HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1996-10-8 . .... .. . .. .' '.' . .' .. . . , .... .... . . ..... . . . .. . ....... . . .. . ~anage~IlI~j,tDivlslcinj ~~'.' ~o: :8thAve. (P:?ZJZ-9.6 ~ ~ REQUEST FOR: ~ Septic System Installation r((-I-(c7 500f?{;?? '. pc ~712'C furta{} I TC1M'lSHJP RANGE seciiCN ". SECTION TP,X'LOT SUBOMSlCN I PARTITION ' LOT I PARGa aLOCK 17 03. 27 .3.3 13,400 LOCATION ADDRESSI Y./7 :H-27 1/2 Anderson Ln., Springfield 97477 STRUCTURES NOW ON PROPERTY House: PROPOSED USE SEPTIC NSTALLED WATER INSTALLED NO, OF STORIES NO. OF EMPLOYEES CONSTRUCTION COSTNALUE Ren- Yes City OESCRlPTlCN OF PROI'OSEO WORK Install sewage disposal system. DIRECTIONS P."srrE FROM NEAREST MAIN MERSECTION Centennial & Anderson. NO. OF BEDRC:lCt.1S APPLICANT NAME & AODRESS John c. Anderson, OWNERS NAME & AODRESS John C. Anderson, CONTRACTOR IINST ALLEf\I BUILDER NAME 1425 1/2 Andersen Ln., Springfield 97477 1425 1/2 Anderson Ln., Springfield 97477 PHONE.. /26-1592 PHON726_l592 CCB' PHONE ~ FEES DUE: ~ , > MAIL PERMIT TO: John C. Anderson, NAME ) ,. . " , . - " I have carefully read BOTH John C. Anderson ~, P~~NAME 1427 1/2 Anderson Ln., Springfield 97477 sides of this is true and correct 9-/z-yt; J STREET mY ZIP 519 ~,e . 'I ,I~I .... .... I READ CAREFULLVt/ DATE ,. _.. ''', r $ APPROVED BY: DATE d 9J/ft Ire,'''' ., , . ....., , ... "...... .. ,. IL 1IIIIII1I1J111111111.I,IIlllljllllllll1l11l1ill111111111111111111I r (~ . "I . !ill" ~~~~R,~~T~~~1)~~:~:of:~:~:;:~s .::.-c::;:;J 1ll LMD 040 Rev. 6/92 CALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOR SEPTIC permits are good for one year. ALL other permits expire 1"~t' ~~~ ,()\I~~I, ", ': VIOLA nONS .. ~, " \___.. '" SETBACKS.AND QTHER CONDmONS OP APPROV AI.. MUST BE SlRICIL Y OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCA nON OP nns PERMIT. ~-~:..l-', . . . CITj:IO~S ~~.~ IS~ UNDER 1lffi PROVISIONS OP LANE COUNTY'S INFRACI10N ORDINANCE AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES AlLOWED BY LAW. Have the followihgiriforrriati~n'i'eady when you call: 687-406S";' .\ / \ A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECTION REQUESTS Permit number - Job address - Type of inspection required -' Whenit will be ready Your name and phone number - Any special directions to the site \\ ':: \ " 0 PUBLIC OFFICIAL RIGIITTO TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ORS 215.080 . POWER TO ENTER UPON LAND. 1lffi COMMISSION, AND ANY OP ITS MEMBERS, OPPlCERS AND EMPLOYES,IN 1lffi ~RMANCE OP 1lffiIRPUNCI10NS,MA Y ENTER UPON ANY LAND AND MAKE EXAMINATIONS AND SURVEYS AND PLACE AND MAINTAIN 1lffi NECESSARY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS THEREON. REQUIRED INSPEctIONS FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place.: UNDERGROUND 1'll'lNG INSPECTION: To be made after all underground piping has been installed, prior to any backfill. , CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor bUilaing service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing,rough-in is in place, prior to being covered:, ' FRAMING IN~PECTION: To be made after the all framing, fire blocking, bracing and rocif are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing; and mechanical inspections have'l>een made and ..yy.vved. , . , INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. ;' LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, in~rior and exterior, is in place but before any" plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and f~hed. ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQUIRED, such as but not limited to; '. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and app.~ o/ed. . FINAL "MECHANICAL INSPECFION: Toqe made just:prior. ~_ the sirucnu:e or. remOdele-~ area being occupied and prior: to operating any equipment FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the building, structure or 'remodeled area being occupied. FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION: To be madf: after finish grading md the building, structure or remod~led area is completed and ready for occupancy. MOBILE/MANUFACfURED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobil~h,omeis conilected to an "yy.,:,./ed sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirements, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to' comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. Minimum fmished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management , Tiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days aft!T occupancy. T~edowns shall. ~e installed P.CI' enclosure. \. '..:"'" ,.'t-....'..,'~, I, (., \' I . . ,_s~--~-'::~7,) _~') ~'t~) .....:' ..:J' '...."\. '\ '".--; "l.",...--:\ (....,..1 '- APPR'OV AL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure ~yondthe point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval.~f<0e.:ouildjng official. Such ..yy.,....al shall be given o~y_aitir:~inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as mdicatoo DY each of the inspections required. ' '. '-. - ~'. \~,\',. ". ; It\.. . , \ \"" '\ .\ \ - APPROVED PLANS MUST im ON TIlE JOB SITE AT All' TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. " TIllS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WlTHIN 180 DAYS. OR IF WORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE TIlAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF TIllS PERMIT W A.S ISSUED'ON)'HE BASIS oF. lNCOMPLiITE ORl~RRONEbus INF,ORMA TION. "',"~NYON,E ,P~O~EE~~~:~AST'TH~'POIN~ OF REQlJIR,ED INSPEc;TIONS ~1I:;!--~0S~),A,T TI;IEI~,O~N RIS~.., \, ". '. " ,\ _' . . ".\ ..&, '".~ . .'. ". .,;.. t' , l' Your sign,atureonthe front of this form verifies the follo'Ying:, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED\nqscoMPLETED APPLICATI0N, arid.do , hereby certify,that all information hereon is true and correct, and'that I have a legal interest in the property as owner of record or authorized agent. I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- taining to the work described herein. I further certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my registration with the Builders Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS ~01.0?5,and,that if exempt th~basis for'$e exemption'~ I1o~d),hereon,and thatonly, subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 'will be'used 'oil. the job. ~ " ,... .... ': '; . . , " \ '" '. . " \ l"' .... . .. '~\, . I . '.. 