HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 12/23/2003
~tailed written explanation of the proposal to include:
o The project name, size and location of property
o The zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties
o The proposed use of the development area and scope of the proposed development
o Access
o Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.)
o Where more than 5,000 square feet of impervious surface is proposed describe the stormwater quality measures to
be utilized and provide enough detail to demonstrate they will work.
The current use of the site and any existing improvements
Any special site features (i.e. wetlands, watercourses,steep slopes, etc.); a general statement addressing soil type
and drainage conditions
Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed
The number, type and size of any trees to be removed .
An explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City
A statement demonstrating compliance with solar access requirements as specified in the appropriate zoning
district ..
o Any proposed modifications being requested
o Any additional planning applications required for proposed project
()0pPlication Fee discuss the applicable fees .
0., t6 Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 60 days documenting ownership and listing all
. ';- encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required.
V P-- Cover Sheet:
o Vicinity map; drawn to scale showing existing zoning, bus stops, streets, curb cuts, pedestrian connections, f1fe
hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed development area.
o Index to plans
o The scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as I" =
30', 1 n = 50' or-1" = 1 00'), north arrow, and date of preparation
The legal description, street address and assessor's map and tax lot number .
The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area
Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational
. areas and other similar public and semi-public uses
o Zoning and Metro Plan designation of the property being Subdivided and properties within 100 feet of the
boundary of the subject property . .
00entative Subdivision Plan including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by a surveyor or
engineer on a map 18" x 24" and must contain the following .information: .
. l2--~3- 03.
CHECKLIST ;r{ ~eT I tv 6;
The scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as I"
= 30', I" = 50' or I" ':' 100'), north arrow, property boundaries and date of preparation
All existing and proposed easements
Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top
and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale
Classification of each proposed lot's compliance with the solar accessPRE.SUBMmAtRECP60(3)
l 2- 1:yo3 I ~f>-f.--l-z.::o~
Future Development Plan required if re,division is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and
sequencing of each proposed re-division. Any re-division shall progress in a s.equence promoting street
connectivity' between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public
improvements. , .
~ I ~ne additionaI" copy of the Tentative Subdivision Plan reduced to gYz"x 11", which will be mailed as part ofihe
~qUired neighboring property notification packet . .
Ji )Cluster Subdivision th~ following additional infonnation shall be submitted:
or 0 Front yard setbacks for buildings in established residential areas
o Building height transition
o Building orientation and connectivity to the fronting street
o Garage door placement and design
o Percentage of windows andlor dwe1lii1g doors on facades of homes facing streets, sidewalks, and multi-
use paths (including garage facades) .
o Design Variety. Each home shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following six (6) building
design features. Applicants shall indicate which option they are proposing on plans:
. Roof Pitch & Design. A minimum 4 to 12 roof pitch. Eaves
. Eaves with a mi.i:1irnum 6-inch overhang
. Architectural features
. Architectural Details. At least one architectural detail on a swelling fa,ade(s) that faces the
street Architectural details used consistently throughout the construction of the dwelling
facade that face streets. For the purposes of this provision, architectural details are defined as
exposed rafter or beam ends, eave brackets, gridded windows or windows with divided lites,
or pergolas/trellis work integrated into building facades. If a dwelling is oriented such that its
front fa,ade (fa,ade with the front door) is oriented to a sidewalk and no facades of the
dwelling face a street, then the architectural details may be counted if they are located on the
facades of the dwelling that face the sidewalk.
o Open space location and percentage .
o Required landscaping and if required show landscaping for buffer area.
Notes' . .
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o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer shall be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils
and/or a high water table present .
o A Soils and Geology Report for slopes 15% or greater located on the subject property
o Where the development area is within im overlay district applicable, how the proposal addresses the additional
standards of the overlay district. .
o Where applicable, how the proposal addresses Discretionary Use criteria as specified in SDC Article 10.
o Htrees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38.
o. Where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban services area and can be
serviced by sanitary sewer, an Annexation application as specified in SDC Article 6. .
o Where applicable, a wetland delineation approved by the Division of State Lands must be submitted
concurrently where there is a wetland on the property.
o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit will be required.
o Where applicable, evidence that any required federal or state permit has been applied for or approved must be
submitted concurrently
o Where applicable, any Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 11.
