HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 7/9/2005 .' ~' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISIO TRANSPORTATION DIVI I TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION ,a;5 FIFTH STREET 'UF1ELD, OR 97477 www.ci.springfield.orus/dept-f]w.htm . . www.ci.springfield.ows July 9, 2005 By: 1~ 4~o 5 I V-+3~~ SUBJECT: USING PERVIOUS PAVERS OR OTHER INFilTRATION SYSTEMS ON THE MOUNTAINGATE SUBDIVISION The following is the information required for City review of proposed pervious pavers on the MountainGate Subdivision. There are important considerations that must be reviewed and each review is site specific. The use of such pavers shall not create unstable slopes, drainage problems, will not violate master plan requirements, and must comply with manufacturer specifications including allowable slopes. The following documentation shall be submitted for City review on a lot by lot basis: 1. Site plan showing location of proposed pervious pavers. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and include sufficient topographic information necessary to review site drainage. 2. Geotechnical conCUlTence letter reviewing the pervious paver proposal that includes a review of the drainage impacts as well as other geotechnical issues, mainly slope stability. 3. Pervious paver manufacturer specifications that includes type of paver, model #, rate of permeability, allowable slopes, etc. Regarding other infiltration systems such as a drainage pipe or ditch to an adequately designed drywell, please submit the following documentation: 1. Site plan showing location of proposed drainage system (ie. ditch, drywell, etc.) The site plan shall be drawn t.p scale and include sufficient topographic information necessary to review site drainage. 2. Geotechnical report prepared by a Geotechnical Engineer reviewing the drainage system and drywell design proposal. The Geotechnical engineer shall review soil and site conditions and provide sufficient information for making a determination that a proposed site is appropriate for a drywell. The report shall specifically address soil conditions for ensuring adequate percolation rates and address slope stability. 3. Drywell design prepared by a licensed Civil or Geotechnical Engineer in conformance with Springfield Standard Drawings 4-19 and 4-20 (attached). ADMINISTRATION / TECHNICAL SERVICES / ENGINEERING: (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 736-1021 MAINTENANCE: (541) 726-3761 . FAX (541) 726-3621 TRANSPORTATION: (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 726-3781 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: (541) 726-3694 . FAX (541) 726-2309 A , .. . " . ~ OF DltVWW- ~. FT.) f . INFIl.~TlON \lJI.f& (INIlIlC) f. . IMl'lMUM ~ 'ilfO\ZNo& TlM& OF W&u.(tllt'il) Vr . VOID \lJI.TlO WW- M&l>IUM @ MM. h.. ~ OF ltUNOFF TO DltVWW- (~. PI) ~, . ltUNOFF ",",OUNf 'P&!!- P"Y (IN.) @ MINIMUM I)w . r>&'PTII OF W&L1- (FT.) ~ MI~ Do .. r>&'PTII OF 'i>011. t:.OV&ltINl. DltYWW- (PI) l. .-/ Do 'lOOV~ I)w P~YW Vr 'tot. " . ~!~.~~.~~~.~~""......"".. ';;;:mmm~::m::::::;m;~:::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m" ......N;~~:::::::::;:::~mm:wm;;:::;;m::m~m::::::n. '. NOTE. II I)w . Do MU'i>f NOT &uu.o r>&fTI\ TO . TlI& WINf&lt I\IG.lI WAf&!!- f1l&lL. NOTE. f7. 'i>U INPMPlJN..I.Of~OF Pl/.AIN P~&L1- 'i>G1\&M"Tlc. 'ilTt1. PWc.. 1,-:1-0 TO FIND ~"'-: h. J( ~, y . "IN 'iI.F. Vr -;. I)w TO' Ve:.~FY D!Z-AW DOWN TIMe:. (MU!lT ~ < 1-4 tiOU~!l) h. J( t- (n,") . f. (l\oUlt'i>) (1.L. . "")I)w f - .... ., - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Sl'AHIlARD DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS mu.1IIIlG DRYWELL SIZE COMPUTATION 225 rrrm :mm:r SPRIlIGFIl:Ul. OR. 97477 4-19 : . . (: . fltOM~. ~ _ fDOT1>lGo DI'HN'D ~ NDT&~: I. mv,,~ $IL.T/t>E.&ltl$ Tf:.'P 'IV MIN. II" $lJM1' ,.. MIN. .,.- PI"- 1'11'& Ol/. ~P-.& &l)J( WIilI ~T& Oil UP. 'f. a.u.N Tf:.'P ANNUAU..Y "T O~T OF TII& W&T ~. Y&NT MIll.L 1U. 'TJJ\P NDTr;\ ..' MIN. ~ ~-~ ~ F6i.OV~ c.tNQ. - DI'EN t'.lW>&o fo'Tlltif. FlU.. r. yo DIo'.. foTDol& , 'If.foT 'IIELL 1'tI<f. l'!re; f'\Ic.l'!re; ..' MIN. 'Itl1'ltOl'&ltlY U>I& ., z ~ AL'lf.V. FI\eftIC. UN&l'o Tlll'. foll>&\_ ~ OF 1>l"IYI&u. D~YW&U. NOT&'b: I. flU. $TANPNtD Pl!AWINGo .H1 FOil PltYWEll. GOM1'UTM10N P&TAlL.. ,.. MONtroll PltYWEU. 1~T10N TlJeo& FOIl$lL.T~. " 'f. FIL.T&Il F~TO MUT TYP& I G.&OT&lCTIIL $TANPNtD $PE.GIF\CIo.T1ON 'fOi.o;.o& OVf,lZ- FLOW NOTf,~: l. OV&ll F\..OW TO 1'I1'&P $Y$T&M, Oil WUP 1'11'&, Oil TO PI$P~ ~II. ,.. P\~ ~ $IWJ. ~ U$I;P ON\..Y IF NO c,ot(V&Y/INa $Y$T&M 1$ "VNIJ\eU.. 'f. PI$P~ W"Tf.!!. ,"",Y NOT &lCU&P ~ P&V&LDP&P UMlT'i> Oil ~fli!iJL.Y IIfFUT oIIPJtlININGo ~. <\. P&'ilIGoN Mut>T ~ ~&P. .. .... Of 1- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I BrAIiIW!Il DEPT. OF PUBUC WORKS INDIVIDUAL LOT /ROOF DRAIN DR.\1IIIIG I I 225 1'I1T8 BnlIm' DRYWELL SCHEMATIC I SPRIIiG1'll:Ul. OR. V14'7'l 4-20