1 \ \' . '. \ f, t.'- \ '.', , , .. " ' . \' . , .. \ \ . \' .' " '. , ',', "\ SUBSURFAcE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: .' '. , , .. \ When subsurface constru~tion is cof11plete, the permit holder shall n.otifythe County Larid Miinag~m,<<<nt Division by submitting the installation record form. An il)Spection will be made by a qualified sanitarian. If construction complies ~i~ all rules, a certificate of completiq~,will. be issued,to, the permit holder. If c~ns~ction does not comply with rules, the permit holder will m; notified, ahdall correctdns shall b~'made before a Certificate of completion will be i,sS~ed-::~~I~~ to me~t satisfactory completion within,the ~}o~ed ti!ne constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. --SUBSURFACE-SEWAGE-DISFOSALSETBACKS ' SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELD I From: Interior property lines - --ro'~- ---'-;- --10~- Edge ofroad right-of-way 10' 10' Building foundation 5' 10' Wells or other water sources 50' 100' / /J - ..T0- W Locate Number Legal Start Date / To: Access " ,/ J Yes '/' , ' <:".,.., ", ~ ;::..- : Owner's Initials ESTIMATE SHEET SERVICE & PLUMBING CO. PROPOSAL NUMBER 455% River Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97404 (503) 689-1711 Time o No Nearest . Cross Street C171\.\-l""Af\...\CA.. \ ./ /' Date /() - 7-90 329Z~/~ Phone , 7:Jfn - /09 ,?- Job Name /j /I' I Job Address I -MfJ 7 i. 8^c~~/\ ~AJ ,6yr'\ f\qGe (J or 97477 . -' , Drawing (footage and angles) SEW AGE DISPOSAL P~~it~PROVEPf'& DATE 8/, /, BY .~ ~ ENVIRONME~ L TH SERVICES 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 97401 /' /' (', 't.Jf'..., ;~:.... , //:)" ','". ;y. " r) r , /. // 5: . t.J , ~ . t->- i~' ~, ,. I , , , , (:: ~ I ('f ",' Owner agrees that the X's shown are the hook-up points and that any others that are discovered after proposal acceptance will be hooked up with additional charges to the owner, This document is considered part of the signed proposal. Owners will notify Roto-RooterService & Plumbing CD, of any private utilities priorto digging and take liability fDr any private utilities that are nDt disclosed prior to digging if damage occurs, N W --<r E s , I , ;7. "f,"" >" ' 1 ':Pv.: ~~> -- ---~ ~/.-: r" ; d- :-- " Estimate Done By Total Cost $ ,/ Special~ Explain Mot>. Yk V3S't Make legend Hook-up Point X Sprinkler "Fence - - - - - - . Proposed Sewer Electric ~ Septic Tank @ Concreter / / / / / / / / ~ Asphalt ~ Decks UIIIIIIIIIIIII 0- ~ Trees Shrubs .. .." U Ci:>;.15 ( .:sp/::::. . ~.3t1S ~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SITE EVALUATION L", ,"""",~".,.,~:,<-".""" .:r The area described on~.t ched~lot plan dated I 0 ! S/ti> is ~t?(fOt:;:; ~ for a ./;:{:/J)'~ ~.':f~~715K.L. syste.....