HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-8-18 ane county, '~' August 18, 1981 Paul L. Goodman c/o Reed & Cross 160 Oakway Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: ZC 81-99 You recently applied for a zone change from AGT and RA: to C-3 for greenhouse use and sales on property described as map 17-03-28-40, Tax Lots 2807 and 2809. Since that time we have discussed the~possibility of allowing sales on this site without a rezone. The AGT zone allows sales of agricultural products grown or raised on the premises provided the sales floor area does not exceed 300 square feet. Also allowed are no more than two unlighted signs with a total combined area on all front surfaces of 40 square feet (check with the County permit Processing counter for sign pennit requirements). Sales of accessory items (pots, tools, fertilizer, etc.) are not allowed., The agricultural sales must occu~ on the AGT portion of property only, If you wish to withdraw your current application, we would appreciate a written statement to that effect. If you also require any clarification on the above discussion, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your cooperation. .~~fr.~ David H, Krogh, Planner cc: -iWllfl-.i~~ ,Jim Mann, Sr. Planner DHK/bs - - .~ .~ ~ ....... (1) @ LANE-COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION I COUIHHOUSE ~ PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125 E 8TH AVE~JUE I EUGENE, OR 97401 I 15031687-4186 ........::-.;.:1 zc -y / -,r;? ..; ~ ,., APPLICATION FOR ZONING OR REZONING TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND PLANNING COMMISSION, LANE COUNTY, OREGON I, i{~..r- L~~SS ~Y1 c..- , hereby request a zoning/rezoning as provided in Chapter'lO, Larte Code (Zoning Ordinance), from ~~~ District to t?- <: District for the real property described on the attached legal descrip- tion and further identified as follows: f?~ o 2.. .y 0 ~ ASSESSOR r S MAP AND TAX LOTS: /7 (j ~ 7- q Y () r, ?_1r c> ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 170 ,4.1QdL,0Y1- I~ I:~s.,g-y-f' lIP CU 1:.: 97Vt../~ PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: ,uJ!-/L5 ~Reer1 J-h,u,fe..... '-'TOTAL AREA: PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: WII L r cr~ /-hi "'(IE ,S~ ,{1$J;4.;L C fl<;:~-" ~,~ c.vA--RnH-ovs.c: ,/ y.f ( ) Attached is a copy of a map or plot plan indicating boundaries of property and proposed structures , Attached is a $,;l.io~-filing fee. Commercial or'Industrial:~, l; Other ~ '121 Make checks payable to: Lane County Planning Division. .$"230 c) c)___ I hereby certify that (1) the foregoing statements and other information attached hereto are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, (2) I have the following legal interest in the property: )( owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized to act for a person who has the following legal interest:, and (3) the owner of record is knowledgeable of this application if I am not the owner, ~ ' ~~ Owner: 'tr:PfJtJ f-- /~(2i>J S Address: /06 Olr1Lv.JN-( Q!J tIP CODE:;7v6/ ,~, Telephone: ~/yY' (2 V/<" ;: /,/,:) v.'/' /l j ,,; /0:',_ I.!. If A./'-'i. ,,' c - U (~ l-l'F~l-vt~ Address: Telephone: .--- , .