HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-1-11 ...b: /.1 . /~.-; Q ,/ Acreage or Lo'~ Si7<> Partitioning # ) Completed 'Subdivision ~~ /~'-"" /~e... Contractor's O.S. # Lot '5-'- B1ocl< / APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESf'm,fr g~/ .;:;.s-?.s- d~, ~~ Phonp6<fl?-?Gf.:S3~ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES~ ~?~ _ G" (./ Phonp " CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS 7/}/,,#, ~~-" ' ,Phbbp647-.7~'-<' Mai! permit to C' ,;) Applicant ( ) Owner ,~( .) Contractor. ( t...-)"Prefer-to pick up. Call6g'7-''''7'~::S-~'(owrier, etc.) when ready.'" STRUCTURES NO\N ONT~E' PROPERT'( ,>66~";"', , .'-HIS PERMIT IS FOR ~~~~~ ~~V~~ '#BED~OO'~s3 # PLU~BING CONN'ECTIONS WATER SUPPLY, ~~~~'Vt~.ffn~~~E DIS~OSA~~~' SPS ~ 'S). # THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF ~~~ PLU'~BING BY t:7 - I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, ~ tha~-:Ii have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record,; . contract purchaser;, potential buyer; realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the Qwner) I am authorized to act forthe owner of , ;:~:;:~~~~wner is aw~.r~a~d:pproves of thisact,'on.l~er~b~i:::~~::;~l~~~~~elating tODt:::.7~~'~~? ? ' ( .) !'JEWADDHESS, ( ) FACIL,I:t\,(pl;'HiVlJr:"t9fRANSPQFn,f.XTI,QN:D'EP'T.:,:, .':- 'C''j:SPE'CrALP'i\?IT', ,AR,E~," 'MIN. E'LEV ATION~", ' ., ., ..-t, , ' - -~,. .. ,." ': -, .:.....u. "",';~ '" . A .I ~. R."( ~. ;", ..',>' IRS, TJ /7~03 -;l?-I/e::?RCl.s- JOB LOCATION 9./ <'? /? , . ~ A ~.A- - '--4~ t?' , r;'i" &- L-(../-n.dZ.~E~ r<-J c:7J C.Li'" /c. c$%'- % LANE COUNTY PERMIT (. .'j' ,.' {- . t,:, ':~~"i t: '~'. '. .~. ,',-"-"BlJI"LDING.. . ','".,~ ." -.' .,- ., " ~^lT~pe of cor:i~t~uction,,':~ Gr98P ..A ' , _ ';'/7 ..,,' IJse'Clas'sificatioh,.,.. ,,' , ...~pq~~... . ~ ;'. " ( '. - ~ ...., . - . ..,..... _.:t. . SAN IT A.!J,~~~ ' OAf,.z;a~ . ':"" I ./' ,.-/ ,7, ~ ..;J.. 'omments: Minimum Septi'c TankCapacity',(Gallons) Drai'n'field Required- Lineal ,Feet ' Maximurn D~pth,. :,~;; ',:. .,', " J ," 1., fill. .'. . i /( trf,. :'7;V.AY~~,~',~',~: '- ,q Fire Zone:, ....,. By: -><:.7 ~~__ Date: l-II~?F 'By,::)2t ~', f,.c~ ~OwI6ate:'- ,/-/f--;~ . PLANNING,RES}U!,Bf,M:ENTS SATISFIED. ,By.:~.,"" ,v Date: /-9~,;?? v Date Issued:/tGV1'\...H-77 , ZONE:~ae4/ SETBACKS: FRONT //5/: SI.DE FACING STREET - (FROM C/Ll 'INT.'siDE YARDS" REA\R! 7/ (FROIY1 P'/L)" v " " LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT1\L MANAGr=MENT, 12\5 E,AS,T, 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 9?401' . " PHONE,;,6l?:7A394 . '. . ..... ........ . .. t.. . " POST: THISPERMITON N1AIN,BUILDING ATS.I..TE':: C55.13 . .. - ..' . ~, .. '. -' ,.".' , ~. . '.. '. ." .. " BLDG:PERMIT -WHITE; BU,ILDING -GREEN; PLUMBING -'CANARY; SANITATION- GOLDENHOD;OFFI<;:E COpy '-'-"WHITE :' .'- ", :'" . .:.~- ~.., ' .' '.. .- ~- . ..: ~ ..... -' . . .. ." . .... :'. ',.-'- .~, \. : ", ".~' " ,,; ~ . - '. ,. ! ~"'-' . ..""" '",u',.' .;.. ,..,' . -.-, '-~; ~ :: .'.;" - , , ~\.,:/: . '~.' ..{ , -.. .-.'- . ,,,--or- . " ., , ' .~~,:g-oo TRS TI;ll~t.:" ';}aJi ''''';;-~~~'~>~~~b;~oc~tion , , Written Directions , ~A/LJ~~~,tJ~/ p( A.A/C' . ~,.. - C?~ () INFORMATION SHEET (~uilding Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank, Number of sites.' Acreage or Lot Sizp Partitii?ning'# ) Compl~ted' . ' , ' ,'() Pending . ' " ".' ' , "APPLICANT'S NAME AND'ADDRESS' .M.L! ;Co.#2T/6 ,tf:.,~~~ 1~.u,J2'~ .OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if differentfrom applicant's .??!_~!..,/~, l7~~-, /, ,C7 . . CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS 'M.A, h/l.c'?"/4!.,rC'" , " '.'1il permit or results of site'feasibility study t.P (,.-.") A'ppiicant ( ) Owner ( ~ontractor. ,-t Prefer to pick up. Call ~e- f7-. 9 ~ -!5 ~., ( owner, etc.) when ready. ' 4 r,::>,r J>~ E: ~7'() Test holes will be ready Subdivision, .~..Q A~ _~..;.;. ',~: .,Lo,t. / / . ..j..'..- "./ "Y ' Block' a._'L r,-::-"., '. -- ,~ . Phone~?.;1 9~- S S Phonp . Phone<2'?29C ";-S- Contractors 0 ~ 's. #L/?e?~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY SEWAGE D,ISPOSAL ~=e4~L ./ 8,4-A" L . / N'70' '.*~~If'~~,,!, ,~~rr~' :,:)., ~~~~ (exist,ing or propo;'d \Nell,etc. If Public, ~a~e of ,,,,teml (existing or propose~ septic tank, etc.) ,S.1. :;: " , 'PROPOSED USE (this permit)" /I?1A///tr /7 ,./A (' /':;".A~ WATER SUPPLY 7~ / 7/ L AJAA h.l ~~~ > '( ~PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILEOF CITY( ,t::-c./ ~~. ,) . U *,**:******~'*******'****:;'********************* OFFICE USE OKlL Y BELOW '1HIS PLUMBIN'G BY Address LI N E *.* * ** * * * * * *'.*.*'~-* * * *** * *"* * * * * ~ * * * '* * * * if' * ** * * *.. , ( ) New Address Necessary, ( ) Facility Permit Necessary ( i,l>-/f :, " ' SETBACKS: Front cSide Facing Street , (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAO) ) Special Permit Area. Minim,um Elevatio'n: " I nterior Side Yard . Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) , To: Planning/Building Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This appl,i.cant appears to haye a:problem With ,'(our assistance Will be appreciated. "- '. By Pe~mirProces,si~g S~ct ion :.' Respo'nse:" C55,12' By DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing 'Section 125 East 8th A venue 687-4394 -nivision .