HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-1-4 r,~ , ~ --(~ fl'e PtCJ::-vp -- .. CONSTRuCTION/PLACE~ENT ~~~;~;,;;.:_o;~ (0lf3J DTwo Copic, of Plan, PLEAs:~:~L:K INK ~N~ PRINT. DTwo Copic, of Plot Plan, "" ' TOi'lNSHIIC" '( RA10"GE3 SEC3TIOSN . 1.1 Tl'~'~D, 'P_OOU3T ,O~ . ,_ _~ [JHechanical Checklist 7 0 Plumbin0 Ched:list EU(liliON'crTITI~O:VabIe) 11-3-2<6/ 4dnd:r7.~E03~34~ 22,o1w Dplan Check Info Sheet LiD~lt"~\1' ~~,~, 074/7 ';:::'::n~::~mo~tndu'tnal < r;;z~t~,;)n:~__Q)~~_il)_~HJ)in')_~D) '- ' , , Dcomcrwl DPublic 0~~01CrnCORK /tCJt ~rctW6 ~~/nJ201_A2Ji(b~lI1Mf1'~V~^ UE ~:, ~ OF BEDROOMS I ~ OF STO~ . If OF E~YEE~ cJ I9!:T;~.LP~ ,~ . -~ ......- - 0 oposed NA ~/~. jCJ Ux.~ llY1(J EXlstlDg O\'~ER1Cb ro~ i 1Ct57 (l~ Ln.. ~ 9(?t I I . 7~;r~NE tMIB R~ 'K :P",,""IT~0Wkl~, 2/1 -W:&;iI({?P lL09t401 15t0~ ~r~ OSR # (i~~~u r11vcL CXlOt Lio G~';><tJYlJ , - - '-.../ I ' V l ~ ~ rtL\hL 'f-f) I1t)tl~ . I lIAVE CAREFU:LY EXAMIN~HE COMPLETED~PPL"'~ION' FOR PERMIT. and do h0n,by ''''1'1; i fy the I: ,d 1 i nforrn,ltiol1 herc'on ic; tIll" oncl sonect 1l"d I fllr f:flcr certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordina:lc.::es of LanC' County and tbe L,1"\\l'S of the StLlte of OrO:}lJ')11 "'~tlt!illil1q to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structur~ without the permi5sion of the Building Division. I further c:~'rti fy that. registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as requir~d by ORS 701.055, that if eXI~rnpt the basis for exemption is notc,d hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on th.ls project. I HAVE READ AND ClIEC}:ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. 1 w \ L. L.11>-...AA ,...., RA:.~OP-..L L NAME (please print) 1_ A.)' ,QA \ UiL- A fllMdr 0_ Q SIGN;;TURE o OoNller 'J1"'b~ D CO::.t.ra.c::o:" W\Ti: ~sellt o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone t--I A . Partition t Parcel 11 Parcel size Minimum Setbacks: CL, front CL, side int;..erior Comments: ~_ U:~lJ f!lm) ~ (]{1rlLt I r>nau bo b~2;OD~~tl '"~~, ~"~~~P~21:e~'~~ [J RURAL ADDRESSING: o SP.NITATION: rear Date: .1./ 00 D D GRID COORDINAn: N E Date: S, 1. # B, P. # Installation Record Issued? [J Yes [J No lnstallation Specifications: Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfie1d Maximum Depth of Trenches Comments: / ~~: D ~LANS EXAMINATION: Type~ GrouplZ...3 ' use~fLWAn::-t.~~~~t:M co~ents: c'A/Jl ~ J:'OP., ~'~~, p~)MP-.c,H-AOlc.At...fF/AJ~ IUs>EGTIOUS ~_Acc~~ _~~~~~TOR-12l1eI.~~~~~ 0 CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Description ~, Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water \() Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2b.OO " TOTAL FEE $ FEES PAID BY: ~eck 0 Cash By: Cw~ ~ Date:~!?) 456'8~~'o/~~ 50.60 4fS,76 8.(51) -'~G.~ TOTAL VALUATION $ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICI.l\L/DESIGNEE (~>er ORS LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLA."lNING & comlUNITY DEVELOP~IENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION "_': /L . ~ ... , ': ",,- , .:l_"~' ? L~~? ~ .:~ h... , .. '::l ~~!:;r ~"~~~~'~ ...