- ~..4J':/'- ..::'" . ZIP CODE: Applicant's Signature: , \ l \ t-fo Date of PtarrITlng ~n RECORD OF ACTION (For Office Use Only) Hearing: 7- ( b --<( I Date Filed: I/-~-R/ ~-V1.,,; Action Taken: Received By: Date of Board of County Commissioner's Hearing: Journal No, : 'z-C-SJ/-91 Action Taken: Ordinance No.: Effective Date: Lane County Planning Division, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 687-4186 r ,~ . LAW OFFICES HOYT, GAYDOS & CHURNSIDE, P. C. THOMAS H, HOYT ,GERRY GAYDOS DONALD J, CHURNS/DE THE CITIZENS BUILDING T~LEPHON E AREA CODE 503 485-5151 , 975 OAK STREET, SUITE 910 June 30,1981 /'/~ 't> ~[Gfllfb -- 9 , -~V L 02 1981 "';., f: lANE r, _ ~,' ~COWI"II 'P'liW' ' f ~ "" · .<AnIl1llc;:j' -----<'\)>; " .... r~ \ \... , N EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Mr. Dave Krogh Lane County Planning Department Lane County Courthouse Eugene, Oregon 97401 Re: Reed & Cross Application for Change Dear Mr. Krogh: This letter will confirm our telephone conversation of Monday, June 29, 1981, in which I requested a continuance of the presently scheduled July 16, 1981 hearing in the above entitled matter. You explained to me that notices would have to be re- sent out and an extension would need to be no less than a one month period. This letter then confirms that we would request a one month extension for the hearing. Thank you for your cooperation. YO/7 trU1Y.:-,., / __ ~/c/.,'~ Dona~c~urnside DJC:m cc: Paul Goodman ITEM :fE 4b '~: .. '-" Land 'Division Section Regional Planning Planning Research Zoning Enforcement - 'Jf;~'li;';~i.'.1l!f,P\:-'t~~~J.1,,:{r:4~~.,.,~~\"""'. "1~J :1- ,'n.;;.~:r:<iit;nen~ta:l~l'Ie<an:ffi Pollution Control Soils Data ,Flood Management ~Transportation Plannin~ . . Assessment, & Taxation ~ , I Parks Division /Lane Real Estate Div. J Lane Publ ic Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ___Hous i ng & Comm. Dev. Neighborhood Group From: Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District School District vl'Fire District E~ -J'soundary Commission~ /Port of Siuslaw T.:J. " /' .j Plan DeptE~ C ity 0 f \f EWEB N.\~. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC Date b'- g- -~l cr, o State Forestry' 0 State Highway Division State Environ. Qual ity~ State Dept. of Lands State Fish & Game State Geol. & Mineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Natll Rec. Area Siuslaw Nat'l Forest Willamette Nat'l Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. ,Soil, Conservation Service LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Ave~u~, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 ~NH'~1bI1~ : A request for land use action, as described on Data SUlnmarjf'tlQ8j'&j:~,fii~ schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evideii1:~t\'jJ'~easesend comments to Land Controls Section by , h -2-t.f--t'/ '. Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information. contact j~o-v-e ~ DATA SUMMARY: Journa'l\ No. 2-c.. tJ- CJ9 Zone District A~ J.... ~ /J..-.c.._r Lot SlZe , q?O ,.1~ ~ t~ap I ?-o3-Z.g,"f --E~ 'Tax Lot~2~o9 ~~R.A~ C-S~ ~ <:,j)~ Applicant Property Address PROPOSAL: COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): -A(. (~"t- I r - a~ ,{J4 1- / o.-L ~ I ( / /' / / / L ';1 iTlJ:":- , , Land Division Sectior Regional Planning Planning 'Research Zoning Enforcement , \ ~:::~o;:~~~;~~rd~ -""::";9-''':-' Soils Data ~lOOd Management " -/Transportation PlanninR . ~Assessment & Taxation ~ Parks Division jLane Real Estate Div. , Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ___Hous i ng & Comm. Dev. Neighborhood Group /r 1__!_4~ b ~ 8" '--~l '/~'> ~ ~\ Lane Ex ten 5; on se,~ ~:e ~~t\\Il~tat~'~~~ re s try , Lane Trans it Di s ~r\~t JUK08 1q~iiffe ~;ghWay Di vi s ion Lane Reg. Air P01\~._~U, tn'B\J\LO\ttGf>.tt~\~te'ElriViron. Quality ~J .