HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-6-2 ~~. .,t.,: . I \ 1 . , C9NSTRl ~t.ION/PLACEMENT V PERMIT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND. PRINT. · TO\VNSHIP '/ 7 RANGE 6/ c3 SECTI:?~ I / /~;b DOUT OF SUBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) LOT/PARCEL BLOCK Appl~cat/9"l / /'71'!.. ~/ Permlt 1-/.u-// /0-6/ []Two Copies of Plans G:J'TWO Copies of Plot Plans' []Mechanical Checklist [JPlumbing Checkli'st [JPlan Check Info Sheet __ /'7 """ ~c;y/c ~) ~SS ~~STRE', AO . _---..~__.&? . L ?~~ ZIP PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY / /' /~,~~~~~.. ~P?Y77.- ~esidential DIndustrial ~~~ 0 ~:~;~~~~;~~~ Dco~erc:a:"L~pUbliC ~ " ~ ~~~fJ'" . ~.//~ ~~. ~~/a~- # F azEDR MS. # OF ~RIES, # OF E~1PL~Y~ WATER Sj;PPL~ / ./ / . "0 pr<;Jposed ~ ' /1//4 ZO"~ '&fXlstlng _ J:" . _ _. ~'S N~AND A~SS" ./ , ' '/ _ ./ .' - T~LEPHONE NUMBER ~~c-/ ~a?/?4/L. :V~~ ~./~~~ - - ~~a,~,D ~4'.;?;,' 77'd/~4~- d. ~,~ 97:&/ ~;&~&7 ~' ",~ON,TRA~~~~~"D9'f=~SIT' -/ /'/// ~.~ / <tUb' ~ l5. , ~' _ Y/7v ~ ~/~L/./~,\. ~/~) d~ ~ ~. /" L,' . # . Ah . Y: // -./ / --- I --- ~ -~, (. ~~.d..Ah? #~ ~?/ ~/./~ '=<; ~;- .. . I -'. r HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do herc~y certify thLlt all information hereon is true and cor.rept and I further. certify that any and all work performed shall ,be done In accordance with the Ordlllances of Lane County and the La-,"!s of the SUI Le of Oroeq:m pc t Lal III n9 ~rk descrlbed herein, and' that NO" OCCUPANCY wl11 be made of any structure wIthout the permlSSlon of the BUIldIng Dl vis1on. I furtll'~r ccrtl fy that reg~trat10n w1th the BU1lder's Board 1S in full force and effect as required by ORS 701,055, that 1f exempt the basis for exempt10n is noted hereon, a d that only subcontractors and employees who are 1n compl1ance w1th ORS 701.055 wlll be used on th1S project. I HAVE READ AND CIIECY~D THIS ~/;b;':'~///J~~ .... Av Ul '. '&:2.BI ~::::.cw, . NAME' (please print) j ":3"1 DATE ~Agent " , , " o PLANNI~G/ZONING: . zon~~ Partition # A'IJIfr~;l~?C # ~./ Parcel Size,..;;? c?t:1~ . Ninimum Setbackc CL, fr6nt ~-, CL, side /t/~interiOi:: L~ rear ~ / . ~-- f~~~./7/- ~~,./L- /, '~~-. ~, ~ , ~~ comment. ,_ ~~ ('~:..~ -/~ _ ~~ _. ~..d-7~ .~~-',&.,#~~ ~ ~~~~Date: ~-~4/ o FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? ~o 0 ~ see attached sheet. Date: o RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE N E li:'SP>NITATION: S. 1. # B. P. Date: ~ n D' Installation Specifications: Gallon Tank #/ ~23.=... 79 _ jst~llation Record Issued? gj Yes 0 No - r1~!: ' Naximum Depth of Drainfield of Trenches ----' ...,. q:-tJ-~. Date: 1-'16-<;"'/ D //2$ - J.. .~&,~ Floodplain Fee ~ Subsurface Fee's v < AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT ~Z~. ~~-c;:~ ;-~~~~ ~./. ~j~~, " ~~'L;>- r4'~ r-/ Sq. Ft. /.~~ -- TOTAL VALUATION $ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AVENUE., EUGENE, OREGON. 