HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Deed 1974-9-27 KNUW ALL lYlJ;:;lV liX' 1 111:.;:'1::" rJ'\.L~;:'ClV J.;:', J. lWL V.M.'-l\. H.LJ..lL ,wL\....... Lovvn UHU ......HV.U\.,L,... 4-.. COOK, or the surviv to grantor paid by , hereinafter called the grantor, he consideration hereinafter stated, REED & CROSS, INC., an Oregon corporation , hereinafter called the gumtee, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that certl,in real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtencmces thereunto belonlJing or appertaining, situated in the County of Lane and State of Orel1on, described as follows, to-wit: , . of land in scct:ion 28, Township 17 South, Range 3 l'Jest of ,:iLlamt~t:.te Heridian" Lane County, Oregon; said tract more par- cicularly described as follows: Beginning at a 2 inch galvanized iron pipe set at the 'initial point of COOK'S GAlillENPARK, as platted and recorded in Book 57, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, from said Point of Beginning, run thence North 00 17' East, 190.48 feet along the Vlest line of said subdivision to an iron pipe at the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1 of said subdivision; thence South 890 43' East, 124.92 feet to an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence North 00 17' East, 166.36 feet along the ~\Test bound- ary of said subdivision to an iron pipe at the Northvrest corner of Lot 6, Block 1 of said subdivision; thence South 890 43' East, 106.91 feet along the North boundary of said subdivision to the most Northerly Northeast corner of COOK'S GARDEN PARK, said point being on the West. boundary of Ander-son Lane (County Road No, 569); thence North 00178 East, 50.0 feet along r.he West boundary of said Anderson Lane .to a point on said y,]est line; thence North 890 43' 'Hest, 183.50 feet to a point; thence North 00 17' East, ,95.22 feet to an iron pipe "Thich is South 060 40' 56" West, 305.00 feet along the East line of Pacific' Power and Light Company Right of Way, and South 890 43' East, 123.19 feet from the Northvrest corner of that tract 'of land conveyed to 'Wilferd H. Cook et ux by a deed recorded on January 30, 1964, Reception No. 41911; thence North 890 43' West, 123.19 feet to an iron pipe on the East boundary of the Pacific Power and Light Company Right of Way, thence South 60 40' 56" 'V~est, 500.36 feet along said Right of Way to the Southwest corner of the aforementioned WilferdH. Cook tract; thence South 870 36" 40 It East, 131.21 feet to" the Point of Beginni.ng, all in Lane County, Oregon. To Have and to IIold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors ami assigns forever. And said grantor hereby covenants to and with said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances. . and that grantor will warrant and forever defend the above granted premises and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful ' claims ancJ demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming under the above described encu'mbrances: The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms of dollars, is $ 55,000.00 . @ffowere-r;-the" -oetam-corrsfdertrliolT' ~~~ -of- ". :..el w J.,,;, -o+hef'" 1" U i-' ....r+r "Of'" .."t:tlae- t wen- 'Or- p J ....,..: :,e~'-wftTcn -i 3" ~~;;:= -:tlJIDt!J.Wi!1rro: Z:iIJ~~<1ttE :n1Jtc~ In construing this de'ed and wIlere the context so requires, the singular includes the plural. WITNESS grantor's hand this ?,., 7 "7' day of sJPtemb,er; ,19 7'iJ . , I C)ttl-lLttl2/;/LL...{~~.un tl}Zl,"'.c-1L~,--:L.~(}..,.4d.......n......n. C' :') : .~.'.- .....h.._. '. ,_...