\ "rA1\ON UI~\.) "- Water District -/\. SN"~Nt.COUN13~t~ 0ept.of Lands School District ~/--.l-/~.~s:ta,t'lFiSh & Game / ' ~01\'~ V Fire District E~ ' State Geol. & Mineral Indus. ~BOUndary Commission~State Veterinarian jPort of Siuslaw -r :r, Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area , / Pl an DeptE~ Si usl avJ Nat'l Forest' ,\[ City of Willamette Nat'l Forest EWEB Bureau of Land Mgmt. N,W. Natural' Gas Soil Conservation Service Pacific N.W. Bell Corps of Engineers Pacific N.W. Power Fed. Aviation Authority, Tri-Agency Dog Control Fed. Co~unications Comm. LCDC JOther ~ ~ Other From: LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenu~, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by ~ -2-~-8'1 ' .' ' " Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse'impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact .J).....-f ~ . DATA SUMMARY: Journal No. 2-C- t/- '1'1' Zone District ,{ll/ Applicant A,~ J- ('AP~ ~J..-c..r Lot size 1. Io-<-~ " . ..., PropertyAddres's q? 0 /1~ ~-R.. Map I ?-03.... z. 8, If -E 0" ~..L Y Tax Lot ~ 2 ~o ~ ~ ~A 1:0- C--s~, ~ ..; ,~~ PROPOSAL: /r-c~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): O.$.iA ~'~~ ~ ~ n,n,:,~~( ;WL .~~~ ~~ ()~ ~/H/~~77.: '-'fi_u . 7J cJ- I . . JJf?f:~ . I ~ CJl~~,..f ;23/C)'g/ lOi ,; Land Division Section Lane Extension Service Regional Planning Lane Transit District Planning Research Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. __ Zoning Enforcement Water District \Jf~nvironmenta1 Health, School District 2water Pollution Control ' JFire District E~ Soils Data 4S0Undary Commiss..ion I " . ~lood Management /Port of Siuslaw Jr. :), '/Transportation Planning .; Plan':DePtEv..6,,~I'''/''''':; ,'. ~ " \/ Assessment & Taxation ~ Ci ty, of ", I,f \ "', ',~ ,. Parks Division:"" '_. EWEB ., \.,., ". j. ; 11 jLane Real Esta te Di v. N. W. Natural' Gas Lane Public Safety 't Pacific N.W., Bell, "., . ~ { , lane Public lands Pacific ~.W. Power Lane Legal Counsel "Tri~Agency DogContr61 ___Hous i ng & Comm. De~. lCDC Neighborhood.G'ro'up' , ';:. . '. '" . Dateb -cf'-~r State Forestry State Highway Division state Environ. Quality State Dept~ nf Lands State Fish & Game State Geo 1. & Mi nera 1 Indus. State Veterinarian, - - . ~ Dunes Nat'l Rec. Ar~a Siuslaw Nat'l Eorest: ,.': . -. t .", . Willamette Nat'l Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. Soil Conservation Service Corps of Engi neers Fed. Aviation Authority :' ':"" .,vJed. Corrm~ica~~~_~\;:Corrm. G -.:_Othe_L._i:.~-~ Othelf . From: , . ~, . , ! :... . t\. ... : . LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 'Eas t 8th Aven'u~, Eugene, Oregon 97401 . Phone: ,687-4186;;or (toll' free) 1-800-4'52-6379' " . " l' , , j t' A request'- for :Jan'd usea'ction, a~;'\:lescribe,d on Data 5u!J1lTlctr\y"and atta,ched schematic 'has been received by the Planning .Divis:ion:-<, If significant impac:.t lis evident', please send comments to Land Controls Section 'by..:'" "\ b'O;- 2- t:..f-- - 8' I ',,: .;~ '\" " , " : I ' ~ ~ . pecific con -your agency shoUIQ De d in addition to ad~erse impacts on e .e lVability of the area and its future deve10pm 1'1'-02, - or additional information, contact ~~ ~ , -q-'- DATA SUMMARY: ' Journal No. 2-c. tf- &fCf Zone District ~4 Applicant ,1,~ J- ~~ IJ~r Lot size' 1. fa...