~ ..1./ . ~ f1 - O<<tb'- l/'c&t~U7L~ "~ ADDITIONAL C~MENTS: !J II ~~'f" ~,~ ??S- ((:Ii-'" P/24rI(jH~ ( NOTE: ,f this report approves use of a sand filter or pressurized distribution system, detailed construction design plans will be required with the installation permit application. THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THis REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE I7tPP~9VED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. -;;kh.. ~ DEQ AUTHORIZED AGENT Ju/sb~. " DAT~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING: * * * * This Site Evaluation is a technical report to determine if a on-site * * system will function properly. It does not approve the proposed use of * * the parcel. This Site Evaluation may be converted to a construction * : permit only if the parcel and use meet land use regulations in effect at : * the time of application. YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL * * PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTI4 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (687-4051) C55-32 ~ ... "'-~~"" J~i.. ~~'t .~, ' ~o ()' " :',^" . ~ 'V ' 0, " :I ~ 0/ ~ , ~ I ~!, \ - )( 0 t), . ;!, ' ." ,'{ _' ~fe , 0 I ~ ' 0,11:50 ~ - oS ~~ ~ 3e:;. v~ "'" ( s; - ~.. Ia ~ . \Jl ~ ....... It) ~ ~ ~. ~.. - M . \ t'C\ , ~ I :~ (1\' ~ \) " ~ L \l 1;: ~ ~ "- ~ \i '- 0 o. ~ ~\;~~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ' M l= (:) ~'~ Ip,:. ~)l. ~ .I'~ .. f..~/ :" 8~' 888~'30. ( ~ 0 . 20.00 ~.... ~... JO.OO ~,OO 61' o. .. ",:' " ,'. -tt-' . 1 0':' o. ,.~.P1f<. ~,:.' 0 f.,.' ., 'F ~.~MDL . ~ U OZOO 80. FT. - ~y 7:-L, e:.r .' , t< ~ . 16 Of, _ - <)0, ~ ~~~f ~ - .,-.,.,-., or ..., --~Q' J, 'll1':'" ' '~' ""-~~' IO~ ' ~~ r:J <fS 122' (4) o evO ~8Q.FT. . ~k~ . "'{) ,1: WI '- / ~ '\ CD IO!:JOO 6lQ. FT. o CD 7300 so. FT. (2) '0 ; ur 1000 8Q. FT. ~ ,,~ CD ~ .. . ~ 12200 so. FT. ~FT. It) ~ F.. 2 co , ~\VA~DISP03A PLOT PL;\N ;\Pi.'~' rED A permit is red , ,.~/~ DATE"".N~';'< '.~"f IVlb!f(~ BY D~J:d;-_ ENvIRO~,,>If~~"" Ii..;, V,CiS ~EAST bId A.c:o.U.. E:UGENE.OR:::GON :c7401 Cl~-;, ;30Y ~/~9' ~~C;;J ;~~ 37Q88 ~ Z ~ i':)- 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ \ I(j ~. " --., ;- ~ " -- -.....- r ~ . -t (\~, . Tax Reference / 7- 03 ~ 27 - 3- 3 .- /3!~ Applicant Prvv6dl5av Date ltf/jLf;/9C: ~:~v./ ~7/1Y .~; 't , 5.1. (ls- ~o~.., / SITE EVALUATION FIELD WORKSHEET Parcell lJ:Jtl m.1 ~ . Zoning Use Parcel Size Water SUpply: Well COllll1llli ty Public Soil Macrix Color and Mottling (Notation), \Coarse Fragments, Roots, Depth Texture Structure, Layer Limiting Ef~ective Soil Depth, etc. O-~(-~~~~__,?~Gt. ~.!Z00r5~ Mr;ro ~M~'~ Pit 13()-~L~ ~0 IA~;{~:??OZ'aeBLg5 / cg{f&.971Z(f0TU1ler , . · 0 - .2/' LCJY-f1tV\J '--- ~ Pit'2 29-70 ~tC( ;Jfro / ~G , r , " t)- 32-1 ~V\J '- . Pit3_~- (oR Lo411tt(,~ ~.Yf'V~ , , I Pit 4 Land.scape Iiote~ I~ I , ~ Other Site Note~ Slope /J1? /..VlI1 ',:-/ (j7-P , ~pe~t IU lJfl 7J( Groundwater Replacement Sy3tem S1z1llg . . I , ~~~ q~SPECm=n~ 4!lJ ~ (~y ~ I' -;;"1'/1 1150 g. xax_ Depth AbsOrption Facility (in) ~ 1150 g~ 'Max. Depth Absorption Facility (in) · ^.t:.,. Type Sy~tem:l-6cu f~50fZG:. In1t1al . /J <U4::- ,,::;'t.5~te!I S1z1llg Special CoadJ.t1ons '" JlT "',AN (W "r..r....:>,,: STIlE ~ ~ ~' ;! ~ ;~ II'~ \ \ r:, 'I II:: " ~I n: 8 :JJ '" o @ III ~ l n , W: 3 LANE COUNTY APPLICANT ANDERSON, JOHN TL# 1703273313400 SUBDIV ~ Ii ri ~ '.J I::' LJ r~ I oD r', ,010, '.' 