~;':~f . .~..... .... - ':..' l"""r,,_.,"::, ..'\". - : .j, ..... I ~ : : . . .__ . '. ,..;';._ .i~, . .~.." . .' 1 "~', '; '. .' ""..... . '-.. . . '. "'. r SETBA~KS AND OTHER: C,ONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE' STRICTL Y, OBSERVED'..1 VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT-,- . CITATION UNDER~PRO~~SI?~SOF ,LANE COUNTY'S INF~ACTION 9RDINANCE, ANq/OR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION GALL 687-4065.' A MINIMUM' OF AT'LEAST.24 HOUR A'DVANCENOrr'cE FOR iNSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the fqllowirig information 'ready: - Perl)jif~'n'yinber; job, address, ',type,of,in's'pection, when it will 'be' ready, your name and p~on,e numbe~" and any: ~~e,ci~?"d?e~~~tW~~~ ~i,te.." ,"" :,:. >,,:' BUILDING DIVISION: '", ", REQUIRED IIlSP.ECl,IONS.," " " " "'., .,' :.: ,r,;) - " , _ :.:: 'i 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION; To 'be made a~ter t~enches are ~xcavated and forms erecte~ and w~en-;alJ materials for the~foundation' are de 1 i vered on the job. Wher~ '<;:Qncr,ete from-a, centra 1 mi xjng .pl ant (common.lY 't,ermed ':trans i f ini xed':) "i 5' to' be used, , materials need not be. on the job.. , - " . , '. I'~ . . . . . ~ . . 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR~UNDER-F'LOOR IN'SPECTION:, To b.e. made 'afJe.t:, a 1,(i,..')2s1 ab or'~rider:~floor bui:l di ng.servi ce legui pment,;' " .. , ,conduit,. piping accessories ,and other ancillary equipment it~ms are in place but before any concre~e is .poured ' or floor sheathin'g in~tillled,' 'including th'e subflocir. .; '~ " ',~" " , . .. . '. . , \. . ... . ." ., . . ...... ~ .! .. 3) FRAMING, & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made' after 'the roof" an framing, fir~ blocki~g'and ,bra,cing are in place and 'all pipes; fireplaces (ind chimneys and v.erits 'are complete and all ,r:~ugh.,elec.trical a~d plumbing :are apprqved. All wall insulation and'.va:por barrier"are' rri~place':;, . -"', , i '" ' .: , - - .' ,:' '\,' , ,"., " ' , " ; T' , ,.'4)' LATH 'AND/OR ,GYPSUM,.BOARD .INSPECTlON: ,To be :m!lde after .a 1'1 1 ath'i rig ',and.gypsum board,- 'inter\or. ~nd exteri,or, - is in pi ~c,~, ' ,but'.before anY.'pTastering',i's appnedor~efor~ gypsum~!ioard joints and" faste'n~rs are taped, aT)d, finished; . t _ . . . , ... ..j . ~ _", . _ ..... l'. ~ ~ .... . . _.' _ __ ~, f. ;, ,.:' . . ..! . .. , !. ./' . 5) FINAL INSPECTION': To ,be' ,mace :ifter the builifing i scompl ete ana beforeoccupa'n'ty .:. , " - ., ,:'; -<(\. ' ~. ~ . . i _ ,...' ~ ~ . \ . \ '.'. j . . , .... .