974~ C74-194 SEE ~ ." , "f'~'\'" J , SETBACK~ AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN R~j~LT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIr, CIT~TrON UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. . . WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number~ job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. f BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when a},l materials for the foundatioa are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a centraJ mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. ' 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made' after all in-slab or under-fioor bu;"ldi"ng service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is' poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.' . 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, firepTaces and chimneys and vent's are complele and all 'rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. . 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. ApPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point ~ndicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the'approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. WOOD STOVE: To be made after completion of masonrv (if applicable) and when installatioQ is ~omDlete. Installation shall be in accordance with an app~oved nationally recognized testlng agency and the manu- facturer's installation instructions. C. r~OBILE HOME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking', footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. (2) Mobile home minfmum finish floor elevation shall be certifi,ed when required by a floodplain management letter. (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. . . D. SWIMMING POOL: Below grade when steel' is in place and befor.e concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is ins ta 11 ed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. " ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1 ) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permi~ holder shall notifY,the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall .lnspect ~he constructlOn ~o determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the constructlon does comply ~Ilth such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satiSfactory completionto the- permit holder. If !he . construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall requlre satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements fo~ satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' IOI'~ " ,',' , ': " . '.,NCELLATION(REFUND !~UTHORIZATIO.. f', NME (PLEASE PRINT) "'- ~)1iJ 11\"'" C, C',\'Y\bQ-'---. ,~DDRESS ,0 "') Ay"\~J; ~fJ-"''t--__ I .~PPL!CANT)><4. OHNER ( ) . . CONTRACTOR 1:. . '\. . REASON 'FO~ CANC ELL! NG PERM IT l~ ~""^".C \' "^L, 'W..! 0,1,<" ,'J 0.<11 "'" ~'\M.\ ~JMX Y; ~~:"""L- . \",,\ J\~ \ ~~\. ok ,,\uk", { f"" ~~ (j ft, ,-5&- ,,~ \," -tl,cv:v-.\ '" ",.J.l>/' "'J I.t;~ <:>. I\' ~ b~.. w~.' I ~ \ SIGNATURE c4 ~~bATE' ~\~~\ -,- . - \ \ FEES PAID FOR WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ( SITE INSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING AND PLUr1B- ING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT PROCESSED. PER,I1IT # # 7 c:f--J/ '-/ 11 ~ I ~.~. j . :2//~ f?~/ % BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ % MOBILE HOME FEE $ % PLUMBING PERMIT FEE $ % PLAN CHECK FEE $ % STATE SURCHARGE FEE $ % SEPTIC DISPOSAL FEE $ "", AUTHORIZATION FOR POSSIBLE REFUND: % SITE INSPECTION FEE $ MINUS $~5.00 FOR PROCESSING FEE $ SIGNATURE ~~ :. TOTAL Ar10UNT TO BE REFUNDED <,. ~'A~ l $ ~~TE 'i~ :7f'-f!