HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-4-16 . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ;. JOB' ADbRESS:45 Ann Court, Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-850-79 TRS, TL: 17-03-22-4-1 1100 . Subdivision: 1st add to Buena, Lot 10, Block 1 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Jason Allen, 872 North 56th, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Walter Rake, 45 Ann Court Springfield, Oregon 97477 **** same as applicant 381001 ,Total Construction Value: $8160.00 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 726-1479 747-4614 / . '("0nstruction approved by this permit: Addition of family room @ 340 sqft/ 'Structures now on property: house, carport; and shop. Water Supply: Public PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION , Setbacks +erior property lines ~ ,Age of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources' CONSTRUCTION PE R M ITS/I NSPECT ION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: 04-16-79 C55-13 " # Bedrooms: na 2 na # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: Zoning: Ra Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 60'* side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 5' Special Instructions: * Front setback is: 60' Center point of cuI Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, 126 x 118 x 150 x 38 de sac. For information call 68T4394, Susan Keller Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: Do not build within 10' of the existing drainfield. , Do not drive over drainfield during constructuion. Reserve a replacement are for the drainfield. gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3962 between 8:00- 9:00 a.m., Greg Gray, R. S. Type of Construction: 5-N Instructions: none Use Classification: SFD/ADD Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. bne county \\ .~ Down hayden Bridge Road, to Wayside, turn left, go to Ann Court. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: Roger L. McGuckin/ly ~ APPLICATION # / SLIP BhD-19 lane CQUr)ty .~ ( BOLD Au~) Name Address :} ~ Zi P Code The above reasons: being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following 4/3 Si gnature: [;late /, #:J.I,;~::' I ! "j or~~: w. P. L. Di vi s ion: Si gnature: Date ;> . I This application will be held until a~./) If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your ~pplication will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building .?,nd plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have ,,'''-.--- no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancell ation. T2 L i I'Ll 't: ---U::'~_.l ~~ q .... , 1'- 70 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139 . .;, ", ~i.: J ; c'~/Il />/~ . ..