HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 1/22/2004 . , J . . ,. MOUNTAINGA TE MASTER PLAN DISCRETIONARY USE APPROVAL SECTION 37.040 SUMMARY FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS EXHIBIT I-A MASTER PLAN CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (1) THE ZONING OF THE PROPERTY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AND/OR APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM; Summarv Findinf! for Criterion 1: The Low Density Residential zoning is consistent, with the Metro Plan designation. Proposed uses permitted in the LDR district include ' detached single family dwellings, duplexes on corner lots, attached dwellings within , approved cluster' developments and neighborhood parks. The discretionary uses for quarry reclamation Jo.No. 97-05-122 and clusters .To.No. 97-05-123 can be approved with conditions. ,. Condition Jo.No. 97-05-122: The detailed reclamation plan and operation schedule shall be submitted for discretionary use approval, consistent with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and state law governing reclamation. Condition .To. No. 97-05-123: The development plans for the two clusters within the MountainGate Master Plan shall be submitted for site plan approval, consistent with the provisions of Article 31 and the approved Master Plan. (2) THE REQUEST AS CONDITIONED CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIREMENTS, METRO PLAN POLICIES, FUNCTIONAL OR REFINEMENT PLAN POLICIES, \ APPLICABLE STATE STATUTES AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES; . Summarv Findinf! for Criterion 2: The Master Plan, as qualified by the variance findings and conditions, conforms to the standards of the SDC, Metro Plan policies, and state statutes and rules. Summarv Findinf! Jo. No. 97-05-124 The applicant's request to allow 60 feet of ROW instead of70 feet for MountainGate Drive as required by SDC Section 32.020, Table 32- 1, will meet all the requirements ofSDC section 32.020 (1) (a) for this specific hillside development. Seventy feet of right of way is not needed because the collector street will predominantly serve trips internal to the development area and will not need to be widened . in the future to serve a significant increase in traffic from adjacent vacant land. The reduction in street width from 36 to 28 feet should be denied because unsafe traffic EXHIBIT 1-A Date Received: Planner: ~ [--2'2..-01 \ o--f \2~ Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 1 . . conditions would be created by granting the variance. A reduction in street width from 36 to 32 feet can be approved with conditions. Condition Jo. No. 97-05-124: A reduction in street width from 36 to 32 feet can be approved provided that the section of MountainGate Drive between Aster Street and Dogwood Street shall not have on-street parking; no access from any lots will be allowed in this section;. and the section of Mountain Gate Drive south of Street "I" may have parking on one side only and direct access from lots will be allowed. Summarv Findinf! Jo. No. 97-05-125: The variance request can not be approved as requested because topography is not an unusual condition in hillside development and the deviations from the standards will result in safety and operational problems for the development. A modification of the standards as put forth in the condition is approvable because it would minimize the safety and operational concerns and provide the applicant' with some flexibility in developing the site.These modified standards are exceptions to, the standards of the SDC and must be approved as a stated condition of this variance request. . . Comlition No. '97-05-125: Based on these finding and review of the materials provided with the variance request; the staff does feel that due to the special conditions that exists on the site, the applicant can be allowed to increase the street grades, while still · maintaining reasonable grades which address operation and safety concerns. The conditions given below minimize the concerns addressed above. The conditions below may require some rethinking of street locations, lot sizes and street design in some areas of the subdivision, but should allow for the majority of the site to be fully developed in a manner consistent with the topography of the site, give some additional flexibility to the development of the subdivision and maintain reasonable grades which address operation and safety concerns. a. . Maximum street grades allowed on local streets shall be ] 8 percent fo'~ a distance not more than 200 feet. . b. Maximum street grades allowed on collector streets shall be ] 5 percent for a 'distance not more than 200 feet . \ c. Maximum street grades through an intersection shall not exceed] 5.0 percent 'for local street and ]2.0 percent on Collector Street for a distance of ]00 feet on all approaches. d. Maximum street grades allowed in MountainGate shall not exceed ]8 percent. e Maximum street grades through a driveway shall not exceed] 5.0 percent for local streets and 12 percent for collectors. Summarv FindinJ! .To.No. 97_5-126: The variance request should be denied because there are alternatives to the problem and safety and operational problems will occur if the variance is granted. The condition should be imposed to ressolve the substandard street' off set and protect an identified historic resource. Condition Jo. No. 97-05-126: Relocate Street "D" south to oppose Street "F", creating a 4- way intersection, without disturbing the archaeologic site, and extend the open space area Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 2 . . to protect the archeologic Site 35LA657 connecting it with the open space east of MountainGate Drive as depicted on page 4 of Attachment 4. Summarv Findinf! Jo. No. 97-05-127: The variance should be denied because topography in hillside