HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 9/14/2011 , . II~~\'. ' ..,)f=-': -1;-- :,'-' .'1. "'I: L::l "I' " - ~ '1 'i ;., "',,' '.11 ~. I =" "',1'"- .:' I . :.~~--..---t.t..I:-::~- x '.:",. . "'J. -:'--..- - , . . ,-' \ :', I=-~~~'-"~' .: .=",~I_.c':"~~, ;:"~{~11,'~'..1 l..~. ~ _ _~"L,,~.L-.....-_ .~.i~~,.. ' n: ,': I I' ~ . ,f III . rf}~'; h ':III-IJ' ~fr'.---:< I ~r~", ~;-;. ~ ::~.:::",,;.,. ~~~;I~' ~~~ F,';-c. ilr'~'< c ~ ~ /"1 - . ~~G:'I"" Ir:-t.'ri"l" ~ t. I. I'~.J.- ~:,! ~."" ~";J .:~ . 'I f1' :=..,U . );'~I'I" ht.\ '1:0:: ~. !="~:. ~ ~, ~:r-:-= rm=-:= f!~~': ,n .In :-.if-':" ~;.J+L.. ~~.~ 11- I ,~: i~~)( <;1. ~'- r~l:: I' 1H'.I"'". :~&. ~"-':: .: ju.f___ ;.n..=,;.: ~~~~I.' n,.!i. ~i> ~~ Ill' - ~ 1:1111 t~ :"1 .' cV:iiTj"J"=:\'f,:" -. -. - .~'_. '.' '" f ~~ " '.w~"ill~ -L',f" I- '1- ie 2~.1"J".{' ,.,Z: i,' III II II II !11 II . II tI . II III III II . . . . . . . :II . . . :. . II . 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GR~ AC~Z~ TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY Springfield, Oregon Prepared For Fred Meyer Completed On May 13,2010 (Revised July 2, 20 II) Submittal To City of Springfield Project Number 2100036.00 GROUP MACKENZIE Since 1960 Date Received: RiverEast Center J PO Box 14310 I Portland, OR 97293 1515 SE Water Ave, Suite 100 I Portland, OR 97214 T 503.224.9560 I F 503.228.1285 I WW\N.grpmack.com SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. Introduction...... ............ ..... ... .............. ,.. .... ..... ...... .... ... .... ...... ... ...... ...2 II. Existing Conditions.... ......... ................. ... ...... ......... ...... ..... ... ......... ......3 III. Background Conditions. ... ... ... ...... ..... ....... ........ ....... .......... ..... ...........5 IV. Site Traffic ........ ...... ........ ...... ......... ... ....... ....... .... ...... ....... ............ .......6 V. Intersection and Roadway Analysis ................................................... 9 VI. Conclusion and Recommendations.................................................11 VII. Appendix .... ........... ......... ..... ......... ...... ..... ............ ........... ... ..... .... ..... 12 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Roadway Characteristics..... .............. ..... ................... ..... .... .........3 Table 2 - Crash Summary.... ...... .... ..... ..... .... .................. .... ....... ... ..... ...........4 Table 3 - Trip Generation Characteristics...................................................7 Table 4 - Intersection Operation ................................................................9 Table 5 - 50th Percentile Queuing Analysis (Feet) .....................................10 Table 6 - 95th Percentile Queuing Analysis (Feet) .....................................10 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Pion 3. Existing Lane Configuration and Traffic Control 4. 2010 Existing Traffic Volumes 5. Background Growth Volumes - 1 Year at 2.0% 6. 2011 Pre-Development Traffic Volumes 7. Pass-By Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment 8. Primary Site Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment 9. 2011 Post-Development Traffic Volumes Date Received: SEP 1 ~ 2011 Original Submittal H'\Project\2ID:xl36OO\wP\ l00513-TIA-RfY.doc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR~ ' ACIU..N..ZJ.E I. INTRODUCTION The existing Fred Meyer retail store is located at 650 Q Street, Springfield, Oregon. The proposed fuel facility is located in the southwest corner of the existing Fred Meyer parking lot adjacent to 5th Street and has 10 fueling positions and an attendant kiosk. Figure 1 is a vicinity map presenting the development location. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and the fuel facility is an allowed use. The development will occur in one phase with anticipated completion in 2011. Future fuel facility traffic is anticipated to use three of the existing Fred Meyer accesses to the public road system. Two of the accesses are on 5th Street and one on Q Street. No new accesses are proposed. Figure 2 presents the proposed site plan. This analysis conforms to City of Springfield requirements for traffic analysis (S.O.P.P. #T -6.1), including local intersection capacity analysis, and crash history. City of Springfield staff defined the study scope in a letter dated February 11, 2010 and a copy is included in the Appendix. Study area intersections include: Q Street/5th