TillS APPLICATION . .' . ~.
This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Sections 3.050(3)-(6) and
Oregon Revised Statutes 227 .178 require the City take final action on a limited land use decision within
.120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120-day processing period for this application
begins when all the missing information is submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the
information. You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City
within seven days of the date of this form asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing
information. If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be
submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre-Submittal Review to
provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon
receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for
purposes of starting the 120-day clock and begin processing the application. No new information may be
submitted after the start of the 120-day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120-
day processing time. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120-day period for a
reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new information is submitted
after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required or if
the new information substantially affects the application proposal and additional review is required.
I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the 180-
. day timeline.
Owner/Applicant's Signature
. .
JiW1 D.
Prepared by Eric Walter, Civil Engineer.
Storm Drainage by Matt Stouder, EIT
Planner: James Donovan, Planner II
The above application was reviewed by Public Works staff for pre-submittal requirements. The
application, as submitted, does not include sufficient information for staff to provide a formal plan
review. In addition to the attached list of marked items, the applicant will be required to. resubmit
plans addressing the following items:
1. . Site Assessment of existing conditions must show location, direction of flow, and top of banks of all
jurisdictional drainages. Army Corps of Engineers approval and permit are required for jurisdictional
drainages. .
2. Site Assessment of existing conditions must show all existing roads shall be shown on the site.
assessment plan clearly indicating the current existing condition. The plans must clearly indicate
existing condition of site including all cut, fill, and embankment locations.
3. Site Assessment of existing conditions must include locations of all wetlands as delineated and
approved by Oregon Division of State Lands.
4. Site Assessment of existing conditions physical features including, significant clusters of trees and
shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings - indicate whether they will remain or be
removed or altered by th.e proposed development .
5. Site Assessment of existing conditions soil types and water table information as mapped and
specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County.
6. Provide a key plan that locates each enlarged site plan portion.
7. In addition to the original Master Plan, the application is subject to the attached "Mountaingate
Master Plan Conditions of Approval". Please submit necessary plans. and documentation
addressing each condition as outlined on attached list (items circled in red).
The following storm water comments are prepared by Matt Stouder:
8. Individual flows for each sub-basin are not listed in the hydrology study for either the existing or
developed basins. It is requested that the applicant provide individual flows for each drainage sub-
basin so that City staff can determine the impacts.each basin will have on the overall. hydrologic
9. More information needs to be submitted/clarified in regards to the sub-basins and curve numbers
used for the developed conditions calculations. Specifically, it needs to be demonstrated how the.
applicant arrived at the curve numbers used to support the hydrologic calculations and what
percentage of each sub-basin will be impervious.
10. Several sub-basins appear fail to take into account future build-out conditions associated with the
north and south cluster developments. These sub-basins include 83, 88, A5, and D1. Other basins
of concem are A3, A4, 84, and E1.
11. The developed sub-basin A 1 needs to account for additional area to be constructed in Phase 5,
located south of K Street. As shown on the conceptual storm sewer Master Plan for this
development, this portion of land is to drain to the west, thorough Phase 4B.
12. There is no indication in either the hydrology study or plan set of the types of water quality facilities
to be used for this development. As referenced in the Master Plan and the Master Plan Conditions
of Approval, this development must comply with water quality standards. Specifically refer to Master
Plan Condition of Approval number 27. Please include water quality functions and locations with the
hydrology study which will satisfy these requirements. Water shall not be directed to the natural
wetlands without first being treated.
13. Please submit calculations for the 1 O-year event for both the pre and post developed conditions.
This is consistent with Phases 1 & 2, and also Phase 3.
14. Please submit a downstream drainage analysis showing that adequate capacity exists in the
downstream system to accommodate the post-developed flows from this development. Please
extend this analysis to the outlet of the 42 inch storm pipe at the intersection of Mt. Vernon Road
and the Weyerhauser Haul Road. Preliminary calculations indicate there may not be adequate
capacity in the 24 inch storm line in which the applicant proposes to discharge stormwater from this
15. The current plan submittal and associated hydrology study does not contain adequate information
for City staff to perform an adequate review of the detention pond. 25 and 1 DO-year calculations are
given, however, there is no information showing the size (capacity, depth, volume, storage, etc) or
inlel/outlet elevations of the pipes. This information is necessary to determine how much detention
capability the pond actually has.