development is not an unusual problem, the density of the development will be within the range prescribed in the Metro Plan, financial limitations can not be used to justify a variance, and the lack of specificity demonstrating why the applicant can not meet the standards by using other practical methods by alternative street design and layout and combining lots (3) PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED PHASED DEVELOPMENT AND ANY CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES PLANS; AND PROVISIONS ARE MADE TO ASSURE, CONSTRUCTION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SCHEDULE OF THE PHASING; SuinmarV Findin!! for Criterion 3: The proposed on- and off-site public improvements are sufficient, as conditioned, to meet the needs of the proposed development and any , capacity requirements The conditions ensure that construction will be coordinated with the schedule of phasing. Water Supply and Distribution Condition: I. All new water system facilities and modifications to water system facilities both inside and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in the street right of way at a location and depth of bury that meets the standards of the Springfield Utility Board Where' street right of,wayWidth is inadequate to accommodate the facilities, then the' applicant must provide public utility easements abutting the right of way Sanitary Sewer Conditions: , \ I. Construction of sanitary and storm sewers must be done in a logical phasing sequence that corresponds to the phasing of development. The sewers shall be planned and sized and extended to the east and south boundaries of the development to serve future development areas in a logical and convenient manner. 2. Detailed plans for streets, sanitary, and storm systems must be submitted with each phase of development which include existing and proposed contours of the site to enable an adequate review of the location and routing of these systems. ..). The' project coristruction engineering team shall include a geotechnical engineering firm which will be required to have a representative on-site to observe all trenching, excavation, cut and fill operations during the development of the project. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 3 . . 4. Sewer design shall comply with the Springfield Development Code Section No. 32.100 and any other special provisions for hillside development that are approved and required by the City Engineer. 5. The Master Plan drawing shows sewers located along back lot lines. Unless otherwise approved, on a case-by-case basis, and at the sole discretion of the City Engineer, all publicly maintained sewer facilities must be located within street rights-of-way, or in easements immediately adjacent to the right-of-way, or in paved driveway or private street areas. The conceptual sanitary sewer plan may include provisions for connecting up to 4 lots on private, shared, laterals in easements to eliminate the need for back yard sewers. These private sewers would require joint use, joint maintenance recorded agreements for the affected properties. In the event any public sanitary sewer manholes or mains are approved to be located in side-yard or rear-yard easements to connect to a downhill street, restrictions must be placed on these properties to prev~nt the construction offences, landscaping, and other private improvements to ensure that adequate access is maintained for system maintenance. . 6. Sewers are to be extended to the boundaries of the development area to allow extension into undeveloped areas. Sewers internal to the site must be sized to accommodate any flows that may be anticipated in the future from off-site development areas. , 7. Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of Phase I, the developer must provide mapping ofthe boundaries of internal and adjacent sewer basins, an analysis of the sewer tributary areas, both on-site and off-site, and the site system capacity to ensure that adequate capacity and appropriate connection points are provided. Construction 'of sanitary sewers must.be done in a logical sequence that corresponds to the phasing ofthe development. 8. Neither temporary nor permanent public sewer pump stations will not be allowed since gravity sewer service is available to this site. If the applicant anticipates tl~e use of temporary private sewer pump stations, then this issue must be addressed at the time of submittal of Phase I in the context of the overall project phasing plan. The pump station at the east end of the Private Drive in the northeast quadrant of the development will not be accepted as a public facility. 9. Sewer design for each phase shall address specific problems and special design considerations for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation, turbulence in manholes and bends and restraints on pipe movement. ' '10. Trench drainage measures, or other approved methods of handling flow of water in trench backfill, must be incorporated into all trench sections with slopes exceedi~g 10 percent and elsewhere when required by the City Engineer. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 4 . . 11. Curved sewers may be considered on a case-by-case basis, with approval at the sole discretion of the City Engineer. Any curved sewers must be designed with a curve radius of not less than 150 per cent of the manufacturer's recommended minimum radius for the given pipe size and material. Combination horizontal and vertical curves between manholes will not be permitted. All curved sewers must include tracer wires wrapping the pipes and marking tape in the trench. Storm Sewer Conditions: 1 Storm drainage design shall comply with the Springfield Development Code Section No. 32.110 and any other special provisions for hillside development that are approved and required by the City Engineer. '., 2. The storm sewer system shall be constructed in a manner that provides a storm sewer lateral to every lot for conveyance of roof drains, building foundation drains, and private property surface and'underground drainage. These storm laterals shall not be permitted to drain to the gutter. ~.' 