-, ~ , '1"7 - J . :J-Z'~ 'f z.8e>s-"" y~lr- . r'~ /~~ J-~ - fIG r@A) ~. "':' rft. /? " ,( :;,' /\'zt " :>' :> :TRS, 1''l17-&3-:-;!~~-J?R~~ JOB LOCATION 9 6 CJ a~:'-d;.';2/4{i~~ ;.{~~.-. <-;J ;.?' . <"%9:-""" ~;'::'_1}' .ir ~ ./r;,..c.. 'a:;.~ tf/V. "-f~~:: ' ~ df ,f~ 7 /? j-f I =A,AL...:f'~ A J/"1U...?' A~d......,_ h';4P_ Acreage or Lot ::iIZ<> t'artltlomng # ' ( ) Completed ::iubdlvlslon. -~ ..-... r~~ .....-~,....~-.'-'".,............-- .. ~ ~ .- Contractor's O.S. #. Lot ~ Blo,cl< / APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESSP;;,/?.;fen~ ~~.s- ~~.i E~~?Jr-<- '~,h09~~7- ?<tf~ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~"~~~d' " Phol1lP - __ _... CONTRACTOR'S,NAME AND ADDRE~~ 7/j/;,y, ~~~ , , _ Pho~:811~:q;r/~T~' Mail permit to (,) Applicant ( ).Owner.. ( , ) Contracto~. (t..-(Prefer to' pick'up.Callbr/'~7~~ (qwner;, etc.) wh~l?read~:: ' STRUCTURES NOW ON THE P~OPERTY ~~-- " ' " ',,, __ _ u~ THIS PERMIT IS FOR ~~~~'~~(~~4A~ '''7# BEDRbbMSO #~'LGMBI~G'CON'NECTIONS WATE~SUPPLY' ~~~'~~~~~,1~~~G~DISPO~AL~4'. ';S;t)-S 'S.I.# THIS PROPERT>f.' IS ~ITHIN ONE MILE OF THEtlTY OF ~ . . PLU~BiNG BY V" ,', _Il:i , ',. '!,. ,. . , V, .. . . .' i I hereby certifi~tha,t the abc>ve statemehtsare true and accurate, and .that I have the following legal inter,est in the property: owner of record~,' , , !coli,tract purcha'ser;, .. potential buyer; realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) lam authorized to act for the oWner of .. r,ecord, and. that sa.' it,l owner is aware and approves of this acti9n. I herebyagre.e, toco,mply Wit.,h, . aIJ~~QliGa, 'bl'e,7G.0/.;fj~e_.s_.. relating to this permit. ".'. ,." Fee Paid $~;:J..s. ~,' / 'Signafu're ~?:??I;l'/ yr:n~ Date' /- 9---?? ( ) NEW ADD8;'ESS' ) FACIUTY PERiVllT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. ( ) SPECIA'LPMJ. AREA, MIN"ELEVATION: LANE COUNTY PERMIT ...::; ~ . ; , J;-i .' "'\ " .!~ .,< !VIinimum Sept,iC Ta,nk Cap'aCit'Y(G~n'br:l~) Draipfield Req'uired'-.LineaIFeet ' " . Maximum ?ep.t~"":'T'" " -~:, , )1 c:.rc:l'.?:rll!."~~,ii.;;4'~'" '. J,j' BUIb;D'liNG, '.',' , . ,". ", . ..:tift.) TYr:;ecitCqrJstr8Gtj'~ri ::r. 'Group 3 ~..;";'!;,!!!:::;., :....~_;- ~ise.'Cla~~ificatioD.': ". Comm''Ei'nts: >, '"'~~'~. ' -' ::'~. -'. .;',..' ~ ' . , .r If': ~ , " . . ~~ . ~" . L ,~. ~ . , , , . Fire Zone' " . SANITAII(;;)'N' , .. PAl/:~' 'I' /" ";;t: ::;omments: " .:,.' , " .,: .,...... ,'\, By: ~~:~?' _~i;.~__ Date: (,~II~ ?Y By: % ~ t~ ~ate: 1-// -, '1 0- PLANNII\!.G RI;..QLJJ,In.E.I\JfENTS,SATISFIED. By,:~~d"'~ Date: /-7-7Y Date Issued:?