16. Please include a note as to whether or not the detention pond will be lined. If the pond is not going
to be lined, a study will be required to show the effect that infiltrating water will have on surrounding
areas, including areas down-gradient.
17. The current submittal lacks a sanitary sewer evaluation as is required in the Master Plan Conditions
of Approval, number 8. Please include a sanitary sewer evaluation which includes an analysis of the
sewer tributary areas, both on-site and off-site, and both the site arid downstream system capacity
to ensure that adequate capacity and appropriate connection points are provided.
18. Please submit supporting documentation and calculations showing the effects of this subdivision on
the wetland areas within this development. Specifically, please include calculations showing the pre
and post-existing runoff to all wetlands areas on the site as required in Master Plan Condition of
Approval number 21. Currently, City staff is unable to determine how much flow is draining to each.
wetland area. The amount of runoff to wetland areas shall not be changed from the pre-existing
/ Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within ISO feet of the top of bank ofany Water Quality Limited
Watercourses (WQL W) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries ofWQL W, a written statement will
need to be provided addressing the following criteria: .
rI ...Explanation of how "top of bank" 'was determined (See the definition of "Top of Bank" in SDC Article 2.)
I>'" ))etailed description of the current Riparian Area Functions (See SDC Section 32.110(7) for more information.)
, ~ An outline of the proposed methods that would be used to protect, retain or restore the Riparian'Area (See SDC
Section 31.240(3) for more information.)
, 0 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions must be prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and
drawn to scale showing physical features and watercourses on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for
adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment must contain the
following information:
~ The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, trees ~d impervious
fiurface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed ,
01' Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site
~ The scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as I"
= 30', I" = 50' or I" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation.
j:l/'TI,e name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian
setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services
pepartment '
0/' The I OO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood
Jnsurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision
IY" The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of this Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection
Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department
o Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 Y, feet above the
ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings - indicate
fthether thev will remain or be removed or altered by the orooosed development
ill'" A plan showing the site's existing contour lines at I foot intervals, for land with a slope over 10 percent, the
contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals
Q Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A
Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the
proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table
o Tentative Subdivision Plan including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by a surveyor or
engineer on a map 18" x 24" and must contain the following information:
,/ Location of existing and required power poles, transformers; neighborhood mailbox units and similar public
/facilities .
JIY Location, width and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian ,
./lccess ways and bike trails
, It'" Location, size and type ofplantings and street trees in any required planter strip
@l)-ocation and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts ,if JC>/,:-t- USe dr,'wJ.u<~
p/ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and adjacent to
the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone,
and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points
12/22/03 .
o Grading, Paving and Stormwater Management Plan must be drawn to scale with existing contours at I-foot intervals
and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of
slope is 10 percent or more, contours may be shown at 5-foot intervals. This plan must show the stormwater management
system for the entire development area. For developments with more than 5,000 square feet of new paving area, an
Oregon licensed Civil Engineer must prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management
system, an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect shlill be required to prepare the planting plan and specifications. The
plan must include the following components:
000f drainage patterns and discharge locations ' ,
s/' The scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as I" .
= 30', I" = 50' or I";" 100'), north arrow, and date "fpreparation,
r/" Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns '
q;p The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines,
catch basins, drY wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be
/ retained
111' /Existing and proposed elevations, site grades and contours
IT Amount of proposed cut and fill
(/) A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in SDC
Section 32.110 must be submitted supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and documentation
must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual to allow staff to determine
that the proposed stormwater management system will 'accomplish its purposes '
Note~t36 A71ACf/(dJ 1/ pl2iE-5uBtvllTf7J..L tvlEET7A.J0 'I LE17f:1'I- /:JATt31)
FDIC.. ' A-PLJ IT/DAJAL J2..t::.'2x,UII?E.MeA..JTS AAJL1 c.DlJtJ /710IJS
'PHAsE 4-
. ,c..' mAil new water system facilities and modifications to water system facilities both
inside and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in the street right-of-way at a
location and <.Iepth of bury that meets the standards of sun. Where street right-of-way width
is inadequate to accommodate the facilities, then the applicant must provide public utility
easements abutting the right-of-way.
