HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-9-18 "- co;"., c_~; #' POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 970 Anderson Lane, Eugene, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: 17-03-28.4 II 2809 Subdivision: na LC-26l7-79 This permit forthe referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Appl icant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Reed Reed self /, Vollstedt, 160 Oakway Rd, Eugene, Oregon . 97401 S, Cross, inc", Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: / Construction approved by this permit: Open shed @ 46 x 48 for plants for nursery. Structures now on property: greenhouses PLANNING DIVISION ater Supply: "Rainbow Water na , # Employees: na WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks, Interior property lines Edge of r.oad right-of-way Jilding foundation ~"ells, other water-sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: ' r~ Issued: --- '~ 09-18-79 # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: na Zoning: Agt Partitioning #na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 50', side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 15' ;rear property line: 20' ,Special Instructions: Shed is to be used for plants for wholesale Parcel Size,: ; centerline of road, only. TJ 8/20/79 For information call 687-4394, Roger Hollis Site Inspection *= na Installation specifications: na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special Instructions: na na na gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' , 100' For information call na between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., na Type of Construction: Ag Group: M-3 I nstructions: NOTE: FOUNDATION INSPECTION of the proposed structure on the site. noted on permit. This structure shall will require a new building permit. For plans information call 687-3759 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Gary Conner For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 484-l244/747-3658**~ 484-12-; _, / 2.03 acres Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: AG Call fora foundation inspection to verify the location Location of the structure shall comply with setbacks as be used for agricultural purposes only, a change of use 970 Anderson Lane, off Centennial just east of 1-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: JSS/ly r lane county - 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ 1 '\ "" t~ 10 12 14 16 i~1 u l J 20 22 ' 24 26 / / 28 304 J' 36 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 261779 DATE 082079 APPLICANT VOLLSTEDT, REED AD DR 970, ANDERSON, EUGENE, OREGON TL~ 1703284002809 SUBDIV LOT BLK NEW BLDG TYPE NR USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYk BP BP BP BP d J 32 34 38 40 BP BP 42 r'" :} I PL NO. FIXTURES: 44 NECH SUR 46 PCI( BP LC 261779 AGT 48 :OF' NO. CONNECTOF:S: NECHANICAL. FEE ST{.yn:: SUF:CHAF:GE F'L{~N CHECK FEE ~}. 00 , FJ1CH .'.' 4;~ 0% (.) 46X4B DOUBLE FEE 10.00 10., (-)0 ( o (.) SIFO CPI 54 TAI<EN BY r~LH WPC PLAN ELEV ADDF: COMPLETED BY FP ENVH TOltll... FEE-)(-.J* :~~(": ^ t:j(1 c~:( ( (-) o S 8 ~ ~ ~ 'J 12. .j ~ 11 ~ 10 ~ ~ ~j ~ OL-~ o ~ ~ z ;;; 50 52 .: J I.. 56 58 -_J bO b2 o .. o b4 ~ ~. 