Street Q Street/Fred Meyer driveway 5th Street/Fred Meyer south driveway 5th Street/Fred Meyer north driveway Figure 3 presents existing intersection Lane Configuration and Traffic Control. AM and PM Weekday Peak Hour analyses have been prepared for the following development scenarios: 20 I 0 Existing 20 II Pre-Development 2011 Post-Development Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal H:\Projects\21CXXl38XJ\WP\ 1 OOSl3-TlA-REV.doc 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR~ A C K..EN..Li.E II. EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING SITE DEVELOPMENT The site currently consists of the Fred Meyer store. The proposed fuel facility will occupy a portion of the Fred Meyer parking lot currently striped for parking. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES The following table presents the study area roadway classifications, as identified in the Eugene-Springfield Transportation Systems Plan (Transplan), Roadway Functional Classification Map, and transportation facility characteristics. TABLE 1 - ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Functional Posted Speed Bike On-Street Roadwav Classification Lanes (mph) Lanes Parkina Sidewalks Q Street Maior Collector 3 45 Yes No Yes 5'h Street Minor Arterial 2 35 Yes No Yes All driveway intersections are stop-controlled for the minor approach while the Q Street/5th Street intersection is signalized. Pedestrian Facilities Continuous sidewalks are in place along the entire frontage of the existing Fred Meyer store. Bicycle Facllities Bicycle lanes are provided along Q and 5th Streets. No bicycle-related improvements are proposed with the fuel facility. Bicycle parking will be available to fuel facility employees at the main Fred Meyer store. Transit Facilities Lane Transit District (LTD) Route #12 provides public transportation service in the fuel facility vicinity. The nearest transit stop is located adjacent to the proposed fuel facility on 5th Street. Route maps and schedules are included in the Appendix. L TD is also currently constructing the Gateway EmX extension which will run down the center of Pioneer Parkway, one block to the west. There is an L TD Park-n-Ride facility currently using a portion of the proposed fuel facility area. L TD and Fred Meyer staffs are aware of this issue and the Park-n-Ride facility will be relocated to a different location on the Fred Meyer property. TRAFFIC COUNTS Existing traffic turning movement counts we.re obtained Thursday, March 1 8, 20 I 0 during the AM and PM peak hours and the data is included in the Appendix. Figure 4 presents existing turning movement volumes. Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 H:\Projeds\21 OOJ36())\ WP\ 1 00513- TlA-REV .doc Original Submittal 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~AC~ CRASH ANALYSIS When evaluating intersection safety, consideration is not only given to the total number and types of crashes occurring, but also the number of vehicles entering the intersection. This leads to the concept known as "crash rate," usually expressed in terms of the number of crashes occurring per one million vehicles entering the intersection (crashes/mev). Intersections having a crash rate of less than l.O crashes/mev are considered relatively safe and for rates higher than 1.0 crashes/mev, consideration may be given to addressing safety issues. lntersection crash data was obtained from Oregon Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit (CARU) for January 2004 through December 2008. Crash rates were calculated in accordance with standard guidelines. Average annual daily traffic (AADT) was estimated by multiplying the intersection PM peak hour volumes by 10. Annual intersection entering traffic was estimated by multiplying the AADT entering the intersection by 365. lntersection crash data is presented in the following table for the five-year period. TABLE 2 - CRASH SUMMARY Intersection 2006 2007 2008 Total Rate Q StreeU5th Street 0 3 8 11 0.61 Q StreeUFred Mever Drivewav 3 2 2 7 0.68 5th StreeVFred Mever South Drivewav 3 1 2 6 0.67 5th StreeVFred Mever North Drivewav 0 0 0 0 0.00 All study intersections have a crash rate below 1.0 mev; hence, further safety analysis is not warranted. All crash data and calculations are provided in the appendix. f Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal H:\Projecis\210C03600\WP\ 1 00513-TlA-REV.doc 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. BACKGROUND