~ \:. ; r, 1";': APPROVAL REQuiRED.,<..Nb ~ork 'sh'aTl ~e. dOl']e ..on.:any)a~t of. tbe6u,i'ldi;[l!f,or structu're beyond {he ,point ind.icated in eilch :.1"~'"$\\''' successive inspection '\'iithout first obtaining the ap,provalof th'e tiuilding official.. Such approval shall be given only. , , afte~ an inspectio,n shall ~ave been made ,of each successive step in the ~ons~tr:~ction as i,ndicatea by eacho~ the inspecti9ns req u 1 red. ' ' .. ...' ,"c'...'" ' " ".' , ,...' ',,' '. " , NOTE: :All building permitsrequire':insp'e'ctio,ns .fo,r ,t,~~ work auth,orized~ such as but' not 1 imitedt~: ' 'A. BLOCK WALL': To' be made after"reinforcingis in place, 'but, before any' grout'i,s poured. This inspection .is requi red "for each bon9 beam po~r. . T;here',wi II ben,oap~rova 1 until t,he p lUlT)Qi ng and el ectri ca 1 ins pecti ons " have been made and ,approved., ' " " B. WOOD STOVE: To be made after completion of masonry (i'f applicaQleJ and, when installation is c.omolete,., Install ation shall be in accordance with, an approved nat,ionally recogni zed tes twgagency and the manu- facturer~s, insta~llationinstrudions..' ; : , __, ' .' " '.,!," ..' " C.. "r40~ILE HOME:, An inspection i~ re.quired after the mobile'.hom~ isconne,cted to an approved sewer or septic 'system' for:' setback' r'equirements,. blocking, -footing connection, tiedowns, skirting', ,and plumbing connections. . - ~ . . (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the f1!amifacturer.', , (2).... Mobile home minimum finish fl09r,eleva;ti,on sQap ',be ,certified when required by.a floodplain ," _, --management letter'..' ,,' ': .," _: ,'_ ' l " .' ' " ,"~' (3) r~obil~ home ,ti,edowns'l when reguired? andsk~rting shall b~J,~stalled'and ~eady, for inspeCtion, ,,,-,:;'--.., within at 1east\30:da~s after.occupancy;.-T,ledowns.and 'Sklrt.l~g,shall_be'lnsta-11ed per enclosure. D, SWIMMING pooL: Below grade when steel is in place' and before concrete is poured, ;Above; ~raae When, ",~?Ol is ,installed. APPROVED P~A~S MUST-BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING ~ORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, ;OR iF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ~BANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR' REVOCATION, MAY OCCUR IF THIS PER~1IT WAS 'ISSUEQ ON .THE BASIS OF INCOt1PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIREDINSPE~TIONS WILl ,DO SO' AT HIS OWN RISK, . SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (l)" Permi ts shall be' effectlve for one year from' the date of~ssuance:. 'I~ .' (2) Upon completing the construction for which 'a permft has been 'issued the permit holder shall notify the ~)t:;,\ ,:;\D~par.~m~nt/Ii~~~s;u,!?J!f~:,t~~,~gAD,er~i.n.~'t.a.l~l atj ~n r~~?,t9' ~~,r)ll. . The ,D~p~r.;t!llenr shall i nspet,t ~hecons tr,ucti on ~o ",..,. determine if .1tcqmp,11,es'1:{1.th,tre rules,con,t,alned ln thlS dlvl,Slon. .If the constructlon does comply ~/lth ,:.,;-;,'.\ ;' ~'~~::""i-sucn ru.lesUttfe:, D~pa..rJm1en:t '?l]a B\iss~~' 11, ,c,er!i ~ts~t~,;of's;ati'ffactqr::(;:, c?1iiple~T~Q',it~. tQe,,:p~e,tQ1H hol der. If ~he " '", " con~ truc:tj P~"9,qe~ f1.o,~"..c.ol!!pl~W:,i,~h ~~,c~, :~l;eis" _t,~e ,D/ep'a.r,~,IJL~r'l,~' ,s,h.