HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6008 03/18/2002 . ORDINANCE NO. 6008 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS, AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING AND REPLACING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8.200 (2) (3) (4) (6) PURPOSE; SECTION 8.202 DEFINITIONS; SECTION 8.204 (2) (3) (5) DESIGN; SECTION 8.206 2 (a) (3) (6) CONSTRUCTION; SECTION 8.208 (4) (a) (c) PROJECTION AND CLEARANCE; SECTION 8.210 LOCATION AND SETBACKS; SECTION 8.218 GENERAL (1) (d) (e) (t) (2) (3) (4) (6); SECTION 8.220 INSPECTIONS; SECTION 8.230 ACCESS FOR INSPECTIONS; SECTION 8.232 (5) NON-CONFORMING SIGNS; SECTION 8.234 (2) (7) (8) (10) (13) (14) (15) EXEMPT SIGNS; SECTION 8.236 (2) (6) (10) PROHIBITED SIGNS; SECTION 8.238 APPEALS; SECTION 8.240 (1) (2) (3) (4) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SIGN STANDARDS; SECTION 8.242 (2) (a) (b) H-IllSTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT; SECTION 8.244 (1) (2) (3) (4) GENERAL OFFICE SIGN STANDARDS; SECTION 8.246 (1) NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL; SECTION 8.248 (1) (2) (3) (4)COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND MAJOR RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; SECTION 8.250 (1) (a) (b) (2) (3) (4) DOWNTOWN SIGN DISTRICT; SECTION 8.252 (1) (2) (3) BOOTH KELLY SIGN DISTRICT; SECTION 8.254 (1) (2) (a) (b) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1-5 MALUSPORTS FACILITY SIGN DISTRICT; SECTION 8.256 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1-5 COMMERCIAL SIGN DISTRICT; SECTION 8.258 (2) (3) (4) (5) LIGIIT- MEDIUM, SPECIAL HEAVY INDUSTRIAL AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL SIGN STANDARDS; SECTION 8.260 (1) (5) (g) (h) BILLBOARD DISTRICT; SECTION 8.262 (1) PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT; SECTION 8.264 (1) (2) (3) (4) SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DIsTRicT; 'AND, SECTION 8.266 SCHOOLS. . .. ","." .:~."",.." ""-~'.! . ;!-:~_ ....... '-"":-; ",-'<';':;:;'-'!;~\i: THE COMMON COUNciL Fa THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS-AS FOLLOWS: . . . . . '" -. . J . . .,.... ' ,-'" ; t t '.. , ' ;t' ,;1 ~ 1. SECTION 8.200, (2) Of.THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIP AI- GPbE ts AMEND~P JO W READ AS FOLLOWS: ' , " . , , ' "(2) to allow and promote positive conditions for meeting sign users' needs, while at the same time avoiding nuisances to nearby properties and promoting a pleasing environment." 2. SECTION 8,200 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) to reflect and support the permitted uses found throughout the various zoning districts," ' . : ' 3, SECTION 8.200 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS;AMEND~D TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ," . < ,. "(4) to allow for adequate and effective signage for all industrial and ~ommercialzoni.ng districts, while preventing signsfrom dominating the visual appearance of the area," '" , 4, . SECTION 8.200 (6) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIP ALCODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: - ~ "(6) to maintain and protect the natural viewsheds associated with the city's distinct natural qualities in accordance with the goals established in the Metropolitan Plan," Attachment 1 - 1 . . . 5. SECTION 8.202 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Electric Sign. Any sign containing electrical wiring which is attached or intended to be attached to an electrical energy source and provides artificial light either through exposed lighting on the sign face or through transparent or translucent material from a light source within the sign." "Illegal Sign. Any sign that has been installed without a sign permit, required inspections, or erected in violation of this code." "Vision Clearance, A triangular shaped portion of land established at street intersections in which nothing over 2 lIz feet is erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct the sight distance of motorists entering or leaving the intersection, unless specifically exempted by this Code. All comer lots shall maintain a clear area at each access to a public street and on each comer of property at the intersection of two streets or a street and an alley in order to provide adequate sign distance for approaching traffic, The clear vision area shall be in the shape of a triangle, Two sides of the triangle shall be lot (property) lines for a distance of 25 feet. Where the lot (property) lines have rounded comers, the lines shall be measured by extending them in a straight line to a point of intersection, The third side of the triangle is a line across the comer of the lot joining the non-intersecting ends ofthe other two sides. The required vision clearance area for any driveway shall be 10 feet and measured as described above. The' required vision clearance for any alley shall be 15 feet and measured as described above. Exemptions for Vision Clearance areas are items associated with utilities or publicly owned structures such as poles and signs, and .existing trees, no screen or other physi'cal obstruction shall be permitted between 2 lIz and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the triangular area. For a visual diagram of the vision clearance, please r,efer to Diagram 32-B oft.he Springfield Development Code." "". ' "Wind Activated Sign. Any commercial advertisement flag, pennant, balloon, spinner or blimp," 6. SECTION 8.204 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Wind Loads, Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind forces as specified in Chapter 16 of the State Structural Specialty Code." , 7, SECTION 8.204 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Seismic Loads. