HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-8-30 t. .~ ,..- . j .. -':-"i?- .!- '; lit f Branch Engineering August 30, 1996 310 North 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 (541) 746-0637 FAX (541) 746-0389 \ Re: John Anderson house - 1427 Anderson Lane. Sorinafield City of Springfield Planning and Development 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, Ore~on 97477 The owner of a structure at the above address installed a carport and living area addition to a previously permitted residential accessory structure. In order to partition the property'upon which it was placed, separate the accessory structure from the house to which it was related, and establish it as a dwelling uriit, a building permit is necessary. Since the structure had been previously completed, the City of Springfield Building Official has required that an architect or engineer inspect the structure and certify it as meeting the State of Oregon One ,and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code. The primary building and its subsequent additions were reportedly constructed by licensed contractors. The quality of workmanship and finishes is consistent with this report. Exterior walls in the new section were 2x6 at 24" o.C., with roof trusses bearing on foundations walls. The electrical service and water services were installed and inspected when the original structure was built. Except for foundation perimeter insulation, the structure was constructed in accordance with prescriptive path 1 (with reference to footnote 9). The perimeter slab insulation is traded against the maximum allowable window area and increased roof insulation (per table 53-0). Branch Engineering performed an initial inspection, and the following correcJions were required: ,t 1 . The perimeter foundation for the floor slab needed, to be excavated for proper depth and width for the floor slab-on-grade. Clearance of earth to siding of 6" was required. 2. Carport bracing was required, to be installed in accordance with a design supplied by Branch Engineering. 3. Rigid insulation and venting was required over the vaulted areas of the kitchen, and inspection openings under electrical outlet covers made to confirm the depth of wall insulation (the latter done by Branch Engineering). 4. PVC DWV and domestic water service lines would have to be replaced by a licensed plumber. " TRANSPORTATION CIVIL SURVEYING ,/ \....., '." ,,~:- - 7, '" The above work was performed and re-inspected by Branch Engineering in progress. Based on this, we find the structure complies with the State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specilaty Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office. \~~:ncere(IY1~i ~ v ~ I \ I' ve Ke~ting I C' 1992 Oregon Residential Energygode August 1991 · No. U- Table 53-0: Residential Thermal Performance Calculations This pampltlet is one in a series that descri~ residential energy conseroation requirements of tM Orqon One and Two Family Dwelling Code and the Structural Specialty Code for multifamily buildings thru stoM and less. Rn1isions to Energy COde Chapter 53 are effective January 1, 1992 and will contin~ in effect until such time as amendments are rruuk. Othu pamphkts in this series may be obtained from 10000l code authorities or from Oregon Building Codes Agency. TABLE NO_ 53-0 RESIDENTIAL THERMAL PERFORMANCE CALCULA110NS J " BUILDING COMPONENTS I (Areas from Plan Take-offs In sq. ft.) AI'eas z Flat Ceitincs 4'1 0 Vaulted Ccillncs \e;O Opaque Walls iI.