HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5997 02/19/2002 . ORDINANCE NO. 5997 AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS WILLAMALANE, ET AL, LOCATED WESTERN SPRINGFIELD AREA, NORTH OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, SOUTH OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, EAST OF INTERSTATE 5, AND WEST OF KELLY: STREET; TAX LOT 600 T17S R03W S33 MAP 14; TAX LOTS 1000, 1001, PART OF 1100, 1200, AND 1300 T17S R03W S34 MAP 24; TAX LOTS 6801,7001,7002,7003,7100, AND 7101 T17S R03W S34 MAP 13; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number C SP 01 - 47(Expedited Procedure) and further described in Exhibit A & B, and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on February 4, 2002, and a second reading and adoption on February 19, 2002, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property mentioned from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. . NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the real property described should be in the best interest of the City of Springfield withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be upon the effective date of this ordinance withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 33, Map 14 Tax Lot 600; Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 34 Map 24 Tax Lots 1000, 1001, part of 1100, 1200, and 1300; Township 17South, Range 03West, Section 34 Map 13 Tax Lots 6801, 7001, 7002, 7003, 7100 and 7101 as more particularly described in Exhibit A of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number C SP 01 - 47. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of February, 2002, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of t 'ty of Springf . ATTEST: ~'~ City Recorder ~ ~- th day of February 2002. REVIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM \. \ ~O,~ ~ \.CA\.\-t DATE:-U3Ix>~~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . '- . . . AREA A (East Al~n Baker Park) A parcel ofland lying in S33 Tl7,S R03W Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, said, parcel being described as follows: ' Beginning at a point on the North line of County Survey No. 468 and the East right of way line of Interstate 5 (pacific Highway East) as relocated, Said point b~ng 145~00 ft mil Easterly of the centerline of said Interstate 5 (290 ft row at this point); . then.along said North line cOunty Survey No. 468 S89039'3O"E 405.00 ft m/Lto the Northeast 'co~er of said survey; . then leaving said survey S89039'30"EI04.28 ft mJ1 to a point on the West:line of the Second. Addition to Gardenway Park as platted and recorded in Bk 68, pg 16, Lane County Public Records; . . 17 then along said. West line SOOo55'W208.56 ft to the Southw.est comer ofLot):<1, said Second . Addition to Gardenway Park; . .. ".. "':-0, . then leaving. said WeSt line 104.28 ft; . . then SOl014'East 596:50 ft to a point, said point 'also being on the existing Springfield city. linrlts.. ~ ' ',' , . then N89039'30"W 390.90 ft along said city limits to a point on the East right of way line of , said Interstate 5; '. . . then NOlo14'W 805~OOft along ,said East right of way line and said.city limits to .thePoint of " Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. . AREAB (WestD Greenway) A parcel ofland lying in S34 T17S R03"W Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being described as' follows: .' . Beginning at the Southeast comer Lot 48 Fourth Addition to Rainbow Estates as platted and recorded in Bk 74, pg 74,'said point also being on the existing Springfield city limits and the North right of way line of West D Street as presently travele~; , . , then Westerly 686.00 ft mil along said city linrlts and North right of way line to the"Soutlrwest , ..' corner of Parcel 2, Partition Plat 93~P0334, said point alsobeing the intersection pfthe North. ,right of way line o~,said West D ~treet and the East right of way line of Aspen Street; . then along said East right of way line of Aspen Stre~tand said ci~ limits N45041 '41"W 14.2% ft; .. then 3long said E~s~ right of way line and .said city limits NOOo05' 14''E 2~'.88 ft; . then leaving said East ri~t of way line West 10.00 ft mil along said city limits; then Southerly along said city limits 92.00ft ni!l to the intersection of the Eastright of way line . of Aspen Street and the Southerly right of way line of West D Street (30 ft right of way South of the centerline at this point);. . . then continuing