Sanita~y Sewer
c (JiConstruction of sanitary and storm sewers must be done in a logical phasing
sequence that corresponds to the phasing of development. The sewers shall be planned and
sized and exterided to the east and sonth boundaries of the development to serve future
development areas in a logical and convenient manner.
~ ~Detailedplans for streets, sanitary, and storm systems mnst be submitted with each
phase of development which include existing and proposed contours of the site to enable an
adequate review ofthe location and routing ofthese systems.
../ t The project construction engineering team shall include a geotechnical engineering
firm which will be required to have a representative on-site to observe all trenching,
excavation, cut and fill operations during the development ofthe project. .
o '@Sewer design shall comply with the Springfield Development Code Section No.
32.100 and any other special provisions for hillside development that are approved and
required by the City Engineer.
"v"'6. The Master P,lan drawing shows sewers located along back lot lines. Unless
otherwise approved, on a case-:by-case basis, and at the sole discretion ofthe City Engineer,
all publicly maintained sewer facilities must be located within street rights-of_way, or in
easements immediately adjacent to the right-of-way, or in paved driveway or private street
areas. The conceptual sanitary sewer plan may. include'provisions for connecting up to 4 lots
on private, shared, laterals in easements to eliminate the need for back yard sewers. These.
private sewers would require joint use, joint maintenance recorded agreements for the
affected properties. In the event any public sanitary sewer manholes or mains are approved to
be located in side-yard or rear-yard easements to connect to a downhill street, restrictions
must be placed on these properties to prevent the construction offences, landscaping, and
other private improvements to ensure that adequate access is maintained for system
V7. Sanitary sewers are to be extended to the bounda~ies of the development area in
order to allow flexibility in determining how homes will hook up to the system and to provide
more freedom in tree preservation and other considerations affected by the design and
placement of structures on the affected lots. Sewers internal to the site must be sized to
accommodate any flows that may be anticipated in.the future from off-site development areas.
The oversizing of the sanitary sewer system to 'provide for off-site development shall be '
pursuant to the existing City reimbursement policy. ,
(/. ~ Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of Phase I, the developer must provide
mapping of the boundaries of internal and adjacent sewer basins, an analysis of the sewer
tributary areas, both on-site and off-site, and the site systeni capacity to ensure that adequate
capacity and appropriate connection points are provided. Construction of sanitary sewers.
must be done in a logical sequence that corresponds to the phasing of the development.
-/9. Temporary public sewer pump statio~s will not be allowed since 'gravity sewer
service is available to this site. Uthe applicant anticipates the use oftemporary stations, then
this issue must be addressed at the time of submittal of Phase I in the context ofthe '
project phasing plan. The pump station at the east end of the Private Drive in the 'northeast
qua!irant of the development will not be accepted as a public facility. '
C 6 Sewer design for each phase shall address specific problems and special design ,
considerations for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation, ,
turbulence in manholes and bends and restraints on pipe movement.
C @ Trench drainage measures, or other approved methods of handling flow of water
in trench backfill, must be incorporated into all trench sections with slopes exceeding 10
per~ent d elsewhere when required by the City Engineer., '
, 12. Curved sewers may be considered on a case-by-case basis, with approval at the
sol discretion of the City Engineer. Any curved sewers must be designed with a curve radius
of not less than 150 percent ofthe manufacturer's recommended minimum radius for the given
, pipe size and material. Combination horizontal and vertical curves between manholes will not
be permitted. All curved sewers must include tracer wires wrapping the pipes and marking
tape in the trench.
