HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1984-7-3 C/o fp '7-lo La~ C/.~~~A>tho~atiOI) for: ~~~U~~J . ~ ~ro~"" /;l,.l.'Ge ~~f"en~d?+' ~cf~S' SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) I LOT/PARCEL I BLOCK ....--../.4 /"'/ ,/ / ~./ ZP~~~~~- _~~e~7; ~ .~~ ~~ .~/.4~ ~Z~ - - , <~~~B" me _ ">v'~d~ ~ . 'WARE' S "W' J o~~ - ';;>>U I # ~/l)";; 1 wArnR ,"PeLy ~/fP ~~~~ ZiT~..0P~.-.~~~ ~~ g ~~ ;JLrl~P-ff/' . e0;.?.4''''_~~ ~~ - - Yo/~2 ~~~~'~'?k~ ~~ v ,. v I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATIO FOR PERMIT, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property; owner of record; []contract purchaseri[]authorized agent with evidence of authority attached. I f~rther certify that any and all work performed sha done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certlfy that registratlon with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, th if exempt the basis for exemptlon ;J1~'::t~'~~~f'< '0'" ,~,~'"" WOo "", '" _"=0' 'lli ZZ" 0 ~'" p,o,o", ~':;; - .,,,.ME' 'P'''"" p","<( < /' ""^'",, ~ '^'" .' @ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl~cation//~/ ~ t?~l' Permlt # / / / i...J -0 ~ . , D Two Copies of plans D Three Copies of Plot Plans . DMech/Plumbing Checklist DLegal Interest Document Dplan Check Info Sheet PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY f)j::teside.ntial D Industrial READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YO~R J1U;?HORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS~ o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone 4//// parti tion # Parcel # Parcel Size ::::,~~ e~~~ eL~~ ~r' e~~~ rear ,//~ /:~ / ('/~ ~ t- ". . ~ fi _ _ V v Date: ~ ~h '-/fb ~~ D #$ , I o FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? D No 0 Yes, SEE ATTACHED SHEET. Date: ~ANITATION: S. 1. # ~'Installation Specifications: Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Installation Record Issued? DYes D No Maximum Depth of Trenches B. P. # -./~,~j).~ ! ~ar$ If ~~ ~. .!!-.....-J. ;:;r5S /AL ~ /1 , ~~J..(.~__ () . (I ""-d-,f'1( ~ Date: o PLANS EXAMINATION: Type Group Use COMHENTS: Date: n TOTAL VALUATION $ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT DEQ Surcharge $ $ $ $ $ $ $ --'1 )fo 6 t/-- <At2;~~~Ft. / ~~)~d~C;~;;;~ ;---U:-/ '" \..-/ /...... - /~k) ~A", __R-...)', 7~-~~ ,,~. ~ J5ERMIT APPRO~D'-wr""BUI~i5" OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456,805 (1)) DATE . LANE COUNTY DEP. MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, C 14- 25 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Eee M2ch/Plmbg Fee plans Check Fee State Surcharge ~~ ,~ ~ '--'" _fI', TOTAL FEE . . $$ s\~ SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ,.4 ~ " ;. . 1.-:-: " ". , , ...... . '\"- ..~. ',;,~.. ~ ~ "', ':-- .. ~~ .......... '; \'''-. '\, . ... . -. .., . ., .. ,~... " '\ ,.,' . SETBACKS AND 01'HER CONDITIqNS OF APPROVAL .MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATI0N, CAN' RESULT "IN' REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIO~S OF"LA~E COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIE~ ALLOWED BY LAW. . , - -, ;';, " ,_,~.:., WHEN' READY FOR INSPECTION, \:ALL 687-4065.' 'A !:1:INIMUM OF AT "LEAST~ 24 HOURS:, ADVANCE 'NOTICE FOR INSPEC-' TION REQl,IESTS MUST BE GIVEN. Have the fo'llawing' fnformation 'ready:' peirm{t n-;Jmber',''"job address; . type . of inspection.,' when it w,~ll. be ready ,your name and pho~e number, and any special direct~()ns .to site. BUILDING DIVISION: ,""';" . .' .. .... " . .. ... .. -.": '~ ':'..... . '-. t) _"",_. , ' <..., .... -. - " REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: "- . -,...... ....~' . . ' , '" ..... . ..... . . . . ., " - .' - '- >. ~ " .. .