HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5999 02/19/2002 . . . 0.;:...... - ~1. ORDINANCE NO. 5999 AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN WILDISH, LOCATED IN THE GLENWOOD AREA OF WEST SPRINGFIELD, EAST OF 1-5, WEST OF FRANKLIN BOULEVARD, SOUTH OF 19TH AVENUE, NORTH OF NEWMAN STREET; TAX LOTS 1100, 1200, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4300, 4400, 4500, 4600, T18S R03W S03 MAP 11; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE GLENWOOD WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number C SP 01 - 09(Expedited Procedure) and further described in Exhibit A & B, and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn IS located within the boundaries of the Glenwood Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on February 4, 2002, and a second reading and adoption on February 19, 2002, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property mentioned from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest of the City of Springfield withdrawn from the Glenwood Water District in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Glenwood Water District is and shall be upon the effective date of this ordinance withdrawn from the Glenwood Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 18South, Range 03West, Section 03, Tax Lots 1100, 1200, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4300, 4400, 4500, 4600; as more particularly described in Exhibit A of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number C SP 01 - 09. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of February, 2002, by a vote of 6 for and ~ against. ATTEST: ~\lJ ~ City R~C~ , of February 2002. APPROVED by the Mayor of the it REVIEWED & APPROVED AS~~~~ ~ DATE:~~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . 1.....- .. ,.. EXHIBIT A /POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING; INC. CML/MUNICIPALENGINEERlNG . SEWER & WATER SYSTEMS - SURVEYING November 13,2000 3017d01.wpd Legal Description for Annexation Assessor's Map No.18-03-03-1-2 Tax Lot No. 700 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-1 Tax Lot No.'s 1100, 1200,3800-4000 and 4300-4600 Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 323.16 feet to the southwest comer of Lot 2, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; , thence leaving said west line and running along the south line of said Lot 2, Block 2 South 89057'35" East 183.25 feet to the southeast comer of said Lot 2, Block 2, said point being in the westerly margin of Nugget Way, 25.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the centerline of Nugget Way; thence leaving the south line of said Lot 2, Block 2 and running along the westerly margin of Nugget Way South 00002'25" West 566.26 feet and along the arc of a 70.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 14025'45" East 34.98 feet) a distance of35.36 feet to the southeast comer of Lot 5, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the westerly margin bfNugget Way and running along the south line of said Lot 5, Block2 South 61006'00" West 152.29 feetto the southwest comer of said Lot 5,Block 2; thence along the west line of said Lot 5, Block 2 along the arc of a 382.24 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 270 14'22" West 65.28 feet) a distance of65.36 feet to a point marking the intersection of the westline of said Lot 5, Block 2 and the south line of that certain property described in a deed recorded in Reel 225, Instrument No. 22170 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence leaving the west line of Lot 5, Block 2 and running .along the south line of said last described tract West 251.23 feet to a point on the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence leaving said south line and running along the east line of said C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 South. 000 10'26" West 120.41 feet to a point on the northerly margin of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 88.0 feet northerly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence leaving the east line of said C.B. Sweet D.L. C. No. 38 and running along the northerly line of said Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 53054'33 " West , 291.40 feet to a point which is 75.0 feet easterly of when measured at right angles to the "Y Line" of the South Pacific Railroad; thence along a line parallel to and 75.0 feet easterly of the centerline of"Y Line" of the Southern Pacific Railroad along the arc ofa 500.00 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 2052'21" West 777.55 feet) a distance of 890.76 feet to a point marking the intersection of the easterly margin of the "Y Line" of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and the south margin of County Road No. 443, said point being 30.0 feet southerly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of County Road No. 443 as said centerline is established in C.S.F. No. 27798; thence leaving the easterly margin of the "Y Line" of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and running along the southerly margin of County Roa. ' No. 443 North 89059'02" East 277.32 feet to a point marking the intersection of said southerly margin and . the east lin~ of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the east line of said C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No: 38 North 00010'26" East 6.77 feet to a EC sp PO'Ol' ~OX 2527 -EUGENE, OR 97402 - 990 aBlE STREET - (541) 485 - 4505 - FAX (541) 485 - 5624 . 09 ' . Page 1 of 2 . . . . ..- -... -... cJ point marking the intersection of the east line of the C.13. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 and the south margin gf COWlty Road No. 443, said point being 30.0 feet southerly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of COWlty Road No. 443 as said centerline is established in the plat of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane COWlty Oregon Plat Records; thence leaving the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 and running along the south margin ofCoWltyRoad No. 443 North 64041'1011 East 243.99 feet to the point of beginning all in Lane COWlty Oregon. ' . ALSO: Lots 8,.9, 10 & 11 all in Block 1 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records7 all in Lane COWlty, Oregon ~--'~~~. ~:. .:':~;~;~:~~.'-r-'. .,0;:. :~t.~~ F~,,~,~;"~.:i~C=':f,:~~,~;~ ':).f~~.ii:~~':I : ~ . " ..,.. -" ....'~ ~...,'v.- ''''' i : :,.,j .':.;.\:.l..i f.;.'-;"] ;:';': ::' L:~ . '\.....~~;,. ; .,. -.,....~.. - , -)~ JJl.F;; ::;'I'L. JOl\.I,t,; ", ".' ~ "'''Kr''S ll-i"i i m,,!', h. vR c. ~r~{;j E-Vro3: 'bEe..? [ ZOO::> EC SP 01 - Og Page 2 of 2 P.O. BOX 2527. EUGENE"OR 97402' 990 OBIE STREET. (541) 485 - 4505 . FAX (541) 485 - 5624 ~ ,. ..-' EXHIBIT B .--........ ~_Cl!P ~ - - ,~ -:~-= 400 2.85 N; r- ..... -- . -..... PoSl 3500 , 13.67 No .. E26 A r\......et~..+ io T'\ AY' eA 18.o~ ..e~.. II n~ 1100) I?.t:lO., ~8oo, ~D LlOOO ~~ )) 00, ~4oo) 1\'500) 4c..oo Ii _D~-O~ 1'2. T'L. '00' A N ~CA.~ LL~~o\,IJV"\ ~c ?POl-cA) EC SP 01 - OQ Page 1 of 1 . o