Storm Draiuage
C. bRl Storm drainage design shall comply with the Springfield Development Code
Section'rfo. 32.110 and any other special provisions for hillside development that are
appr~d and required by the City Engineer., ,
V 14. The storm sewer system s~all be constructed in a manner that provides a storm
sewer lateral to every lot for conveyance of roof drains, building foundation drains, and
private property surface and underground drainage..Th,ese storm laterals, shall not be
permjjtled to drain to the gutter. ' '
V 15. All publicly maintained drainage facilities must be located within street rights-of-
way, or in easements immediately adjacent to the right-of-way, or paved driveways or private
stre~ts unless otherwise approved, on a case-by-case basis, and at the sole discretion of the
Ci*y ~ineer., , ' '
'V .!6. Drainage lines m?st~e e~tended to the easterly and southerly project boundaries
to handle storm 'runoff from ImpervIOus surfaces created by the development and to.address
proposed development on the subject property that would affect, and be affected by, the
natural drainage on the subject property from adjacent properties. Storm drains internal to
the site must be sized to accommodate any flows that may be anticipated in the future from
off-site development areas. The oversizing of the storm sewer system to provide for off-site
develop~~ shall be pursuant to the existing City reimbursement policy. '
'(... (~j~lIiOr each phase of development the developer must provide an analysis ofthe
drainage tributary areas, both on-site and off-site, and the site system capacity to ensure that
"dequaJMapacity is provided.
G , lC!J!' Storm drain design for each phase shall address potential problems and special
design consicJerations for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation,
tutbuleJY~. in manholes and bends and ,restraints on pipe movement.
(;.- Oi'trench ljrainage measures, or acceptable alternatives to control water flow in
trentIL""Lfill, must be incorporated-iQto .11 trench sectipns '!ith s,lopes exc~edin" 10 percent
or as ~ired by the City Engineer, ,/., ". . :'., .'"
/ V ,20. Curved storm drains must be considered on a phase basis, with approval at the
sole discretion of the City Engineer. Any curved storm drains must be designed with a curve
radius of not less than 150 percent ofthe manufacturer's recommended minimum radius for
. ". ',".'V;"":";:;';". _~:_f':,!,r;""_:':_;T'<'.",_,:~'to'.~'!_I~c~\"~'."J;~.:'::'~'.l'~"'~'H'flt.~~~~
the given pipe size and material. CQmbinatiQn hQrizQntal and vertical curves between
manhQles will nQt be permitted. All stQrm drains must include tracer wires and marking tape
in the t~h.' , ,"
<:.- ~Design Qfthe stQrm drainage system must be dQne so. that no. net change in vDlume
Qr flQW rate is experienced in any Qfthe wetlands Qn Qr adjacent to. the site. '
(;; e> The prQject shall incQrpQrate the standa'rd drawings fQr develQpment Qf hillside
areas recQmmended in Appendix A the Hillside Pavement Distress Study, 1994, by Dames &
MQQre (please see Attachment 1), deviatiQns frDm these requirements may'be cQnsidered Qn a
case-by-case basis, at the sQle discretiQn Df the City Engineer, during the develDpment Df each
~~~ ,
, 'C ~ During the design Df each phase Qf the prQject, the develQper shall prDvide
catchbasin-si~ing clllculatiDns to. shQW that adequate inlet capacity is prDvided tD,capture all Qf
the water flowing in the street. Catchbasin design shall include the fQlIQwing cQnsideratiQns:
length Qf run Qn the street; velQcitY'Df flQW in gutter bar; vQlume Qf flDW in gutter bar; curb
Dpenings with depressed gutter bars'up-slQpe Qf catchbasins; and the cQntrQI QfflQW past
C OFQr ~ach phase, the City Engineer shall review and apprDve drainage methQds.
< ~5. Driveway curb cuts and apprQaches shall be designed to. prevent water flQwing in
the gutter frQm entering priv'ate prQperties with emphasis Qn the Qutside Qf curves Qn steep
dQwn~", ' ,
C ~ A ..~ maintenance Qf water quality Qr detentiDn PQnds which serve a single
develQpMent are the resPQnsibility Df the develQper Qr prQperty Dwners Df the develQpment.
PriQr to. approv:d Qfthe first subdivisiQn tentative plat fQr any phase Qfthe develQpment, the
develQper and the City shall enter into. an agreement specifying resPQnsibilities fDr the long-
term access and' maintenance Qfthe stQrm drainage detentiQn and water quality PQnds.