~ .. ~. . --:,",,~ A f1 R,t, DEPARTI1E~T OF ENV I RONI~ENTAL r1ANAGE[~Ern ; PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . ~ .... .~~ w- In u.1 iUJ /J (i!.'HH_7" City <;'vl7J. Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot I~" - l:;<~i'- !:ig........I./~,.'/-" ///f?J ,Subdivision 1st J..~7lt~.,r 'TA R. '..,,:~ u.'t?'t'.A lot" r 1"1 Block I , , . ';'.. i~L - --1'c ..', _ r' -. ...'.. /' -</'.d_ ' .- AppllcatlOn for ,~J.>j..""...,:;;r....~"",>..,-.>".=.~ ~,.u;~ ,....."'l /'./.././_.<f:"'::Y!'. Structures now on the prope~ty . !'{~'/';";L ';"~7Ja,?.4.~;~- - ;;./'~..-a.-J . . ? / Proposed use of property: /,J/I'Residential C/ Commercial C/ Industrial' -.,-., . \ ."1 J J Affidavit: I, .! ACn-JI ul!<J;.J .., '(please 'print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the properfy: " owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; V duly authorized to act for the owner, ~~iS. knowledgeable of this application. ~.~ Sig~a1ure/Address _(,;}//'~ti.....,~,... o_h~ ,_, S-,)e1. Alfo <,~A ~,at::",Y. (zip) ~/H),) /. "'Telephone ';;';;L 10-" tj 0; ;J.1')!_l-u.nJ Datt 'JJ / ~ /"';;>~ When pennit is ready notify: C/ Appl i'ca~t- ","I~ow~er L/ Contra~tor 9 Qt.: j,J;/"mail ~"/;-/ ;h{ne" , . Owner ~4,l4lf.;;.J>'f.., i-lrilLr (zip) t.1,)~?7 Pho~e ?t/")_.b/fj;U/ Contractorv:~_~"~h tJlI~~'/ - /J~.'.I/r-' (zip) a...^,~" Phone "'''2/", _1J.J'7.14 Contractor's 'OSR# - - '3 ~_"IY .j'...,......... Plumbing by (I (I"/t,,,':4I1J-' .,{,.-."!.' .:.. a . - . T '~'-' ,. -. ~ .:'::,~,: tJ , . Appl icabol'j. # . . f'.-f: C t \- ,,'-:".~4 ,~ . Job Address " ;I As signed Numbers~ L/ Publ ic " , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If Commercial: Residential: # of stories # of bedrooms SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees # of SDS: units. !5/"'ExistiQg, BP # --\, /~/ Proposed, SI # Fee Code Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation Fee . , ^ " ,~ " ::r-,- J. / . ~ . ~ .,-:.7~/:.,.f.'/r,-,'/~fj /-4 /4/.....UjJ~r'f...d /W.fl,OA D ," , - ", h . - .. /.. (j' .. '~~r/~. ,,'7~ "jl"" ,,1 ~'....~ " if-"'~. .t.~_... ., F, 4' /.' . .ti] tf /) ..,!) I L /h"J - ( 51/ ~ () $ $ d yJ,. ,rJf) .~ ,. '1' ,. $ $ $ $ a, /-'~''':; $ $ ,mt,,- f~) $ ..!) ,~. ;i $ ~gf'1;>>J $ J )5?~ ,,'2 (/ l ~/ Total Valuation: $ rQ Plumbing fixtures at $ LfJ-'/J-r) each Sewer/water conn. at $ each , /.~I"Cash ~-=-, L/ Check # Received by .... - Water Supply Proposed Year Installed 4~:;f/~_... .{J J j-l/ A',/' Subtotal Existing 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone "1?.4 Pa rt. # ct., front' ';:';'" /I.4/IA-t;;, . /J:I~" J... ,oj /Inti ~o -v,---_/ "-.. - 0 ----~-.... Parcel # Parcel Size .1."JL..X!l9Jf/::~id\,~; into ,<>1 ; rear . &F I ct., side /J/:l _ ~ 5~~(jJ '1IIe Comments To be typed on permit By - h/A.fA__J ...; Da te L../ ".../ L _ ':/C? r , 'I WATER POLLUTION CONTROL /J gal. tank; ft. '~'drainfield; max. depth of trenches: '. . To ~ typed on permit -A~. ./~~!4_~ /0: 1 .ffi..