\O/Y\... n -II ZONE:~(It"~/ SETBACKS: FRONT 9'5-' SIDE FACING STREET - (I=RolVi C/U 'INT. SIDE YARD~.... REA"R' 7" (FROM P/U , J t;' LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE" EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . C5~.13, ,,' ,-" ',-,POST THISPERf,;;lIT ON MAI'NBUILDING,ATSITE:-' ',., '" . . - . , . I' ~. . - , . BLDG: PER,~IT - W~ITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLU!'I'BING - SANARY; SANITATION - GO~DENROD; OFFICE COPY -,WHITE,' ...;...... _{-."-r"'J~" ',.", .,.."" . '.. ";,,'," ..~:~';,_. .~', ""_" -.' _.. ..._~., PHONE: 687-~394 . ~ .:'Y': . ........ ~ ~ <>, , , 4~_ . 'iJ ',;:. "", S,ITE,INSPEcTION, , ' . APPRo~'ED'!.' ~'~PR~VED j "...----- RE~A:~K.~' , ",:,. ,. FOUNDATI ON I NS.PEC!'QN . ApPROVED! ','I" DlSAPPRovED /' ',::RE,;1,,~~S ','~;~ '., 1.., " , <, FRAMI NG 'I NSPE'cnI'C)N, , " .', .',1,:: ."'./" '.' ~ "- ',. /.. ".' .'APPROv,(D,'l// . ,01 S"PPROVECD / REMAR'KS' .,' I.: ~, ,:.:. ... " ; ,..'; . . ;'t,' . ': LAT8:,,9~lSf:lE(r.Rb~K I NSPECT ION ::A~P',ROV'ED / ,', ,{. ' '/' DISAPPROVED I ,,;; ~-;; ,,:R'EMARK:S' ,~ ,7, -', .,. . ~, ' ~ ", " F 1;'r~A[~'I.NSP7cT'fby': ,APPR"'ov(D,,,I'~' DIS(<PPRovED,"/' .. ,','j . ( .', ' .1 ~ . REMARKS t ~.' ;,.", '" ~ t5RTLF~I.cATE"OF: OCCUPANCY .' " ;. .'- ;,1 ", ",;.,.. I '. D,,;l~iH!11 m;CTO'9%~:' / OnE LNSPECT9R ,," -:'\. ,/ DAH)', ~3-7 tl NSPE:~TOR~d J. ,. " ....,,~ ,,' I / DATE !, . t,. ':'INSPECTOR " "'_",I / DA+~j;j-JJ:+1I:NSPEC~OR~ i ' .. :..(;~ .,'\ " j NOT 'READY TO 'I SSU~" / :;DAh ,,;,c{",.-" 'READVi'O I'SSUE ~/ ,~'t~;~RK,S ~ . - ..~ ,t.. ' . ',,'-' r. ,', 't.' -- .~ INSPEcToR . ~ ~' ~'. '" t. ~l , ,I. ;."y #'!- ; ," t, 'il ,-' ' ~ . .,," , ,,1\/) ~ ~, ,,), ' T~S, TI /1-tJ3-,;t$~0-~RC~~M JOB LOCATION " . ',<__ ""-"~"""";H"';D)?~,..'",>- <76c? , c2~~'~'1"_~;;J.e"~$'rr_J t;:~~~.J'<:- , ' ":'",j,'j:' " ., . "., - .--.-,- LANE COUNTY) PcEoRmMol'eTted S bd' . . t;:~~~; '-"1d:i2?:0~'-' ,~.~ At'rp,agp. or loLSi7P Partitioning :# ' ( u' IVISlon " 7<- ' :...~_ -'"-,. ....- ~'!, Contractor's O.S. # , ' 1-'Ot- /' -Block./ , ~)' -0 ;r( ~, 7; _' ...'.,.., _ ,1' , ~ . ~, ., APPLICANT'S NAME AND ~DDRESS{0../# ;("~i-V ~~6 ~~!..u~/ .c~~'?€~ , Phonp~7-?ttf67$-" ~~~~~~ . '1;". , ,',v~ .,'. . OWNER'S NAMEAND ADDRESS' ',," .' ,A, "~.~.,j,'" Phone .____ < ".~ "n. CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRES~ /h,~':(r&#1rt'~e.-- . 'Pho~~P(.r/-'7~~ - Mail permit to ( ',) Applicant ( ) Owner (, ') Contractor. (l--(Prefer to pick up: Callh6"/-'7~..5 (owner, etc.) when read~~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ;{r~<c~ " ,..."