L. (3). AllprQPQsed Qr required detentiQn PQnds must include water quality measures Qr
,i8ter quality Best Management Practices must be incQrpQrated into. the Dverall design Qf the
master stQrmwater system sufficiently to. cQmply with SectiQn 32.110(4) as determined by the
City En~eer."" ' .
c W. PriQr to. Qr CDncurrent with develQpment Qf any phase SQuth QfLine "A" Qn '
Exhibit 2, Appendix E, the applicant shall provide detailed plans fQr the detentiQn PQnds
proPQsed at the "SChDQllPark" site. '
c.- @'riQr to. Qr CQncurrent with the develQpment applicatiQn fQr any phase nQrth Df ,
'. Line" A Qn Exhibit 2, Appendix E, the applicant shall prQvide detailed plans fQr ,the
detentiQ~Qnd and wetland mitigatiQn near Aster Street and MQuntainGate Drive.
L. FQr all publicly maintained PQnds, maintenance vehicle access must be prQvided
qrQund e entire perimeter Qf each PQnd. FQr publicly maintained Qpen drainage channels,
access paths, a minimum Qf 7 feet wide, must be provided alQng at least Qne side Qf every
channel. Access must also. be prQvided and 'guaranteed fQr all stQrm drain manhQles IQcated
Qutside 2lJ! street right-Qf-w'ay.
v ~Discharge Df stQrmwater frQm public facilities DntQ private prQperty is expressly
_ ,Qhibited and alllQts tributary to. such stQrm drains will be restricted frQm develQpment until
a cQnne~n to. Ii public system is prQvided. "
c. QWThe design engineer shall inCDrpQrate drainage benches, private stQrm drain
systems, and Dther features as may be recQmmended by the prQject geQtechnical engineer and
apprDved by the 'City Engineer, at the tQP Qf all cut slQpes, and alQng the exPQsed face Qf all
cut and fill slQpes to. reduce the PQtential Qf erQsiQn Qn these slQpes.
c OThe following design modifications shall be made: - _' -
CJY A variance request must be submitted for K, M and I Streets and any other
location where the maximum length of a cul-de-sac (dead end street), excluding the
bulb, exceeds 400 feet.
@the length of a temporary dead end local street (due to phasing sequence)
cannot exceed 1000 feet. Local dead end streets in excess of City standards shall not be
allowed without ~ financial guarantee (bond) that the street will be completed through
to another outlet point within three years. The temporary dead end street will always
provide appropriate turnarounds for emergency vehicles.
@Temporary dead end streets in excess of City standards will be provided
with a temporary, secondary emergency vehicle access until the completion of the
street p~vides a permanent secondary access. _
-V d. Temporary dead end collector streets requirements are addressed in the
evaluation of development phasing. -
v @. The vacation and closure of the South 63rd Street access to Main Street shall be
initiated by the City when Aster Street is completed between South 58th Street and
MountainGate Drive or when the traffic signal at the MountainGate DriveIMain Street is
- installed. The physicafclosure of South 63rd shall be completed by the applicant as a related
improvement to the signal installation.
c- 8 The applicant must secure an access permit for access of MountainGate Drive to
Highway-I 26 (Main Street) from the Oregon Department of Transportation prior to the Final
Plat fo':J*ase I of MountainGate. -
V 36. Prior to the Final Plat for Phase I, MountainGate Drive (South 64th Street)-must
be connected to Aster Street to the west or a performance bond approved by the City must be
filed with the Finance Department in sufficient amount to enSure the completion of the
improvement. _ -
c. f) The applicant shall provide-financial assurance satisfactory to the City for the
design and installation of a traffic signal at MountainGate Drive and Main Street prior to the
Final Plat for Phase I of MountainGate. The City will reserve the right to require a Traffic
Signal Warrant study at the MountainGate Drive/Main Street intersection prior to the
platting of each phase in traffic ZOne I of the Transportation impact Study, excluding Phase I,
until the warrant is met. The traffic signal will be installed when the warrant is met or when
required by the ODOT access permit. The City will require the signal to be designed and
installed along with related improvements, including closure of South 63rd Street.
c.. @) Fifty-foot right-of-way dedications are required to allow future street connection
to abutting lands along the south boundary of the site. These connections are necessary to
provide efficient access to neighboring amenities, commercial and employment sites and
necessary secondary access to the development for police, fire and life safety
services. These are depicted on the Master Plan as public right-of-way and must be
constructed in conjunction with the development ofthe appropriate phase. The oversizing of
the street system to_ provide for off-site development shall be pursuant to the existing City
reimbur~ment policy. _
G 9 The Dogwood Street right-of-way shall be 60-feet wide from MountainGate Drive
to the eas boundary of the site. The street shall be a standard 36-foot residential design.