- ~d ~~/AI/ ~ ~~/~. ~.~ ~i'J!,~," ~",,~. ~~ Q.. A~.. o.f- ~ ~-~k, ~V (1 .... j iF - \ I" ' /) " ,- " , Telephone -, 'By .-0~, Date ~ r~ 7'- 71" , Directio~to ~te .{)A'J~;?~; }~~'l~~'""~ .~~~~ i:,-'"/~/--Z; /t7:d'l~~:,/q _;tu//.AA... ..t::.~P')/=. ~~ /-A #....-v1.....A -' I ' /J J. .. "7?~ v ff //...--......--- , - .. \--- ~.."""'-\",c<'F-f~ ~ /1~/ SIFO Plans to: CP&I I set(s) - . WPC set(s) Installation specifications: /~t",GP& I Dl. WPC C/ Planning C/ Publ ic Works C/ Elevation DLp/a C/ Address (..>.:; C/ Facility Permit .~ ..~ ." Da te Required "p' -', .. :f' =-::, Hold Slip to pCC, Date _,Compl,e fed' ,:: Da te to. PCC . /J ' I y'Y -7.." ....... v:; - <I r" ~1 i I tr . , " ~ ~ .J ,;,:' j,i {f ~., ,,' (/ i/ {!,~~ \. 'J ..... /~/ Environmental Health ( '--. \ tt FOR INFORr\ATION about progress of your appl ication call: Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) ..~-:i ~16 IJ fI}/, ~1i.J- r--'r C,fty S pFJ ~ ~~&';;j{;Jf2 '- /K~t-~~ Structures now.on the property '~..,r 17 . - ~ -_~. , . t , !:IMi:iijiii!:~P.~;'v;'~i~pitfY~: 'Qi(::~f~j~'i~i~I~!!: {};!~.~~~:1!~t::: C/:!;~WJ.~J!tr]il;':' ()11!;ij~Wt!!:: Affidavit: I, -tl-I!C lY"u '~~'W~:~fttjtJ'j,l ' hereby certify'that this information is true and accurate. If this application is for an agricultural building itwill be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: . ".I owner of record; . contract purchaser;' lessee; . holder of an e, xclusive option to purchase; . '!l.. duly autho'r;;t'Zld1 0 act for the own,tt".>>J1Z'iS knowledgeable of ,thi,S apPl,ication. '_. J1 . Signature/Address ,~a/~ :;-7~ <Nb S'c,li. SpJvY. (zip) ?7J.fl,/ . - Telephone?~i..;ltJ?q or-.-.1JL?..:.t.JIJJl/ Date' '1,// #/7Q . When permit is r~ady notify; , C/, Appl icant', tr5(owner C/ Contractor' . Qt.: ~.m~il / C/ p~one '. " " Owner ~--'-" ' -lJiJ<_c-,- _ ; (zip) 'I Fa"?? : Phone 7i./'/ '- ~(ll contract~--;~bM~' ~ir (zip) ('(")t.i,")'.., . Phone _]~~/ 117Cf Contractor's OSR# :3 WoO I ' Plumbing by (I...er,i'fy.ff.T. . flu~.""b./iJ DEPARH1ENT OF ENVIRONr~ENTAL t1ANAGElvJENT PSB, 125 EAST' 8TH AVENUE .EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~~ Job Address UJ ~:S~~:~:::~~l :~~~~II.r SI test hol~s ready DO NOT wRrFE BELOW THIS LINE #. of emp 1 oyees~:::if)!);ijijl!,( :$P~;:;..8l Existing, BP # /~/.Proposed, SI,# :Fij~! ij&jij Oi$icijjtli.ftM li~I~~iiil :'tiri~:t. ~ilt Y2: 1 u~~i on Fee f11:!~~~-~-c~~~ /J . /" " . l/ ' . , ' dl/' ' __y:-.1 aa_. S?/60 $ $ ~?'CJO $ $ $ $ g, tHJ $ $SbICJO $ e:l.