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and c()nstructed to res~st seismic forces as specified in Chapter 16 of the State Structural Specialty Code.': ' 8. SECTION 8,204 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ' Attachment 1 - 2 I} . ,., "(5) Allowable Stresses. The design of wood, concrete, steel or aluminum members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 19,21,22 and 23 of the State Structural Specialty Code. Loads, both vertical and horizontal, exerted upon the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in Chapter 18 of the State Structural Specialty Code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed 25 percent ofthe ultimate strength of the rope or fasteners. Working stresses or wind or seismic loads combined with dead loads, may be increased as specified in Chapter 16 of the State Structural Specialty Code." 9, SECTION 8.206 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 27-1. Secondary members in contact with or directly supporting the display surface may be formed of light gauge steel, provided such members are designed in accordance with the specifications of the design oflight gauge steel as specified in American National Standards Institute/American Society of Civil Engineers 8 and shall be galvanized, When, formed integral with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall be No, 12 gauge, The minimum thickness of hot rolled steel members furnishing structural support for signs shall be 'l4 inch, except that, if galvanized, such members shall not be less than 1/8 inch thick. Walls of steel pipes shall be not less than 1/8 inch thick. Steel pipes shall beof such quality as to conform with D.B.C. Standard No. 22-1. Steel members maybe connected, with one galvanized bolt, provided the connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in the members." 10. SECTION 8.206 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Restrictions on Combustible Materials. Free standing or pole signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this code. Free standing or pole signs constructed of combustible materials shall be maintained a separation of six (6) feet from all ' buildings and structures, Roof signs, projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be constructed on non-combustible materials, except as provided in sections 601.5.4 and 709.4,of the State Structural Specialty Code," 11. SECTION 8.206 (6) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(6) Display Surfaces. Display surfaces may be made of metal, glass or approved plastics. Sections of approved plastics on wall signs shall not exceed 225 square feet in area. When more than one section is used, they shall be separated three (3) feet laterally and six (6) feet vertically." , 12, SECTION 8.208 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: AttacQment 1 - 3 . . . "(4) Sign Adiacent to Wall Openings, Signs erected within five (5) feet of an exterior wall opening shall be constructed of non-combustible material or approved plastics," 13. SECTION 8.208 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Clearance from Streets. Signs shall not project within two (2) feet of the curb line." 14. SECTION 8,210 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Location and Setback. No sign or sign structure shall be installed within a public utility easement. No sign shall be installed within a five (5) foot setback from the property line. The property line must set back a minimum of 15 feet from the curb in order to be considered for an exemption from the five (5) foot setback from any property line. No sign shall be located within the vision clearance area as defined in the definitions of this code, All signs shall be located entirely on private property unless they are located in the downtown sign district where projection over the right-of-way is permitted with the appropriate insurance requirements." 15, SECTION 8.218 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "General. Except as specified in section 8.234, no person shall erect, construct, alter or relocate any sign unless a permit has been obtained from the building official. A separate electrical permit shall be required for each sign service equipment as specified in the Electrical" Specialty Safety Code. Sign permits shall be issued only to contractors licensed in accordance with city and state regulations, or any property owner or a designee erecting a sign or sign structure on their own property, provided the sign erection work is performed by a person regularly and directly under their employ, The following requirements shall be included with each sign permit application:" , 16. SECTION 8.218 (1) (d) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(d) For all free standing, pole or projecting signs over 20 feet in height, plans shall be submitted, drawn by a registered engineer." 17. SECTION 8.218 (1) (e) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "( e) Each application shall include photographs of existing signage on the property associated with the business." 18, SECTION 8.218 (1) (f) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 4 . "(t) If the application is for a billboard, the application must include an approved permit from the State of Oregon under the Oregon Motorists Information Act of 1971 (ORS 377.700 et seq,)" 19. SECTION 8.218 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Permit-Fees. Sign permit fees, banner signs and searchlights, excluding electrical, for all signs shall be set by resolution of the council. Only one face of a double faced sign will be used for calculation purposes. Each sign shall be considered separately when calculating sign permit charges." 