~ 11, not1 fy th~ p'~~~l t, hoJ~~r and srya 11.. r~qu~ re \ : " _,~, .' " satl s.faCfol'r,9omI?J ~~x<?n'~efol;e,,)l s~~);ngdtlie~.~.r.tl fu:ate.:; Fa),l:~!:e'1jo,l]1eet.; t~~.:lreqU} re{l1en.ts for:- sCl,t;lsfa~:tQ5y. 'I' '-,.', , j completion wi,thina reasonable tinie constitutes'a violatfon of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. :.~~... __ ~:,\ .1;~~1';\~~~~:. '1' ~ . .' Setbacks - 'Subsurface Sewaqe Di sposa 1 , "'; 'Septic Tank' 10' ',; 10' ,5' 50' From: Interior property, lines Edge' o~ road right~of-way .' Building foundation Wells, other' water: sources Drairi'f i el d 10' ,,' ',10' ";,10', , 100' . ~ . .~. ~ ,.. . -.'.. ' , -- ~; , ' . .. {. ~ ,~:.-:~. " '; \ 't, 4 \.., \,,' ' .;\ I . ~\. .:\ " \ . t " \.' { J ' " ""\ ~ i.. .~~. .~. ~'~,\. . 'f. ':!\ ~ ... .. '... .' '. ~. .... J- ......'- 4... '. \', . ,_", 'C-::'. . ~.~j!. .'-..,..... - ,\ :,...,.~ -. .;, , " \,~ :. ,;\;:~~!;,~ ,1' ", I' l ,j!j " l, I' I ;: ll' :; , I, l(tJ:) - ...- ~";".'- -- - -- LANE 'COUNTY,DEPT ENV M~T RECEIPT === 583 DATE 0105k~ APPI.:.ICANL SOLAR CONCEPTS, ADDI~: 211 W ^ 6TH, EUGENE, OREGON ~ ,j" , TLO 17~3331110101 SUBDfV" , LOT, ,BLK NE\1J BLDG .TYPE ~ 'USE F( BDF(MS 0 UNITS,0(11 STORIES OBL.DGS 001 PHONE 74100<7,.,. OWNER NME GAMBEE, JAC~ ' ~DDR 1057 ANtiERSON LN., SPFD., ,OREGON CODE AF'PL: NO ACTION D'ESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VAL.U,ATIONFEE ' DAY\' BF:' 'JiJ:,: BP Sf;' BF' DF' BF' PL. t1ECH SUI~ ' PCK L.C ~>83 F~A'(.IA NO. FIXTURES: 1. (1 NO. CONNECT()f~S : ' t1E:CI"IANICAL.. FEE STATE SURCHAf(GE PU~N, CHECK FEE 15. (.)(j, EACH 25 A 0 (:) ~5(':.) . 00 , i j , 4;~ 3. (-)0 48.75 .. 6 ~} i.: ,J !J j . " I CATG: APP SE(W:' 0 TAKEN BY CAD RA rp , SDS SI PCK 1 ' OTH ISS ~l .;. 11 1 26 . 7~5 CK EST. COMPL.ETION DATE TOTAL FEE** , L.i ~ ',~' n ~ I'l . , I:l lei ~;,,'t", .>if~ 0, ,-, ( , 'J I 0' ua , ' OU ' , , r ,.., / ,~ , g u ~ UI \ "" ,,..,., . _~....r.:. ; I~~lf'f;)~l . , \ 'j ~~..,:.. . . LANE COUNTY , (.lPPL:l; C':':lNT SOL(.lF: CONCEPTS, \ iL~ 1703331110101 SUBDIV NEW BLD,C; T.YFE l...ISE P' BDF~fvjS 0 " , ' 'OWNER NME GAMBEE. JACK , ~CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION ,BP lQD, ,BP B'P I.'P BP j~, , BP ,LC PL NO. FIXTURES: jviECH, _ sur;: PCI< DE!~'T ENV i"iG.T F~ECEI PT :U: ~::;Cl3, ,Dt-ITE (:),O::)L.,,1 ADDR 211 W~ 6TH, EUGENE, OREGON H B~' LOT BLI( UNITS 001 ,S'TOI:;: I E5..' :rrHL-DGS 0(:)1 PHONE 7'41, (l09,.".;.' ADDR 1057 ANDERSON LN~J SPFD.~ OREGpN SQ PT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE' DAY~ . (7:., ,I " \ NO. ..'f4~' lf~ i'"." "'., i (.~... , ..' I( t '. '. " ., , ('; /) (i:. f6, ~' , {'''' t;,'; f! VI 'l. ..'\, 001 . I ... .,\.. "' .. - Q'.I f- I .... A I.... '- I 1....1.. ~~~~I~:L 1 ~-'I~':~~. ~ "Ti {Ju. i !-fjt..:L4')I; ,~:~(..