- I L../ TO: DEPAHTMEfJT OF ,FI NANCE BUILDING PERMIT REFUND $ .STATE SURCHARGE REFUND $ SEPTIC DISPOSAL REFUND $ SITE INSPECTION REFUND $ 24-08-24/I\CCT 42120/PROG 021 Receipt # 24-08-24/ACCT 42124/PROG 021 Receipt # 24-08-24/ACCT 42133/PROG 033 Receipt # 24-08-24/ACCT 42134/PPOG 031 Receipt # TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS (V~ \'" DEPARMTMErn OF ENV I RON~1ENTAL MANAGEt~ENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING '.~5 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON ~7401 r i 'IL, L_..J "o, J:~ ~J.fr". - ",,",~.\oGE Z '" ll.~ .-L- -.Ur . ~~~' to- . I c: I ClT ~t.\.."" ~-~__\:~;:IRST' I RS~~ :J: r:: ~ _ J:!1~ z' ~TRtLL-;i z ~TT :!:i ~ _ _-; ______ 1" r~AI T / ------ /q rq I ",cOUO. - :No.1 ~ ;:. X ~ I _ . I 5 ':: ~ ( "I V"'Pfl''' 5 -To EUGene Autun Stadium '" :J: w ~ ~j ;;: ~ z :i-Gf ," ~ ~~O ;;;.!t......; J '"='" --..; I z -'ff " ~I - C;T~L I ~ ;: ~ ;;i lU....Sl ~ -.... GLENW'f>D Z~E. w z 0: 7 .. RI nnuRj:"Rr. 8 . p~~ '" '" - 0 o R ~ ~ ' ".. 1:- ~o :J: ~ ::> g l,f'JT.t1.......a.Vt: c:'"~s:'v THUmmJ CLOUD LANE COMMUNITY CO~LEG~ ~ ~ '\ 9 --... , , , lane county :. BOLD SLIP .~' At J:1. ~')HI'f~ ,d,t i ,1v\Jfe~~~~h::: . ~"~'" , ".- -" (", tt~t'-':"? i..'I ",Jt~~ir+..~ .;-;. _..r~ ~~~ p " -. I ZIP CODE ITJ Th~ above app 1 i ca t i on is be i n9 he 1 for the fo 11 owi n9 reasons: c.!LJ t.rr1 L~ Cf 71)( '(:>f.~1:ZM AT WF.f~ ~..)c"- l::XJ~'110l1 ~~-t6e,; V-'~E c:t~.lH.ctre~'\l\iT~..~', ld \\. . 1/ ../., I ..' ~' 1)1~' f,'f;4::~g:(.JP1 ~~J ~11t~Vlr1 t:;At'<'><1e ~~A;~ k;.;. ";;;;4'+;~Y1'~J.' C'!.'):~~ g?~J}'i~) , .."', .-,~ ' , '. U':S~;iu)A4;.I'JC1t1~~i A. ~zr~.lL:i'~le ~:<I,A.~Wjil'J.;:'f-:r~~VH:'-~ ~V6eU l-t::j4";~L-~-:d{~ o/f~~'~~~'/~i~/\l--\" ~f;;?./.-~~i:[~:;:-;14i~.AL6 ~ll~71"~li /iiZ'f ~ r.:~"'I ~ :'! Aii~t+e-i} Cf."-. tv~li.-I~ I tlA'..t(fZI~' a:-;~:' . I !- ~'- 4-" ':-lb "JJ~~~ ~ ~M e W/'-'O'\v_ f'1..f. \; C 4A<ii'Y. t>(L.#;~'Y-6" uv""mcl7 Cl?- ~- ~6'iZ- ~\1"7 l\1:') '~IU.- Al~."1 :~~'r4 '~ '/I I V ' · _!.,,'~ &: .""~.... ......1-r<.t~ e;j--l~ '-ic:~~ 'I"~ \. ,,::.. J\\ ..""rJ.....'9'jt~'...(r~"'::-", ~'" ~ =t-" ? y"t .:4t:7~."'" H:",,=-. 5~ __~o......,., I lil...../....-"...'" I ,.\',M;..l ''RjVr f'\i"""'t~..1-' t.t""-y... 1'1::;;, Vjl,.rJ.. '1 I ,_.~-..r:-'~I 7""d'" 4AU,~-n'~'fl"I\)';;7I~~fT ~7~.;;Y:% I~O~, t2tsT~~ ~'f:~~,. I'.x:::~e!t,~ ~ \fli/o,$..,J.;.'rfOv YEZT ~-01.,{i;::"~' tft...(.:f:O ~ ~''')/ii~~?S:t,j ~~,4~, tt~,:7~ ~~lrp1' \ : Wt\~'fV~"~1 ~$~) 1':.,;'A~oP'i lHt.cI~}.-~...p:c:r ~~$f~~, V; 'il-AtM"1 e,Cl~>..)iMl,"4-llt~ 'T f?'"4- :;;~~~:?{;;,,>, If "[HE' c:r~j.'1lUafl71C' W:e; ~~oE()eOI H~'T ~ C:l\"'~.(.,I(...c.YrUIJ:~.; t7( Af\)t~fJ.:.t~~\ Akfi1]i~fa. H5'Xli; .c~L>-, A!te-,l:~~.:?J "f~l.), 'fh;vlPe \.+e.bj'':'' L-~? cAL..tW.f!,\Oll-? f-Pt- 5~~lft. "C;i~"'li\,t1 Go,~,,: l J:. (''''/.F: wi' 4-ttlff~ ;!-'S;;, ~#W\ft.Jt~), "J'.) \,vA.t" ,...I:-....e../ ,l'iSL- t:"I'1---l: -i' .,:- pr-::R. CCI. ;,q-;:: Ie/sit '),j I r R.!5::.i-t./l il2"' .,', ! /:->'l' ~ LJ r );,-" .-:t-\)L ! APPLICATION # J17f)~ r3i_____ LOCATION 4(1 A~\x--e(J~",,'" \ ~A'~, 7:'1-:-~';'l.~.(~ frJfi1.7J , I' I ' NAME ADDRESS , . 1-1-'j1lv~ ) T~ll ~.' .J-fuL-O ....,--:'x.\l-'1 'V-J III-! ,c.:., .)L1lZe.<::;...t..H;;;:....-.;:;.1i':Z:' ) 110fc:z,t,'I...:q1..~p I2'z c 5fl\~)-:-.lI'~'( \ (./ . /1;f,iV/~ILi'.v SIGNATURE." 