~ Wind...... (Use A or 81 5 CI U-VALlJES Sase Path 1 f . H' ,J Alternate U-Value Areas x U R-Vefue 3 Areas Z U-VeIue 4 . Areas x U 0.031 ,.,. ,,, M> . 0 l.l; ~\..V; 0.033 4'.11 "z. .o~o 4-. ~o 0.060 41,. .-,0 'LO.t5 ,,,q;"l V'\. t')' S1<yIlcblS Mai. emry door 0111<< exlenor cIoors Und<rfloo<' Slab Edce (pai_<< ft. . loY, ) TakA:-off hea 0,400 ~-- 13~ 0( f\oor ""'" ~T__ 111 0.400 ~.U) ~ 1,1 .417 1. '1- . A- o.soo ' , ~. 0.200 fM-.; I of,( hIS) 0.032 \.(,1 .~ F-O..S2O 6 q1 cooe UA" l8~, 1 p ".. ..IUA7 . , 11,.0 @ A. If Clarine aru Is Cru1u than U<;l, 0( heated space noor area: ( B. If Clul"l .rea Is Ids than U~O(beated space IIoor area and trade-<>>lf Is deslred: I Pufonnance tnde-otfs are limited... ..... &....t ia CaIuma I. Heat.... cffi ,; .' ',' doocI ~...... ",..\ ...... &\he aoIar he:abJllo and similar measures _, _ be ~ ia........t.od vi caIaolaaion. z Alas from p"'~" AJI_ _ be doe _ for boda I'alh I ..... proposed ~a<qlI_ wiedow _ aUowed Ie HeM, bdow. ] MINlM1JM COMPONENT REQUIR.EMEHTS: Walls R-U:' fIoon R-ll; AaI ~31; V.....~.; 8 , ." .' walk ~l; Slab I!dce R-IO; [)uQ Insalalioe R-&. R....JoJcs aocIla dlillabIe _ ,., ~ , l......doe iNuIatiae oeIr and _ for doe aIIil'e...wr. W'.......... oIr:JIIIla u-....a 1baI1_ elloCl!eCfO.6S (Q.6S). Do<<,~ lhallaata.-l Q.S4 (NornlnaI R-2). The ..:..:,. .... ...." " .' for PadI,..... be _ . ......aId..... ~waII . : _.'.' vl3.S Inches. 4 U-ftlues for.......s frame....mn,s. -as oed IIoar -.mb6cs sh.oII be.. listed below. tJ..<taI..s f...-.r...... . j -' ......IDI}' IacIudo lIricII:...cdoer masonry. aucco. ea:.. sh.oII be c::aIc:uIIIIOd..... suadard ASHRAE pn>OOCIun:s. . -' Component U""",,,,, trade-offs mar be madco apimt ..u.dow area ia ddached sincle family cIwdIiep ""- ..u.dow IIU is leu thaa 13 r - --- vi healed "*" fIoot area. The bese window.... ill Ibis case shall be Id 1113 , _. .., of !he beaocd spaao IIoar area. APPROVED U.VALues FOR COMMOH ASSEMBlIES Flal CeIlings VMJlted CeIlIll(ls Walls FlooB R-38 0.031 (raAcr) R-11 0.047 R-" 0.080 UncIc:r fIoot Slab Edce R-49 0.02S (rUt<rl R-JO 0.033 R-19 0.00 R-21 0.03$ R-49A 0.020 (rafaer) R-38 0.027 R-t9A 01161 R.2$ 0.032 (1I1IIS) R.JO 0.046 R.21, 0.060 R-JO o.ma (.......) R.38 0.041 R-1IA 0.0S7 R-IO F-<l.54 6 R-leA 0.044 R.I~ F-<lS2 6 ( 6 F . The hallon c:oetrJcienl. BbJ/hr/ft'l-f F 1_ of perimeter. 1 r..,,",J UA....... ....leu than ....,qu.llocode UA. ~ 11111 .. . t ...11: I APPROXIMA TE I LOCA TION OF ~ I / SEPTIC !fNK ~x<~ I j I I co 'l6t. V 0' RIGHT-OF-WA Y \ I j ~ N88054'5~" W o BE--Q..~/CfTED'~' ;-:;, I I~ I ,........'..-.-.-.-.::t~........l ......" 1"-.... ~ / ' , 0 ....... ..,.... .1............ ~\ ~ 0 1.h:\..:1 \ 12' 6 :'.:':':':': :+:':':':':':', :-:':':-:-:':':':':::-1 AePROXlMA TE ,~ 00-, ':~':':';'::I:::::: :::::::::.: LOCATION OF . (~ - ? AR~lSL 1 ::: ::::::::::.:+:::-:.::::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::1 D/1A/N FIELD 9400 SQ. 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J h 390.79 276' j , , --,.pl~ 4 \ 0"",,- - \ \ 00 \~ O TEMPORARY EASEMENT 0 \ AREA FOR REPLA ENT I DRAIN Fi BE '" ~ ATED AT' THE " OF CITY SEWER EXTENSION TO DWELLING. X 432, 7 P .ARt:.l!iL 3 102000 SQ. FT. 1\ "- &ull.A?tt4V "l1\f + ~. -~-,v X ",34. 