HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-8-20 ~ t ~" )fftA )v(.kP R6fD f Cl{OS5 -Xc 8/- Cfr I ~~ ~l )"J:-:;:: ii' , ,DO _----;: ~ ". Ev~ ii' " ~ - -"'. '" - - - - - -- \' J ' , -.),0 5.' --ii : ~ /<l,' '"1- :i/' " ~. '?: ,- , f: ,J ;:)111 L6f1'~lJlAI"'O. AV(i.. ~ r-...L ! - - - -, C4J.JTe.JJ~ ,'/';'1..' BLVD: -', I I I t;u I I I &",,~_ - I I ".v - --- ~ .-.: \ I ,-- . I Z "i m A> (Jl ~ -{ nr ME.NLO ,Loop '<e I L o 90 C> o 0 0 o r ' 535 S O^ 2 b v 00 0 YJCINITY MAP ~o '5C.AL~ (JI COlTOt-.! WOOD AVE. 54 5S 9J 00 r ! rn C.I.lR R. E~ T POR.iID~ 0 F PR6f'ER.T\j In 12EcfVE s r) "Iv(' / , I I I --I ';t 1JI 2&>(;, . , ' 11200 113 ~ '-- 00 CIS t.J r E t\{ f+J I A L 00 1 r 0~~-) ~~\ (- BLVD. 101 ~=J nElA :If. 9 HO Staff Report 8/20/81 (REED & CROSS: ZC 81-99) MAP .. ; -" '\> '\. Hrg. Date 8/20/81 LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL File No. ZC 8l~99 STAFF REPORT I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Applicant Name: Reed & Cross, Inc. Address: 160 Oakway Road, Eugene B. Location and Site Description Map: 17-03-28-40, Tax lots 2807,2809 portion of Site is located at 970 Anderson Lane which"is' just east of 1-5 and north and adjacent to Centennial Blvd. Site consists of approximately 2 acres currently in use for greenhouse plan production. Several greenhouses/storage buildings exist on the site. C. Surrouriding Area and Zonin~ The surrounding area is zoned primarily R-l, RA and some AGT west of 1-5. This property is adjoined (along Anderson Lane) by much sub~rban residential develop- ment. The Chase Gardens greenhouse comple~is almost directly opposite 1-5 from this site. D. Services Code Area: 19-03 Fire: City of Springfield Water: Rainbow (E.W.E.B.) Police: County Sheriff Access is via a narrow paved unnamed roadway located in the Centennial Blvd. right-of-way and feeding into Anderson Lane just north of the Anderson/", ':Centennial intersection. II. - PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION Rezone those portions RA and AGT to C-3 to allow retail sales of plants, potting supplie~ and associated, storage. III. APPROVAL CRITERIA A, Comprehensive Plan Referrals from the Planning Dept's for Eugene and Springfield indicate the: plan designation as low den~Jty residential. County Planning Staff agrees that low density residential is the plan diagram designation for this pro- perty. The proposal conflicts with this designation. B. Statewide Planning('Goals Goals 2 and 12 appear to be of prime concern. Goal 2 requires plan conformity _(See III.a.) and Goal 12 promotes safe access, etc. The Anderson/Centennial intersection is hazardous due to fast moving traffic coming over an overpass (from Eugene) into the intersection. The Springfield Planning Dept. and several neigh~0rs (by phone) have expressed these access concerns. The appli- cant has not yet addressed Goal issues, IV. SUMMARY This application was postpo~ed _~~_~~e_ applisa~~_'~ ~~que?~~om_ 7/16/81 to 8/20/81 due to vacation conflicts, LTh~clJ:~.p1i~<3,!l_Lhas been informed of the- need- t~~ddi;~~~-____J HO Staff Report 8/20/81 (REED & C~OSS: ZC 81-99) ~~1Vi 4F ~ Page 1 of 2 approval criteria (note letter dated June 15). The applicant has also discussed with staff the possibility of , sales under the ACT zone. The ACT zone allows sales of plants grown on the premises in an enclosure not to exceed 300 feet outright or in an over 300 sq. ft. sales area, This would not allow, however, the sales of accessory items (pots, etc.) as the original rezone request stated. It should also be noted that only a portion of the site is ACT and the portions not