~ 1. Founda tion Inspection: To be made after-trenches 'are excava ted:- and. forms' erected -and when 'al-l ':'" materials for the foundation,are. 'delivered on the job. Wher~' conc,d;te"f~om >a'cent~'~1'~ixing p,la?t (commonly_ .termed "tran~i.t,,.rl\ix~d:? ,is to~' b,e~sed; mat:eria!~ :~eed" ~;~t. ~e...c;m~ !-he 25'b:. ,,:,,- . ",. . , ". -'., '>. 2.':Concre.te Slab or'UI}der'-Floor Inspection: To be'made,after al1in-sl'ab.,~r""~nder-flo.o-E building I. se'r...vice equipment', condu'i t, - piping accesso"r.ies'I and"\b.t:her ancillary "'equi~prneh.t .i terns .ar'e, in, place but before any concrete is poured or floor phea thing' ins talled, including the"s'i.i1:,f lo'or. . '. ;. ", ,....... . ' \. .., ~ ,. - . '. 3'. .Framing'& Insulation-Inspectt'o'ns: 'To be made after the'roo'f', a'll- fram'thg~'fire'b:tocking., 'a:nd' -.. brac.ing.are in place and all pipes, fireplaces,. chimney~, ..and vents .are 'complete C;lna a~l ~r.9lJ:gh electrical and plumbing are apprs>yed. All. wA1J, inl?ulati:c;m ,a,i1d, v?,pqr qarrtep ,aF"e. ir};'\P:j.ace.: C'." ..., :'" . . . -.,., '....'r:.-::.:-~..~..-... ~,,:.~., -"""'... ,:. 4. ,Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all-lathing:-and gypsurii,.board, ,itlterior '" - '~"-and, exterIOr" is in place but before any plastering is applied and oefore gy,psum:"boara j6in-cs' , and fasteners are ~aped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: , ., ,'. . To be made' 'after the..buil~li~g' is comp~.ej;.e'''',:tnd, before ?ccup,ancy~, ,', . '1 '. Ii.. .... _ . . APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~owork,shall be. done on any. part ot tre.b~11d1ng or structure beY9nd ,~h~ po~nt indicated in ',each successive inspection withou,t'.first ,obtaining. the' ,approval of ,the building ,official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection 'shall have been made of each successive step in.the.construction'as indicated by ea~h of the iqspections required. '" , NOTE: ,All building. perm.its require in~pections for ,tl].e ,work autch,or~z~d'" s~ch as' btit 'n-,?~ .1.iini,tced te>.: 'f... Block Wall: ,To be rrtaq.~ aitoer'~einfor9ing is in place, but before any grout is pourep. This inspection is required for each.' bond 'beam pour; There wi 11 be 11O' approval un ti 1, the plumbing and electrical inspectl.ons have' been' made -and' approved.., ' B". WO'od Stove: . To be made .after completion of masonry (if ap'plicable) and when installation is ~complete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the m~nufacturer'9 iqstallation.instructions. C.' Mobiie Home: An'inspection is. required a:fter thernobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic sys tem'~ f.o~ '_~'e):b.a,ck 'requiremen t'~, blocking,' footing ,.cpI}I:I,e~~_ioD, .'t_ieq.o.~ms', skirting, and plum~ing connections. -1. Footings and piers to comply' wi'th State foundation requirements' for' mobile homes or as recomniended by.th~ manufacturer. . . - - ~ . - 2. Mobile. home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- '. plain management letter. ., 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required,. and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and'skirtingshall be installed -p'e~ enclo~uJ:"e., '.:, . . .~, . ~ ' , D. Swimming Pool: Below grade when stee~, is in ,place and before concrete, is poured . Above . grade. when pool 1S installed. . , APPROVED PL~NS, !'1UST B~ ON THE JOB "'SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING ,WORKING HOURS.. THIS PERM~-r:.'.. WILL EXPIRE IF W6R~ DOES' NOT BEGIN, WITHIN 180~DAYS,-OR IF'Wp~K'IS SUSPENDED'OR' ABANDONEb{F~R MORE THAN 1?0 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERM~T' WAS ISSUED.ON THE BASIS, OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. . " . -." ._,,=-,~ ." t~..,-"'.2"""4'" _ . t;. " _ . '- ~::,.