1::0 1::0 II <.~ r.:o I:;' JO:{ n I:;' V <.:. (."jo. " .f, 0"'1 0_ noJ. 00' r no '.'00 ~O. , '0 '0. ,11'0' OWNER NME ANDERSON~ JOHN CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION F':F~ 1 ... , :BP , BF' \ E:P BP PL :~:F I )::/B(.:j ofH : ('1ECH iJ tJ i I,SUR ~~ri 'pUe Sl)':;' - SDE(~ (~IDt'i . 'rECH L. C~ . :.:~;! f~ ;;.~ S) <::. ,S~ [) SI S' FEE SDS'S:' FEE FEE C(.:jTC: PLN S;EQU : T {il< EN:BY F~LH ~ h I \ F< r:~1 S'I)SI . E:s1'r ~ DEPT ENV MCT RECEIPT "# 328296 DAfE 091296 ADDR 1427 ANDERSON LN., SPRINGFIELD, ORE Loor BLI{ Ui\lITS (lO'! STOF:IES' :il:BLDCS (-)(li F'HOr~E '"?;.?6' 1 ~:>9:j'l J ADDR 1427 ANDERSON LN., SPRINGFIELD, ORE S(~ FT UNIT COST V(.~L.U{1lION FEE Dr:":l{{S 3: :5 :D I'i1 o 13 SWR: FT. WTR: , ~'!ECHf:1NICtIL FEE ST (.i lE SUF<CHt,RGE PLr:"1N CHECI{ FEE . FT. F;:I~([ N : FT l:::U/ ..lln :.:.~ ~::; ;.;.; @ qiP. I ~, a g ':!l m 91 III Iii " ~ CI{ ~ 3 g ~ ~ iI ~~l !:~ 290,.00 ' ~30. 00 43.~)(-) ~5,0 0 (-) ELE PCI< IS'S ./' SI]: CITI~,: '-. to.. COr'iPI.~ETION DtlTE DEPCiSIT ,)(o.)t ::?::t)~:$.\ ~::;0 , v ..,0:.: ';. '111 cr ~ J~3H . - -::: ~_..;---- - -,- 0,< ,.~. '0 ~Wy t 8 ;.~ " u H ~~ ([t -" :l ~Utf :~ '., G) m z m (Jl 1ii " ~ <1 '. n . :.:i ~_:: ~ ~f~ I.........ji :> -'1 :. 'C' " ------.-..-.....-:-..- :~~: .:d:.... ' ....1'. W: 3 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT . 328296 DATE 09129~- APPLICANT ANDERSON. JOHN AD DR 1427 ANDERSON LN.. SPRINGFIELD. ORE ~lHHJ n..:g: 1 70:~27331 :~400 SUBD IV LOTBLI( ~,Hjal 6~WONEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES OBLDGS 001 PHONE 726 159~~~ OWNER NME ANDERSON. JOHN AD DR 1427 ANDERSON LN., SPRINGFIELD, ORE CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS BP BP BP BP BP PL. :jl:FIX/BATH: MECH "'Lll"' r U" '1''> ... ~lGDpCI< SDS LC 328296 SDSS SDEQ FEE ADM FEE TECH FEE CATG: PLN RA SEQU: TI~IKEN BY r~u'l ~~ I ':"'~" ,'I 'f. SWR: FT. WTR: MECHANICAL FEE ST ('HE SLJRC~'ljC)F~GE PLAN, CHECK FEE SDSS SDS ELE PCK 1 . EST A, COMPLETION DATE ISS ,.\ ~, Cl ~j :-,1 ri' " f FT. r~AIN: FT r~ ;i \. ;; 5% ;;~ ~5 % ~FHh lI.i~Ui;!. 290.00 30. (')0 43.50 5.00 ~. o CJ. q 7J IS ~., :<: ", (fl 1ii / SI OTR DEPOS I T if...)f '" ~. 1 " :> ~? :568. ::>0 CI( (1 :-J fJN~.i' l{jr'~i ~. .~ '~~i ,..-' '....,.. ~ .~ .... .......".-.- ._';. ~ ,1. o 0 HOLD SLIP APPLICATION # ~2. [) .2 -j ? lanE County ~t;:. ~ ~!"1~: ~ t -.0 ~ J. ' LOCATION I </2 7~_ ))I1J~5'D" ). V} Jo~ V\ C A VI tP ~ c<; ())1 /I./~~-{ Ar1Jf'($On S?fi~Jf,p/f) Of An q7177 ZIP CODE NAME ADDRESS .' The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: 1. 0 Incomplete application (items deficient). o Address and/or directions to application site. o Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. o Approvable plot.plan (see attachment). o Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2. 0 Verification of existing system required (see attachment). 3. 0 Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. ~ Other: ~ /.1. t r-->A /?,Irc,\pj . ~8 7-3 ?-5-/ ~~ ")"h; it.::.J Is //. r -" o~,j) ~ -C ~ c:f)~ ~ ~ ~(~~Q ..... 