zoned ACT could not be used for sales area. In conclusion, the applicant has not as yet submitted additional materials as re- commended by staff, The Hearings Official did on 7/16/81 say he would allow one additional continuation beyond 8/20/81 if desired. Staff has no problems with' : this as long as final action occurs in September. v. ATTACHMENTS 1. Applicant letter 2. Staff letter 3. Springfield letter 4. Referral from Eugene ITElVl ft 9 HO Staff Report 8/20/81 (REED & CROSS: ZC 81-99) Page 2 of 2 ~ <> OV OOFLORIST. GIFTS. FASHION. NURSERY. ~ ~ ~ MAIN OFFICE '" ~ ~ 160 OAKWAY ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (503) 484-1244 ,'< v v 0<> ~o March 30, ~~ '" v 0<> ~o ~ "'~ . "'~'V '<~ , v ~<> ~o ~~ '" ~~ '" ~v '" '<~ , v '<~ '<~ v" ,,<~ ,,' oQ ~ v ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ '0<> ,.0 ~ o - ~ "', Please accept~this letter as omr written statement of intent o~~use of the ~~ greenhouse property of Ree~,<~& Cross. v''<~ 0<> v'," 00<> v '<~ v <> 0 ~ The gre~hhouse property d~currently zon~a~R/A for Reside~tlal/AgriculturaJ~~ We utj~ize the greenh~u~e for the growi~g and holding of"'green plants, ~ be~~~n~ plants, and nursery stock, W~iCh is sold whol~sale to the tra~e~ ~pproxlmately hal~~of the products~f.rom the greenh~~s~ are sold thro~gh v,'<the Reed & Cros~ ,retail outlet at.,<>160 Oakway Road~ci'n Eugene. ~ ~ 0<> 00 ~o ~~ "'~ ~o There are t~(j)~reasons why Reed~& Cross is reque\ting that the zoning of v,,<~ "'~~ this properly be changed to"Commercial. The~'<first reason is -"so that we 0<> could seJ"l retail to the ptblic at our prtsent facilities (!Jt<>the greenhouse.~o More ana more greenhouse~ in the Pacifi(}~cNorthwest are turc-ning to retail "'~~ sale~::\Oto increase thelf income to helR~<-bffset the continta11y rising co~ts of~heating and staff-tng a greenhouse in the climate Qf the Northwest, v~ Th"'ese moves towar.p' reta il i ng have ,b~een very successful and, with noo<change v,'<~in the present <;.facilities, we cg,u'ld entertain sorneOretail customet;s' at the 0<> greenhouse, 00 ~ ~~ "'~ o ~ ~~ '" ~ ~~ "', '<~ "'~~ The second"'reason we have ior requesti ng Cemmercia 1 zoning js' more long- range '1D~that, ultimately>, we mi ght want eto put a warehou~:e facil ity at the eJlld' of one of the ,greenhouses for tb€ storage of flor~ist supplies, sucboas vases, dried~ffiaterials, silk~~aterials, and so "'on. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~ ~ ,'< " ~ Reed & Cross does" not intend to e,i~her build any new facil ities ono~the v,'< property withJ;h'is zoning, at tQ/s time, nor do w.eointend tochang,e' the 0<> business as J)t is presently b..,e-ing run, with tQ~" exception of betng able to ~ ~o se 11 to t~~:, pub 1 i c. "'~ ,,<~ ~ ~ ,'< ~ v , :~:~:ir~&: ,for your C:~'i,i.iJ'e ra t i on of ,:: ~~,oa'pp li ca ti o~: J / ~ ~ ~ ,,' 0'0 '<~ _ . 0<> 0 ,," '" ( () (' ~o ~ 0<> PaLl\!,. Goo~ ~ "'~~ ~o Chai rman 0~f the "'~ ~~ "'. '" ,,<~ ." oQ ~o 1981~ "'~ '<~ David Cro~~ ~ Lane Coun'ty Planning Divi,s';'ion ~v A 0 125 E~st 8th venue ~~ Eugepe, Oregon 97401",~ '" ,0ea r Mr. Crow: ,,' 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ " v 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ " 'v 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ " " 0<> (>0 ~~ '" ( ~ ~~ '" '<~ " " 0<> (>0 " '<~ ,," 0<> o ~ ' ~~ '" '<~ , v 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ , v 0<> ~o ~~ '" ( ~o ~~ '" '<~ , " 0<> ~o O(J (>0 ~ . "'~ '<~ , " 0<> o , 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ ,," )<> '<~ " " 0<> ~o ~~ '" ~ " 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ " " 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ , " 0<> ~o ~~ '" ,<'< , v 0<> ~o ~~ '" '<~ , , '<~ PLG/nks ,0<> ' HO Staff R~port 8/20/81 ~'" A. '" . ,'< " 0<> ,P (RKED & CROSS: ~- '" '<~ , v 0<> ~o ~ ZC a~-99) Attach. A ,,<~ '<~ , " 0<> (>0 ~'" '" ,<'" , v ITEM =It S<> ~~ '" ~.' . Page hof 4 ,- v '<~ _<> ,,' I . .' ~"'-':";_/, ,- ~,~. , . . ;,'/: :... .: ..... -. -- I ane coLlhty /' ..