9l10Name r-. , "'~'I//?LJ..,SrE D'/ D Plllme ' , Application !~ d0/7 -?9 for H~r WORK' SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection IX (q Type of Construe don M - ?'1 Group 23 Fire Zone .<<t1 ',Use Classification . 0.",," tJ(){~ : /x;f1~k C()?~ oCr 1'!X6 " &i2i fl/A~' ~{O rf.1Jfi 6.!2J1T11)~ --Cr\).-)'P(~(1(JR',j (1r<V~f\) 17I?RM\4 (/O?y. J.O HE TYPED ON PF,IUHT-L ~,< ~1~u1(O~)- uA'vLI foR. ~k vOIJU1?k1112tJ U~L~l1(iLjJQ^) /(0 \/riRlvt/ t,()(/kl'(O~) o~, " ftQP('),~tsv ,~{17!)C1(J1? e ()N /fKI1."tii6b ~O(Jk1Io-^-\ ()i-i.iJf 61J?lJ(1U R~ ..jiJ'k{/(/ voMjJ-1S \ll V(Lk ,'J~113fr~~-') fr6 !J()1A1} 0,,)17(; RM l~ 1Jtt~?) ,-'Y(7=( ()(/(()1i.t:-W~ 110 U1bn fo17_ .K41:ZUJ,lL1l)1iJYv- fu1Z'f?ttS66 _OJ':J-L/~)--lX f/~.w.0{~ DP UhB \.Ul1J/ '~FJQ\)\"KB ,k_WGw " B\) \ \ /1// ~ \ (~ 17~'C<.~ \;( . 74-164 ~~ &:n/UPA.J/ C7 / / '" ' / Signature Date 1-14,.7 r t tNOTICE ~ .. NAME ADDRESS /7- t?3- Z d'- TL 2807 Your attention is called to items below: Failure to have or display building pennit Other violations Remarks: Reso 1 ve above within days from date of this notice. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspedions Division 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 687-4065 GY: DATE: DEPARn~ENTOF ENVIRONr~ENTAL t1ANAGE!~r"T Appl iCa(i6n for ..>;hIJ-JJE m V.J t ~tru~tu~~s n'OWc, O~~heproperty~~~~IJ'iJ::J1.IS. %~. :~ti~ili,l~jij:9.J]:pfiip.iitj; C/li~j'9.~n!,!i C/:~.~r~j:~t Affidavit: I, f?(;E:1)Va?_t.--s '/'e:-.j)'~iHHH (pl~~$~prtotl If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane ~ounty Code Chapter lQ (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: /' owner of rec~o.rd' K,_ cont.ract purChase,r; l,essee;,.' holder of an eXClusi.ve option to purchase; , ~ duly authori. t act for:, ~e ~~w~r~iJ knowledjleable of ~apPl icat~n, C- "". a. f/' Signature/Address .~ 1/~t?~Vr /b (') ~ (/~ /~_ .?<--/~. (zip) (/l ra / 'Tele~hone4,/N-/2-SL-Y or <7V7'-s,,s7 Date ?-~,.- '7;; When permit is ready notify: ~.Appl icant Cr'Owner C/ Contractor ~: C/ mail 1< ~hre , Owner J2fSE=D a c!,d.o.s..5 /;[/~ (zio)Q 7~1 Phone l{-',fl./_ ,Z-Vl/ Contract~r ~isL.r (zip) , Phone - . . ~l~gj~ij~~~:~~mWiin~ C/::ii.WH:~tr:[!l~:: ()fij~"]~~:~:1 ~G '''I<. I e lit W,l~ L , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. .~ Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by If Commerc i a 1 :!~~'~I~~~,' Residential :~~t~4r.~ SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE '# of emp 1 oyeesli!MiHi! $p$.fY () Existing, BP # /~/ Proposed, SI # '11 00$]1 M Mliijij 111~li~il.l \llli Valuation A n_ _ ./ L1 '.,/, . .~~- ~ 4~X9'~ . ~~~~~A~ ~-I44~--ha~) ecei~~dH~ ',' , Water Supply I~~~~ Proposed Existing "7' Year Installed each each , Fee $/~ ~ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ;,1 U2 $7v" -- Pp $ ;?p. Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee '~~ ' .r:."::,":;'~ 3" geettJ::,r,::)'_<<~.&.- Pc , , TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING zone~.;C1< Part. # A./# ,Ppcel #_/I:l~ Parcel Size~...$~/h/ Minimum setbacks: CL, fron~d' ~ ~ /' ; CL, si[e Jt///J /; ,into L5/ ; rear~O" t' - I comments~~~..ef:4 ~~~~~~ /~/<~~ ~. .~'~....~ It YU)("'- - Q{)O~~') ~~~f/- +\ &t'20#t ~ ~/?""