~'1 $1)$ , 0-() $ $ &'br.;L(/' ~~n', ~~;~~::ij~~ Water SUPPlY' -~~ Proposed Existing Year Installed Total Valuation: $ _~~~.lnl:@~%t't'!~:'at $__~"tJ-O each 'SiWel"1:water ~"M. at $__._,__.~__ each Subtot31 4% State .5Ul-cha ,"ge Plans check'fee Change af.Occupancy TOTAL Cominen't.s To be typed on permit zon'~ - ~~tJ 1, front- 6 C) , ; CL, side' . _~,.;~~. '.eul"th~..<Mr/ -'-' :_ . I ' ~. . . "-.,-- --......--,.._"-~.......-~--"---~~_..-.~----'-~-.....---:-~ ByA~~___.___ 'l/t-/f/ -~-7q _ Use Cia5S'ifjCQtiOH_~t l:::f)Q.tt~ , ' ~,__ Part. # P.'lrC'21 #_______ Parcel Size /;;J (. K/tf ~ /@_~}g' into ..5:.~ ; i-ear__..._~~_ _ 'SiHd~IL~~ I flag PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: CP&I Type ~^") To be typed, on permi t Group .JZ.~ Fire.Zone ~ . ' :~:,:::::, \::O~::;;"flall (m~;"~Pj'jO'L~,_. ,~~ ~y ~~~-:::::~~ ~ZY#~~~~----~~!!!.!:~~-=--~,~=-_: q, 5 IFO Pl a", too CP&!, I '" (,) ,at,. Ho I,;j S 1.,;,' Cat, ;;iy:."L ~! t/:>;~;';') $~ -dPfZS Compl,t,d . -~~ C/ Planning C/ Public Works r! Elevation ~. () Addr'ess CI. Fac il ity Permit /~/ Environmental Health ~ ~: FOR INFdR~1ATlON about pl"ogr-ess of your app1 ication call: c74'-:-171 Permit Contn)] Center. 68;'-HELP (687-4357) \) ~ ~~ ~I . ../ K ......_ . - I , r~~13'1 J ! ,! . 'i~J i! .... . ,; I' J /' .\ .~ f . \. ( ~ I\; ~ ~ :2~. ~ ~ '==-=-- I'~~ " . I. ''1 , ~ ~ 1C# ~~ ~.~ ~ ~ )J:b )O( 0'/ .... . 4'.::) !1F{ -- ~~".- ~_ _ __, _ ___~.._,._-- ~.c--- ~~..r"~-'- ___ ' .~.- ...,.........,-,.--" T --:r-s tv? 11 ' ~f..t fl s)<i3 , I ~ ~. '\-,((-r . 'I /!\ ~ ,~~<--:;::."""'" ,:,/_- ..... -/ 5 C) I . _r lA) 14 It .ey- ~.~ , <. v1=~ -'J -- r~lP (/ . LLak~ - -..j- _. t.l)./ J." l I9J!!N~ ,o~ ,. ; -- .-;...--~~.._.- ----- .- . 8ttJ.t-J~ -.. 5<i!.e,t'_~1 )7 03 J'~ "'-,' --- '_ ~ ~_ ~_ BI(JtL~- . , ) 0 ) . F,)~,' sr' .jC)J); t. 'v,J fi, \~ .~,~ ""'" , 'I -~~ .-===-~ ----~..;"~~ ,-.-,~.,.-,~- ~_~_-'-;T;-~- - --------==-.::- ~~-~-..:,. '-- BU-"'i"fl4 v/ s tt4 't<:~:)~~ ~.',f~' " ..~"... ~:,_ " Je1B A:D DRESS:'" 0':: L" '\4r>'"'"",,,;;, TRS, TL: 11-o~22-4-1 llGO POST THIS PERMIT -ON MAIN BUILDING AT .SITE ~}b~;;:~} ; i:~i ;t .~~:,.~ ,. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#. Subdivision: ';/;:rt ;::::~ ~ r?;~I' 1l~1: 1"'1' nlo~}; 1. ~8s@-~ . This permit for the referer:lced property is hereby a1}~~~~d&'\ Setbacks and other conditi;ns of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed b'llaVli. . ... . \' . Applicant/Address:. Jason AU_~ 872/gorth Sftt:'1h S,rttt'1f1.e1tls !}l"e~n~.'!,."("i-if:l Telephone:' 72,~14{79 Owner/Address: 171~~~ }i!l\k~~ 45 .zftmCf'q~t'~~~j~~t~d"itrt~ ,~;{t"(ljl,~i~i'f: Telephone: 74~U1f' Contractor/ Ad9n~SS:$~~ ~i:tit.PJ;.t...,1' ":,iI" ,. ,-' Telephone: .t Contractor's GS #'~~"l " ","~[Total Construction Value: '"f~1t~,,;$1~' fit." /./ r;..