CONDITIONS BACKGROUND GROWTH Background growth is general traffic growth not related to specific projects. Based on discussions with City staff, a 2.0% annual growth rate was assumed and applied to 20 I 0 volumes to determine 20 II volumes. Figure 5 presents AM and PM intersection volumes for one year of background growth. IN-PROCESS TRAFFIC In-process traffic results from approved developments not yet constructed. Depending on development size, there can be significant short-term traffic effects; however, in the long-term, these developments are accounted for as part of overall background growth. City staff has not identified any in-process projects within the study area. PRE-DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC 20 II Pre-Development traffic is the sum of existing volumes, background growth, and in- process traffic and represents future conditions without the proposed development. Figure 6 presents 2011 Pre-Development traffic volumes. Date Received: SEP 1 ~ 2011 Original Submittal H:\Projec1s\21rJJJYflJ\WP\100513-11A-REV.doc 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRP&fAC~ IV. SITE TRAFFIC TRIP GENERATION The proposed Fred Meyer fuel facility has 10 fueling posItIons. Fuel facility trip generation calculations were prepared using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generatian, 8th Edition, Land Use Code 944 - Gasoline/Service Station and the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2"' Edition. The following more specifically describes the types of trips gel)erated. TOTAL TRIPS Total trips are simply the number of vehicle trips to the fuel facility and consist of shared, pass-by, diverted link, and primary trips. SHARED TRIPS In a development such as Fred Meyer, many customers take advantage of the multiple services and retailers at the site in a single trip. These are known as shared or internal trips. The ITE's Trip Generation Handbook estimates the shared trip reduction between retail uses at 20%. Data for all Fred Meyer-branded fuel facilities indicate 89% of all fuel customers use a Fred Meyer Rewards Card for a discount, with 70% of customers receiving a 10- to I S- cent per gallon discount, and 19% receiving a 3-cent per gallon discount. This means 70% of the fuel purchases are made by customers also spending a minimum amount of money inside the Fred Meyer stores. To qualify for the discount, fuel purchases need only occur in the same month as in-store purchases, not necessarily during the same trip as store purchases. But, given that 70% of fuel customers clearly shop at the Fred Meyer store indicates a high shared trip probability. Similarly, the other 30% of fuel purchases may also be a shared trip. Surveys conducted at Fred Meyer stores in 2002, prior to the inception of Rewards Card discounts, indicated a 39% shared trip rate during the PM peak hour, with higher percentages for daily and Saturday time periods. Given the high percentage of fuel facility customers receiving the highest discount for having shopped at Fred Meyer and 39% shared trips from earlier surveys, use of the ITE 20% internal trip estimate likely underestimates the internal trip percentage, but it is applied as a conservative estimate. PASS-BY TRIPS Pass-by trips are those traveling to/from the site already on the adjacent roadways. These trips do not increase total roadway traffic volumes, but do add to site access turning movement volumes. A pass-by trip to other site uses also stopping at the fuel facility is considered a shared trip. ITE indicates an average pass-by percentage of 58% during the weekday AM peak hour and 52% during the weekday PM peak hour Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 H:\Project\21 r:J:JJ3tljJ\WP\ l00513-TlA-REV.doc Original Submittal 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR~ AC~ DIVERTED LINKED TRIPS Diverted linked trips are those already traveling in the area, but not on immediately adjacent roadways. For analysis purposes, diverted linked trips were treated like primary trips, as these nearby roadways are not in the study area. ITE indicates an average diverted linked trip percentage of 21 % for the AM peak hour and 34.5% during the weekday PM peak hour. PRIMARY TRIPS Primary trips are those stopping only at the fuel facility and then returning to their point of origin. These are the external trips remaining after accounting for pass-by and diverted linked trips. The following table presents the anticipated AM and