- t.- erih The rights-of-way of local streets shall be according to Table SDC Section J2.020
Table 3Y-1.
1/41. Additional off street parking to serve open space recreational areas shall be
includ.e~he site design of the North Cluster.
- G &ubmittal oYield measured cross sections showing the proposed street and the
existIng ground elevations is required with each set ofthe construction plans. _m
C ~etail~ and Typical Cross Sections with slope control measures shall be sub~itted
with each phase of development. The development application shall also indicate the location
and un~hat conditions retaining walls will be constructed. .
c;l ~he following design standards (These standards are the subject of approved
variance request Jo. No. 95-05-125) shall be applied to street grades:
a. Maximum street grades allowed on local streets shall be 18 percent for a
distance. not more than 200 feet.
b. Maximum street grades allowed on collector streets shall be 15 percent for
a distance not more than 200 feet.
c. Maximum street grades through an intersection shall not exceed 15 percent
for local streets and 12 percent on collector streets for a distance of 100 feet
for all approaches.
d. Maximum street grades allowed in MountainGate shall not exceed 18
e. Maximum street grades through a driveway shall not exceed 15 percent for
local streets and 12 percent for collector streets.
Groundwater Control
C- ~Gener~1 Construction Practices will need to include statements restricting the
construction of embankments on top of soils with a plastic index greater than 30 and must
show construction details for maintaining drainage to eliminate shrink swell problems evident
in adjac~ developments.
c... ~ AIl persistent flow conditions, except for the identified open water component of
the stor~ater master plan, shall be directed into the piped storm system.
c.lttJYThe developer shall include longitudinal drainage systems along the uphill side of
all streets constructed on cut slopes for each phase of the development. These drains shall
dischar~o a piped drainage facility, not the street gutter.
C U Each phase ofthe project shall be designed to intercept and remove from the street
structural section and subgrade the flows from all known and unknownsprings and
watercourses encountered for street construction and lot pad grading, if any performed by the
developer. Saturation ofthe street subgrade and building pads musfbe prevented.
Project Phasing
~ AppendixE of the MountainGate Master Plan is revised to show Line." A"
extende~o the east to a point extending across Street"C" 400 feet south of Street "K".
. c.- ~No lots shall be platted south of Line "A" along MountainGate Drive without a
financial guarantee that MountainGate Drive will be extended to South 58th Street within
three years; or South of Line" A" along Street "C" without financial assurance that Street
"C" will be completed either to South 58th Street or to the constructed terminus of
Mountajefate Drive within three years.
C ~ Appendix E ofthe MountainGate Master Plan is revised to relocate Line "A" to a
point along Street "D" rio more than 1,000 feet from the .intersection with MountainGate
Drive provided a secondary emergency access is provided, otherwise, 400 feet from the
interse~ .. .
<:.. econdary accesses to each phase of the Master Plan for police and fire response
must be provided as development progresses along the
directions indicated in Appendix E of the MountainGate Master Plan.
Protection of Resources
Q Grhis decision is founded, in part, on the assumption that the provision of adequate
park and recreation and other services will be adequate to serve the proposed development
because the resources will be transferred to public ownership and because they will be
appropriately designated on the Metro Plan Diagram and rezoned accordingly. In regard to
the former expectation, the following shall apply:-
a. An agreement between the applicant and the Willamalane Park and
Recreation District for the transfer of Mountain Park and West Park into public
ownership shall be executed prior to the platting of the subject property south of Line
b. An agreement between the applicant and the Willamalane Park and
Recreation District for the transfer of School/Park (Quarry Park) into public
ownership shall be executed prior to the platting of the subject property south of the
intersection of MountainGate Drive and Street "c." Also and within this timeline, the
applicant shall submit to the Dist~ict a reclamation plan for the quarry that will
demonstrate that the proposed rehabilitation of the quarry will result in a site suitable
for its intended purpose; i.e., a neighborhood park.
