HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Specifications 2004-9-20 . SIP-ID-ZOD4 '~Z:9Ipm Fr...K & A Enlineerina, Inc. +5~~ Q~01~ K I A Elgine8rlng, Inc. P.O. Bax28624, Eagen&, OR 17402 621 MI/lIII8L, Suite B, &111'" OR 17. (&41) IIl1i .... Voice (&41) IIlIH868 fAX 8llpll..,b", 21,- Hayden IfomIls 2464 SN Glacier Pl8ce, SUIte 110 Redmond, OR g776/1 Subject: QuaIily 888UI'IIlC8 . house foundaIlon pad construation Jasper Meadows SUbdMsion - 2'" AddIUon Sprlnglilld. Oregon PnIjIIcI: 74JM SC~ 9,' r\~R:'[O . ..~ ",J -" U U:a u U ~ PUIII' wdl;ANDIClII'E M !'8ql8d, K . A Eng~, b1C. haS complel8d mormtng lbe consIruclton of InrlMdual foundation pads at the 8UbI8CI new residenllal8lllCllV18lon. 39 ind'lVidual foondallon pads WIlt tolIStnlcl8d at !he sIIe and prepal'8d I88dy fllrformlng nBW toundaUons. PrIor 10 construaIlon. a GllOleChnlcallnve3tfgation' was made of lite su:.~' :,"~.. 10 develop speclRc I8COmlllBlldatlons for d8v81Op1ng lI1e 6118 for lIak1enl181 tour\datlOl1Sr ~ and UlIIIlI88. The purpose 01 our sllYic88 was to provide ... ..;" conalnJctlon of foundallon paas to llS8lml1hat c:ona1rulItloo CIll8t18 ouIIIned In IhII g8Ol8c11n1callnvesUgatlon was addr888ed. . 11lt818jlO11 documents foundallon pad consIrucIion and makes reoommellll8liOll8 for eullalllllty for residential foundatlon c:onstrucUon. . FOUNDA11CIN PAD EXCAYAnDN Gennl Tl1e foundldion pads d&veIoped fer lids pl'Ojllcl are to support COfIY8nUonally framed IllSidBnIial sIrucIunIs suppo/18d by... "....IlaI cast.fn.plBc8 conCrotD SIJIIad footings. Due to the slope a11h8 BIB most of 1118 foundation pads Will canstnrcIed In two or ITlIm benahe8, aspallted In grade by 811. ..:, ,,,,,.J 110 2-1s8l. FtlundItIOII 8GlII 1118 Qeo1:ecIInlcaIlnv88llllatIon (Boh) had pradk:tlld that high plasticity e11ls or clays woukt underIIa the sll8. eccavatlon for 1118 p8lI8 conflnned that In most of the fOUllllalllll pads, thenl was 110 3-f8et of a gray, highly plastic, mud..aIllI1 atlIf, and moist &Ill. In &aTI8 Iocalions tile gray ellt cordaIned I slgnlllcant aI1'IOlIIt of sub- mund8d Igll8OU8 CllbbIe$, 1l1Is silt was oIIBn cDVeled by D.li-to 1.ll-feet of \IaIT1I. very Iow-danslty peaty sl118. Wealhered)'llloW-tan IlIffaofous l':"l.. " or sandstonlI was 8lICOlII1I8nJd undemealh the pIaslIc sllla. , IIoIre ASlIOl'-' Inc., G ,...."...1 MsIgaIIlll'I fortJe Jasper Maad_ Second Adcfdian, SpInglteld.lI/8olllI. ' FtbrUIly 16, 2003. E 'd lW'ON S3~OH N30AVH ~d..:l 900l'9 'uef . SIP-ID-Z004 OZ,31pm FrOl-K & A En.lnllrlnl, Inc. +S41-G34-ea~ T -135 P. OD9/001 H52 K I A bal_Ing, lie. '!he gray pmtil: 8IIIa and gray pIsstIc 811t8 with cobbleaWlll'e deepest throlllih IhlI weslllm portion of IIl8 subdivision. Iso!aI8d 201189 of gray plaClkl slit or plastiC 8IIl wlIh cobbles WlII8 also encounl8l'ecl tttrouahout IfIe cenlJal and easl8m portions a/ 1110 eubdMslon FalllUlllial