20. SECTION 8.218 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: . "(3) Banner Permit Fees. Two permits for each approved development area shall be permitted per calendar year. The fee for each permit shall be set by resolution ofthe council. The banners shall be no larger than 60 square feet and be erected for a maximum of 14 days. The banner(s) shall be located completely on private property and shall be in compliance with the required setbacks as identified in this Code. A security deposit is required when this permit is issued. If the applicant fails to remove the banners by the date specified on the permit, the deposit shall be forfeited and the city may remove the banners. If any banners are erected without first obtaining a permit, the fee shall be doubled, Banners erected by the city for city sponsored events, or the parks district, utility company, or hospital for community events are exempt. " 21. SECTION 8.218 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Blimp, Portable Signs, Pennant, Balloon, and Searchlight Permit Fees. Two permits for each approved development area shall be permitted per calendar year. The fee shall be set by resolution of the council. The items shall be erected for a maximum of 14 days, The Blimp, Portable Signs, Pennant, Balloon, and Searchlight shall be located completely on private property and shall be in compliance with the required setbacks as identified in this Code. A security deposit is required when this permit is issued, If the applicant fails to remove the blimp, searchlight, portable signs, pennant or balloon by the date specified on the permit, the deposit . shall be forfeited and the city may remove the blimp, portable sign, pennant, balloon and/or searchlight. If a blimp, searchlight, portable sign, pennant or balloon is erected without first obtaining a permit, the fee shall be doubled. Blimps, portable signs, pennants, balloons and searchlights erected by the city for city sponsored events, or the parks district, utility company or hospital for community events are exempt." . 22. SECTION 8.218 (6) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment I - 5 . "(6) Penalty Fees, The fee for any sign permit where the applicant begins work thereof (and/or erects or re-erects a sign) prior to obtaining a sign permit, shall be double the fee specified by resolution of the City Council." 23. SECTION 8.220 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Inspections. Signs for which a permit is required shall be inspected by the building official for conformance with this code and the building safety codes. When the building official has reasonable cause to believe that a condition exists which makes any sign, sign structure or sign service equipment unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, an inspection of the site may be performed. : 24, SECTION 8.230 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Access to all free standing signs, roof and projecting signs and wall signs shall be provided for the purpose of inspection." 25. SECTION 8.232 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: . "Non-Conforming Signs. For the purpose of this section, a non-conforming sign shall be defined as a legal sign existing on the effective date of January l, 2002," 26. SECTION 8,232 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(5) Annexed Areas and Areas Within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, Except as otherwise provided in this section, all signs ip. areas annexed to the city after the date of adoption of this code and which do not conform to the provisions of this code, and which have been approved by another Government entity, shall be regarded as non-conforming signs, These signs may remain until the current business ceases to operate then they shall be removed." 27. SECTION 8.234 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Maintenance, Normal maintenance and repair of a sign structure or sign service equipment. Normal maintenance and repair does not include structural changes, removal and replacement, copy changes, or the addition of electrical wiring." 28, SECTION 8.234 (7) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: . Attachment 1 - 6 . . . "(7) Directional Signs, A sign indicating traffic movements onto or within a premise, not exceeding 6 square feet and 2.5 feet in height. A maximum of one sign per vehicle ingress/egress shall be permitted, No sign shall be located in any vision clearance area as defined in the definitions of this code," 29, SECTION 8.234 (8) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(8) Real Estate Signs, In any district, there may be two signs located on the subject property, These signs shall be limited to one wall sign and one free standing sign. These signs shall be set back a minimum of 1 0 feet from the street and shall be no larger than 8 square feet in a residential area, and up to 20 square feet in a commercial or industrial district." 30, SECTION 8,234 (10) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(10) Building Construction Signs, Temporary building construction signs shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in a residential district. Sites located in a commercial or industrial district shall be permitted one sign of 32 square feet. A maximum of one sign per contractor and one sign indicating the business to be located in the new structure is permitted for the duration of work conducted on the site," 31. SECTION 8,234 (13) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(13) Neighborhood Watch. Neighborhood watch and drug free zone signs shall be located solely on private property. Maximum size for these signs is six (6) square feet. Signs cannot be located in any vision clearance area." 32, SECTION 8.234 (14) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(14) Drive Up Menu Boards, Menu boards placed in a driveway specified for drive up transactions shall be used solely for vehicular and pedestrian product purchasing or transaction information. This sign shall be located out of the front yard setback and will be located where the primary viewing is to the drive