c. An easement providing pedestrian and bicycle access between Mountain
Park and West Park shall be executed prior to the platting app~oval of Phase II of the
~oposed development. -
c- ~ Open space depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page 1, Figure I of Exhibit 2,
including Mountain Park, West Park, park access easements, and archaeological Site
35AL657, excepting the School (quarry) Park, shall be designated Park and Open Space on
the Metro Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning
Map. The Metro Plan amendment shall be initiated, with concurrence by the applicant, by the
City and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District prior to platting any lots south of Line
"A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E ofthe Master Plan. The zone change shall be initiated by the _
applicant prior to platting any lots south of Line "A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E ofthe Master
Plan. -
C ~. The School Park depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page 1, Figure I, of
Exhibi~shall be designated Park and Open Space on the Metro Plan Diagram and classified
Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield-Zoning Map. The Metro Plan amendment
shall be initiated, with concurrence by the applicant, by the City and the Willamalane Park
_ arid Recreation District, prior to platting any lots along MountainGate Drive s~uth ofthe
intersection with Street "C," including the south cluster. The zone change shall be initiated by
the applicant prior to platting any lots along MountainGate Drive south of the intersection
with Street "C," including the south cluster. -
<:.- @Except for vegetation control and removal necessary to address hazardous
conditions, no trees or understory shall be removed in the planned open space areas depicted
on the Conceptual Master Plan, page 1, Figure I of Exhibit 2, including Mountain Park, West
Park, park access easements, and archaeological Site 35AL657.
'- .~The "Tree Preservation Plan" of Exhibit 2, MountainGate Master Plan, shall
specify that removal of more than five trees greater than five inches in diameter may require a
tree fe\1'ing petmit from the City.
;/ 58. An urban forester shall be employed to analyze the street design and proposed
cutting plan for the rights of way of each phase and determine what trees can be retained to
serve as required street trees. The trees shall be depicted on the tentative subdivision plan and
the final construction drawings for the public improvements. Appropriate measures to protect
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the tr~ during construction shall be specified on the construction drawings.
V 59. The trees on lots smaller than 15,000 square shall be considered in aggregate and
buildin)l'envelopes a~justed accordingly to protect the largest number oftrees practic.able.
, V 60. The apphcant shall employ a tree or forestry consultant who has had prevIOus
experience with forested hillside construction of a similar scale. The ,consultant will prepare a
vegetation/re-vegetation report for the area supporting the treeline along the subject
property's lower northern ridge paralleling Main Street. This area shall include adjacent
properties with tree species necessary for the preservation of the treeline. The report shall
a. A description of plant material and condition, pathology (if any), structural
problems ,(if any), corrective measures and methods to improve healtliJcondition.,
b. Identification of patches to be retained after assessment of vigor, species,
size and estimated size at maturity, ability'to support some forms of disturbance.
c. Notation of individual specimen trees and their suitability for preservation.
d. Evaluation of the impacts of constructing the pubic improvements
addressing soil compaction, fill, paving, location of disturbance with respect to
remaining vegetation, 'excavation methods/trenching, and measures to mitigate the
e. Stipulate the health of trees intended to be removed and adjacent trees, and
provide typical protection measures to preserve the adjacent trees and understory
vegetation during removal.
f. Evaluate existing vegetation conditions on each proposed lot and assess the
least impact for placement of buildings, decking and outbuildings. Building envelopes
shall be created pursuant to this analysis.
g. The revegetation plan will identify areas within the report area that can be
replanted to compensate for trees that are removed. Replacement trees will be a
species that is suitable to the site and compatible with adjacent uses. Characteristics
such as longevity, hardiness and wind firmness shall be considered. The revegetation
plan 'must include a management section, detailing planting methilds.
h. The report shall identify significant understory species that should be
protected, to the greatest extent practicable, throughout the report area. Invasive non-
native plant species such as blackberries, ivy and scotch broom can be removed,
i. The report shall identify and provide for the retention of trees in sufficiently
large areas and dense stands to prevent windthrow. A stand of trees shall constitute
. / an area not less than 2,000 square feet. ' . ' '
V 61. In order to provide adequate protection of Site 35LA657 and a pedestrian
pathway connecting Mountain Park with West Park consistent with the ESEE Analysis for
MountainGate, the Conceptual Master Plan for the MountainGate development shall be made
consistent with the Executive Summary Map or the ESEE Analysis.
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