total Charges Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va lue 7S:~ I · I '$Y:~ 9. ;zd /~. 2(') CHARGE I ITEM" "- ' I Fi.:r~ures" , . IResidential (1 bath) I Sani tal'!/ Sewer I Water ' I NO.. .... FEE '''\ """ ....... "'.\ ",-,,", Plumbing perr.:it State Surcr.arge Total Charfles In'M Res. So. fto. New/Extend Circuits Temporary Service Ele~trical Permit State Surcharqe . ITEM f'Ul'l1.:1ce ETU' S E::haust Hood Vent Fan Woodstove /l:/j/yY 'P~dJ.?/f Permit I3suancc Me~hanic::zl Permit State surcha"f'{le I Tota l CharGeD I -- ENCRo.ACHMENT -- ISe~~ritu Depoait " Storage Maintenan~e I Pcrmi t Total Char'ges Cur!>cu ~ Sidewalk Ff7n::e Electrical Label I MObi le Home I~pp/ ~,~,PJ~-A7 1~~~'F~ ' I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' :3 /O.~'~-~ NO.. FEE ~-~ /.~ ,-~(-~I. . CHARGE . ' FEE ClIARCE ! /$',.-e> /t?....' - h'/ ,;.-- ..e. I. ~S- -:2~~::Z-f? · B?? '::? 5~ 72. ~ -.-1.... L - CO G~ REQ.- T:;pe/Cor:st: Bedrooms: I Enerf7l/ Sources I iieat I I I I I Tl/r'e Lot Faces - P.L. !North lEast ISouth Irvest SetbackD /louse I Carage I Access. Water !/eater Range . Fireplace Wood::;tove -- Fees .,"..," ,....'.Building' Value" &. Re-rmi.t This permit is granted on the e:I:press condition that the said constl~ction shall, in all respects, conform to the o.rdinance ::zdopted by the City of Springfield, inaZ.udi.ng the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the censtructien and use of buildings, and m.:zy be sw;pended 01' revoketi at C.l:y time upon vie- Lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . Plan Check Fee:' (/~"3 Date Pai.d: ~~;,<:::.-~p Recdpt H: /s:'/S3~ ,Signed: ~I ~ ~ ~ . "/ ,~, Plumbing Permit "No percon.phalt construct, instal!., alter 01' change any neW cr e:::isting plumbing, or drainage syste.71'in )Jhole orin part, unless such person is the legaL possessor of a valid plumber's license~ eicept .that a person may do pLumbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appLi- cant. ' Electrical Permi t , - Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele::tricaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of'this permit shflZZ not be vaLid until the label has been signed by the ElectricaL Contractor. 'Cc-e<:-? ,n/c4-L' ~ef?~77'r~/e;.;./f' 5~.c<- ~~/,('/ 4 . ?EP~~~.~/?7?r. I · Mechanical PermH .: ~. ~~./ . .~/'/ "~~.~ /~ , 'p 1-ner.. (- . /' //-:2t:5 -:;::0 Va~e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and .do hereby certify that alL info~nation hereon is ,true and correct, and I further certify that any ar..d an work perfo}':1led' shan be dO:'le in accor- , dance :.nth the o.rdin::znces of the City of springfield, and th:: La-..;s of th( _ State of Oregan p~rtaining to the rJOrk described herein, c.nd that NO. acc: PANCY will be rode of any struature lJithout pl3I'fT1isJion of the Building [)1 vi~ion. I further' certify that O:1Zy contraatol's ar.d e:npt"yees 1J1:0 are il ca~pLiance with ORS 701.05t wilL be used on this project lIt i;)y ~!u;29J