1/'...9-, ,~ I __..c-" ,......' t DATE fof)1....4Dbf PHONE' ~~ A'f!o/tJ~ 'OFFICE "HOURS This application will b~ held until ~L~-l>j . If the information required above has not been furnlshed by that date your application will be cancelled. Buil di ng fees pa i d' for permits cance11 ed under these c i rcums tances wi 11 be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT . 125 East 8th Avenue / Pubtic Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 I (503)687-4061 ~.- ~ [, ~~ ~. . ~ 40- ..:1 5303 il . I Vskylight = the thermal transmittance of all skylight elements in the roof/ceiling assembly, Btu!hlft2IF. A.kylight = skylight area (including frame) ft2. 3, Floors over unheated spaces. The floor of a heated or mechanically cooled space located over an unheated space shall have a combined thermal transmittan"e value (Vo) not exceeding 0.048- 4. Slab-on-grade floors. For slab-on-grade floors, the perimeter of the floor shall be insulated with a material having a thermal resistance value (R) not less than those specified in Figure No. 53-E. The insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab for a minimum distance of 24 inches or downward to the bottom of the slab then horizontally beneath the slab for a minimum total distance , of 24 inches, (d) Other Buildings. The following provisions shall apply to all buildings and structures, or portions thereof, except those covered within subsection (c) above. 1. Heating criteria for walls. All buildings and structures, or portions thereof, that are heated shall have a combined thermal transmittance value (Vo) for the gross area of exterior walls not exceeding those specified in Figures Nos. 53-F or 53-G. The combined thermal transmittance value (Vo) is to be computed using Equation 53-1. IX Where walls of masonry or concrete construction, (as defined in Chapters 24 or 26) having a mass greater than 251bs.lsq, ft, are a part of the building envelope, the thermal resistance value of the masonry unit shall be doubled to account for the thermal capacity of the wall. Thermal resistance requirements of walls may be further reduced if analysis authorized in Sec. 5301(e) shows lower annual energy consumption. 2, Heating criteria for roof/ceiling. All buildings and struc- tures, or portions thereof, that are heated shall have a combined ,'thermal transmittance value (Vo) for roof/ceiling assemblies not ex- ceeding those specified in Figure No. 53-H. The combined thermal transmittance value (Vo) is to be computed using 'Equation 53-2. 3. Heating criteria for floors over unheated spaces. The floor of a heated space located over an unheated space shall have a thermal transmittance value (Vo) not exceeding 0.08. 4. Heating criteria for slab-on-grade floors. For slab-on-grade floors, the perimeter of the floor shall be insulated ",vith a material having a thermal resistance value (R) not less than those specified in Figure No. 53-E. The insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab for a minimum distance of 24 inches or downward to the bottom of the slab then horizontally beneath the slab for a minimum total distance 640.8 I ~~.'''''''''~....~. ~_.,...-~~!~~~~~~:tO_ . f .1 ,i lJ---. 5303 \ of 24 inches. 