3. All publicly maintained drainage facilities must be located within street rights-of-way, local street and 12.0 percent. 4. Drainage lines must be extended to the easterly and southerly project boundaries to serve abutting, undeveloped properties. Storm drains internal to the site must be sized to accommodate any flows that may be anticipated in the future from off-site development areas. 5. For each phase of development the developer must provide an analysis of the drainage tributary areas, both on-site and off-site, and the site system capacity to ensure that adequate capacity is provided " \ 6. Storm drain design for each phase shall address potential problems and special design considerations for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation, turbulence in manholes and bends and restraints on pipe movement. 7. Trench drainage measures, or acceptable alternatives to control water flow in trench backfill, must be incorporated into all trench sections with slopes exceeding 10 percent or as required by the City Engineer. 8. Curved storm drains must be considered on a phase lJasis, with approval at the sole discretion of the City"Engineer. Any curved storm drains must be designed with a curve radius of not' less than 150 per cent of the manufacturer's recommended minimum radius for the given pipe size and material. Combination horizontal and Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 5 . . vertical curves between manholes will not be permitted. All storm drains must include tracer wires and marking tape in the trench. 9. Design of the storm drainage system must be done so that no net change in volume or flow rate is experienced in any of the wetlands on or adjacent to the site. 10. The project shall incorporate the standard drawings for development of hillside areas recommended in Appendix A the Hillside Pavement Distress Study, 1994, by Dames & Moore (please see Attachment 1), deviations from these requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis, at the sole discretion of the City Engineer, during the development of each phase. 11. During the design of each phase of the project, the developer shall provide catchbasin- sizing calculations'to show that adequate inlet capacity is provided to capture all of;the water flowing in the street. Catchbasin design shall include the following considerations: length of run on the street; velocity of flow in gutter bar; volume of flow in gutter bar; curb openings with depressed gutter bars up-slope of catchbasins; and the control of flow past catchbasins. ,. 12. For each phase, the City Engineer shall review and approve drainage methods. 13. Driveway curb cuts and approaches shall be designed to prevent water flowing in the gutter from entering private properties with emphasis on the outside of curves on steep down slopes. 14. Rrior to approval of the first subdivision tentative plat for any phase of the . development; the developer and the City shall enter into an agreement specifying 'responsibilities for the'long,.term access and maintenance of the storm drainage. detention and water quality ponds. 15. All propos~d or required detention po.nds must iii.c~ude water qU,ality mea~res or . water quahty Best Management Practices must be Incorporated Ihto the overall deSign of the master stormwater system sufficiently to comply with Section 32.1] 0(4) as determined by the City Engineer. ]6. Prior to or concurrent with development of any phase south of Line "A" on Exhibit ], Appendix E, or the approval of the quarry reclamation plan discretionary use, whichever precedes, the applicant shall provide detailed plans for the detention ponds proposed at the "SchoollPark" site. 17. Prior to or concurrent with the development application for any phase north of Line . "A" on Exhibit I',' Appendix E, the applicant shall provide detailed plans for the 'detention pond ahd wetland mitigation near Aster Street and MountainGate Drive. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 6 . . 18. For all publicly maintained ponds, maintenance vehicle access must be provided around the entire perimeter of each pond. For publicly maintained open drainage channels, access paths, a minimum of 7 feel wide, must be provided along at least one side of every channel. Access must also be provided and guaranteed for all storm drain manholes located outside of a street right-of-way. 19. Discharge of storm water fi'om public facilities onto private property is expressly prohibited and all lots tributary to such storm drains will be restricted from development until a connection to a public system is provided 20. The design engineer shall incorporate drainage benches, private storm drain systems, and other features as may be recommended by the project geotechnical engineer and approved by the City Engineer, at the top of all cut slopes, and along the exposed face of all cut and fill slopes to reduce the potential of erosion on these slopes.; Transportation Conditions: '. u_' 1. a. Redesign "E" Street to extend the street toward the south to connect with "D" Street providing better traffic and pedestrian circulation. ' b. A modification of provisions or variance request, whichever is applicable, must be submitted for K, M and I Streets and any other location where the maximum length ofa cul-de-sac (dead end street), excluding the bulb, exceeds 400 feet c The length ofa temporary dead end local street (due to phasing sequence) cannot exceed 1000 feet. Local dead end streets in excess of City standards shall not be allowed without a financial guarantee (bond) that the street will be completed through to another outlet point within three years. The temporary. dead end street will always provide appropriate turnarounds for emergency. vehicles... d Temporary dead end streets allowed by City standards will be provided with a temporary, secondary emergency vehicle access until the completion of the street provides a permanent secondary access. \ e. Temporary dead end collector streets requirements are addressed in the evaluation of development phasing. 