PM Peak Hour trip generation. TABLE 3 - TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS Weekday Weekday Land Use (ITE Code) ADT AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Gasoline/Service Station (944\ 1,686 58 57 115 69 69 138 Shared Trios (20%) . (338) (72) fl7i (23) (74) (74J (28) Total External Trips 1,348 46 46 92 55 55 110 Pass-By Trips (58%AM / 52%PM\ 701 27 27 54 29 29 58 Diverted Trips (21 %AM /34.5%PM\ 283 10 10 20 19 19 38 Primarv Trios 364 9 9 18 7 7 14 The proposed fuel facility is expected to generate 38 AM Peak Hour and 52 PM Peak Hour Primary/Diverted Linked Trips. TRIP DISTRIBUTION Trip distribution is addressed differently for primary/diverted linked trips and pass-by trips. Primary/diverted linked trip distribution IS based on current traffic volumes and engineering judgment and is as follows: 30% to and from the east on Q Street 10% to and from the west on Q Street 40% to and from the north on 5'h Street 20% to and from the south on 5" Street Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal H:\Projecls\21r::J:JJ3(JJJ\WP\ 1 OOSl3-TIA-REV.doc 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The pass-by trip distribution is based on the proportion of traffic traveling in each direction past the site during the peak hours. Based on current traffic volumes, the following pass-by trip distributions are as follows: AM Peak Hour 30% eastbound on Q Street 20% westbound on Q Street 20% northbound on 5th Street 30% southbound on 5th Street PM Peak Hour 30% eastbound on Q Street 30% westbound on Q Street 10% northbound on 5th Street 30% southbound on 5th Street Figure 7 presents pass-by trip assignments and Figure 8 presents primary/diverted linked trip assignments. POST-DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC 2011 Post-Development traffic is the sum of 2011 Pre-Development and site generated traffic volumes. Figure 9 presents 20 II Post-Development traffic volumes. Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal H:\Projeds\210CfJ3(JJJ\WP\100513-TlA-REV.doc 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR~ AC~ V. INTERSECTION AND ROADWAY ANALYSIS OPERATION ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION. Intersection operation cbaracteristics are generally defined by two mobility standards: volume-to-capacity (vie) ratio and level-of-service (LOS). Tbe City of Springfield uses LOS to determine intersection performance. LOS is a measure of tbe average control delay (in seconds) experienced by drivers at an intersection and is described by a letter on tbe scale from 'A' to 'F.' LOS 'A' represents optimum operating conditions and minimum delay. LOS 'F' indicates over-capacity conditions causing unacceptable delay. LOS 'D' is considered tbe acceptable minimum by tbe City of Springfield. OPERATION ANALYSIS Analysis was conducted for tbe following scenarios during tbe weekday AM and PM Peak Hours: 2010 Existing Traffic Conditions 20 II Pre-Development Conditions 20 II Post-Development Conditions Tbe computer program SYNCHRO, using Higbway Capacity Manual techniques, was used to perform LOS calculations at tbe study intersections. Calculation results are summarized in the following table and copies of tbe detailed calculations are included in the appendix. TABLE 4 -INTERSECTION OPERATION Analysis 2010 Existing 2011 Pre. 2011 Post. Intersection Develooment Develooment Period LOS LOS LOS a Street! AM C C C 5th Street PM C C C a Street! AM B B B Fred Meyer Driveway PM B B B 5~ Street! AM B B B Fred Meyer South Driveway PM C C C 5~ Street! AM B B C Fred Meyer North Driveway PM B 8 B All study intersections operate witbin City of Springfield standards for all sJt~o~ftQeived: time periods. No mitigation is recommended. SEP 1 4 2011 QUEUING ANALYSIS Original Submittal Analyses were performed at tbe study intersections to determine anticipated 50'h and 95'h percentile queue lengths. Tbe computer program SYNCHRO, using Higbway Capacity Manual techniques, was used to perform 95'h percentile and 50th percentile signalized queuing calculations. Poisson distribution method was used to perform 50th percentile H:\Projeds\21WJ3IJ:iJ\WP\ 1 00513-TIA-REV.doc 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unsignalized queuing calculations. The 50th percentile queue length is the maximum queue length anticipated to be present 50% of the time (30 minutes) during the analysis hour and the 95th percentile queue length is the maximum queue length anticipated to