~ ",1--1 ::u 1'l1::.I....HAI'H ,"("11~. t f't~ i ,pFfll'(.. .. ,. ,...... \. '1'1'" "'1 JI"'f~11 "'R,""l-' J 4;,/, ". \ ",' . .::. I ;,:., ::. ::,.. ", .... " t., ,.'1.., :} '))1/ 1" it /" ':' .. f:<1 t", ',J (" 1..',1:' L'" I{ \ 1::-1::, f; j., I i. l::: "/ ' h. . ~_: ..' -.." -I 'hf' 'j '.J _,' In .:/..~~ ',A"" . ~::;t~3 Pt,t'I~' -( - ~~~~::;.\ (~) () '" ~:~:0 ,. 00 ~ UO :."5 t. (1 (-) -4 ~:~ A 71 ~:) \: J~";--:'~ ,.,.... i . 'f'! ?, '-DO Cf~ITG : (iF'(=' SI2QU: 0 '(tiKEN BY Cf~iD , F~ f:~ ' FF' SI)S ' ,SI]: F'CI( 'i DTH ISIS ") .,".. 'i i .. .,J---, E:S'T ~ COi1PLETIDN Df~,TE TUTf;L FEE-lI'1(' 126. 7~::; Cl< D a 0 :-../ /";B t I . Idne county PLANNING AND, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOLAR SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS CHECKLIST .......... Applicant: ~~ ,..-~~ I \NG. S.t Add ' 1~r;71 ',~" "'~" '-~. Jc;,.fFO.". , I eress: ,-,""", Application Number: 5-~~_ I nstaller: ~z.-.- uN~t::;. lINe- . 't?Number of collectors (absorbtion, evaporative, solar panels, etc.) ~~ Number of pumps (any pump used to convey any~~~~t tr~nsfer fluid or potable water) 6 Numbarof tanks ( any solar heated storage tank, drain down or drain back tank or expansion tank) IO~ ( , Total number of components) .:,., THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE ISSUED 1. A floor plan locating the new and/or existing storage tanks. Identify the space in which it is installed by name. 2. A framing plan of t,he roof, showing the size, spacing and spans of the roof support system. 3. Installation details of the panel support, and bracing systems. 4. The maximum surface temperature of the panel. 5. A schematic diagram of the proposed piping system, showing all gate, check and pressure valves, location of air vents, location of pumps and location of any other components of the system. LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COlf~lUNITY DEVELOPMENT 125 East Eighth Iwe~lUe, Eugene, Oregon 97401 '\..l~\.., .._-.... .'\"". ,'" '7'\.;' 'ANCELLATION/REFUND AUTHORIZATIOI PERMIT II 5 - p... ~ NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ~t"J( ,A~ ' CofJ c..~t-"I :-;:, ADDRESS ~Il W. CoTt-{ } E u~8!JE ' APPLICANT ~ OWNER ( ) CONTRACTOR (Xt REASON FOR CANCELLING PERMIT (OR APPLICATION) O/'JE of Pf2..O.t--u::E.p CI).v1FONE^-lrS (N'<Dla'J-Cf)f(~) }JOT A,PPe6vE17 F?7E. -n-fJS lNS-rAlJ AT/OtJ.. , .', , . , S E.f:: t\ TT'ACJ-\F..D LJ- ~ I - ( t--~~ SIGNATURE DATE FEES PAID FOR WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (SITE ~NSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANNING, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. AUTHORIZATION FOR POSSIBLE REFUND,: ' % BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ % MOBILE HOME FEE $ I 1=1 \l.11)&Ct:: % PLUMBING PERMIT FEE $ % PLAN CHECK FEE $ % STATE SURCHARGE FEE $ % SEPTIC DISPOSAL FEE $ % SITE INSPECTION FEE $ % LAND USE APPLI, $ % PPA OR NPA (PLNAMD)$ % PRE-APPLICATIONS ~ % RECORDING FEES $ % PARTITIONS $ % COPIES & ORDINANCES $ MINUS $25.00 FOR PROCESSING FEE $ SIGNATURE ;.1 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED ~_ < LA~ ( DATE ~-)? -X~ - - // TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: BUILDING PERMIT REFUND $ STATE SURCHARGE REFUND $ SEPTIC DISPOSAL REFUND $ SITE INSPECTION REFUND $ LAND USE APPLICATIONS $ PLAN AMENDMENTS $ PRE-APPLICATIONS $ RECORDING FEES $ PARTITIONS $ COPIES & ORDINANCES $ TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ '~~~~ 24-08-74/ACCT 42120/PROG 041 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 42124/PROG 041 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 42133/PROG 043 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 42134/PROG 043 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 42150/PROG 035 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 42150/PROG 013 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 46202/PROG 034 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 46210/PROG 035 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 46202/PROG 035 Receipt 24-08-74/ACCT 44419/PROG 034 Receipt 5.00 3.25 .W $ A.46 II a> ?'#~ lIoM// ;{ II II II II II II II II ::SE~~.d/ ADDRE~:'--?)/ /d ~!%~~ ~~ ~ ????/ , , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & 'COMMUNL'VY DEVELOPMENT ~ COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE~BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ..SOLAR CONCEprrS . I P.O. Box 10185 It Eugene, Oregon 97440 . .. ... ,.., .... '."... .,.,~ (503) 484-7053 . 1,1' 2 February 1983 Dave White Lane County Sui Iding Department Re: Permit Number LC 5-83 Dear Dave: Since we are having such a problem with the Hydro-Coi I installation, we would I ike to get go1ng o~ the solar system for this ~I lent and would I ike to withdraw our request for the Hydro-Coi I portion of the permit only at this point and just apply for the solar system only. This way we can ,at least,get this part instal led. Once things are cleared up regarding the coi I insert, we wi I I approach, things from there. Thanks for you time on this. Sincerely, . , ~;'~rJJ Wi II lam A. Randall Designer ~~ & ,~. , ,JY/2, :; fCB~ ! ['4'0; rE 7 ,- ,- ~1.1I~OJll~ 19BJ "i ]/ L4'1.'..- ,CCt,'{JlIlIiL '. /' .. CO~'::IVl " ' :' 1'111', ,.) ~) .... _ 1""\ \ . '\) I I \.:.-.' ) ~ . "... ",,~/U~l'l' '1J:lalt"lJ1 {'~)f(/nl/; '.' ., lane county B LD LIP ~' APPLICATION #~__5.:--8~L____ , LOCATION J057AN/7I=PS()N UJ..;St-'~I~IELD Oa,$. eft y,PP6mG.L_.____ _,.,___ NAME ZtL,.'t). ((')T=U A\rF:.. ,_____ ADDRESS EUGreJ,E.T-O~.~.--.---g 74Q~TV-CODE ' Th.e above application is being held ~, the following reasons: \',P72DVII::E: MA~~,PAC ~g.I~, ~rz.tF\CA110~ 11-+, ATBQ MO. DIF Ic:A110A\ OF mE. e.XI~T7 ''WJ~ ~(~ (S 12.t::t-yU1R-et:) TO J1--L5TA~_ TIlt: f-{yptzo- ~mT ~~,~ w(X)[) ~TOVE) \.E..~ TIE IN<;,gB''t . G~fZE'5$, PIPII-.\~JLE~ WEJ'rz€ P1<E.'SE/Ji A-T mE. Tl {v'\~ ur- M lVJ U PAC-\VlCl &~'. . [2. SlJBMIT YO/J{L CDJJT@~p..~ 05R.~ AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (NO WALK-INS) L110/83 ( , DATE 687-4061 M-W Uf~l~ PHONE HOURS This application will be held until/k,e;)AfZ, . If the information required above has not been, furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. /J/H~~;& . --:-- - - - -- srGNATURE RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 ;- 'F/L.e- SOLAR CONCEPTS '. P.O. Box 10185 · , Eugene, Oregon 97440 . (503) 484-7053 , 2' FeDrLiary 1983 Dave White Lane ,County Building Department Re: Permit Number LC 5-83 , Dear Dave: Since we arE:) having such a problem with the Hydro-Coi I installation, we wQuld I ike to get goIng on the solar system for this client and would I ikE)Jo withdraw our request for the Hydro-Coi I portion of the permit only at this poi~t and just apply for the solar system only.,This way we can~at lea~t get this p~rt instal led. Once things are cleared up regatding the c()I I insert; we will approach th i ngs from there. Thanks for you time on this. Sincerely, vJlb~~JJ Wi 1,1 i am A ~ Ra'nda I I Des i gner ~~'" & ' ,- ,~', ,f!ll1 '" , I(~-I~r;' \(\ ~ ,f'C/)'""lV 'J -=- (Nt'll> ~ I ,- :; ~4,1~04'tf1. ~8J 'f i/ {-1lv...:rC(tlf1Jj{ '<, /' .. COr ,}:'i/l " __~~,~' v41V,V1Y,.,:< ' ~~-i-' ,,' '\~, l \ ~~ , . . {U~/tlYFl '!UOb;!;'! (,~Uff,1J II " 1. . . PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMtI~r ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET bne county COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! r . 1 Solar Concepts,lnc. PERSON MAKING REQUEST 211 West 6th MAILING ADDRESS --.)f'CK lot;., ~s~ ~ ~8E:' PROPERTY OWNER ~~~ L-N MAILING ADDRESS Eugene, Oregon CITY STATE 345-0208 BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 97401 ZIP CODE ~lNbAe:t-9 CITY ~ STATE t:11~/'1 ZI P CODE: HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 141:-00&12. HOME TELEPHONE # : 2, PROPERTY ADDRESS '- (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRES~) \ 1 0 '3 ?~ . l t TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION 1 (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and TaxationJ or from tax statement) j ! \ j l61 TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING " 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: : 4 SUBDIVISION (if appli~able) TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL j ZONING LOT ACRES BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) water system. ~ Col lectors Ins t a I -I i n g do m est i c Sol a rho t Oraindown X Orainback ~V\t\ ++ydro- C,~\ heat e><ch~ev IY\ wood sicNe, v 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ~eNr--J I Pa-- P?i-\!9 f'ty:S.-r r -s -CO A/-Jv;?~cN , , ~ e / 12-t6lt--r -(0 ~L--'-.:..C' . ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE j , .J -i ;0 Vl ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: .. -l l""': TIME IN: OUT: ~ 0..- \~lon ~ F~' L.-' U \ 7 -03-20, t."' / 1.7~{).~-34.2. 2, I '- ClMd ,~- 0.3 - Zz