~' . ' ,,;:,. . " ,,"" , ',l' Constructi6n approved by this,permit: K~t.ton of f~1".'~;,@,340, 'sOJ..,'ft..t , ....",. . " ' SeiNCtQt'qS, ~ on prGt,)S1rtyt. !t@a!1se, ec..&L>'....&;~' eOO cl;..cJll~," 0'" "," '" ': '" "'" "":;',:, . 1",,' . , ". -#:.Beciro~m~: ,'00 ' #.f>!Unibi!lgFixh,JrEis:;' a. ',:: : ',:t!= Embl6yees:, .1'$' . "t' '. . -~.... . Water Supply: ~Ue 'r '. PLANNING DIVISION "Zoning: ' ~ 1n ' ,I)>artitioning# ::~, Parcel 7F, !\Wi .' l?arcei,.Size:: '. i26:' n:USJ ,i; 15()X . Minimum require'dstructuralsetbacks"from: centerline of road, front:OOll~;cenier:iihe,O'hoad;' : side ~xterior: a:-~; interiorprope~ty lines: . S', ,;rear prope~ty line: ,5>11 '. ,.' H ,'.' Special. Instructions: ~ 1h'Qli1t Get'OOels 1&:, 60ft c.Q:e1!~il,nt of cd .de SBle..'. , A ;<:: "Fbrinf~rrnation~aIl68i7-4394,~ssmK~~ 't ~.,-- '.. ,~~h~' , ~ ,., WATEH PO'~ION,""::'~i~;:t~s:t>ection }gila.. .'. 1.~~tallati<:>riISpe(;ifi6ati:J"., ,na'~a~mrn. septLc_~ank capaci~Y-; ::, ,.^" CONTROL DIN,JSION, ,n$., .lIril;!al,feeto~dra,lnfleldrequlrltd;max.~ept~,oftregqhes:': .li'W ,;J -, ,..,' ,: ," 1ft! " '," VI' ,.., Speclad'nstnJc;ii9.D~.:.}lp :~~. .bUS~:!1~~hhll01;, .~L~~~~$e'~rr dt?<f"v.$cl,~\,<,., ,,', . ~ '. '.' .:v;)'....., ".... ;')~'~.> H;t!;':~;~?~,:~,t'~V~\;~Glr :'_~~~~ ~ . ,DS~4't't~~:n.;, ,l Setbacks "~,..;-' , Septic Tank' prpJi;ifield ' i '" ~~~'\.,'~. ," '~i!~V~{:1( ~p.le~m&~~,~.Q1 ~~. .d~.a~~~~~~. " " --.. ~. " I q~;~i~~~~~~~~~~;!~:'~ay~ g: ': >~~~ ' .. : :.. ::,,' .::.;::.', , :':::;:::">'>~;~~:~;;{,~':~':~/_~':"" .:; '. ':., i ' . " .3~ilding foundation 5~ (110\' , ;,',".. , ,l ,:Wells,otherwaters,<;>urce,s 50' 1QQ: Forinforrn{!~ion,cClII "'a7-39~~betviteen8:00-9:00'a:m:,Gieg CE.'a1. a..S. " ., v,,/ t1 \ . ", ".-..ij' ,v 'r.--.,-P' ' .' , CONST R U C~J01j( TyRe of Construction: '""", ~ [irouR ~ ;.;, ll..) "l..We 26 ne: it " L,~e. Classificat iOn: "fl!D/~" 6~t ~:6~' NS)ST IONlnstructions:"".... ' i'~ ,,. ~; ';. ,it/\' ',',' ,;,; >. " t/ ,\. . '.', . I For',pla'~~ information call . 5f1"~'~~.t;;.b'~t;,yeen8:00 a.m. a~d, 9:0d'a.h'1., , J~ ~. For inspeptions (see back of this.perrnh)caJI 687.-:4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p'.m..' " " , I :4:' , I . . . >~"T- ~.. _' 'l;. :' . "., . ,,':'~:,';'~~'1~ ~ountY" .,.'"."..,~ ' " r Directions to Site: .,. ':,' ....... I X)~\:;~. h~~ B~toROOd. to {ia.y~~e$< .~m l(~.t,. 80 to' Ama Co~'li' '.. . . Date Issued: '~~';i6...;'i$) ., . .' " ." ' . , . D'EP~~~MENTO'FJitJ\/IRdNMENT~L MAN~~EMENT"" By: COU,RTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING' 125 E~ST 8~H AVENUE,. Ep~ENE, qREGO~,~~191",.. ,." ,tio~ .X- t~cr.c~Jl'1 C55.13 '- \"., ;[,1, ~,; ') SITE INSPECTION/"/ ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED / REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ,\ / Dm #;?