up customers. Maximum height of this sign will be eight (8) feet and the maximum size will be 40 square feet. Each drive up will be limited to two menu boards through exempt status, Additional menu boards will be counted in the permitted allowable signs for the district (i,e" counted as one wall sign if placed on the structure). These signs shall be used only for providing product or transaction information necessary for utilizing the drive up," 33. SECTION 8,234 (15) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 7 . . . "(15) Parking Lot Signs. Signs for handicap parking and towing zones on private property shall be allowed without obtaining a sign permit. These signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in total size, or exceed 7 feet in total height above grade, The number of allowable handicap parking signs is based on the required parking for the specific approved development area. All signs shall be permanently attached either to a building or secured in concrete." 34. SECTION 8,236 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Illegal Signs. Signs installed without the required permit, inspection approvals, or those improperly constructed," 35, SECTION 8.236 (6) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(6) Portable Signs. A sign which is not permanently anchored to a building or the ground in accordance with Section 8.204 of this code, unless approved under special permit as described in Section 8.218 (4) of this code." 36, SECTION 8,236 (10) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(10) Exterior Fencing, No signs which are intended for viewing from the exterior of the property shall be allowed to be attached to exterior fencing. Fencing is defined as a structure which serves as an enclosure, barrier or screen that is not part of a building," 37, SECTION 8.238 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Appeals. (1) For those who wish to erect a sign that is either larger than a,uthorized by this sign code or a sign that is nonconforming in some other respect, a modification (size) or variance (other nonconforming characteristic) may be requested. (2) A modification is defined as a request for a sign that complies with the provisions of this sign code in all respects except size or height and the proposed request is not more than 15% greater than otherwise allowed. If the applicant chooses to apply for a modification to the sign code, they may apply through the Development Services Department for a cost set by resolution of the council. This modification request will be reviewed, and a decision reached by the Development Services Director within 30 days of the application, providing the application is complete. The following criteria must be met in order for a modification to be approved: (a) Locational and/or dimensional problems have been identified; and (b) The proposed adjustment will not cause any of the following adverse effects on neighboring properties: Attachment 1 - 8 . . - ~-" (i) Creates a vision clearance hazard for pedestrians, motor vehicles or bicyclists; or and (c) (ii) Creates a hazard for fire prevention or fire suppression; or (iii) Public safety is compromised. The hardship is not self imposed, (3) A variance is defined as a request for a sign that is different nonconforming from the requirements of this sign code in respects other than size and/or the size variation more than 15% larger than otherwise allowed by this code. An applicant for a variance may apply to the Building Board of Appeals. The cost for this appeal is set by resolution of the council. The variance request will be heard and a decision reached within 30 days from the date of application providing the application is complete. The following criteria must be met in order for a variance to be approved: (a) There are unusual conditions associated with the property and structure; and (b) Granting of the variance would not have any of the following adverse effects on neighboring properties: (i) Creates a vision clearance hazard for pedestrians, motor vehicles or bicyclists; or (ii) Creates a hazard for fire prevention or fire suppression or; (iii) Public safety is compromised, and (c) The need for the variance has not arisen solely from a previous code violation;, and (d) The hardship is not self imposed; and ( e) There are not other practical alternatives available that better meet the provisions of the Springfield Sign Code and it purposes as set forth in Section 8.200, (4) If the applicant does not construct, erect, alter or complete any sign which has been approved within one year of the date of approval, the decision shall expire. The DSD Director may grant an extension not to exceed one year provided that the extension does not extend state law regarding expiration of permits, this includes, but is not limited to, the expiration of any building permit. (5) An applicant who is denied a modification request may appeal the decision ofthe DSD Director to the Building Board of Appeals for a cost set by resolution of the council. The request will be reviewed by the Board and a decision reached within 30 days of the application date. (6) An applicant may appeal the decision ofthe Board of Appeals regarding an Appeal of a modification or a variance to the City Council for a cost set by resolution of the council. The city council's decision is final except that or a writ of review to circuit court is available to appeal the city council's decision pursuant to Oregon law." 38, SECTION 8.240 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 9 . . . "(1) Home Occupation. Each single family or duplex dwelling unit that has received development approval for home occupation shall be allowed one (1) non-illuminated wall sign of not more than 1.5 square feet." 39, SECTION 8.240 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Multi-Family, Mobile Home Parks, Day