9 \ 888054'3 ~ · E 20.00 \. f 36/' ..._-,~- Vl-aj. N88054'54" W o ~, 9 x 435. 3 . I ~ r . ~\ U N 882000 370. :18 ....~I fj -- - ~ . . 00 o r--:A ~'-,J O~ ~ M .... X - ~ . o !'"> lC') lC') o o 0) o I .:". . .. ~ . Jr:] <> o \A '\ \ ';.. r::g:J ...... IS) , "- ...... IS) Il. 'o;;j' lil en o;;j' If) OJ o;;j' r.l IS) lil (:1 Z ~ CIl L ::J ...J Il. UJ o :::> ['- (iJ ...... ...... <D en en ...... I i\J ...... I Q W 01 EXCAVATION It~~ PlUMBING INCa p, O. Box 2189 Eugene, Oreg~'1 97~. Phone .\85.0551 , " .. A(\r-J'i 'J:;A.~ No, Put0i6 2922 J To: Jot~1l ilJ'ltlerSon .il.:! 7 .mde rson Ln. Springfield, OR 97477 /S'/< .~~ AS (2.e&J.J6~ R-1 r--Vl- . ~~ -r ~ ~ ~oJ 14 C-DI'I a.= \1rJG ~ ~ I-U~ ~e'l- ~.~ (p>..A.- M5 ~ '4DrJ ,~G i4N'f Q.J..)GS"!1:'oJ~ J 110 ! l.abor, ..r.ate!:'L\l ,md e(j\lip~nL t.J I ! replace necessary 3ectlons or \.tater flipiog nnder house '.'lith \'\e~~ - c.opper pipe md fittings. Plumber - lilboT - ;:>~ r!ateYial. ri~e fittings 'Jalvef TotaJ: Due I; .... G \~C. ~0\~ "G" S ~\..\J t.'1\l{6<', . ,,0 Z \/6(\ '" '2.,\~9 2- ~1 t>>.O.00b,,91~ v;'UQ9(\9'D,9fJ'OfP \'003) Thank you. Dole 7/16/1)!j, ' '-t -- :;93,5( I: 161.3' Ii 7l'~. 0' !I _~ I 'L---------- ~I ,,/' \ \ -'1\ i\ ! ' I _ "' ____ __hO_j .~ I \ ' ii \ ,- I: \ . ! A Finance Ch;Jr~8 '.~lll be-l:-harW1-rj-'1n ;J~co~nts rust dlJe over 30' da~s" \ fiNANCE CHARGE i:. >:omput'!d IJ'( a "Periodic ~;Jtf~' of 2,Q"% p'Jr mon(h WhldllS J, ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 24%, \ ,.,-'--\ ~bP'~1~-1~9~ 1~:~~ gUILD~P'~ ~L~CTPIC S/11 /1QS /'IlLlSS r', CJ~ ...; .. "Ii. L [SCRIPTION OF WORK DONE: Customer Signature TRUCK _:.'f',/- (i {/ UOr,.c( ..3 C (ase.r L'7"t+s +- C:/Ii.."...q r....t:("1e-~ , S~ + Covc~~( \[~ Il"~ I,,^, LU ( y ~ - C t.< 1- , ~ ~~?- 1- Hc6k(.~ { u-l-D 5 fit-( tJ ~<:. -iJe..1-~ Co. i 0 \iL... , : i I cor ,\E tff#: ~ I ~Q I<\,(l{. "fOaf- o-f ~-t;. Va v I ~t ~<6{ e err: i i 16t 7r% ~~ ~~~ t~~:::t " ~fl~;~~_.__.._.".,,_,~_.i<~~L.~ Cove ve'ck~ TRUCK # ~ttJ DATE HOURS ~-Id... 3 II I ~;~-~ ~~:.p~~i~~~~Yh}(.'~ ,,:' _~,:,'{;Ii'~~~~b;:~~,,;-, '':,' .. . . .. ~t~:~~~~~t~\;,fii~~i;~~'%~:;F~~~k&{~\\'."f..lh;i~.! ''.fLJ~~'''r'\'''' " ....,~~?"VJt'':" . "."H._.....-"' ~ .' .,;;,.>:~j;i:;:~1t(\~~\rt1~1.;?';;!:~~ . .,:,~~,f> ~~ wO , I Co , ! J ,)1993 McCormick System:, Inc. TJ-lr,.......,I rJ I-..~I .. . SEP-13-1gg5 12:22 BUILDER'S ELECTRIC " ~ BUILDER'S ....!...l~ ELECTRIC, INC. 28:) MONI'lOE STREEi TELEPHO~E FJlj, !;LiGENE, OREGON 91402 (541) 'B5-0~22 (5~1) 4.IlS-4055 ILL TO: JOHN C ANDERSON 1427 1/2 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 "---.-.. lNV.:)IU: DAlE OUR ORDER NO. YOUR ORDER NO_ -.. 541 485 4055 P.01/01 o CFiJW@O@@ INVOICE NO. 24188 SHIPTO: TERMS SALI:::SPEASON BILL JONES 9--1 '3 -, 9 6 96-2066 DUE UPON RECEIPT DESCRIPTION CLECTRICAL LABOR AND MATERIAL TO - INSTALL SMOKE DETECTOR. - BLANK OFF LIGHT FIXTURES IN CLOSETS. MATERIAL LABOR PERMIT PLEASE PAY FRoM INVOICE. TOTAL~ Post-It'" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 III 01 page" ~ J To l""\_ I-/") ,.,"Om L 1 .. lh \i i cA ...) 11.lJ" Nt, " f\.JL fi COt.,"h~ (J f '/1 (",'r-.J" F-IJ., 1,;0. (? (drj p (".\ C' 1('( + DepI (J -r- (j Phone Ii 4 Co 'r. , "l I Oe\Jdoflffl{'~_SeN_ i"l S-U '7 a. #- F8X#7 :i:-=J-&~ c, IFax I< 4 t'S- '-I05'S ' I N ot~: jj::' 9~ \ ,lLJ3 Hu.ve.- r -e r rr. ," f L9hCUl.i J/oUj AMOG,-rr 43.50 150.00 37.80 -------------....... 231.30*