~-JFmmM9~ ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR "'""''Cd-IdA.- ni' -p., f~ 4-U-1Y.J.~ FRAMING INSPECT~ Ap'PROVED / vf 01 SAPPROVED / REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION / A"PROVED / if/DISAPPROVED / REMARKS / DATE, ~ -,/7 -7'i INSPECTOR Ju~ / / DATE03... 7:iINSPECTOR~ FINAL INSPECTI~ ApPROVED / -' / DISAPPROVED / / DATE/fJ -2C:-7'11 NSPECTOR~ rf:/--.. REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / , / DATE I N,?PECTOR READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE REMARKS . J I ~ I ! i I I \J I I .'" t :~ . 'I ... I ! I I I t ( I '-' ,,_'_' ~.~- ". '1'-- "~,,,-,'- ,.., ~""'."" - ~ -- J_ . I ~3~'31 I I t ~\ ' J ~ \. ~(L u ~ 'rS (It? tr --f...'1 r ( S )( ~ , . ( \./ \\i- \'~ \,/ - , , \. ~-----""--"""'.'-~-_' ----- - - -- '-'-- --- ., -. "-- r . W 'Ii tt .ey- .J u S PU./At <\vFfJ, o~ -~ , j ,--j J5:C .---------- ~ -. - '. --"/- / 50 / /l.A,.Il J? ~1 o - --;2'rf ~ ~.. ~ Ie. ~ ~ ~.::. of' ''''"" }>'_ ~I... ~, (( ::> ,(;:..... [1._- . .- ----- - \ \ \ '-., .....\. l'~s-, y- -7 " " ,..,..~..<,..,..._'~.;-...,.~,... " ~ ~ . . . . ~-------- )' ,~.,;:~;~:" '~,' . .~ . :~. . ,n . JOB ADDRESS: ~S Ai..1llm'~o $~~1Q]l&o ~ ~., . . '.' . . ~, '1-.\\ TRS, TL:, Jl..l=@3=~~l UOD ."."'. , ... ' .<~ " , ,! . '.".' ',...-. . ',!' .< P0ST/;TfHs."PE'RMIT~.:ON MAIN: BUIlDING'; ,AT' SITE:' . 'i:'A , ! . ., ',..- CON ST R,UG:T10 N PER MIJ' # Subdivision: Wg aM;! ~ ~o ~ 2i.@Dm~ X ,liJrpa~1~ . , :;.:' t- Thi~ permit for theref~renced property is hereby wlil'ltL>\lol'v0do. Setbacks and other cOllditions of approval must be strictly' qbs~rv~d. . Violation can result in revoca1ion of this' permit, citation urider provisions of Lane Coynty's I ntractionOrdinance,and/orother remedies allo~ed by:lavy.", , ~.. '" . '. .... -;', ~ .,'..' , ." ." JUil~111 AJULCllElo 012 Jh~$~~t)lS~~llllo @i?~ tntJili eoll.~ Rol%ao, ~S &wml. ~ $~cilo ~~ ~~7J1 00C6 .'l.JG..-.j 00 dW@51~~~' .' , , ... S3m~1i Total Construc:tion Value: ~OOoOO V.J-1I1/ ' ' . MtM@i@Iil\ @g ~~~ ,~.f> ~ g~ fft.l , $~~ ~ 'lWill.~I.OOI~~~lJ ~000 '~~l!.'@o ~~tl . Applicant! Address: Owner/Address: ' Contractor/Address: 'Contractor's OS # Constructiori approved by this permit: / Water Supply: ~~ PLANNING DIVISION ,...; . . ~. :? .- (" ,< WATER POLLUTION , .CONTROL DIVISION . '. "'Setbacks I ~t:eripr property .Ii nes Je of road right-of-way ::.. 