Care Facilities, Subdivisions, Group Care Living Facilities, and Bed and Breakfast Facilities. Each group living situation, multiple family dwelling complex, bed and breakfast facility, including a mobile home park shall be allowed one (1) wall sign or free standing sign at each public vehicular entrance of not more than eight (8) square feet for one face, or 16 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for free standing signs shall be five feet above grade. The maximum height for wall signs shall be 20 feet above grade, provided that in no case shall a wall sign extend above the building wall. Internally illuminated signs shall be prohibited," 40. SECTION 8.240 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Non-Residential Professional Offices, Each approved development area shall be limited to one (1) free standing sign. The sign shall be a maximum of 16 square feet for one face and 32 square feet for two or more faces. Free standing signs or wall signs shall not be more than eight (8) feet above grade, Each detached building shall be permitted one (1) wall sign not to exceed eight (8) square feet. Internally lighted signs shall be prohibited.", 41. SECTION 8.240 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Churches. Each approved development area shall be limited to two (2) free standing signs. The signs shall be a maximum of 32 square feet for one face and 64 square feet for two or more faces. Free standing signs or wall signs shall not be more than eight (8) feet above grade. Each detached building shall be permitted one (1) wall sign not to exceed eight (8) square feet. Neon signs are prohibited. 42. SECTION 8.244 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Single Businesses, Each business shall be permitted a maximum number ofthree (3) wall signs totaling 64 square feet for all faces." I 43. SECTION 8.244 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Multiple Businesses, Multiple businesses occupying one building shall be allowed one (1) overall wall or free standing sign of not more than 32 square feet for one face, or 64 Attachment 1 - 10 . . . square feet for two or more faces, The maximum height for this free standing sign shall be eight (8) feet. This overall sign shall be in lieu of the wall signs permitted in subsection (1)." 44. SECTION 8.244 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Development Area Signage. In addition to the signs named above, each approved development area shall be allowed one (1) free standing sign of not more than 100 square feet for one face, or 200 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for this sign shall be 12 feet above grade." 45. SECTION 8.244 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 64 square feet for a single business." 46. SECTION 8.246 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Neighborhood Commercial. Each approved development area in a NC District shall be allowed one (1) free standing sign not to exceed 32 square feet per sign face, with a maximum size of 64 square feet for two or more faces. This sign cannot exceed eight (8) feet in height above grade and shall not be internally illuminated. In addition, each business in the NC District shall be limited to one wall sign, with a maximum size of 32 square feet and cannot exceed 20 feet in total height above grade, Wall signs are also prohibited from being internally illuminated." 47. SECTION 8.246 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo ofthe business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 32 square feet." 48. SECTION 8.248 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Single Business. Each business shall be permitted a maximum number of three (3) wall signs totaling 350 square feet for all faces," 49, SECTION 8.248 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 11 . . . "(2) Free Standing, Roof and Proiecting Signs. In addition to wall signs permitted above, one (1) sign from this group shall be permitted for each approved development area, The total area permitted for a free standing sign, roof or projecting sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces at a maximum of 20 feet above grade." 50. SECTION 8.248 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Second Story Businesses. Two (2) wall signs per business shall be permitted with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet for all faces." 51. SECTION 8.248 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage ofthe permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 350 square feet for single story businesses and 175 square feet for second story businesses," 52. SECTION 8.250 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Downtown Sign District. The Downtown Sign District is shown on Map No.1. Each business in this district shall be limited to two (2) signs," 53. SECTION 8.250 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ~'(1) Wall Signs. Each business shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) wall sign per building wall fronting a public street." 54. SECTION 8.250 (1) (a) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(a) First Story Businesses. First story businesses facing a public street shall be permitted signage of three (3) square feet per lineal foot of building wall." 55, SECTION 8.250 (1) (b) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(b) Second Story Business, Second story businesses facing a public street shall be permitted signage of 1 'li square feet per lineal foot of building wall." Attachment 1 - 12 . . . 56, SECTION 8.250 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Free Standing, Proiecting or Roof Signs, Each building shall be,permitted one (1) free standing sign, projecting sign or roof sign which shall be limited to a maximum area of 80 square feet for one face and 160 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for free standing signs shall be 20 feet above grade." 