HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 9/30/2004 . . From: To: Date: Subject: Eric WALTER. LAFLEUR, Karen 9/30/04 8:20AM Fwd: Re: Mountaingate Phase 3 and 4 Invoicing Karen, I have been asked to track down this fee Issue on MountainGate Phase 3 and 4. When you have a few minutes, I will need a copy of billing thus far for MountainGate Phase 3 and 4. Apparently, Mike Evans is indicating he believes the fees have already been paid through the Land Use applications. Would you be able to tell me what fees have been paid for the Land Use applications and what the fees covered? Eric A. Walter, P.E. Civil Engineer Public Works Department City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 736-1034 Facsimile: (541) 736-1021 Emall: ewalter@ci.springfield.or.us Web: www.ci.springfield.or.us >>> Ken VOGENEY 09/29/04 05:36PM >>> Terri, Eric is doing further research w/ DSD staff concerning what fees were paid and agreements made by them for the land use review of these 2 Phases of MountainGate. Since these project numbers were for . the land use reviews, I'd like you to hold the invoices until Eric has completed his research and a final determination is made. Thanks, Ken >>> Teresa WHITE 09/29/04 03:13PM >>> Ken, I'm in the process of invoicing permit projects today. Don asked me to check with you on Mountaingate Phase 3 and 4 billings. Below are the amounts owing by project. P30386 Phase 3 - $13,351.96 P30387 Phase 4 - $9,984.89 Would you like me to send out invoices on these projects? And if so, who should the billings be addressed to? Thanks, Terri RECEIVED " By: Cf/ 30 -D4-" r () + l 0 p~ . .. . . . . . . . . '. .,. ," . .'.' . .. ,. . -", .... . . .' . . . ."-." . . " -'," ",.' , . .. ...... '.<." ',,' . "' ...... -.. .' .' '. . . ,. . .:.;.;" '." '. . .. '. ; ,": .' . . "'.'" . . .' ., ii i; ;; [1 ii I, !j " :IP~::I]: ~ 1+\ ~3g.0() il?h.tW.L it=- [1, I Y 3.00 i! ~ 31) 98 I .00 - .' " ~~PMAL~ '6jooo.OO ~i~1I- g.()()o.oO " I .. tW{ ~I DOC). 00 L-RP 2co3- 00::>3<1 ~c.. <YOG: ~~ T~fi.\: ~Lt7q~\.OO J . '. ., . . IP<'!IlffiIMflr.,;'II'.'r.rr.r."r.I.1 '''Bl~ ,~~d~"': Qpt\O~',"!'iinOOw 'J,.rIl' ",,,';""",;;.,';';' :,ie;: ""'"-;/'-'r"'U ...',w:7 '1:,0.;;t,';';;~.t;. "_'~ l'oW. ,.~.:,"::-I{Ie'lI'~~t;;..:~~Md ..1- ,'". '.,.... ..i,",....,.,~""&~.~\tt;-Ai:~,t~jlliilJ~@ll~J~.~JI~JJ~J".~.I5>'I:BJ tjelp" . :~~,~). . .;-: 21' '" (t. 'T~"lI.icl . 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I understand you are paying the contractual help from 1 00-63xxx-611 008, You will wan't to do a supplemental budget to recognize the additional revenue and get an additional appropriation, ' here is a link to the supplemental budget form. ' I suggest you fill out the form with the account codes above (please fill in the correct org code), attach a copy of the $16,000 check and a copy of this em ail. Send the approved and completed form with attachments to Norma and she will include it In the next supplemental budget (March, I think) , htto:/Isorinaboard/deoartments/fina nce/BU DG ETTRANS FER. doc I hope this is clear and helpful - call me if not! valerie cc: BARTON, Norma; DUEY, Robert . . . . RT ,'." ' _::> ::,"'." '.';~, ::~~_": '.; ~:>_')' --~.-; ~_ ,:_ ,_ _ _ .~. _. ~ ~_ _... 1;::~_~~~""'+>:":;'".i~.;:;:". ::c',: ,;;\', n//=ls", """,,", ',!,C,' ,"~' ',,, ',' ;,/,,',,' ; '",." " CE!liTErJ'1IACBAr~K'" ~" ;. 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