{ '~ June 15. 1981 ./' Paul Goodman. Chainman Reed & Cross. Inc. 160 Oakway Road Eugene. OR 97401 This is to inform you that your application for a rezone has been scheduled for a hea~ing on July 16. 1981. 7:00 p.m. at Harris Hall. Lane County Court- house. A notice sign to be posted on the property in question has been pre- _ pared, You will need to pick up this sign by June 30th as the sign must be posted from July 1st to July 16th, Failure to post this sign may cause a postponement in the hearing date, Please contact Susan Keller in this office to receive your sign, Also. I have preliminarily examined your application and have a few comments for your consideration. First of all. the map provided with your application was unclear in identifying the particular portion of property intended for the rezone. The application stated that it was for only the portion of property currently zoned RA (note attached.'map). Therefore, that is the requested pro- perty we are currently processing for. If this should not be the.case, please contact us immediately. Secondly. at. the pre-application conference for your application I {ndicated that your written statement needed to address the issues of land use plan ~ndState planning goal conformity. These items were not addressed in your statement and will need to be before any application approval could be expected, Therefore. it would be to your advantage to address those issues in. a supple- mental statement. Finally, it may be worth your while to contact the City of 'Springfield (Dick Johnson, Planning Director) for their comments as I understand, this area is under futune.: annexation consideration by them. And, if you have further questions you are welcome to contact me. Thanks for your cooperation. ~~1Zr:~ David H. Krogh. Planner DHK/jh cc: Susan Keller File Attachment -' - . :.' - ,......- .~..,.., ~ BrEM # 9 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION / COURTHOUSE - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 125 E 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE. OR 97401 / (503) 687-4186 HO Staff Report 8/20/81 (REED & CROSS: ZC 81-99) Atta~h.,A Pag~ 20f 4 - ", ~. \ /.. \. , . .- li3li@~&J!]JQDli - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 15 June 1981 I 9.~' , or,' ,\<j8\ w , J\),t-~ 1." ,~t~~\~~ , ' . \\\\,'\ 71><,... \.."'~t ~1J\,l1' 5 ~ '1)'11---1' To: Dave Krogh, Planner Lane County Planning Division From: Di ck Johnson, Pl anning Di rector City ofSpri ngfi eTd Re: REFERRAL, JOURNAL NO. ZC 81-99. The request by Reed & Cross, Inc. to rezone this property from RA to C-3 for greenhouse and sales'is in conflict with the low density land use designated for the area by the adopted Metro General Plan. There is no other commercially zon,ed or developed land on the east side of 1-5, anywhere a,19n9 ,Centennial Blvd, to the east, until you get to the service station/convenience store on the northwest cotner of Rainbow Drive, The new C~ntennial Center shopping center lies on the southeast corner of Centennial Blvd, and Rainbow Drive. Centennial is a controlled access route through this area and any access, especially so close to the 1-5 overpass, would be unacceptable for