57. SECTION 8,250 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Encroachment. The minimum height for all signs encroaching in the public right of way shall be eight feet above grade. The maximum encroachment into the public right of way shall be six (6) feet, provided that no sign shall encroach within two (2) feet of any curb or driveway line," 58, SECTION 8.250 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of three (3) square feet per lineal foot of building wall for first story businesses and 1 ~ square feet per lineal foot of building wall for second story businesses." 59. SECTION 8.252 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Booth Kelly Sign District. The area containing the Booth Kelly District is defined in Article 19 of the Springfield Development Code, The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved development area because of its unique size:" 60. SECTION 8.252 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Wall Signs. One (1) wall sign of up to 200 square feet per business is permitted. The maximum height for all wall signs is 20 feet from grade." 61. SECTION 8.252 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Freestanding Signs, One (1) directional sign of up to 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two faces shall be permitted for the entire site, In addition, each approved development area of at least 1 0 acres shall be permitted one (1) freestanding sign of 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two faces. All freestanding signs shall be installed at a maximum of 30 feet in height from grade to the bottom of the sign." Attachment 1 - 13 . 62, SECTION 8.252 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage ofthe permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of200 square feet." 63, SECTION 8.254 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "1-5 Mall/Sports Facility Sign District. The 1-5 Mall/Sports Facility Sign District is indicated on Map No.2. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved development area because of its unique size and the lack of street frontage for businesses and complexes located within the area:" 64, SECTION 8.254 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: . "(1) Wall Signs. In addition to the free standing signs, the approved development areas may have wall signs at each primary entrance. The total allowable area for all such signs shall be 1,000 square feet. No single sign shall exceed 400 square feet." 65, SECTION 8.254 (2) (a) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(a) Free Standing Signs. Two (2) free standing shall be permitted for each approved development area greater than 20 acres, The sign closest to 1-5 shall be limited to 700 square feet for one face and 1,400 square feet for two or more faces with a maximum height of 50 feet above grade, The other free standing sign shall be limited to 400 square feet per face, or 800 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 30 feet." 66. SECTION 8.254 (2) (b) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(b) One (1) additional free standing sign will be permitted at each vehicular entrance, Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of20 feet." 67. SECTION 8.254 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: " (4) Second Story Businesses, Each structure with a second story business shall be permitted one (1) wall sign that is a maximum of 50 square feet." . Attachment 1 - 14 . . . 68. SECTION 8.254 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(5) Logos at each primary entrance are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 1,000 square feet. Anchor tenants/stadiums with 50,000 or more square feet or gross area may also include logos in their total allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 200 square feet per building face. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area may also include logos in their allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 100 square feet per building face. Businesses located on the second story may include logos into their allowable square footage for a combined total of 50 square feet." 69. SECTION 8.254 (6) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(6) Tenants, Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of building. The maximum allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 100 square feet per building face," 70. SECTION 8.254 (7) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(7) Additional Wall Signage. In addition to the wall signage identified above, 12 additional wall signs shall be allowed on the exterior wall of the mall structure, These additional signs shall not exceed a combined square footage of 1,2000 square feet with no one sign exceeding 100 square feet. These signs will be located in a predetermined 4 foot sign band on the structure which begins 17'6" from grade," 71. SECTION 8.256 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Single Business. Each business shall be permitted a maximum of three (3) wall signs totaling a maximum of 350 square feet for all faces." 72, SECTION 8.256 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Free Standing or Roof Signs, Either one (1) free standing or roof sign shall be permitted per approved development area. The total area permitted for each free standing sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of20 feet above grade." 