HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2005-1-5 \ SIP"ID-IDD4 ,~1:9Ipm . F"..K & A Enllnurlnl, Inc. +~~ C\~~T~fG -a 'nglnurlnll K I A Elgine8rlng, Inc. P.O. Box 28624, Eagen&, OR 17402 621 MI/lIII8L, Suite B, &111'" OR 17. (&41) IIi ".VoIce (&41) IIlIH868 fAX 8llpb'. 21,- Hayden IfomIls 2464 SN Glacier Pl8ce, SUIte 110 R,~ ,'..' J, OR g776/1 Subject: QuaIiIy 888UI'IIlC8 . house foundaIlon pad construation Jasper Meadows SUbdMsion - 2'" AddIUon . Sprfnglilld, Oregon PnIjIIcI: 74JM SCAMMrr.n d..~Qil ili1lC.\!J PURPOSE AND IClII'E M !'8ql8d, K . A EngilDer1~, b1C. haS complel8d mormtng lbe conslruclton of individual foundation pads at the 8UbI8CI new :.,:~.., :Jl8lllCllV18lon. 39lndMdual foundation padS WIlt tonstrucl8d at !he 6Ite and prepalld I8lIdy forfllrmlrlg nsw fOUnCllItIon5. Prior to construaIlon. a allOlBClri:af Inve3\lgation' W8lI made of the subdivision to develop speclftc llICom~ for developlng !he 6Ite tor IIIidenl181 (OL..;,~.; ,J, ~ and UlIIJIIaa. The purpose Of our sllVic88 mlo provide ITlllnllllr cons1lucllon of foundation padS 10 8S&lII91h8t conmmtilll1 crll8rIa ouIIIned In the g80lllcllnlcallm '_":.' :" n was aclelr888ed. . 11lI8 reporl documents foundallan pad construction and makes reoalllll18llCl8liO for eullablllly for residential founda1lon construction. . FOUlCDA11CIN PAD EXCAVATION GlIIlII1II The fllundIItion pads dsveIoped hi' U1Is pro)ecl an: to support CllI1Y8nt1onally framed residential sIruclunl8 IUIlported by conwntlonal cast-ln-place conCI1llB spr&ad fOOtings. Due 10 the slope a11118 Sb most of the ~llflOl1 pads wtl8 ClII1$lrUCIelIIn two or ITlOIV benohea, sep8l1ted In grade by 8P.' ..;", ,,,..1y 110 2-f8et. FIJUndIIIoa Balli The Geotecllnlclllnv88lklallon (80118) had pradlcted 1I1at hIgI\ plasticity 8111& or clays would underlla the 8118. /!xcavaIIon for 1l1li palla conflrmed thalln roost of the fOWKlalllll1 pa(ls. 1Il8l1l was 110 3-feet of a llf1Y. highly plutlc, moderaIlIIy atIIf, and ITlllisl &Ill. In sane locations the gray silt ..,:'L.J asJgnlllcant amotJ1l of sub- I'llUIld8d IgnlIllU8 caIlbIes. ThIs slit was of1lln covered by O.6-to 1.04eet of -. very kJw.dens1ly p88ly 81118. Weathered )'lIIoW-tan tuIfaceous ;;~,..,:., " or sandstone W8lI 8lICOIlI1t8Iud undemealh the pIasIIc Sllla. '1IOIrll A....,.;',;.., Inc.. ~llilcllMdgdDllfartJeJII!p8fMeedlJWSSlIcGnd Addition, SprInglleld, 0/8a0II. FtlJnJI/y 18, 21m E 'd lU9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH: l goal 'g 'U! r . "11P-ZG-I004 OZ,31po FrOl"K I A En'lnl.rlnl, Inc. +S41'SB4'8a~ HiS P. OQ9/O01 H52 "-' K I A ElaI_kIa,llC. The gIllY ptasIic IlIIIll and gray plsstIc 81ltl1 with oobb\eaWlll'8 deepest throlllih dill wes1llm portion of IIle subdivision. IsoIaIBd mnea of aray plasllc silt or plastic sill wIIh cobbles WlII8 a/so ellCounl8l1d Ittroughout II1e central and easI8l11 portions a11h1 eubdIvlslon. FaJmdlIiaI