/_ ~~~~. t:t) By,~~u/,/r; -rta:te ~00-:7? CP&I Type v roup 7~e Zone Use ~fication To be typed on permit ~""': &Lt /~- tl/~ ~ g~e7 r,yr ~ ,. btF. nt"\ )n)e_("'- LA/f/G' - t:)Pe .~ . .:.L..-.. ;r- By Date 9-4J--~- - , Phone 3? 5'9 .~~)V/*L- For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site ~ CJr;o :~c:J'2-Jd)f/ crz, 6'7 ~""7- 0 ;f::: Plans to: CP&I !J.---set(s) WPC set\s) Date Required ~ ~:)e:J qJ~0 Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC C/ SIFO ~"CP&I ~WPC C/ Planning 'C/ Public Works ~n/a lJ!" Elevation <<t\...' i..="> Address /~/ Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health cj{ J ?yO- . " FOR INFOR~\ATION about progress of your appl ication call: C74-171 ' Permit Control Center 687-HELP (68j-4357) <~T .~"- (t\ () o FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT '\ Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avevue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: '... ~~ PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING PUBLI C WORKS PERMIT NUMBER 2.b\ 1- -19 PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER APPLICANT'S NAME f?J;:E:J:) ',lOLL:3rEt:;r'~ SI_T" E ADnR.~__SS ~~-'(",,') A \ r-r- .-..,.,-. n \ _ '". _ " I _ ~.~......, .J.r--v""::::X~)I",..l PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. L~1. YES ~ NO ~~ SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA NO 1// YES ~';:, SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODIrlG. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: " " DATE ~ . -1. ~.: ~ c-.. ~_.:-::x D1 C_. BY C99-21 .;;.. ,--\ ..' 3: )::> "'U I , ~,:..,. . o {~} I ,,, \'- t.... .... J' I :~ c<~, -l )::> >< r- o -l :'~ ,) ~t' d ,) ,'~;; -~, ~-, .." .n ,\.' "; ,:,' ,.' A c)' ~...... DEPAh'i::L:rir;m:1!:;;:i:::;AGEO Q70 ~Nj)6"R.~;J (~ ~~ City r:NG~ 1'1. ~ I'- :s{= r .2.l!: W ~'if()o; ;;, .,,~. ,. '" .1 \ e/'. ,...",. " ,;:.{>' ~~~ ,I\. i" " I? I fi' Arm 1 i ca t i.?jJ.~ \, ,". di".~~~/;~ 751. .,..... Job Address Assigned Numbers r.' . Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Application for'~E ~tJ~lE Structures now on 'the property GI2/ei!:i:-dJ~(jS e::s Proposed use of property: () Residential C/ Commercial Affidavit: r', R~E"t> VO?-t.--S '/1:::-iJ-r (please print) . If this application is "for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: , / owner of record; K contract purchaser; lessee; , holder of an exclusive option to purchase; d" duly authorizeC1;tOl act fo;! 1ejwJ~r'~~~L knowledgeable of th]i .Aa~~ation. ~,.. 0 (/, Signature/Address (k'~ l/~ /b tJ Chr-r~-,Ic!A ~ (zip) f"7,.'tJ I J Tele~hone t41J'V-/J,...</t./ or 7 V7 - ~,oJ....y Date ,J'"' - ~ ... 79 '" _ ~ _ ' _ 'L.# ,. When permit is ready notify: lJ;f/ Appl icant L/ Owner C/ Contractor Qz.: L/ mail /LI, phone Owner J:? ~D g (.:....~..$_r I")[/e: (zip) Q ?s.e..... Ph~ne c.ftft/,.... /2.-- VV ,Contract~r ..5:'~L ~ (zip) Phone' (~ '9'-03 Lot Block !, ;, "~ () Industrial L/ Publ ic vA-6 'R IC ilL 7/J(l4tt , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. ", I, ;' .., f '<, -'_\ Con tractor I s OSR# '" ~, Plumbing by j";. DO NOT WRItE BELOW THIS LINE ", '.."..."i'f Commercial: # of stories " , f; ~J!sidential:# of Q~drooms , .. ".." SI test holes 'ready'<' .. # of employees, # of units SDS: () Existing, BP # Cl Proposed, S 10 # ',' ' Fee Code Description, Sq. Ft. or # of Sites U ri'i t " Co'st Valuation Fee ;~f$ /L2 S- $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ " A IMP $ /(/6 === 0P $ ?