1 }';/f(- SIGNATURE - ~ U DATE/ / /Yl- ~ ~~ :) ntv.. ro& 7 - J'i~/ from OFFICE HOURS ~' PHONE If no response has been received in rega to this matter by q /30 ~ " the application will be denied. '/ / ' --. ~ ~ ~----. ;; to ...l i ~ I III ~ I u.. .... i~l LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Public Service Bldg. /125 E. 8th Ave. / Eugene, OR 97401 / 687-4051 ~-" )., " 'f", ,'" t,.. .:...r.' ':! {',>":: ,', . ,/,:l;~?p~aXj;rJi ',.' \;:::, /I 0 C,,/j;I' 0":]'- 'o~'~ f ,;' < C A} A l" ~ > " . '!:'_: ~ "'"I .. P , ~ <t f" If" , ,i" f '. , .'" ......- -. "9c>~ 79 . 276' :,432,1 'c. L ~;'T"" .......~"": ..:," ': '~~,.~. .' .. l....;~. . " .;~. '-. " :....~.- APPRO " L.oCAT~A J:' DRAIN ~D ABANDONED WA TER LINE i > L ~, ~,-. ';::.. of; ,'.. I ::.. I 1 \ \ \ 00 (; ~~~DFf:~Y EASEMENT DRAIN ~TO ~~ID> AT T~ ~ EXTE~; SEWER ' _ C! DWELLING. ~, 'i o o o ,....: ~ .tt) :',","'- ;~.~.; I ':~;(: r ...~ .~.:. I - : f.~~~'~, , I All cr- .. 1') ... x. . .f.' / -- ~"34, '3 --, '~ ',<;'- ,~,.,' '0..'. . .g' 10 lP 0' ~. (J ~'! ' ...:... , ." ~- '~-, , ~., ') 1.0-;.... "",::'.' 1".... : : 'N' aa.2tioh I i , I '.' L J ..' 6 ....~. . ,'~ 8,. ,..' :J <>. '361' - vnr. .. . 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LouIS: tfltld Loss In Yra nsport ripe Head LoSI through Discharge Assembly Head Loss III Manifold Head Lass i D iatnk 'Add-On' Friction. I Losses: Held loss through Dislributing Va'v, NDne Used Head Loss IbrDugh Flowmet.r None Used PIIDJECT:Mill.@ RotD Router MI-46146i2ll ~i U.' - 0.43 gpm S1 25.3 gpm 3 35 '_.i-.' ":.'..~ ~-Lp ____1_ _. ..~. 1.' f -L..~-l-. ...~~~I#.C> :/.,," ,. ,: [I J: ; _ J~_... ___' :! ! -~ -w-L_ ---t -~~ ,. ~ . i j j j I. ~_~-":; ~,tl)-~"'::~;."::' \-"".. -- ~ --;;~:t-;+ ~---l-r--:,~ ,----LI l5 --'- *' __~ '_____, i '-H-;Li---~L~--~- ,I , ! i: \TT-~ ----:, -rttT~- --'T"~ $-'~._._-; ~ -+,' ~"'- ,-+--~-----~ ' :: 3) ! ~-~ . ~: :! j -~PJ[!:.~-r-:--~ '~~~j-,-:_.,-+-.. . -X..' ., " ".' ---."-,~. '.'--'- '" I ' : -'----.J.+-\ :\', c-'r-----'-- .~ ~'~, ~-~. --t-:: ":- ',--: . j ;. 15 CI S ~..---.~" o .... --Iuf- -:--~ , ' 10 ;!' I I . " " , :--' - !.-:- -::~ ,- ____: _ ul~. 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L(? 7/L Awv (- te AJ J( / IC- HOLD SLIP NAME ADDRESS ~ ..., . ~ 0-- The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: 1. 0 Incomplete application (items deficient). - '"". ...'., "', . _.// 0 Address and/or directions to application site. -"(~;:;:;:.'~~ 0 Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. R Approvable plot plan (see attaclllllOIl~ HZc<-(/ o Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2. 0 Verification of existing system required (see attachment). 3. 0 Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. ~ Other: C/o6r? ::; /7r-;2c; c:; 6/72f3_A Prf?t-~S();?(7EP (/~!77~II:3c7(ovtJ 7//2//lu/ jZ:((/vr) _ 'Pi (c-115,z- ?17()UICP ~4 POYVI{/ t116Df:'-Z- ~ P? - >)r;;LY; ~ /?t0~7(!')Q PUI/VI P ;:.urz//;;- - (A-JI I'll ./J-- 7~,c~A~--D' ,;/1-67 ?tAJU (JF ,P/lOf/f) r;1-~O ! It) i; 7A-c-c./17?aU, Oi I/U;, L ( Nt1/{ SIGNATURE t/14tZ 7(<</ 9' //q/Pk DATE I I !f~/- 3?J'7from PHONE to -I i ~ I ~ ~ I .... P'; to'? OFFICE HOURS If no response has been received in regards to this matter by the application will be denied. /2/3'u/Clh LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Public Service Bldg. /125 E. 8th Ave. / Eugene, OR 97401 / 687-4051 ( ..'