hd GonllrlcllllR Because IhII depth 8I1d llld8nt or sois varied significantly &Cross Ih8 eubdlvl8lon, IjlIllh pad was evaluaI8d indIVIdually III d8IIIImllBlhe proper d8lllh of excavation 8IId tile amount 01 select fin to be placed in Ih8 IlllClMI1Ion. for marr !If tho faundaIiOn pads, 1he depth to weathellld slllBIDne or sandstone was lass than 2.fest and, In lhe&8 cases, the foundation pads WBIll ~ Ie bedrOCk. ancI grBdtd 11IlOOIh, JeveI, and fnle from loose malSrlals. In ~ casas 1h8 balle olltiallXClVl!llll WlI5 in two benches npara!ld in grade from 1ID Zoteet. S8I8ct aranullr II wu placed In the pI1Il3Ied ellIlMIIon and brougl1t to foOlIng grade, In those areas Ii ... gray p/aslIc &II, the silts weill ., .. :.1 to a minimum depth ollIHnchelI billow toolIna gntde. The ballallB of the 8XC8V8IIons were graded amootI1, level, and "" fnlm loose matBl1alB. In mosr cases the baSe of tho lllllllMI1IlII WB8 In two benches eaparalBclln grade frOm lID 2-fsel SeIecl granular lID was placed In lha flI'IlP8l'8d 8XClMIIkIn and brD\lllht ID foaling grade. In aU Cases wheIv peaty 8IlB were 8IlCOUntered, the paaty-e1I18 were comp/etetf II!IIKIV8d frOm Ih8 folllldllllon lII1l8. . _1nnJIII' Pill Select QlalllIar fiUs cllllSlsI8d of a 8Ub-base ........;.J 8IIlI a baSe rnaIBIIaI. l11c lIIlII-buI maIIIl1aI was placed 011 1Il8 prapered subgIIde in ilia fOllldalton pads and cansl8I8d 01 a S-lnch rrt1US wa~radad quarry "" :,'''''' 11la baee maIDrtaI was ptaced over 1118 S\Jb.i)aSe rock arnl COII8Is1lld of 11 *Inph minus dense.graded quany llODI8Q8I8. Bo1h 1Ill.. ....;... ware produced lIllhe Morse BIllS. Quany In Sprlnglleld. 1llO 8lJb.baS8lNcJrnasa g8ll8l'BlJy ranaed 110m 8 III 12-inCh88. Base rock ranged 110m 410 12-incha81n 1tdcIlll88a, In I fvw aues (lol8 331hnlUgh 3S) the sub-lla8e rock was eliminated and basa rock was U88d 8ItCklslWly forlhe uIecl granular fIB. lbe &elect gramllr liDs W8I'fl W8II eel.. ........j in 12-incIll11llldmum lifts (loose) using 8 ataeI-w!I8al8CI V1b1'atllly roller. WIII8r was IIppli8d 18 IMlCllllllalY Ie maintain optmln waIllr canbll1t during compaction. DenIIty a18c11c1 tn.1Ir fila SUb--bSSt' 1lle density Ii 1118 8uIHlase was evaIUaIBd by lr18pectlon Of plac;ement malIlod8 and field mIuaIlon of water corDnt. Tha d8n8IIy W8Il considered adaqual8 r passes by the IaJge vIbratoiY 8Is8kIrUm roII8r did not IsaYa visible markS ~ Ihe ~ ~ BIllie ecIges of the drum and if Ihe soil WlIIDr conllmt 8IlP8CII8d III be near oplInumlas dllballitlllllln thellald.' I Sq\IIlIIZIna I~ lIlIOUlltotl1sllnBrlODllllllB in the hand did IIlIl produce Bi~fJlle water and would remaIII bl e rdaIiveIy unIIlIIlIIlI8I wlt1CIUl i,,"~ taJg _ Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbcfJVision Phase n, Springfield, OR CIlent: HaYden HolIEs PlIg820fS septamblll'2O,21lO4 1'd ULS'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dg1:l gOOl'g 'uef