/:/" ' ~ /.# g; ~~ X?/'~ ='_ ~)~~~>~~.dU~. ,'.- . If /:J' ',' - ~'.c.L..h, '..JI-/ -..P.,""-'I \44 ,II -' - ' AA U_ ~:--_--..,~ "~;'i;l '- ,: "~.... <. ?y ~unAA..tilAA- MAAAA-~F {J.KJl..!I/i!'J - ,,', \~ 1A'ufilt;k1. Total~::Va,luation: $! _ .J /0/1 t ' ~ /t'/~ P1Umbing'f:i~,:.~res at $ L/, Cash ,::f1f,/f/P '/ 1'/1 Sewer/water cPQn. 'at $ t.}(~Check'#"'~"~i /, / Subtotal Received bY~~~~' /,1.4,- 'V . L- Water S~p,P1Y ~A"?~Ll,~~ Proposed~ Existing ~ Year Installed 4~Xd;/f? 4% State surchar~~:, Pl ans check fee ,'" ~ .../J '/ ~ c:: Gha'nge"'0.f~0GGupa:nG!f~?r~ ~ TOTAL V""'P PERMIT PROCESSING zone'~~.Part. # .d# Parcel' # ''/#b Parcel Size .o?,c;.-.?~./:?&/. Minimum setbacks: 't, front4 ~.t5?J.~', 't, sid'e It/M :'~ /;int. ,L5/ ; rear ~O~ Comments d,~~;~ ~//4#~-~_ ;.&~~,~. //~ ~~ ;Zt~~~~~:;j~:;;~J~~~~42i.r ;'t,ev'~P_:'9 WATER POLLUTION~TROL / ' /" 7,' Installation specifications: ~al. tank; ft~ ofdriinfield; max. ~epth of trenches: -.. ,I ,~ :J/;;f- " . - If: ~a ' ~rt---Date ij.?' cJ ;/7(; ~e'}:'- (~~ ."~ ~A/j~7lIA/1;(f~ X.-~ .; . To be typed on permit ..... ..'" , I '-~"-"''''''Jc.:'>:. ..... ':""'" :,'/ '~.., _ TeleQhone Directions to si,te ~ '-/"70 ~JdA./ ms 1-- e~.JI 0 f:::- Plans to: CP&I'~set(s), ~< WPC set(s) ..... C/ SIFO V _~CP&I ./~~ WPC '\J,;-, .~,,~ ." Da te , Requ ired ttJ. ~CJ ~]~O-- Hold Slip to 'PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC C/ Plannin,g C/ Public Works !l( Elevati~n 'C/ n/a L! Address C/ Faci 1 ity Permi t /~/ Environmental Health <='A /.:30 . ' . . - . , '" ' l" -~ " : ,... ..,.,.:~..~ -( 0 ~ FOR INFORr1ATION' about progress Of, yourappl ication call: Permit Control ,Center 687-HElP (687-4357) -_ . ,. ,;. i;;. .'c ';,;'hL.. ':. ,_"\"" :::r\.',',J.. ',:.:~.,\, . ~. \ ) -', f' -, , ;-- )\ ~ ';\ ii-,_ _",.; ..-- .... -', .- ,I NVf.b~~ ~OG,~ Y T c-- y ~ 'yr' ~ (tJ"y' . -, C\ r/ " v "'1110.. . ,,-J "'\\i.k~ " ,- "1 ~ 1 oJ!) - _. -~- ---- ~....... . . -.. - -- -- -- --.----. .-. - - . ---.::--..;:- ---- ~. ----=..: ~-,.~-- . -- -=-..-:-- ---- ------- . #~ --...:..:=:; '~ - -- -~ ----------;-..;,;- '--~-E= .-- ---_.._- ,---'" \~o /'-r /}'J ----- " ' --#'7 ..,,- .I - - - ---=-~~-:! --..." "'-'lI #!J ~e-~ ",. ! ~t;P "- r---. , /(,0' . HC>V'>6-.' ~ _0. _ " ~ d -----:f! ! I "r- I I I BAF'\4 J I k- J-. ____"0''''''' 3& #'1' -1 '.. . .----:;. _ _._ b - - -;;-..:-~~ - '.. I ~ 'f-'l '-j II 'I. II I 'I :' '~-'----~--~----ll < ----__"c==_...:_~ ~ i I I ! 3" fT"t? ,---- -ft7A ................ r~ --, I I ~ '5 II n I I , 11 , ..Li ----. .. ) , ~CCri. . - -~/~c?b7~ x!_,_~.~.....~ /" ._~j~./...."I:>. ~E,;' ~ (:-y ~ '- -::-c:-4' /"T"C Kea:>&(~r) . . ~~ I J s:::>. ~ e=: ? ~ , - 1.....-.- _ ..,I~ -------- ------ ~" -. '- . . .. ---' I #7e ~ i ?~ " - -. --..-..-'1- , , . , I () -7;> (/; I CH~~r: I ~\ll1E" .:.,.., ~S'( ~/ ;~.'V~:~~4:< \/ , . - ,----,- ~, X{~ - ~.~~. :--: .__;.,.'". _.....~.:: .:-.."....,.c :o;:~-:" -- ~&H6--D0U - I - e.-,i ~.I~./~/,~.J F~~""'~",( Iri~ . .. , I -, ~",e-,.-rU,,-! .. . > . ,jOB ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # '~ TRS, TL: Subdivision: VLo ~ This permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. ~4!IL . .fL (f~ Vi<p. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Total Construction Value: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Construction approved by this permit: "later Supply: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks I nterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation 'ells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55-13 # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special Instructions: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, Site Inspection # I nstallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special Instructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' -... For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Type of Construction: Instructions: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. bne county - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: ., " > SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / /; DISAPPROVED / REMARKS " ApPROVED / FOUNDATION INSPECTION / REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap,PROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL INSPECTIO~ ApPROVED ~r DISAPPROVED / REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / DATE//'?_ 2~~__7~NSPECTOR ~~ t:/ / DATE INSPECTOR \ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR '\. '\ . \ / DAT/;'J-Z] -7'7 I NSPECTOR ~A_J / DATE REMARKS / NOT READY TO ISSUE ! READY TO ISSUE / INSPECTOR ~" .-~ ~ .,." o o \ '~,'" 4. !\.., '" FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avevue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: .... "'\.: ~ PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING PUBLI C WORKS PERMIT NUMBER "'2.'_,,\ -'1' -1C'J PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER :....,\>... APPLICANT1S NAME P:.EE.:..O IC'" "....'\1~. "'T~ "', ;! \ '.......>~ t' , ......, -' '-, ,-,......;, ". \~. > S nE ADDRESS <:"')-'1 t.) /:,.J."..\ \)F t:: It'::'cw.;:r' LI',J , PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT.' YES V" NO i',,, " SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES /" NO 1/ ~r.. . li~"i,' , '.~~ . ... SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME fIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. rQOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS 'REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENQATIONS: 3: )::> ""Cl ....., .....\..L ,,- ", -' ,) i\~ '- ". , ;\,1\ 'v .L~ 'I '- ---j )::> >< r- o -i , " ,', DATE " "/' _ . ',' A" ,i . 1 BY (::'\ ~ \, c.. , ,- ~\":. ) Vi C99-21 . " -'- --,"--0.-.-'_ _ . .j;' -"-,.---,-,-=-:- , . --'-~.:_--.._-_.- --_..:: - --4 _ /, :1 e-c,:; ">>.....~' ----------- .,r J-t,. 't'1J. . . J --.._-'-~=~,=,=,=-,,-,--=---,-=--- -;- ;" t- \ /}J \ ==--->:-::~~~-:------==-- 'J iY '"""2- --- ====~-==~-~--- r #7~ ~- ~......~..,-.. - , -." l .' ~-----:~--- ""3 , , I : I j j III I ?~ i I ~ , ! . I (Jh."bsU; I I I i Sh~du;C II: ' ..' 'i,' ~?ii!c,vIY: "-/ -. :1 A._ r;:: ~_-~ '< (,q -..; (,0" e>A""N 1-1 (7V~~, , . -~.-. ~. ~- ;-.-:-:~~., I "'; ~- ..... - ..L,,--:-_,c.>..~:~ ,,\ , K~,#n ~,~c-=e-:Y:N'c ~s::. I : -k;d3 ;:: "'"' (" ;lj - /- '-, -1/, ,^ t> Lo-t-:- ~~J -.? V H e-_D \) fe, <-: "I F'~OrC7 F'= -, t", '<. I ~c;.,- ---.. I