HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1991-8-21
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.(;. ~gUSl. 21. 1991
Larelle Grant (Trust)
455.P~exander Loop #149
Eugene, OR 97401
Subject: Courtesy =nspec~ion
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Dear Ms. Gren~:
.!;.t the request of your tenant, ~he S;::>:-ir".gfie::'d 3uildirlg Sc.fe'ty =>:.vision
conducted an i11spection of the prc-per'ty ::'coc c. ~ed c. ~ 'the c.:)c\!e =o:::--:::ss. ";1e
inspection revealed items which do ;Jot meet -:he rr.,;'-'.i.l!1um Ci~y EousiJ1,g Code
requirements and must be correct-:::d. They consist of th-::: fc-llc.;...Ti.ng:
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1. Dryrot is evident i.,"1 ~he
A. Deteriorated wood
of the shower.
'B. Weakened subflooring
floor system.
ba~hroom as ~"1dicct-:::o by ~he
ma teric.l is p12ir:ly visible i.."'l
cc.r-Jr~ ticlDS:
s'tructural wall
indicates deteriora~ion i.."'l 'the s~ructural
2. Ce:iling materials are missing in several 2reas exposing t.he in::erior of
the building to infiltrction of outside weather conditions.
3. Smoke detectors are required i.:"1 -all d;,..,~eij~r;.gs which c.:-e bei."1g ren::ed or
leased. The detector(s) In2Y be bc.ttery :;)C:,;.:er~d end must be i."1sta11ed in
hallways or other :Y'S=S wr..il;h .-:"ir-=-C7";Y ==<:C:S2S rC'Cjrr~.s L:s-=:.j fc'r sleep:L~g
4. E):is~~~g .:.:--~re~-~rc:-~g c>u1:.1ets (g:r'::U:1'~~~g "[:,/~'-=) ~~c.2.1 tl-=
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u.ngroLnded type ou'tle:.s or shell b~ prc;)erly grounded.
5. Broken or missi.ng cover plates we:-e ne,:.ed c.!"! .:.lectricc.l ou"-'-=-:s, s;..:itches
and/or junction boxes which require replacement to reduce the possibility
of electrical shock or fire.
6. The building tenant has gointed out that the hecter thermostat(s) are not
functioning properly. We were unable to adequately verify the condition
Je.lle Grant (Trust)
jgust 21, 1991
/ age 2
of the thermostat(s) at this time' of year. If any thermostats are
malfunctioning, they must be repaired' or replaced in order to maintain
comfort heating for the occupants.
7. The plumbing system shall be. restored to proper operating condition. The
following conditions were noted which require attention:
A. The toilet is not properly secured to the closet flange at the
floor, creating the potential for leaks at the wax ring seal.
B. The discharge line from the temperature/pressure relief valve
cannot be reduced in size from the valve outlet (3/4") in order to
assure proper valye operation. The present 1/2" piping from the
valve must be replaced with approved piping material. The terminal
end of the piping must discharge outside the building in a downward
C. The drain for the washing machine is not properly trapped allowing
for the potential escape of toxic sewer gases into the building.
D. The lavatory sink is not properly secured to the wall. Also the
connection between the sink waste pipe and the drain at the wall is
not properly tightened allowing the potential for waterleaks and
sewer gas infiltration into the building.
Bt:rilding permits must be obtained for the above items which involve
repairs or modifications to the structural. electrical, plumbirig or
mechanical systems of the building. Please check with the undeY'signed
inspectors for permit requirements prior to beginf'ing reoair.3, The'! ma'!
te reached at this office between :3:')0-9:1)0 a.m. and 1:')0-1:.30 p.m.
Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct
all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3759.
Sincerely I
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C'r\::-:<~ ~\ "i, \-->J..~t.
chris Christensen
Electrical Inspector
Tom Marx
Building Inspector
Don Moore
Structural Inspectcr
.' Dave Puent, Building Official
. Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services.
. Complete items 3, and 4a & b.
. Print your name and addres!t'on the reverse of this form so that we can
return this card to you. ,t.:J~.
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doe, Jermit.
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455 Alexander LooE !~~~
Eugene, Oregon 97ZrOl '~~;
RE: [2106 North_3.Ls..t Street')
6. Jign~ture (AgeKt) )
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