HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-5-11 '! -~ '.7. . .- ",..~, ::--, ....... (, ~ ". . " : ". ~., ." . r f .'..- ..{' '" . '~; ," . r " "."' . ;.~ ''''''~- '.: . . . '. . . . .:. ~ I,.ANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR PERMIT NO'. ,906-76 . f . ".~.... . ...... '-' ..... '1.. .. . CONSTRUCTioN [.X] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [.] .CHAi\JGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] George Gurso ,- P.O.'Box'"3752 Eugene.Oregon : ~ ,0 Owner o'Cbntractor . NAME Excel Construction- NAME 1 0242 ADDRESS 2610 West 5th CITY . ZIP CODE . Egu~ne 'Or.ego'n. PHONE. 484:"9888 . ADDRESS CITY 'ZIP CODE PHONE . O.S, Reg. # '". ' . Tw!" 17 Range O::l. Section ?7.::L ~ Tax Lot 1 ROO- . Cod~ , 01 q-O~ . Census Tract t."' ,. _,'t. Subd'ivision NA Lot . Block Acreagi:> Width . :! '. Access to P~opertY (Road NalT)e): AnciArc:nn I .mA Depth .,'. ," -.f' . ,", ", ,.' Existing Structur~s on Property: ~ . ' . . . Hri'r"J e:.:i. . . . ,Directions to Prciperty . Address: tn~~ An~r~nn I ~n~ "nrinnfiAlnn~nnn ", ,..' 1 . .,:.... STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS). ":,. ,. .. . SQ. FT. . . 'Permi t for Fi re Damage to, the:. House '.. !nstall Smoke Uetector. VALUATION : $15 ,000 .i " SEWAGE DISPOSAL:' PUBLIC [ ]SEPTIC'TANK [ ] . , BLJILDING '72.QO ~LUMBING ,. .3% SURCHARGF ::..'MOBILE HOME. WASTE D.ISPOSA l . PLAN REVIEW OtHER [ , .'~ . ." . PLUMBING INSTA~:LE.D'BY:. OWNER ['.] OTHER'[ r "NA'MF WATER SUPPL Y:,PROPS>SED . [ ] ,'.EXISTING'. [ 1 [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNI"]-,Y:::" NAME: . [] PRIVA~EWELL:: '" " .' [ ] OTI-;lER - SPECiFY:':" , . 2.16 TOTAL 74.16 ., .' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & fNSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION'CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS " MIN.. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: " ,', :.~'. 'GALS. MIN. DRAINFIELD L1N. FT.. MAX. TRENCI'{D'EPTH'.' INCHES '"'- 1- ". TYPE OF C.ONSTRUCTION . 5N GROUP 1. FIHE ZON~ STAY lOO'FROM ALL WELLS ~ , U,SE CLA.SSI F. :-i- .. ~ETBACKS. FT. FROMGTR: OFr/W: .,' FRONT ,'SIDE EXT. FT.FR()M PROP.TINE:': SIDE INT." REAR ZGNF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: . . .. /s/ J. E.Boss bv Harbauah . , ISS\JANCE pATE: . .5/1117f;' ,. ttlm IMPORTANT: . . . . . CalL 687~4065 to.' schedule all required constructio.n. i'2~'pecti,?ris..'l.C~11 f18(4061 to.sc~edule all re.quired septic system inspectio.ns. All co.nstructio.n shall co.mp.ly:~i.th the State'Suidling Code, D.E.a. standards. for.subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code All bUildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied " . (See Deiails on Reverse Side) .' " ,. ". BLDG. PERMIT'- WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE : COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING"':' CANARY BUILDING .-GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD . Ii "~,'. :" :~'..' . C55:\3. (Po~n THIS~'PERMIT ON MAI'N BLDG. 'AT "SITE) LANE COUNTY', DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . COU~THOUSE ANNEX, 135.E,AST6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . ','_,~"_'.~;":.. :L....." .. ~ ,~.... .;: ", .~..~, ,_ BUILDING S~TE EVALUATION .~ NO. 7t;r:; ~ l& ~ () BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION () SITE INSPECTION T /" R J 3 S 07 /.3-J-AX LOT /?O (J SUBDI".:iION: LOT: BLOCK~ PLANNING DIVISION Not App 1 icab 1 e No ( ) ( . /. Width, Frontage) ~i ,. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance 3. Required Access 4. Building Site (Area, 5. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: v CK~D BY: etbacks from ell of road: Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior lines: Side Rear .,. PLANNING DIVISION ACTION' PENDING: YESt ) NOt ) APPLICATION# Not App 1 i cab'l e l1 ( ) ( !v )() 1/ Y ~' II /' it / / ~ BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not App 1 icab 1 e ( ) (/ ) ( ) , ) 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain . 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: . "-- WATER POLUTION CONTROL 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. Other (see comments) 12. COMMENTS: No Yes r) (1'"")- ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) CKID B&i .s-'-It:J~7b DATE DATE TO APPLICANT: Your Building I Site Inspection: r~ txr Can be approved. :1 'U (5 Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. .{...-\\r' .rJ:) Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- :J .~~ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your bu i1 ding perm it app 1 i c~..!..L2D_}e.~. is !?e i n9 returned UIJ9~..r seoarate cover_ ucrARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East' Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28