'ljuilding foundation I',.' Wells, other water sources , S;, . CONSTRUCTION . PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION. ,-' I.t Directions to Site: .Oa,te\lssued: " " ~RfFq>, . C55-13:' Zoning: . f!a Partitioning # ~ Parcel # mm' Parcel'Size: Minimum required structural setbacl<.s,. fro'1'l: centerline of road, froflt: . ~(tc ;.c,enterlin.e ofr~~d, . side exter,ior: \liD ; interior property Iin~s:' So' ;rear pr9perty'line: $~ Special Instructions: C I;~~(!: CQ~ i~8 w'O ~~ p~ft.og.@!lit ~ ome~" For information call 687-4394, ~ ~Qi? . Site Inspection # ~ Installation specifications: ~1' , i gaL inin.septic tan~cap'achl:. '. ,:' :,'~. u ' lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: ~ ,,' . 'J ," ' ," ,'" , ..' .Spe~iaIJ~slru~ti.o.ns:'D€!>,~~',~.mi~~~~..iO;o.f>>g'd~~:~o~~~4~;"> '<,' , ,"" , " " .': .'..!bl. ~ ~~~~ dgooz.mimd!.€il~':~~6"it,,';.,., Dr.j:~tie\cF' ,,' ",'" .. " "-~~ cl ~~~~g,,~ '~. :::~~,..~~~~~:.':p..';~:~K>f~'",., ':.:. '.: 10', ,'., ':,;.:,' 10'." ..' :,. ""'., '" ' 1 00' For informati'onqall ' taf.iiJd%~2 b~tween8:00 - 9:00 a~~., ~~ ~~e' V!l-:~~ ": ,,":' SepticTank 10' 10' 5' 50' -1 Telephone: :Y~il~;~9' Telephone: ' Q11..}~,A~ 'Telephh'i')e:': ' 1/'" ~', " . .,t" .. 1- . ~ ~ . . . '. # Bedrooms: \lID , , ,', . , # PIllmb,ing Fixtures: , # Employ:ee!f' , :2 'lru"\. ",. 1l.2~ rs' UD g!S@ 3 ~" ".., . ~ J-'.- ", ~, ":. ~ ~ <;Jroup-::,: lil.=3 Use Classificatiqn: ~f.~:~~~: Fire Zone: Type of Construction: I nstructions: ~' 'Sl. ., ?', For plans informationcall ~~ru~.j}j~7, ~b~(~een 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 ?m., ~1lD ~ For inspections (see back ,of this permit) ca,ll 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. . "". . "j .t .>,'. . \.; ~+~~~~~\~:; . .,:;;0":"'." .:.. ,:-.." '. ", ::;t-', -.;..~>.. . : .;;' bAecounty ", :' '~I . : , ~J"" .,~:~~:." ,.,., . ,,~ ... . . . '. . - ... '. . ~ ~ B~ &:n~ ~ LY~l> ~. !G1f~D ,5@ ~,~ ~o , DEPART'MENT'o'i= ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ,BY:, :.'~~' ~',~lY" ". '. . COUf7l1HOl,lSE I p,UBLlC,SERVIQEBUILD!NG, '. ' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE;,EUGENEi OREGON,97401~ . . ~,. ,'.. . 'i..\ ~ .. . . '. . '. ~ ,( f ( ,I . i --i .... ~ l1li11 "t:) ~ FLOOR PLUMBING Gr~UNOWORK '. ~ ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED I REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUND~RK ApPROVED I I DISAPPROVED I REMARKS I DATE 1'-~ 7- ." INSPECTOR /P 4-, I OAT E INSPECTOR ROUGH PLUMBING I V 7 0 I SAPPROVED I I DATE 5-1-~f' I NSPEC TOR g/ 8~ ;td ~..<:J.,~ ~'-;- 3- -;.,9 ~ ApPROVED Rn-1ARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED / REMARK S, FINAL PLUMBING ,/ ApPROVED /0 DISAPPROVED / REMARK 5 FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / REMARKS CERTIFILATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / DA TC INSPECTOR / DATE, ~ -3CJrf) INSPECTOR fJ!- / DA TE I rlSPECTOR / ~OT READY TO ISSUE / INSPECTOR REMARKS / DAT E