~" . THIS PERMIT IS FOR'<~~~~~ ~4~(~"'?'~.41'.A!.ci~r1,#BEDROOMS 8_# PLUMBING CO~NECTIONS <<~/?"#.~",-'~~;?;~v;~'V.(,di"5C::\-T~~' . "Ch - d ."if'" ;" :;:J(2'(-"-":". ,", WATER SUPPLY rL~,,~_.<....~. ,.' , SEWAGE DISPOSAl ...-e-,;::--C""4---C.-<'-$A'..-'f1 \.--' ","""", v, 5'..l.n#.., ,_,_~__ THIS'PHOPEBTY ISWITHrN ONE MILEOFTHECITYUF, t""'.J!!f'~4;.'7"('~";:r-t. ,~;' PLU~BING BY t/ ~0 :~u__,_.... , ,,/': ... , . ., I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in ,the property: owner of record; , contract purchaser; . potentia I buyer;., realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the 9wner)I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that'Said owner is awar,e and approves'of this action. I herepy agree to complY,with all applicable Qoaes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $&~;1 Y .....,' Signature · ;'..-~': />,/,~;,.~>-,-, i"" t.;.-')ltZ {../ ' Date / - 9'.-?'.!? ,( . ) NEW AODRESS ) FACILlTYPERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. _ ( ) SPECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: SA~;_~~'}~19~~~ Minimum ?eptif Tank Capacity (Gallons) ...Dl'ainfieldRElquired - Lineal Peet 'M(jximum Qepth ' '. , '~..-..-' ." BU\,LQING " . ~ _-, N_ Type,of Construction _.~ Group .. ft. ,...~,..J'.. . I Jse Classification. Il';.;;:..,... ~""........... <. ...~. ...~~........... .' iT,' Comm'ents': )iJ' /:' ''''..1: ' _ " '.11 I '~; . . .,' '>~~;:~J"L.+.o>f._' O-r:"?' -<-:....5t'~~ 3 Fire Zone "'" 'Comme.nts: -",:- ~ ~ - ::'. _..., I.. _ ,. .;... " By: _":r-"'--;,,~~" Date: PLANNING RECHJIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: ;:,.' ZONE:/'~":~~C (/-(/(/ SETBACKS: F'RONT ',-,~. . " # t ._, /:--/1., ,i'/ 'r t'r f,tf' , ,. By:. ~, I~"" ." ;,- .- ,,~~~ " ~~ - . : , 't. "." /" !'--J - Date: I . . f _ ,1 f f , ., "r -;OK J t '. . .... , --' " "..< ."" .' '. ..-:. ....', -" Date: / --"':,-' ' / Date I'ssued: " ;, '[, - ,- SIDE FACING STREET - (FROM C/U INT. SIDE YARD-" REAR /" " (FROM P/U LANE COUNTYDEPAHTMENT GF ENVIRGNMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8THAVE., ~UGENE, OREGON 97401 , PHONE: 687-4394 CSS,13 - \. . " BLDG, PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING -GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY;, SANITATION ~ GOI.,O",-NRon, .n"F'~" rnDV _ \A"~'," , , ~POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUiLCHNG AT SiTE If' ! .......J . . ~, . ~J ~, .q .';J4...~/< -f II/;I-/j; pL;8r5 l)(( I,: 'I. ! 1 ~, . I, I I . , - "'f ,. '-\. f'IJ 1 ", " -' ' , ' /- 1,?-7~ '~.d- , ',S-'dd~7 tf:" ,,/fJL ,;", " . -} \ '