HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Building 1993-3-1 (2) , .... \ ~ ('!L/4S-,; Sf- ~y -CMJ ? W o}..t. e€t.OeD. IN() (206-t4. 41~k0. Me\. ,.' NOTICE OF AGREEMENT NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT --n:"..sG,., L..u..t~ 3.~4-o and , her~inafter referred to as "Petitioner(s)", and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "City", on the ._IM- day, of Ml.vrc...k . ,~ 1913, entered into an-'agre'ement governing an annexation to the City of real property identified as Tax . lot 13ao' - Assessor1s Map Ij"3~Z-1.0 , a legal description of which is attache'd as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference huein. ! ' Illd t. t,,d; 'atf4. /AJesf 1.....1; tll~r4, 4.Il.J L"6r LJfs.c.f t,..J:t(4.Mltt!e -1kfJ StA.Uiw;~"8r'''''J p,./itf t" I ~";@I::" '{.I The use and development of the aoove property is governed by the terms and mnditions of the agreement signed by the parties. The agreement is filed in the central files of the City, to which reference is hereby made for all matters and things therein contained. This Agreement is binding on the petitioner(s)' heirs, assigns and successors in interest in the property. day IN WI~~~HEREOF, the parties of m , 19"93. ~ ~ ;-SOMO toL~l >I-q< Owner Date hereto have set their hand and seal this 11(1 By: A1f/.;{ ~/~/ ~ ;~~~an~~elopm~;tV'~ 01 r!cTfr By: By: Owner Date STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) On thi s /5+ day of mCV'lI".J1 , 19-=:l2, before me, the unders i gned, a notary public in the said county and state, personally appeared the 'within named l...e..r,.....; 'Rq0--v1 r./' -h'"'\ and ,. known to me to be the the identical individuals described herein and who executed the same freely and voluntarily. - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto above written. . , . OFFICIAL SEAL .~::0..,-:>t': CHARLENE t. PEW "':;~; , NOTARY PUBLIC - OAEGON "" \ COMMISSION NO.OO7221 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 03. 1995 set my hand and seal the day and year last ( ') , ~C)' . '~(Y"'!~O.g J ~ \ \ \ .Lv.. ~ NUIARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON . My Cornmi ss i on Expi res: U -,-=1-n \, , , .3466 'J Satisfaction of Mortgage Loan No. L59800 The STATE OF OREGON, acting by the Director of Veterans' Affairs, certifies that the mortgage executed by J. B. Suit and Carol N. Suit, husband and wife recorded on the 13th day of November . 19 67 in the Lane County, Oregon,MortgageRecords Reel 369-R Reception #4659 R~~IIBookIPagcIFee together with the debt is paid, satisfied, and discharged. ~;Q~MAR.l1"92#03REC 2ZQ2MAR.l1"92#03PFUND 5.00 10 . 00 WITNESS the STATE OF OREGON has caused these presents to be executed this 9th day of March 19 92 ,at Salem, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON Director a/Veterans' Affairs By- ~ ~~~~ Curt---W. Schnepp Manager, Accounts Services STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. ) March 9 19 92 , Count)' of Marion Personally appeared the abol'e-named Curt R. Schnepp authorized to act on behalf of the duly appointed and acting Director of Veterans' Affairs for the State of Oregon and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his/her voluntary act and deed, . \ J ..,....... ,,) ..' '. '). ... . . Ii ~ . \ \ 0 I ,\ I) } '. : (, Before me: C)h~ ,/.t')~.~ My Ca~sionf/;res: OS/22/93 ) Notary Public for Orl'gon ~. "" ~ '- AFTER RECORDING. RETURN TO: J. B. Suit 1325 South 2nd Street Springfield, OR 97477 c: ,,;: ,- - rc .- ...... <1l ~ '" QJQJ"O ~..co vi ~ .... - u o - QJ "0 --"'.... .... .c: .... 0 \~~ "0-0 u QJ c: >,__ 0:: '" f'; ~ "'0 a: ...J ... ct:cw Vv.~ <Ii .- QJ ;;- .... ~ III .. U 00; Q.>o: c' I ...:.: >. '..J 0 0) ~~ ell ~~:: I..L. .... 0 C .. I..L. QJ ~j u.... <1l :2 ~ 00 QJ '" .. ~.c: ~ >. >, ::::. 0'0 c:o_ S:! c:c: ::l"O C 'O~ 3 >.~ ,.... ::l ::l no::: o 0 ~ ~ ~ "'" ~ N J'J , f.:), I \ '; : , " 8 \. . .:: " . ~ ~ ~ . . t, : 453-M (11-88) THE MORTGAGOR, 4'fj3 !) NOTE AND MORTGAGE ......'..J.n...~.....~.,~....0.~~.~,~....~:~~.?.....q~T9..~..}~T.~.....~y.~,~.?..,..~~,~,?..~~...,~.~...&.~6..........:~........~.......~.......,~.........~ ~ V" , """ mortgages to the STATE OF OREGON, represented and acting by the Director of Veterans' Affairs. pursuant to ORS 407.030, the follow- Ing described real property located In the State of Oregon and Coun ty of ,.......Iane...........................................,........: Lots 5, 6, 71 8 and the West t of Lot 4, Block 12, Amended Plat of Willamette Hei.ghts, as platted. and recorded in Book 4, page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Recorcls, in Lane County, Oregon. ,/ ,/ .................-..................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................. 