2. The vacation and closure of the South 63rd Street access to Main Street shall be initiated by the City when Aster Street is completed between South 58th Street and MountainGate Drive or when the traffic signal at the MountainGate DrivelMaill Street is installed. The physical closure of South 63rd shall be completed by the applicant as a related improvement to the signal installation . . 3... Tile' applicant must secure an access permit for access of MountainGate Drive to . Highway 126 (Main' Street) from the Oregon Department of Transportation prior to the Final Plat for Phase I of MountainGate. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 7 . . 4. Prior to the Final Plat for Phase 1, MountainGate Drive (64th Street) must be connected to Aster Street to the west or a performance bond approved by the City must be filed with the Finance Department in sufficient amount to ensure the completion of the improvement. 5. The applicant shall provide financial assurance for the design and installation of a traffic signal at MountainGate Drive and Main Street prior to the Final Plat for Phase 1 of MountainGate. The City will reserve the right to require a Traffic Signal Warrant study at the MountainGate DrivelMain Street intersection prior to the platting of each phase in traffic zone I of the Traffic Impact Study, excluding Phase 1, until the warrant is met. The traffic signal will be installed when the warrant is met or when required by the ODOT access permit. The City will require the signal to be designed and installed along with related improvements, including closure of South 63rd Street. 6. 50 foot right-of-way dedications are required to allow future street connection to, abutting lands along the south boundary of the site. These are depicted on the Master Plan as public right of way and must be constructed in conjunction with the development ofthe appropriate phase. 7. The Dogwood Street right-of-way shall be 60-feet wide from MolmtainGate Dfiveto the east boundary of the site. The street shall be a standard 36-foot residential des(gn. 8. The rights-of-way oflocal streets shall be according to Table SDC Section 32.020 Table 32-1. 9. Additional off street parking to serve open space recreational areas shall be included site design of the North Cluster , 10. " Submittal offield measured cross sections showing the proposed street and the existing ground elevations is required with each set of the construction plans. 11. Details and Typical Cross Sections with slope control measures shall be submitted with each phase of development. The development application shall also Indicate the location and under what conditions retaining walls will be constructed. . Groundwater Control Conditions: 1. General Construction Practices will need to include statements restricting the construction of embankments on top of soils with a plastic index greater than 30 and show construction details for maintaining drainage to eliminate shrink swell problems evident in adjacent developments. 2. All persistent flow conditions, except for the identified open water component of the . stormwater master plan, shall be directed into the piped storm system Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 8 . . 3. The developer shall include longitudinal drainage systems along the uphill side of all streets constructed on cut slopes for each phase of the development. These drains shall discharge to a piped drainage facility, not the street gutter. 4. Saturation of the street subgrade and of building pads must be prevented. Therefore, the project storm drainage system shall be designed to intercept and remove from the street structural section and street subgrade the flows from all known springs and watercourses. In addition, the flow from all springs and watercourses encountered during street and utility construction, and lot pad grading, shall be intercepted and removed, with discharge into the project storm drain system. The applicant's design engineer shall include an anticipated flow volume and rate from springs and watercourses on the site and shall size all elements of the storm drainage system accordingly. (4) THE REQUEST PROVIDES ADEQUATE GUIDANCE FOR THE DESIGN AND COORDINA nON OF FUTURE PHASES; .. Summary Findinl! for Criterion 4: The Master Plan schedule of phasing and coordination of public improvements, as conditioned, provides adequate guidance for development of the plan. Conditions: 1. Appendix E is revised to show Line "A' extended to the east to a point extending across Street "C" 400 feet south of Street "K". 2. No lots shall be platted south of Line "A" along MountainGate Drive wit.hout a financial guarantee that MountainGate Drive will be extended to South 58th Street within three years; or along Street "C" without financial assurance that St(fet "C" will be completed either to South 58th Street or to the constructed terminus of MountainGate Drive within three years. 3. Appendix E is revised to relocate Line "A" to a point along Street "D" no more than 1,000 feet from the intersection with MountainGate Drive provided a secondary emergency access is provided, otherwise, 400 feet from the intersection. 