HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Septic Tank 1995-10-5 ~ U 6?B (SP/2 . -~3t/S~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SITE EVALUATION S.1. # ~ - ~Ot,? I' X TRS, TL '~/V1/fP /10.3 -1'-1- 3-3 Job Location /~ 27 A 1'Jd e rsC'Vl L IA Spf-ld"" OR ,97t.J.'17 -rA'X I Lor 13~OO Written Directions ^,Or"lh 0\.-\ .Ll~..o"'~o'lA L....... ;')-ff' r"_ ",,+Pl-\I-'\ICi ~ ' Subdivision: /V ~ } Lot ,/' Block -------- WATER SUPPLY Yo.. ; "V1 ho I.{/ U .bfev- ' APPLlCANT'SNAMEANDADDRESS. ~h n C 4yuj@Y'Sn?". /4'27 A",dei'<::..n"JA U ~ Phone~-/S-YZ OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESS ;bAn <2.. Dl'lc'(E'! C'. 4yejpa",~Vl . I ,I' 1-1 I J Phone~7L~ .1~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY. 4 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY' 5.:....!-;! ..1-.;, . . ". / /~ h -P<<-v-1- "~J '0 V\ I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in th roperty'- "lwner of record; contract purchaser; "lotential buyer; realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, an t ,t said w!'er is~re a~prov'p of ~h~ :.sttiJry' .ST HOLES READY .... -::s ~ Signature M1.. V ~ Y-- Dat.. / ~ X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OFFICE USE ONLY BEL W THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS REPORT IS NOT A PERMIT FOR S~AGE SYSTEM INSTAllATION The area des~r~b~d on~~e~,~~~lot Pla~ dat~ I~, <~1q>- is . APPt?(}OG~ for a L ~.l j-" fJ/f!~ (~r-: ~ ~,.~e L _6K.L- syste~ ADDITIONAff~MENT~~Jf~/'~~~5'-' (C/i P/24rI()H~ St:;' . ( - Ih l-f5"-5 -3 I 0 {\J Cr7vUTb-R:: NOTE: this report approves use of a sand filter or pressurized distribution system, detailed construction design plans _,ill be required with the installation permit application. --\' , ' ~ THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF'\-.'SITE I~PPR9VED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. ~- ~ DEQ AUTHORIZED AGENT IQ'/SZ;~ _ ... DATt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -* * WARNING: * * * * This Site Evaluation is a technical report to determine if a on-site * * system will function properly. It does not approve the proposed use of * * the parcel. This Site Evaluation may be converted to a construction * : permit only if the parcel and use meet land use regulations in effect at : * the time of application. YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL * * PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW. * * ~* * ** * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT~. 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (687-4051) C55-32 ,~ "'f.. MEMO TO: APPLICANT FROM: LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF SITE APPROVAL Lane ii '. 1. Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for the on-site system or the placement of a well within 100 feet of the approved area may void this approval. 2. This approval is given on the basis that the lot or parcel described above will not be further partitioned or subdivided and that conditions on subject or adjacent properties have not been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in accordance with O.R.S. 454.605 through 454.755 and Adm!nistrative Rules of the Environmental Quality Commission. Any such subdivision, partitioning or alteration may void this report. 3. This report is valid until an on-site sewage system is installed pursuant to a construction permit obtained from Lane County, or until earlier cancellation, pursuant to Commission rules, with written notice thereof by the Department of Enviromental Quality to the owners accordir:lg to Department records or 'the'County tax records. Subject to the foregoing, this report runs with the land and will automatically benefit subsequent owners. 4. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Quality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if person other than the above perform the installation. ~ ~ () U\ ~ 'I\) '0 " ~ /. ro'~."""". , '. j , ~ ': . -- .,.... .~: ....~. . -'-- ::.-.... . .!!l'''.'- - .~. 6,' ;. I : 1 :g vV. ~ 'FJ. : ;:. BQ,'T..\i;;~ ,,~ ". ~- -" q_i dO ~~ .;;. \ ~., i,: i i '~/e1 ~ 'l'I:54~ M -~ .\ ~' .. .s ~" \'(\ ~ 3C+. , q)~ t' ~ ~ ! r.a L ~~!'~ t :~ \J f'iJl ~i ~ N n;" ' /':l ,~ ~ k!~~ ~~"-?' C'\ :"'- '-ol y; : d () I ~ ~ ~ ~j~ ~ d' ~ ~ ~ tL i. M; l= t'\ V ~- '" () , ft. --.. t~ '7~'.";~ 888054'30:7 00 ai' ~ ~O" . 20.00 ~~: ' g ~ - . '. , . ", ..,. ,.-. - . 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" - ~ (\J r SITE EVALUATION FIELD WORKSHEET / 7-03-, -:>7- 3- ':2 .- /3100 Tax Reference ~./ Rvaluator Applicant Prvvgtl.~5a(./Date Iff/It{ /9\ ~:~v./ ~rz7l~ s.r.(1S- .>00 , ,- Parcell Ultl BU.' ~ Zoning Use Parcel Size Water supply: Well COllllllllity Public -~ , Soil Matrix Color and Mottling (Notation). %Coarse Fragments, Roots, Depth Texture Structure, Layer Limiting Ef~ective Soil Depth, etc. e) - ~ - L-~ICCNV\:~ P~~. ~ ~_Ai(?D ~~''f/ 5e--~L:fA1A/I440 IA~f ~_O-~~' ,'ceeBL-@"5 J~3'7fZ(}orU/l(r' Pit 1 Pit 2 0-2/ I L-c1Y-)-1tt/\.. '--- " 2'l~?J lol'l1t.<;I ~4n9 // ~ I (j-"3z- Pit 3.32- (oPJ ~ ~ Lm111tt!( . ~ .-J 9/fV~ Pit 4 l..azldscape HotelS I~ I , .... Other Site HotelS Slope dP.m..J i ':-1 bL-f) , ,~ Mpect ILJm 7J! Groundwater Type SylStem:Mcu p~5'afZG:.' Initial _l?L~/-~1c ..:;"l.5 ~tem Sizing . ./b~~ .;iis=n= flw ~<t5 ~. ~y ~ '/ 1150 g. )1ax. Depth Absorption Facility (in) ~ Replacement SylStem Sizing 1150 g. Max. 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