PId GlIIllrlcIIaII Because Ihe dePth II'Id 8ld8nt a/ soils varted significantly &Cross the &ubdlV~,lllIDh pad was 8Y8IuaI8d IndlYldually to d8lWmlne Ihe proper deplh of excavation and the amount a/ &elelll nn 10 be placed in the llICClIYlIIIon. For IIIlW of~fot ..":.,, pade,1he depth to weathered sl~BIDns or sandstone was less than 2.feetand, In these cases, the foundation pads WB18llllCaVl1led to bedrOCk, and gradad smooth, JeveI, IlI1d free from 10088 mal8rIU. In ~ C8S8$1hll ba88 of thelllCCaVltlClll _ in two benches sspanl18d In grade from 1111 Zofeet S8IIlCt granular II was placed In 1!l8 prvpared excavaIIon and brought to fooling grade. In those areas " ... gray plastic 611, the sills wslllllllTllMld 10 a minimum depth It 11Hnchea bIlloW footIna grade. The baltDml of 1!l8 8Xll8V8Ilons were graded amooIh, level, and me from IlIoSll mallll1aIB. In most caaes 1Ile base oIlho lIlllllIVaIICllI WB8 In two benches allp8llllBd In orade trom 110 2.feet Select granular nn was placed In the ptepal'8d 8lllllMIIkII1 and bro\lght III fooIInQ grade. In aU cases where _ sIl8 W8I1 encountered, 1/18 pll8ly-8lllll were COIll/lI8Iett... I ,. frClm IIlll foundellon 8l1I8. . liliiii tIrnIIr JIiIII S618ct grallllar fills CClllSIsI8d of a sub-base nmertalllI1ll a DaS8 maI8lIIlJ. 1be IUb-bue matsrlal was plaoed on IIl8 pI8pIl'8d subgrade in 1hllllUldalton pads and CCllI9I8I8d a/ 8 a.lnch mns WlllI.glllded quany 8QOt808I8. 'Ibe baee maIDItaI was placed overth8 SIJb.ilaSe rock IIIKI_.";";"'; 01 a 1 *'Ilfh minus dense.graded quany lI09l8g818. Both "'" ..",,188 ware produced attl1e MllI'S8 Bros. Quarry In Sprtnglleld. 1l1O 8lJb..bas8 tI*lIrIIIIllll g8lllll'll1Y ranged from 8 to 12-inch88, Base rock ranged from 4111 12-ilc1le8 In I" ,i,I<, In a law Gues (loti 33lhnlUgh 39) the sub-ba88 rock was eliminated and base rock was used excUlValy for1he ssIecl granular flU. 1be &elact QJaI1UI8' fiDe were W8II..."......:eel In 12-inc1111111ldmum lifts (loose) using 8 8I88I-WIl881ed VIbnIfDry roller. WeIsr was applied 88 Il8C8IISaIY III ....;,,;..;n oplinLm wa1Ilr canlBnt during compaction. IlllnIIly Ill' 8cIIGt er-tar fila sutJ.ba~ The densIly ~lh8 sulHlase was evatJalBcI by In...,.,.i:... of p:...~.._.: malhods ancIlIllld mluaIIon 01 WlllBr Cllnlllnt. The denslly was COI19Idered sdsquBI8 I passes by the Wge vIHatory lIIe8kIlIIIII roRer did I1llt IsM VIslbIe /IWkS ~ the StJiHJa&l: ~ at the edges of the dn8n II1d if the soil WlIIBr conllml 'I'.' ;.. .,i to be neer oplInuI1l B8 dldlstlltlllld In the lIBld.' . Sq\lHZInG I snBIlIIIlIUlItofl1sllnllrlOGllOllB in the hand did not PI'01Iuce si~free WIllIr and wauId mnaIn In a reIalheIy IIIIIIlinn bII wttIIIUl i,.,..d*ly flmIg .. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision PIIa88 0, Springfield, OR CIIenI: Hayden HoITEs P8ge2ofS 8epI8mIler 20, 2004 t'd lW'oN S3~OH N3GAVH ~d9t:l 900l 'g 'uer