73, SECTION 8.256 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment I - 15 . "(3) Second Story Businesses. Each business shall be permitted two (2) wall signs per business with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet." 74. SECTION 8,256 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Additional Free Standing Sign. Each approved development area shall be permitted one (1) additional free standing sign, The total area permitted shall be 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum of 65 feet above grade, The additional free standing sign that is over 100 square feet shall be installed at a minimum of 30 feet in height from grade to the bottom of the sign," 75, SECTION 8.256 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(5) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises, and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 350 square feet for single story businesses and 175 square feet for second story businesses," . 76. SECTION 8.258 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Single Businesses, Each business shall be permitted a total number of three (3) wall or projecting signs with a maximum of350 square feet for all faces," 77. SECTION 8.258 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Free Standing or Roof Sign, In addition to wall signs permitted above, one (1) sign from this group shall be permitted for each approved development area, The total area permitted shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces." 78. SECTION 8.258 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Directional Signs, Each approved development area of at least 1 0 acres shall be permitted one directional freestanding sign of 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet \ for two or more faces." 79. SECTION 8,258 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: . Attachment 1 - 16 . . . "(5) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 350 square feet." 80, SECTION 8.260 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Application, The Billboard District standards apply to all signs located in the geographically bound areas in Map No.3 that are greater than 200 square feet for a single face and not otherwise permitted in this code. The number of billboards contained in the Billboard District shall not exceed 38 signs within the City of Springfield City Limits and 9 in the Glenwood Designated Billboard District. All signs that are located outside the designated Billboard District or fail to meet the sign face requirements, shall considered non-conforming, The billboard standards shall apply to all billboards located in the areas designated on Map No, 3. All billboard applications must include an approved permit from the State of Oregon under the Oregon motorist Information Act of 1971 (ORS 377.700 et seq.)," 81. SECTION 8.260 (5) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(5) Billboard District:" 82. SECTION 8.260 (5) (g) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(g) 1-5 Northbound from milepost 190,5 to 1-105, East side ofI-5 only- Glenwood Billboard District." 83, SECTION 8.260 (5) (h) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(h) South side of Franklin Blvd from the west side of Henderson Avenue to East Side of 1-5 - Glenwood Billboard District." 84. SECTION 8.262 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Public Land and Open Space District. One (1) free standing sign shall be permitted at each entrance and shall not exceed 32 square feet for all faces, The total sign height shall be a maximum of five (5) feet above grade, In addition to the free standing sign, two (2) wall signs shall be allowed not to exceed a total combined square footage of 40 square feet." 85. SECTION 8.262 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 1 7 . . . "(1) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 40 square feet." 86, SECTION 8.264 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "Special Light Industrial District. One (1) free standing monument sign shall be permitted for each entrance to special light industrial districts and at each entrance to approved business parks. The monument sign shall conform to the free standing sign standards below and shall be permitted in addition to signs allowed for individual businesses as follows:" 87. SECTION 8.264 (1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(1) Single Business. Each business shall be permitted a total of two (2) wall signs not to exceed a maximum of 150 square feet for all faces." 88. SECTION 8.264 (2) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(2) Free Standing Signs. Each approved development area shall be permitted one (1) freestanding sign, The total area permitted shall be 100 square feet for one face and 200 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for all freestanding signs shall be a total of six feet to the top of the sign." 89, SECTION 8.264 (3) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(3) Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 150 square feet." 90. SECTION 8.264 (4) OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "(4) Entrance Signs. In addition to the free standing sign identified above, each approved development area shall also be allowed a freestanding sign at each vehicular entrance to the property. These signs shall not exceed 18 square feet for one face or 36 square feet for two or more faces and shall not exceed 4,5 feet in height." 91. SECTION 8.266 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Attachment 1 - 18 . . . "Schools. Every public federal or state funded school shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) wall signs not to exceed a total combined area of 80 square feet and one free standing sign not to exceed 40 square feet. Neon signage will not be allowed,". ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 18th March , 2002, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. ' day of APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 18 th day of March 2002. 'l'- ATTEST: Ci~ REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM ::::r u ~ ~ ~\-\ '3 L eA'.-\ 'I DATE: ::t. I " I .200 <.. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Attachment 1 - 19