Southerly and Easterly along said city limits and the Easterly right of way of Aspen Street and CoRd No. 316 (aka WestD Stre~Garden Way) 1,050.0 ftni!l; then No~ 209.9b ft ~ong said citY limits; then West 177.00 ft along said city limits; . then N04050'E 75.00 ft m/lalong said city limi~ to the Point of Beginning, al,1 in Lane County, , . Oregon. . .: ~ .' J. . .' . . . A tract of land, composed of five tax lots (17-03-34-13-06801, 07001, 07002, -07003, 07100) located in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian being more completely described as follows, Beginning at the point of intersection of the Easterly right of way of River Hills Drive and the Northerly right of way of West "D" St[eet (as relocated), said point being the most Southerly and Easterly point shown on the outer boundary of River Hills subdivision as platted and recorded on File 72, Slide 81, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, and also being the most Westerly Northwest corner of that tract of land described in a deed from Lane County, a polit,ical subdivision of the State of Oregon to Willamalane Park and Recreation District, recorded for p~blic record September 29;.2000 at Instrument No. 2000-056828; thence North 890 55' East . (Partition Plat 97-P0972 record bearing) along thef:'Jortherly right of way of relocated West "D" Street 280 feet, more or less to a point, said point is the Southwest corner of Parcel 2 of Partition Plat 97 -P0972, filed in County Surveyor File 34276 on April 14, 1997, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence' leaving the Northerly right of way of existing West D Street, North .187.85 feet (plat record) along the Westerly said Partition Plat to the Northwest corner of Parcel 2, said point lying on the Southerly right of way of Edgemont Way and also being on the Easterly, South line of above said River Hills subdivision; thence East (Partition Plat record) along the Northerly boundary of said partition plat and the Easterly, South line of River Hills, 208.74. feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel 1 of said Partition Plat; thence leaving Northerly boundary of said partition plat, and continuing East along the Easterly, South line of .River Hills, 96 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of that tract of land described in a deed from Lane . . County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, to Willamalane Park and Recreatiqn . District, recorded September 29, 2000 at Instrument No. 2000-056828, Lane County Deeds Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence leaving the Easterly, South line of River Hills, Southerly along the Easterly boundary of last said tract 216 feet, more or less, crossing the existing right. of way of West "D" Street (as per County Survey File No. 33592), to the Southeast corner of last said tract, said point lies on the Northerly right of way of the old West "0" Street (Garden Way- County Road No. 316); thence Southwesterly along the Southerly boundary of last said tract and the Northerly right of way of said old West "0" Street, 592 feet, more or less, to the . Southwest corner thereof; thence leaving the old West "0" Street Northerly right of way, Northerly 120 feet, more or less along the Westerly boundary of last said tract, crossing the existing West "0" Street right of way, to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. j H I" -;.J.OOO f I \ \ I i . I - - , t\' 104\ J"., .. -f. "'H'I'~ - ~ !3 I - ~~ ~ ~. ,,~. .. ~ "'-.c .~ -, ,~ ..~ "" ~ I~ ~ i~ ,t. " .!> ..a- "" s,;. ~=<( '33= ::I: ~<.:> ,- ~:I: ~i. ~i~ -lS I ~ . --" I~ _ c I .~ -'(I It.? 1..# ,~~. - , . ;'. .." ~ I i' .i U) I - . .' (J [i: - u ~ . I",' - I LT" ,~ MAP No 2 (AR ; . Annexation t E~ A~ SITE MAP (Willamala~e prlngfield EC SP 01 _ 47 ' et al.) 'SOO 200 << l It :- . .Of " '." . ~ r- '" . -+ .. , i ~ :-.... <;,v. i. (;)}-~) , ,Yo 6""z' 21 ~ /,Jf. "J'. "'TN . ( r,r."''' ,,, f. ~ "-~.C. ..,_ r? . ene. . \ ) s- Ann~Ya ti~ " A ,.ettJ C. €CS(-JO/-lfi) A A" red.. ' ;yfv ~\~ fJ ~i~ j 11 . J If ' ~ /()O '}i' I . en I . 30' .~ ._.- f ti ~"i,~fr< I~ bt . r. .._._'6. .. 10 I . ./7' , 800 "J9".1~'.I- /n.tM' 700 --- 701 , ~ S.B"I II e;- ~&.~' !So. 60f ' -~, ~\ \\~~ tI'Glc;~, . . . oJ ~\vv( 3:: ClI "'0 . --.... .-..: ~ . ~ ,. '" , .... v U MAP !~o. 2 (AREA C) Site Ma Annexation to Springfield (Willamalane, et al.) EC SPOl - 47 LOT II 22.33 AC. ( G.L.O.) /.I"6J 20' 99 r.,~..,,, /4I..t.r., 300 f Iii' . WI'IIAmt:/tJ;~ R\'M ! N I'; lDO&