<.... Property Address q? 0 ,,1~ ~ Map I? -0.1- z. 8 , If- -.E~ Tax Lot~ 2 ~c '9' PROPOSAL: ~ ~A~, c--g~, ~ ;t~ __-~ ~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): _~~ l c:;~ ~ ~ ~ s~.(Jw1 1lt .f\At:t-v. P(twI c)~1 ~VfJv\JJif ~~t \\ C~wt/h.H '11 ~lIVU ~t:-, / ! v,-n.u~, ' , lI1 (b~~ Ie.. G1nNlM ~,.,..1"l.t.r ~-t ~ ~~/t. ~ is -, o,/sc.:; ~ l~Sw 0+ CUI'^il41to'\'~b+~lU . \:{- i 1- i ~ 41A i i.\ ~~t.-L l..t &e. · ( t- 11- j s "'<ff I... ~~ G'. ,.~~ 'irr;Wl""5 ~ " lI\ U ~ l e>.f W~l.c >~<e..... ..S.~Ie5.:i--- ' J-t-, ..:.._" ..".. .. \- .. 1/'114 6-, aw,{a'jDVS ~ q de CA c" NJ I tvl'kJp ~ -f,~ r re-v.'I/V,"~ ~ 4+ Co ~u...., P..d r {p~ HuWl RoJ (V\o.MLv~ or--(2..( ~ / V\{.v~~S). A- (0(' W"-5 VtW 1"1 ~ M:T d~~c::t. W V~ ~ dL-f-t./ $" Pr CA~ c.v"rJ-J'~ +v Ige ~ 11--+ TV C/J.f Wd..ul ~ f~ ~ M- Q~'~, f.v~/ / VYllIAS...,:, oy-/ ~ \...,,~\~. . 61?1d'(__ . . )' ' ,*: w) ',t : ,t . ~ 1_.. ", j.: ; .~.... ~ ;., , . ; ': . .'. :: I:.. : ? ~""'_'~ . . '., -. i . \ , " i" \4 ~ '1 . . .~~, ~ . ~ .. " :;; ., .... . ',-,>' :."~ t.'~ ~, . .~ :..,.' ~ 'I I " .):.1 . t '. ' ~,1 : J'~' " ;: . . I '. ':' ,~ . ," " . ;i f 1 . "~I , laneQ;J]MX; 10-;::;1 C?'::, """0"; J:~FA~' irfFn .i;:.H 9 19;)L . A request for 1 and use acti on, as descri bed on Data Summa ry a~~~~~:N:-~~~~M~~I~ has been received by the Planning Division, If significant impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by 6 -2-y:--tj . ' Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact Do--v-e ~. . DATA SUMMARY: ' Journal No. 2-C '6'/- &fCf Zone District ,{l4 Applicant A~J J- ~~ '/J~ r Lot size 1- I a..<....~ Property Address C/? 0 ~~n:.. l-.a.d). Map I? -OS --.2.. g "cr e~ 'Tax Lot~2~cCf ~~ ~A T.r-,' C-S ~.~ ~J( ~ COf'l-1ENTS (Reverse Sid~ May Be Used): iJJ ~ ~~lLfJY":idd!:s r,{,{/jlAJ1~ _W~td/~ -~i.s/~.-&-h1,Li/i1Mn'- ~ ~'/i fJrI~ ~ .T-'?, ~ R/JA'wbl7W ~ ~ Wj(~f~ P/fC- f~'-f1w~ t<~4? Stn,.~JfJt -~ 1/\ ~~~ 10 iiJtJ {fit<- rl/M P/~ / 6/cj/~r ~ -8:'P;~J~ ~, r 10:, Land Division Section Regional Planning Planning Research _ Zoning Enforcement ~;f~nvironmental Health ~ater Pollution Control Soil s Da ta ~lood Management V,Transportation Plannin~ ' ~Assessment & Taxation ~ Parks Division , /Lane Real Estate Div. vi Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal -Counsel ___Housing & Comm. Dev. Neighborhood Group From: Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol~ Auth. Water District School District · '~:~~~~~;;'~::i fsr ;port of Siuslaw / T. :f, Plan DePtE~ City of , EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION - ' 125 East 8th Avenu~, Eugene~, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 ' PROPOSAL: Da te b - g.. '- 8"7 State Forestry State Highway Division State Environ. Q~ality State Dept. of Lands State Fish & Game State Geol. & Mineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Natll Rec. Area Siuslaw Natll Forest Willamette Nat'1Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. Soil, Conservation Service Corps of Engineers Fed. Aviation Authority Fed. Communications Comm. JOther ~ ~ / r - 0.:3 MEIV10RANDUM c lane COUrlY ~~rr FROM D~ SUBJECT gc g-I - r r , ~; ~ I J~ ~ 'b-- rk Rfc ~. (~~G~ J-;tL~ ~ M~ ~~ .~ 7L (p .26'6'7 Ir 2-(;6, r r d,:;, 7 ~/?,f (~ ~). Ph--= ~ ~ T )4 rJ-. ~~ ". '74 ~~ t~ TO DATE ~~JJ~81 .. ?~ ':;..'!<,r.. ",-.rJl.l::h:.:.i:.:';$r.~~ , ! ~ --- .f.:_I_.~. :!.~t ~a~E ~ ::::fl~~ :~:~f:~E~:~~fl= ~ !:l;f~4~:~E:f:~~~:~'?:f!~.hf:~~ :~;€~~:l~~~~~~gf..~2~~,~~1t$~!~~..;.~;~ . ,. . .......~....:,.:.~...................<t.......:'*"':.:*..............?::;.ft;,............