~~. ~ STATE OF OREGON, - ss. County of Lane ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, Th,'lt on this 2-7 ~ day of September, ,19 74 , before me, the undersigned, Cl Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Jj~.CK WILFERD COOK and MARGARET A. COOK, known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that tl!ey executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I ha~e hereunto set ~ hand and ~ffi;ed my official spal the day and year lar~above written. -. ~. /) 6, 'I. I, I I =cY~fI!?o;~g~~~'<'?7u'n My Commission expires / 6 - / ~_ -.7 6 ' / i/ I" \ " .1 I, \ Q ~ rT'l ~ ri Q j t- " ~ E f ~ .; g Z ; ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! c,j <1.1 .; " o ~~ o (J ~ n:: o k, o ~ i-. ~ h U) Grantor1s Name and Address: JACK WILFERD COOK and ~UffiGAlmT A. COOK, -or tr~surv~~~_qJ'(. t- >"t ~ 970 Anderson ~; Sfa:3=-1=H-:h-"'--..h1=, $4,."1 OR 97'4fEJ Grantee's Name and Address: REED & CROSS, INC., an Oregon "~rDoration V Road, Eugene, OR 97401 -_.. ^...,._~_..,._,.___:~._, T"..-....-- -. .... o ~ .... c:: :J o () I Cl.l ~ "0 :l~ :0..) .t.... "E ~ c:: ,0 .... 0 0\ ~ ........ ~~ .:: ~ 1:: :S Z ~"O Cl.l :J .;;: u 5 '0.0 Cl ;>.:U .... llJ (,,) ... ''0 CLlL ..".0."0 c:: .c: (3 ~ c::.... llJ ....- ~ 55 ,::; ...... :....... CV"O ~:o::'" :S~ U:", E .t- '8 .g: 11 .... Cl.l.... ~o Q) 't .. 0 q Cl.l <1.1 ~ :.... U c::l c::l '0 .....~"O ~"O ..... g.. c:: .Q 8 Cl.l ' Cl.l E ~.S n:: ::... Q:l .... o cO ...... ..... h :.:. .... :J 0- Cl.l q () ~. '- llJ Cl.l U) ''0 c:: llJ -, .. [~ :) t~ [C t, " .. [) [C [) l) I" [, [, I" I- lL .( U)>O <n Q) Q) >< c:: .... ~::::: ~ ltl ::... .... c:: :J o () After recording return to: REED & CROSS, INC. 160 Oakway Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: REED ~i CROS S , INC 0 160 Oakway Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 - .~;. . ~ I... -'. . :. .' ,'1.;-,.'." , , ....J _ ._ -'.. J..; -.. .'.~'~'.~ .... -." -. , ~ .... J '! "'J "~I ""'_)f~""''::~~:': " - .-.._~J~,'n~-."" ..,..~.~-:t~ '~AM No. ~3)_W~AAHlY DUDD Ilndl.ldv'~~~~~~~.I, 1.1.74 DTI.VI'Na.HIID1 LAW ~UDl.IDHINO CO" "O"TlANO. 0"'. 0710.4 WARRANTY oeEO @ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That,....JACK._WILEERD-.,COOK--and. MARGARET.A.__.... COOK,_...or.._. the., surv i '\lor. #_____ - ---...-..-'. -.. -.... ---. -... --- -.-' --.',.,.", -", --- ,--.....- "-...,, -..... --. -. -..-...-" - .., -.,. -."'. ,..",.".'.' -"" ..-- -.. --, -'..-"- hereinafter called the grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by...--REED--&...CROSS,,.-....Oo. I~C,.",....an..'Or.e.g.on..cor.porati on. .._.._......._...._...__,_..., ,....,...".Oo, ..,......_.. ..-Oo,.... ,_......., ...... -, ..', ", hereinafter called the grantee, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or ap- pertainin~, situated in the County of.........Lane...........---.... and State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: :Lot 2, Block 1, COOK'S GARDEN PARK, as platted and recorded in Book 57, page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE SIDE) To Have and to Hold .the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and as.signs forever. And said grantor hereby covenants to and with said grantee and l~rantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances ' and that grantor will warrant and forever defend the said premises and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms of dollars, is $..25,,000..,0,0..-..--,. CD H 6\..:;.. ",., -the- 'f1ettfm-eon:rid-e-r ~-erm:ri3t~ -of- -or -irtdtrde1t" '0 ~ l"" 7'f.'01'.'to:r+,.. -or- -vehie- ~l'I' "'Of' . J-' "'.. "; 6e6.....,..lti eh-i&- fb2:W!iQn;----:J---;:- --t:;:::j:--- ---;; 7'7 -;;::: , pad:gI:tI&.."~~~ ~~~~!! !!.1.!2~~"::'.!.'~".!..<::t::: (The sentence between the symbols CD, ii' not applicable, should be del,eted, See ORS 93.030.) In construin~ this deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical chan~es shall be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to corporations and to individuals. In Witness Whereof, tile grantor ,has executed this instrument this..