5. Cooling criteria for walls. All buildings and structures, or . . th f that are mechanically cooled shall have an overall portIons ere:' I for the gross area of exterior walls not exceed- thermah I trans .ef~ vda.~eFigure No 53-1 The overall thermal transfer iog t o~s CI Ie I ., II . t be ted 1 for the gross area of exterior wa s IS 0 compu - va ue" . . using Equation 53-3. (D x A x TDEQ) + (Ar x SF x BC) + (Vr x Ar x AT) OTI'V = wall wall . . A" ..........., ._....,...,.....__...... _......"'... _,.........'.. '.' (53-3) .....NOTE.:.~~re more than one type of wall and lor fenestration is used. the terms shall be expanded into subelements, as: (VwalI >$ ~~ x TDEQ) + (Vwalh x Awal\j x TDEQ), etc. WHERE: O'ITV = ~verall thermal transfer value, U = the thermal transmittance of all elements of the opaque wall 2 wall area, Btu!hlft IF. Awall = opaque wall area, ft2, Ur = the thermal transmittance of the fenestration area, Btulhlft21F. Ar = fenestration area, ft2. TDEQ = value given in Table No, 53-G. se = shading coefficient of the fenestration. , A = gross area of exterior walls, ft2. , AT = temperature difference between exterior and intenor de- . sign conditions, F. SF = solar factor' value given Btu/hJft2. (See Figure No, 53-J.) 6. Cooling criteria for roof/ceilings. All buildings and struc- tures, or portions thereof, that are mechanically cool~ ~hall have a combined thermal transmittance value (Vo) for roof/cellIng asse,mb- lies as specified in Figure No. 53-H for heating. ~e comblI:-ed thermal transmittance value (Vo) is to be computed usmg Equatlon 53-2. (e) Air Leak~ge. The requirements of this subsection shall aI;>ply to all buildings and structures and apply only to those locatlOns separating outdoor ambient conditions from interior spaces th~t are . heated 'or mechanically cooled and are not applicable to ~ePa:atlOn ~f interior spaces from each other. Compliance with the cnten~ for ,aIr leakage shall be determined by tests based on applicable engmeenng p~riciples.. .,' .' 1. Acceptance criteria. The air infiltration rate for ,windows shall not exceed 0.5 elm per foot of sash crack. !ii, :1 . 'I J . ~ , , , 640.9 ~,". l ~----~;r- 10 ' .-_~ - 5303 ~I; ~I Cellulose insulation shall conform to Section 6001, Standard 53-1. For other insulation, see Section 1718. B. Foam plastics use shall be as specified in Sec. 1717, (b) Thermal Performance. All buildings and Structures, or por- tions thereof, that are heated or mechanically cooled shall be con- structed so as to provide the required thermal performance of the various components. The required thermal transmittance value (Uo) of anyone compo- nent such as roof/ceiling, wall or floor may be increased and the Uo . value for any other components decreased provided that the overall heat gain or loss for the entire building envelope does not exceed the total resulting from conformance to the required Uo values, The thermal transmittance value (Uo) of any component or portion thereof such as roof/ceiling, or floor may be corrected by considering the capacity insulation of the component. The allowable modification factQr is specified in Figure No. 53-A-2 based on the weight of the component, (c) Residential Buildings. The fOllOwing provisions shall apply to all buildings and structures, or portions thereof, housing