'p All) !FEB ~ ~~~1~t't ~lmE llf (UHf-GUll '. (' \ ~((lf \VE1:~~~: f{\::ij~I~; tOllether with the tenements, herldltaments, rights, privileges, and appurtenances Including roads and easements used In connection with the premises; electric wiring and fixtures; furnace and heating system, water heaters, fuel storage receptacles; plumbing, ventilating. water and Irrigating systems; screens, doors; window sh ades and bUnds, shutters; cabinets, built-Ins, IInoleums and floor coverings. built-In stoves, ovens, electric sinks, air conditioners, re frlgerators, freezers. dishwashers; and all fixtures now or hereafter Installed In or on the premises; and any shrubbery, flora, or timber now growing or hereafter planted or growing thereon; and any replacements of anyone or more of the foregoing Items, In whole 0 r In part, all of which are hereby declared to be appurtenant to the land. and all of the rents, Issues, and profits of the mortgaged pro perty; to secure the payment of ...Sixteen....Tb..oUB,and..,an.d...no/lO'O...."!'!:....~....~....~....~....~,...~....~,..,~....~....~....~,...~....~....~....':':',....~. Dollars ($16 ,OOO.OO....~....~..), and Interest thereon, evidenced by the following promissory note: ,) a'1p/ I promise to pay to the STATE OF OREGON ..,Six.teen....Thousand..,and...no/lO'O....~....~....~....~....~....~....~....~, ,_,_..._"_,, Dollars ($,16.,.00.0..00......................). with In terest from the date of Initial disbursement by the State of Orellon, at the rate of four percent Jler annum, principal a nd Interest to be paid In lawful money of the United States at the office of the Director of Veterans' Affairs In Salem. Or ellon. as follows: s..,8.7..00..,...,..,,,,....,,,,........ on or before .January...15,.....l968,...~....~....~.. and $,...O.7...00....,on..,th~....15.:th....Qf....~,ach ,month........,,.,.,,............,.................,..,.............. thereafter, plus one"."twe.1fth....of.....~....~...~.... the ad valorem taxes for each successive year on the premises described In the mortgage, and continuing until the full amount of the principal, Interest and advances shall be fully paid, such payments to be applle d first as Interest on the unpaid principal, the remainder on the principal. The'due date of the last payment shall be on or before ..De,cember....J$."....1991... In the event of transfer of ownership of the premises 0 r any part thereof, to anyone other than a qualified veteran under eRS 407,010 to 407.210 who assumes the Indebtedness I n his own r1llht. I will continue to be, liable for payment and if transferred to a person not entitled to a ~% Interest rate, t he balance shall draw Interest as prescribed by ORS 407.070 from date of such transfer. . This note Is secured by a mortgage, the terms of which are made a part hereof. Hov. 10 67 19...,.... . /" 'n6J ,....5L:IA....,';~(;;J. ,;;..((.d/."'C..:....................................... (h., . Sm.t..., i " ".,..'(.,..f?:::?:t::,-:.(~.../,(t:........>.:.... ,..,v-<.-f.d.d,::'~:I:................., ........., . .-' Carol N. Su:it Dated at .....,~,~e..~.~,~..?.....QE~f.?.9.~.............,..,..................,......".... /l ..................................................................................................., The mortgagor or subsequent owner may pay all or any part of the loan at any time without penalty. The mortgagor covenants that he owns the premises In fee slm pie, has good right to mortgage some, that the premises are free from encumbrance, that he will warrant and defend same forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, and this covenant shall not be extinguished by, foreclosure, but shall run with the land. MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: I. To pay all debts and moneys secured hereby; 2, Not to permit the bUildings to become vacant qr unoccupied; not to pennlt the removal or demolishment 'of any bulJdlngs or Im- provemcnts now or hereafter existing; to keep same in good repair; to complete all construction within a reasonable time In accordance with any agreement made between the parties hereto; 3, Not to permit the cutting' or removal of any timber except for his own domestic use; not to commit or suffer. any waste; 4, Not to permit the use of the premises for any objectionable or unlawful purpose~ ih ~'~ 'Il!.i 5. Not to pennlt any tax, assessment, lien, or encumbrance to exist at any time; "';9 ,~. r ~ . , ~ '3 ~ f;:e 6, Mortgagee Is authorized to pay all re'al property taxes assess ed against the premises' and add same to the principal, each of the advances to bear Interest as provided In the note; 7, To keep all buildings uncea~lngiylnsured during the term of 'he mortgage, against loss by fire and such other "hazards In such company or companies and In such an amount as shall be satisfactory to the mortgagee; to deposit with the mortgagee all such policies with receipts showing payment In full of all prern iurns; all such Insurance shall be made payable to the mortgagee' If the mortgagor falls to effect the Insurance, the mortgagee III ay secure the Insurance and the cost shall be added to the principal deemed 8 debt due and sholl he secured by this mortgage; Insurance shall be kept In force by Ihe mortgagor In case of fore~ closure until the period of redemption expires;