<,. ." .., " '. '" ~~y REQUEST FOR. JlSSISTANCE LAND MANAGEMENTDlVISION125..E8TH~1'E:.~EU.C;ENE,OR. 97401 ~~""'.'~..' .:- : ::'.~:.. .' .~ ~ - Your Name I /~:<. 7i Your Address C:'II). . City - ?: / Please complete aI/lines Inside white boxes, if possible JOh)/) r? A J/lJer.soVJ q- /;1. - 9' h Date (91/) 726 -/5'1L .......Pholie 97~V ,4'7d erSf7.n L n Owner of Parcel (if not same as above) PhDne Exlsflng Bulldlngs 01' 1m- prove~ on the Propel'fy House Barn Garage Mobile Home Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED? KVes No Water District (?re Zip Owner Address (if not same as above) Zip Installer I Builder I Contractor CCB Ucense # (lzr'7' Phone Request for: Directions to site from nearest main Intersection ~ej// /en ; tl. J cf- AJl/d~~o VI MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax mapa In tIw Aueeament. TuatJon Dept) .-3J . ~~. Townahlp Range Section 1/4 Section / 7-tJ .5 - Z7,.5>..3 'fownaNp Range SeclIon 1/4 _on .- in" ro , ii! j Tn lot /..s; Vt? d Ta. lot Townahlp Range . sec:uon 1/4 SlIc1Ion ---Yn Lot Site Address / /-?L~ 7 /'2/ Anderson f.n SW/),. uJ( / I / 97 '177 ZlD .. ,.-. ,..-. . "." ...., ,.... .... ..... ,.. - . -.. ".. ..... ,,,., ,-- -, -. - . -.. . --- - - - ,.. , '" . . .,",,_._.__,' .,,'."0".', _ ._..... .'. ',. lrlformatlonReque.,OnIyO. 't'RSVtwlfled ... Ye.'::J No 0>/..... AllowedU.. Ye. ::J No D'.. . For Mobile Placement Brand Vear Size 9 7 .J/ 71 No. of Bedrms / ................................................................................Li..........r........;r................\........./..)....)?.... ~~se# ~N~aYS~ .:.-:::>.>>:.-.-::-,.<<>::<.:-.-",-.'-..-:-;.:-:-:.:.:-:.:;'>::>>::":;-:':-,-,::->,':':-:';':-.':-:'>:-:':-:';':-:':':';':-:':.;.:-:-:-:-:-:-:->:.;.;.:.;.:-:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;......... 7 M bl~ . .., -"-':'.';""',",':':::.::::>':>:::.:::':'::-:::::-::::;:;::::://::::-:::.::::.;.;::::::::-:::";:;::::::::: .;-:.;.;.;.:::.;.;.:.;.;-:.;;>:-;.;.;.;-:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;<.;.;.;-:.;.:-;.:.;.>:;':. ,.. /"",.".,.,.'":".,.,..."...,,,".'."'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ."'."'."'.'.."..'.' ,....,...,.,:".....:.,...,.:...,.:.,.,.,:,."."."'.'" .......:...,.........................:,...........,.......................,...." DH'oBfmBentceo. m 0 ,":::,::.:::].::::::::::';;:;:;:;::::;::::;:'::;::::;:::.:::':]:::::::::::~:::::::::.:::;:::::::::j::;::~:::::::::::::::~::::ri(?;j~:~:::::;r:~::i::::::~]:::::::;:l:i:::::[::;j::::;;:::::;:;:l:;":": . Parfltlo"../.'sulJdhfISIOH .......................~......IJ,!~c:!................ . .....<,.} .. ,Wafer Sewer/Septic in Mail Permit 7b: J;;h 11 C I An/..e rSt)Y1 y Name /4-2-7 /./"2- L1nrlpr_~n AddI1lS-I> r I '" {]fL> / ~ /J CIty I l StaffE"aluafic:in. Comments'/Follow-Up LMD staff can NOT be held responsible for evaluations or recommendations based on false, Inaccurate or Incom- plete Information. ... LCPW 149 .., d. _, , ,. ." - --.."". . DATE