-;(.:v:e."j".~.~...1Io .:!~:'l?:~~~~fjil;.:Sif::~:~i~~~~t~f~~=~::;~~ii:;l~~~~~ ..-..... ... ."",',,-", ......... ::..oo.S.......,~_~~~':I:"'t,...~;:~='!~...." ~~~.....,..~~ '. ~.'~:!~~~ i'jf[~~J!~~'~!~~llij!~~~I~ffi.~~J~r:~~~m.!~~I!i~l~l[~~~!~~~w(~m!~~r.,:~~"~~" >' 0.. -.I(~ .~. -\ Lane County Planning Oivisit 125 E, 8th Eugene,. Oregon 97401 BY ORDER OF THE' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLane Manual 10.(35) APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SIGNS TO BE DISPLAYED GIVING NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR: Un zoned Area Development Permit Zoni ng Rezoning Conditional Use Permit , Temporary Permit Special Exception Wi 11 amette Greenway Use Permi t , Wi11amette Greenway Extraordinary Exception , The following rules are established under authority of that Order. 1. (a) One sign ,shall be posted for each 300 feet, or portion thereof, of foot- age on any pub 1 i c street or road, If the property, abuts more than one street or road, at least one sign shall be displayed along each abutting street or road. (b) If no public street or road abuts the property, signs shall be displayed in such a manner as to be mos t not i ceabl e to the pub 1 i c. The, manner of posting shall be determined by a member of the Planning Division and given to the applicant in ~riting, . 2. Signs wi 11 be prepared by the Lane County Pl anni ng Oi vi s i on and pravi ded to the app 1 i cant. 3. Signs will be displayed in clear view in such;a manner as to be.visible to an automobile traveling on the abutting street or road at a normal tate of speed, The signs shall be readable by a person standing at the edge of the street or road, , 4, Signs shall not he displayed in such a way as to obstruct v';ews or cause traffic hazard. 5. The signs shall be displayed at least 10 days but no more than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing as shown on the sign. The signs shall remain on display until after the hearing date and removed within 7 days ,of that date. Placing arid removal of the signs is the responsibility df the applicant. I(a sign i,s displayed on property not wider the ownership of the applicant, permissi?n to post such signs should be obtained from the property owner. Fai'lure to comply with these requirements will result in the canCellation of the schedul ed heari ng, Reschedu 1 i ng theheari ng will requi re payment of ad'- di ti ona" fee of $25'.00. ' , ' , . 6. T. -8. The ~pp,licant 'will not be held responsible for removal, loss or damage of the signs through- vandelism or similar acts. The applicant should notify the Lane County Planning Division if such problem occurs. 9. The applicant must sign a receipt for the signs and an agreement to comply with these requi~ements. ~ 1211/78 Phnnp' fiR7-41Rfi or tnll-fr~p l-Rnn_4~?_~17Q V"' CERTIFICATION OF MAILING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, \ Jana Houghton served notice of the proceedings to be held before the Lane County Hearings Official in the matter of a Zone Change initiated by Reed & Cross: ZC8l-99 by mailing a copy of the attached NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING to each of the persons listed on the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property within at least 250 feet of the property described in the said NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, by placing said notification in envelopes addressed