Group R Occupancies: ' EXCEPTION: Buildings housing group R OCcupancies or por- tions thereof not more than three stories in height insulated in accordance with this exception shall be deemed to meet the require- ments of this subsection: Ceilings-R-30. Walls-Roll (See 5303(c) 1. for walls below grade). Floors-R-19, ' Openings-(Windows, door and skylights>--When these open- ings are less than 17% of the wall area, windows and skylights shall be double glazed or be equipped with storm windows having a D factor or U:IO or less, except one percent of the wall area may be single glazed if of a decorative or unique architectural feature. When area of openings is equal to or exceeds 17% of wall area, use equation 53.1. For required vapor barriers see 5303(f), 1. Walls. The gross area of exterior walls above grade, including foundation walls, shall have a combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) not exceeding 0.19: The combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) is to be computed using Equation 53-1.' Walls enclosing heated spaces below grade shall be insulated with R-ll insulation extending to a point 12 inches below exterior grade line. . EXCEPTION: The opaque exterior wall areas may be con- structed having thermal transmittance CU..) values in conjunction T~~ 640.6 l{fa*t~~'~R~"f."'-6i_v.~;;~'''''ti>1..,,;,..:;.....~~~*<<;.<;~..__.~~_~....__,......._.___..,__ " ';lf~.. , , ~ ;,';"";' r:'" 1 1 'i~ .~%.,. --- ---~ ~'l'---"""""""""'"""""'" , 1_'__,-- ," , 53G3 . d with Figures Nos. 53-B and 53-C. with opening areas m accor ance A U A 11 + UWl'ndow Awindow + U door doo~ . .. .. . .. (53-1) wall we .. . .. . . U= ~ . o " f II window'and/or door IS NOTE: Where more than one type 0 w~ail be expanded into its h U x. A term for that exposure s used, t e ,subelements, as: lJ. ete U A 11 + U wall, '"'-wall" . walh wa 1 II il~ .I~ ;5> i~ I WHERE ' th rmal transmittance of the gross wall area, ' U = the average e o BtuJhlft2IF, 2 f xterior walls, ft , "0''', -Ao'= the gross area 0 e . f II elements of the opaque Uwnll = the thermal trans~llttance 0 a ., wall area, Btulhlft IF '. . 2 Awall = opaque wall area, ft.. of the window area, Uwindow = the thermal transmIttance . BtuJhlft2IF. 2 11 " = window area (including sash) ft . Btulhlft21F. ~w' I 'ttance of the door area, U = the therma transrru ; door , 2 ,. 'A.ioor = door area, ft , , hated or mechanically 2. Roof/Ceiling. Any, buildin~:t~r~~s;ittance value CUo) for cooled shall have a combmed t;eBtulhlft21F. The combined thermal roof/ceilings not to excee~ O,O~ computed using Equation 53-2. transmittance value (Uo) 1S to .. blies in which the finished EXCEPTION: Roof/celhnr ~~~2 or greater may have a Do interior surface has a slopeBt~ft;IF. for any heating degree day value not to exceed 0,05 area. . section 3205(c). F n;~ed roof/ceiling ventilatlOn see . orreq~ . Uroof Aroor + U.kylight Auylight ,...................." (53-2) Do =. ~ , h . . of roof/ceiling and/or skyhg t NOTE: Where more than one type h II be expanded into its . d the U x, A term for that exposure s a IS use , ' . subelements, as:' Uroofl A,.oo(l. + Uroo(2 Aroo(2, etc. WHERE . f th gr~ss walUceil- U = the average thermal transmittance 0 e . 