4. Secondary accesses to each phase of the Master Plan for police and fire response must be provided as development progresses along the directions indicated'in Appendix E. (5)INVENTORIED'NATURALRESOURCES, WETLANDS, OPEN SPACE AREAS, ARCHAEOLOGIC AND HISTORIC FEATURES ARE EVALUATED AND CONSIDERED CONSISTENT WITH THE OREGON Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 9 . . ADMINISTRA TlVE RULE PROCEDURE FOR STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL 5, AND; Summarv Findinf! for Criterion 5: The inventoried natural resources, wetlands, open spaces, archaelogic and historic features of the Master Plan development area have been evaluated by the ESEE analysis, and the protection measures established in Exhibit 2, Springfield Development Code, and the conditions below, are consistent with Oregon Administrative Rule procedures for Statewide Planning Goal 5. ..' , Conditions: 1. Open space depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page J, Figure J of Exhibit 2, including Mountain Park, West Park, , park access easements, and archaeological Site 35AL657, excepting the School (quarry) Park, shall be designated Park and Open Space on the Metro' Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map. The Metro Plan amendment and zone change shall be initiated by'the applicant prior to platting any lots south of Line "A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E of the Master Plan. 2. The School Park depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page J, Figure J, of Exhibit 2 shall be designated Park and Open Space on the Metro Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map. The Metro Plan amendment and zone change. shall be initiated by the applicant prior to platting any lots along MountainGate Drive south of the southerly intersection with Street "C", including the south cluster. 3. No trees or understory shall be removed in the planned open space areas de~icted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page J, Figure J of Exhibit 2, including Mountain Park, West Park, park access easements, and archaeological Site 35AL657. 4. The "Tree Preservation Plan" of Exhibit 2, MountainGate Master Plan, shall specity that removal of more than five trees greater than five inches in diameter requires a tree felling permit from the City. 5. An urban forester shall be employed to analyze the street design and proposed cutting plan for the rights of way of each phase and determine what trees can be retained to serve as required street trees. The trees shall be depicted on the tentative subdivision plan and the final construction draWings for the public improvements. Appropriate measures to protect the trees during construction shall be specified on the construction' drawings. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 10 . . 6. The trees on lots smaller than 15,000 square shall be considered in aggregate and lot lines and building envelopes adjusted accordingly to protect the largest number of trees practicable. 7. The applicant will employ a tree or forestry consultant approved by the Urban Forestry Advisory Committee (UF AC) who demonstrates knowledge of soils and vegetation of this site and who has had previous experience with forested hillside construction of a similar scale. The consultant will prepare a vegetation/re-vegetation report for each phase of the development. The report shall include: a. A description of plant material and condition, pathology (if any), structural problems (if any), corrective measures and methods to improve health/condition. b. Identification of patches to be retained after assessment of vigor, species, size, and estimated size at maturity, ability to support some forms of disturbance., c. Notation of individual specimen trees and their suitability for preservation. d. Evaluation of the impacts of constructing the public improvements addressing soil compaction, fill, paving, location of disturbance with respect to remaining . vegetation;.excavation methods/trenching, and measures to mitigate the impacts. ' e. Stipulate the health of trees intended to be removed and adjacent trees, and provide typical protection measures to preserve the adjacent trees and understory vegetation during removal. f. Evaluate existing vegetation conditions on each proposed lot and assess the least impact for placement of buildings, decking and outbuildings. Building envelopes shall be created pursuant to this analysis. g. The revegetation plan will consist of one acre tree canopy for each acre canopy removed. This method eliminates the need for counting trees. Replacement trees will be a species that is suitable to the site and compatible with adjacent uses. Characteristics such as longevity, hardiness and wind firmness will be considered. The revegetation plan must include a management sec:;tion detailing planting methods. The replacement trees may be located ~ywhere on the MountainGate Master Plan site including proposed open space \ 8. Significant understory species shall be protected throughout the site to the greatest extent practicable. Invasive non-native plant species such as blackberries, ivy and scotchbroom can be removed. 9. The applicant shall retain trees in sufficiently large areas and dense stands to prevent windthrow. A stand oftrees shall constitute an area not less than 2,000 sq. ft. 10. The few very large Oregon White Oaks on the site shall be preserved These trees . shall be specifically identified on the tentative plans for each phase and the vegetation report shall specify critical root zone and detail measures to prevent damage to those trees. Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 11 . . . . . (6) LOCAL PUBLIC FACILITIES PLANS AND LOCAL STREET PLANS WILL NOT BE ADVERSELY IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. Summarv Findinl! (or Criterion 6: The Master Plan, as proposed and conditioned elsewhere in this staff report. does not adversely affect any local public facility plans or the local street plan. \ Journal Number 95-02-39 Summary Findings and Conditions Page 12