> _,..). f .. -} \ j' __ t: '\. '-;;J.. 't'\, .. ~ _:"?\NYONE PROC.E~Dl"NG'.PAST; THE POINT 0:( RE,QUIREQ .INSPECTIONS WILL .DOElO A'J' THEIR OWN RI,SK.. , SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance,:' '. ,_ 2. Upon com'pleting U~; c~nstruct'ion 'for 'which' ~ .p~rmi t has .been issued, the permit holder shall notify the ~ane Gounty. Depa:l:tment, of Planning_aI}d Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect:the constructioq to determine if it. complies ~it;h _,tl1erules' contained iI}. this ,division. If the 90nstruction does comply with such. rules i the Department shall i,ssue. a certificate of .satisfactory., completion :to ,.the permi ttI:101der.. If the construction does not comply with s~ch rules, the Department shall.notify the permit holder and shall require- s.i,!tisfactory C:oI!lPletion bet6ie"ls_suing th.~ ce~tJ-f.i<<a~e'. Failure to . meet the,'requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- ,.lation of ORS 454.605 'to 454.745: and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface, Sewage Disposal . Septic Tank From: Interior property' lines 10' Edge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells; oth~k water sources 50' '7 ' Drairlfield " ,\ .,lO.'. " -10 ' 10' 100" , ./ '~, -, ',. -, , '. , .. " :' J . , . i, 'iL ~ ~,........... -. '~. .' '.: ' .... -' , . .....,. -.-:"\'- .- '. " ~ )0 '. ,'- .\ . '~I .~::.. ~. - ..,... ,__ .' '. ",~ . , ~;.. '" ' .. '. 04. : .:, ~'. . J' , '.i, ' . \f~, ' t "/. I , , i'! ^,..i .~< .! p Irlflt: county ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ....11111 1'1-- . B, :r, .W#E5.i'E~' PERSON MAKING REQUEST ) 1- ;;;. n /-i/l/cIe K<; ~ /1/ L /1/ MA I LING ADDRESS 9PnAA~/CLCI OIL- ~ CITY STATE 9J~)7 ZIP CODE B, J,' YtI#,$~~EL PROPERTY OWNER J 2- ;).. 0 A/J/cN vS tfJ/1/ M/ MAILING ADDRESS, S pf'J NC; FIe ul () f2- . o/J~ 77 CITY / STATE' ZIP CODE ~8!L -fl't~Q.__~_ " 7~ 7-/7-"c/ z..- BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # ,l/8'1-<6~~ () . BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 7/,/7 / ~ t/ 2/ HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT fROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (REQUIRED INFORMATION) or from. tax statement) 17 63' ;:)../?" 4 02~O~~ TOWNSHIP -RANGE SECtI-cffi . TAX LOT(S) .OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX' LOTtS) OR PARCEL # ZONING . TOWNSHIP ~ANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:. 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING LOT ACRES BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to' do) Fe) (L ~ J< I1N "(/)/4-/!/ -- . Need SetPrJ C. IAII/ k :1:/!/, 5.t1e<:"/J lJ"l/ ~ . ,. 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: 8e..TWe~/I/ &Ut/t'Nl'_ 4~ 8~r:.c/' nr IJt:>/!/k/J/a,.v Be... 1/ / {/ rfV&JR-TIA ()# A-1J/&/~Y5. e>,v To /2- ^() 11//l/"cS S ....- ._- ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY;** NUMBER DATE . ; , j . -l ;;0 Vl. .. -l .r-: ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN: OUT: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE.. EUGENE., OR 97401 / 687-4061 TRS, TL Plat Subdivision Lot 'Plan Block C74-150 Vicinity Map , .. Job Location Permit II Permit II Permit II .. "') J ~ ..J .~ "" ~ ~ , Qj .- 'J N (Addre~s ) For For For Permit II Permit. II Permit Ii For For For .F/L- jS/r 1 =- J I ~ /11 ~olA _. ..---. . --_._~ ~ ~ r ~ -. 1 12. .;2..0 AIlIJe r6: 0-0/, n I .j , c.lI j ~< Q ------. ,--, -..---" AN DEg.&O/lJ 1-11/' c o T -r H tAl o o /) \ . .... I n r " . I'; i; 11 ~ ~:' .- .', [' I !' ;'<4 4 ~.t~ C,:~ I1.JJ R ~. , ~n ..: , U . . ;~ ': \/ L.i:.:!j.....!E: c:: C) tJ t....! 'f ..,( })EF:'r E !....~ \/ ,Vi C;. of !:;~ E eEl Fl or .. "i h? "j ::::::::jl:;. 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