0 ing area, Btulhlft21F. 2 ~ = the gross area of a r,oof/ceili~g a~~:l:~;~~t ~f the opaque Uroof = the thermal transm1ttanc2e 0 ". , roof/ceiling area, Btu/h/ft IF. Aroof = opaque roof/ceiling area, ft2. 840.7 ~~~.;J::j~"""'-^""",.., .> ..,;... .':...". . . 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BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 t, \ " I 11 !J [II I: I ' . ,_.__ ___ .__ _n _.___ _~_ ___'..___ -r-"-- ~_ _._.._ _._____ _ __ __m ~a @ ~ ~ ,~ " !$ ... , ~ ..~ ,~ f ;, v , I DEPT ENV MGT 'RECEIPT =:: 117881 DATE 060281 AD DR 379 W5TH, EWGENE, OREGON '. ~ LOT llLl< NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 COST VALUATIDN FEE DAYS LANE COUNTY "APPLICANT SHARF, TLI 17033~1100100 NEW BLDG TYPE CODE APF'L NO I ~p; AVI SUBDIV USE ~ NO BDRMS 06 NO UNITS ~01 ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT ""Fr_ oF' BP -'1=- r.<P PCK LC 117881RAAA ~L NO. FIXTURES: 'MECH . SUR -'CK J..J '"'4TG: . AF'F' ..}EQU: 0 TAKEN BY RLH RA NOA CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE. SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE / I' FP SDS SI PCK 12' , EST. COMPLETION DATE 061781 10000 15.00 EACH ::: 4% 50% OTH ~SS 3 TOTAL FEE** ., , . '. 26.00 1 1 26'.00 CK I:. ,!1 . , j_-::O~~' ~.r--=o.D.:~ .~.,.,_~..~~~.~..:.t . ' ,~. 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I "- PCL;-C. .e/ 3 ~ -' ~ 'R<r@~nlE J\ AUG 161972 Q \)-. '" ....... /.71 t: --(-/;1 rS' , c~/~ "" "/4 C. ..c /Yz.~::>""/" f.A I .", 1'1("'" tv /'; c<y ~-I 1/>/ /l .~~ ~~:::-~;"'1" ---.::..... ...;> v. .. ~ '~ ''lJ ~, \\: .=.,; "--- LANE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT, ___ & y.&S . w,'" ,~;~,,~~__xkJ'f~J ~ ~_~~~~. ~ ~~:~_t.CKl \~ r ON _.""-""""',"___' REVERSE SIDE ~ DO NOT ~ . ~ ~:t:z;;~ ) JJ~ /: I I I I ij r----.. ; ! - ' I DW"," .i?c.U/ .~ro //~.~~- -r------... . ! " uu."..C,,",,.IJ.<Y -,..-_.~ - ! 'DDRE.';' '" n ,u,._'.uoum IV/'NU"'" R---"""'- ! -,,c..L. S ?~ _.1- . _ , '"""CO " ., - C;UBDI\/ISlO -----.-----' . ~ . m~.J",,,-_,.,_~_:;~i!_. ~ N h,' -- ----'1 , r-G .,0 .<0 ' 1 A XL,) nS) I g /VC) U ASSESSORS MAP ~ ~ECT ION ~'J: _ 33 'lOW I "NSHIP /r' :-._""'~~.~' :.; , ~ '.' oJ' "" /.. L_'" . .:-: .:l. ,:./ /---: ' ,,':.!.../,)).:;/ :,:'/ '- '~ ' ~ ,p~....!f"....tr- ~ /:..~.~'-~.: '.~ -.t ~~t-_J,i.:. \. 14 i\LJ\ L.L.r\ MEMORANDUM I!)'" ~ne county TO Whiteaker Energy FROM Roger !:l?~~is SUBJECT _m Permit 111178--81 ~ DATE July 21, 1981 Your permit #1178-81 for greenhouse and remodel is ready to issue. An additional fee of $201.92 is due on balance before issuance. Please come in or mail check to Lane County Environmental Maangement 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 ATTN: Roger Hollis Thank you. PBI j h ~71J-U {f&J ~ (p<?(, -t;:i:t: / \iJ/ 0 ~ ,'t;~ jV- 0, ~~ ~ \\' IDJ& ~' \~\ /0 :0 :(9) " ,) :B '" fJ /:.. Jl /J. ~,.. rt?tf'P~ -'. t '6':./ V ~V'V , ". \ " . - -- \ ..... " .".- t'\~"'W':"I'~'~';; .~. '~;;,~ . ~ ~ ~ .0 _' , , ' 0- .10 --~( ,> Date l'l Time ^l . l 'JLJ! P {j lA (J...{A ~ (All t'~ 11J}~ l . .............. ................. .t,", + + r" · ......... II . ,'l.... t. ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~. :> f of phone ;l- ;;- ~ ~ )- ~ " ',' " "~'I' '. ;) ~ t{ S-- ~o~ 'jLls--orQ7 ext, TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL .---. c- ~LLCALLBACK CAME IN RETURNED YOUR CALL RUSH (p;f-