~?r:-7--_.day of......___..S,e.P.t,f~~,~~....., 19.7..4._; if a corporate grantor, it MS, caused its name to be signed a~d 01 aliI by it. olfice", duly outt;;jrized th9"to by ,. onhr 01 i.. - 01 di..-". ....... fL.l.'{,."..hj~A,i.........~. . i !:{,,::::::!.~ :............~ r ...jaA..t-"Ea.:,..Cd-d..._........._. ............ ._.. ~ ~..... _.. - _. ......... ...__......._................................ ........ _..... o. 0_....... ....... ...... .0.._......... ~ ! STATE OF OREGON, ) ) :IS, County of ._..Lane....._......_..,....-...-.....-.....) .S,ep.temher....._..:2....?_..._...."..,.. " 19,.7..4._,. STATE OF OREGON, County 01.._...._._..,......_____............................_.....) SB. ....._......_.."............_..._....,._.._,..,......, 19.._....._.____. Persona Ily appeared ......._.. _._.... ........_..._..._........ ..........._, _,......, .............. ..and __....._.._._...,_..__.......,.................__._........_.........._....__.._,.......... .who, beinll duly sworn, each for himself and not one for the other, did say that the former is the ......._...._.._.............._......._................_..........._...,president and that the latter is the ......_,.._......... ...._ ._, _..... ....__.__. ..__..... ..._......". ..... ,secretary of _.... ....... ..._.___.........._....._..... :\ Personally appeared the abov" named...JACK......... .W.I.LEERD...COOK..and...MARGARET.-.A..-.... ,COOK",,:. ::::::::: '~~;. .~~~'~~~;:.~~~,~ '-~~.~..;~~~~~-~'~" ;;~-;~~.~ ','" thelr ,,_,......,yoluntar;'l,t Hnd deed. (OFFlcrA~dd())~1 ?EAL) ,\ \. Notary Public for Oregon , \ My commision e"piresI9_~L'?:_~.2.L_,_ \ ............__.....__..__......,....___.....,.._..m____________.___..._....______.__....... , ___ , a corporation and that the seal affixed to th" foregoing instru(:n~r;t 'i~'-t-l;e corpomte seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in be- half of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. Before me: (OFFICIAL SEAL) Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: JACKmWILFERD,__nCOOK,_&'nMARGARET...,A..._._COC K 9.1:Q:~~;i~~.~~~~f@~:.:~~~~!+~~:~~::~:::,Qg:::::~:7 ~~ GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS STATE OF OREGON, 'I -ss. ~~P_____~m._Gg9._~_~..L.., INC to ~~:~:~:ri:::;=~~:~:~~ri~:~,;-1:~.i....:~:...::,:::.:::::::~::..-_..:::.:.::::::::::~~:::::' SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE County of _...__.........,.. ..........___.._.. I certify that the within instru- ment was received for record on the ,.._.. ........day 0/..... ._.......____.. ........__, 1.9._... ,__.., aL........._.....__.o'c1ock......M., and Tf~corded in book......u__....__..on page..._.._.._....,__ or as file/ reel number, ._...". .....__.._...._._...____..,....._., Record of Deeds of said county. Witness my hand and seal of County allixed. ,REE,O......&....CRO'S,S...t,_...,:;(,NC...."...,......,_........_..'mn.'...,.."...'n"'.......'mn"" 1.6.Q....'O'akw_ay.....RQg~;t___m..__..__.....,__..__....__..............__mm......mn..m..'"," E U,g.ene..tm..Q.t:.eg.Qn.m.~.7.i,tQ,:L..__....____ n___m_.._n...__.....___......_..__...... GRANTEE'S NAoMI:; AND ADDRESS Altor r.cordlng ..rvrn tOl NAMU:, ADI)RESS. ZIP Un'iI a chango II roqvollod 011 r"" ,'o'om",.to .hall bo .."t ro Iho loll owing odd..... ~!:~::~~~:~~~~~~:iji:=~:=:~:::~=~: NAME, ADI)RESS, ZIP -.._--,..... Recording Officer By _" ....', ,. ,~.. .._.., ..u_,..... ..___.___... _u. ___Deputy ,...,"_,_,,,..._"'.-'''''''.~,'-',.....,~~_'"......<..:.,.''-L.,..,',....~:.;"",'l',,~.~,; ,;....;".,:;~:,:;~..:~.:,,:;.B~~ - ;. ~-~