traffic safety considerations. Access to this property would best be provided to Anderson Lane via the westward extension of Cottonwood Avenue to serve tax lot 2809 and 2807, This property lies within an lIislandll of unincorporated area which is surrounded by the City of Springfield and will eventually be annexed to the City, Development of this property should occur after annexation so that all urban services may be provided. This property is within School District 19, the Willamalane Park and Recreational District and the Rainbow Water District. Fire protection is provided to this area by the City of Springfield by a contract with Rainbow Water District. It is our conclusion that this property would not be an acceptable location for a commercial sales operation, An agricultural greenhouse operation like the Chase Ga'rden greenhouse complex across the freeway might be more compatibl e with the adjoining residential land uses. Our recommendation is to deny this C-3 zone change request, RDJ: 1 j cc: t~el Su'it, Planning Commission Chairman IrrEM # 9 HO Staff Report 8/20/81 (REED & CROSS: ZC 81-99) Attach, A Pagi 3 of 4 - fill s: A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and~ ~CO~q ~ \matic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is eviden , \Jlease send comments to Land Controls Section by 6 -2-,,?-k'j. . Specific concerns of your'agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. , For additional information, '~ontact ./"j~ ~. . DATA SUMMARY: Journal No. 2-C .tJ- '19 Zone District ~4 App 1 i cant A, -e..e.J J- (' ~ I JlI'-<.. ". Lot size 1. I a.-<..... Property Address Cf? 0 /1~ ~ Map I ?~o..i -- z. g" l.f- ~~ Tax Lot~2~oCf ~..~~fJ~ C--5~ ~'cv'~~ '. ,. . ~A: ~ Land Division Section Regional Planning Planning Research _ Zoning Enforcement . ~~nvironmental Health ~ater Pollution Control Soils Data ~lood Managenient ' v',Transportation Plannin~ . ~Assessment & Taxation ~ Parks Division /Lane Real Estate Div. vi Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ___Hous i ng & Comma Dev. Neighborhood Group Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District School District JFire District E~ ~BOundary Commission~ /Port of Siuslaw -,::ft / E /' V Plan Dept ~ . City of ' EWEB N.W. Nat~ral Gas Pacific N.W. 'Bell Paci~ . K.; ower ,;'\. ;,<9 ~ - .. - cy , t rQ 1 It? .' C.Bt~tVt~ JUNZ 6 13(n~ ,.."""''illl I'll..,. "'~I" '. 1I1f1;'t't L,,",,j I,' n.hhll..11 It}n .,""'.... . "'- '\ /.i: ' From: - LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenu~, Eugene, Orego Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800 PROPOSAL: Date b - tf' -~f State S ta te State S ta te State State S ta te Forestry Highway Division Envi ron. Qua 1 i ty Dept. of Lands Fish & Game Geol. & Mineral Indus. Veterinarian Dunes Natll Rec. Area Siuslaw Natll Forest Willamette Natll Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. ,Soil Conservation S~rvice Corps ofEAgineers Fed. Aviation Authority Fed unications Comm. I r - a.B COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be US~d): Jt ~ ~~_jk4dWL.. 4 1>v-4.- ~AJc4L. ~_<1uio~.\.~".Q ~.... Lt"J.Af ~i2J4i~ .1t;(;~ wtJ.hl t?~~ ~c-~ w~ &_ ~~y tr~ Tkc ~tfw-H~,^ ,~: (-2 ~r ~ ()WJ~-\-i\;d,e.. f1 J. ~ rL.. ~,~i-'A ~--cL... ~~~A. Jd{ llRA~~;:I lor~LL.. (~TI.'~t-,); . . ~~c~~ ecz{ ol. D......~, ~ wc>J?d A-.,;f b.. ~~dA. ~ 0. ~'v\\~, ~ wf ~ }.kut~ ( U ~s) ~ ~4L~ (W' z:;l..... ~ u ~ -( C::>o~ (I. + ' ~S-~~)( ~ *c..t S~~ ~~ t;:Vfj~' '. " ' ~ 0-/<2>-'01 HO Staff Report 8/20(81 (REED & CROSS: ZC 81-99) Attach. A dll"llIf:M -JfaQ 4 of 4 ;?,' .e .1. 1-;1~, f:;f~; , " '. . , .. .i -'---..... <,