to each of said persons and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthouse on the 24th ,19 81 day of June ~\'NL~*~ ), SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this 24th day of June ,19 81 . ~~ ~~/J&~~, MY COMMIiS~ON EXPIRES: -c1/2/84 . I, ' Headngs Official PubH Hearing Lane County Time: 7:00 P.M. Date: July 16, 1981 Place: Harris Hall, Lane County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Ave" Eugene, OR 97401 '~ Applicant: Location: Proposa I: Reed & Cross: ZC 81-99 970 Anderson Lane,.Eugene; Map 17-03-28-4, Tax lots 2807,2809 Rezone from RA (Suburban Residential) to C-3 (Commercial District) for greenhouse use and sales. I I I I !n- Ul 2 '"1 m ~ (j) ., }> -t nr ~ ,I ill 11 ill !lI m III ,~ D ~ ~ (Q MENLO ,Loop '<2, 19 2.0 00 00 0 o ~~ _1 5 r 30 52 ~\ o 00 0 VICINITY MAP NO ~CAL~ (fI COITO~ WOOD AVE. 54 55 9J 00 2&J0 , ' 1'200 113 ~ "-- 00 CE. kl r E ~HJ I A L . PORTID~ OF PRDPEe.T\) In eE:;; '00\ i ~;O~) ~2'\ ( BLVO. 101 .......... .................... .......... , .M... ' ',..... .$o\'''''~''''---' . -,--........,,'"',""-.,...''"'~-..;,,~.~ .~-"'.~~.,..,. .~",.....,,,.,_... REED' &' CROSS: ZC 81-99 HU: 7/16/81 Lane County Real Estate PSB Virgil & Gwendolun Dunnick 971 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 4l.'~ : COURIER Pacific Power & Light Co.. '920 SW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97204, Jack & Janet Gambee 417 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 Steph~n & Nancy Nibley 985 Anderson Ln. Eugene OR 97401 Donald & L.D. Zimmerman 955 Menlo Lp. Eugene, OR 97401 Frederick & Roberta Frey 1048 Ponderosa Ct. Eugene, OR 97401 Wm. A. Jr. & Alice Copeland 1011 Cottonwood St, Eugene, OR 97401 Donald & Kristen Ingram 958 Menlo Lp. Eugene, OR 97401 Ailene Dalby , 1044 Ponderosa Ct, Eugene, OR 97401 Pete & Martha Kanski 881 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 Jerry &naisy Morgan 964 Menlo Lp .-- Eugene, OR 97401 James Bosteter 1036 Sequoia Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 Fred & Valarie Philes 1009 Menlo Lp. Eugene, OR 97401 Robert & Vernice Cook 884 Anderson Ln, ,Eugene, OR 97401 ., Gary Rasmussen' 1040 Ponderosa Ct. EUgene, OR 97401 Reed & Cross Inc. 160 Oakway Road Eugene, OR 97401 Bertram & Delia Wheeler 920 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 Ralph & Ruth ~oung 1028 Sequoia Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 Charlotte Carlson Box 387 Spfld, OR 97477 Robert & Marilyn Ayers 1010 Cottonwood Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 David & L.J. Powell , 960 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 Carolyn Blatchley 929 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 Walter & Kathryn Gross 966 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97401 James.& Cynda Hunter 943 Anderson Ln. Eugene, OR 97491 Clydena Spellman 417 Andersol1 Eugene, OR 97401 Burlen & E,E. Yarborough 957 Anderson Ln. ~gene, OR 97401 f' ~.,~ IN RE MATTER OF: (<ceo 'i.c.~~~ 11 . D~' 28'4,4- ZeOl,26Q9 JOURNAL NO. Z C ~, -~ 9 Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers 11.D3.Z.2J.4 . " " , 2 ~D I D\?~~ \~rl-\) ~\A) ~~ Q_~o_\ \)t5tl.;:;nL\ ' . 2. t.. 0 4- f)""",. Slr\ ~ ~, () - ~""QJ\ """,,^,,\"\<:'S: ""'~~'" f\;:>\ Q\ Zl..D5 . ~ QA '" ,~,,,,\:,^,, ~'t)aKY\ \OS\i:~IYV~ ~_ \ \) \ . 2"OftJ ~'lAb.~';-\yl'~~~~~.~\~. \01.\ ~~MOn ~ \'0\_ l~DL_ m~-. <'- \n ~~<.\ ~~I.\l^\'(lD l .Ir\ \1)\ . 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