be present 5% of the time (3 minutes) during the analysis hour. Queue lengths, assuming current traffic controls and roadway approach geometry, are presented in the following table. TABLE 5 - 50TH PERCENTILE QUEUING ANALYSIS (FEED Available Existing 2011 Intersection Direction Movement Pre-Dev Post -Dev Storage AM PM AM PM AM PM EB Lt 125 0 25 0 25 25 50 Th.R! 500+ 50 150 50 150 50 150 WB Lt 125 50 50 50 50 50 50 Q StreeU Th,R! 500+ 75 125 75 125 75 150 5th Street Lt 125 50 50 50 75 50 75 NB Th 500+ 50 100 50 100 50 100 Rt 500+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB Lt 125 25 25 25 50 25 50 Th,R! 500+ 75 100 100 100 100 125 Q StreeU SB Lt' Rt 175 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' Fred Mever Driveway 5th StreeU WB Lt, Rt 1 300 25' 25' 25' 1 25 t 25' 1251 Fred Meyer South Drivewav 5th StreeU WB Lt, Rt 1 200 25' 25 t 25' 25' 25' 25' Fred Meyer North Drivewav 1 Queuing calculation less than one car length but reported as 25 feet minimum. TABLE 6 - 95TH PERCENTILE QUEUING ANALYSIS (FEED Available Existing 2011 Intersection Direction Movement Pre-Dev Post-Dev Storage AM I PM AM PM AM PM EB Lt 125 50 100 50 100 50 125 Th,Rt 500+ 125 250 125 275 125 250 WB Lt 125 100 150 100 150 100 125 Q StreeU Th,Rt 500+ 125 225 150 225 150 225 5th Street Lt 150 100 125 100 150 100 125 NB Th 500+ 125 175 150 175 125 200 R! 500+ 50 75 50 75 50 50 SB Lt 125 50 100 50 I 100 50 100 Th,R! 500+ 175 175 175 200 175 175 Q StreeU EB Lt 175 25 100 25 75 25 100 Fred Meyer Driveway SB Lt,Rt 175 25 50 25 50 25 50 5th StreeU WB Lt' Rt 300 75 50 75 50 50 75 Fred Meyer South Driveway SB Lt 400 50 25 50 25 25 25 5th StreeU WB Lt,Rt 200 50 25 50 50 75 50 Fred Meyer North Driveway SB Lt 300 25 25 25 25 25 25 Anticipated intersection queue lengths can be accommodated on all aurroaches No mitigation is recommended. uate Received: H:\Projects\21 rJ:XJ39:fJ\ WP\ 1 OOSl3-TlA-REVdoc SEP 1 4 2011 10 Original Submittal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The existing Fred Meyer retail store is located at 650 Q Street, Springfield, Oregon. The proposed fuel facility is located in the southwest corner of the existing Fred Meyer parking lot adjacent to 5th Street, and has 10 fucling positions and an attendant kiosk. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and the fuel facility is an allowed use. The development will occur in one phase with anticipated completion in 2011. Future fuel facility traffic is anticipated to use three of the existing Fred Meyer accesses to the public road system. Two of the accesses are on 5th Street and one on Q Street. No new accesses are proposed. Continuous sidewalks are in place along the entire frontage of the existing Fred Meyer store. Bicycle lanes are provided along Q and 5th Streets. No bicycle-related improvements are proposed with the fuel facility. Bicycle parking will be available to fuel facility employees at the main Fred Meyer store. Lane Transit District (L TD) Route #12 provides public transportation service in the fuel facility vicinity. The nearest transit stop is located adjacent to the proposed fuel facility, on 5th Street. There is a L TD Park-n-Ride facility currently using a portion of the proposed fuel facility area. L TD and Fred Meyer staffs are aware of this issue and the Park-n-Ride facility will be relocated on the Fred Meyer property. All study intersections have a crash rate below 1.0 mev. No further safety analysis IS warranted. Based on discussions with City staff, a 2.0% annual growth rate was assumed and no in- process projects were identified. Fuel facility trip generation calculations were prepared using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 8th Edition, Land Use Code 944 - Gasoline/Service Station and the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2"' Edition resulting in 38 AM Peak Hour and 52 PM Peak Hour PrimarylDiverted Linked Trips. The City of Springfield uses LOS to determine intersection performance. The computer program SYNCHRO, using Highway Capacity Manual techniques, was used to perform LOS calculations. All study intersections operate within City of Springfield standards for all scenarios and time periods. No mitigation is recommended. Analyses were performed at the study intersections to determine anticipated 50th and 95th percentile queue lengths. The computer programs SYNCHRO and SlMTRAFFIC, using Highway Capacity Manual techniques, were used to perform 95th percentile and 50th percentile signalized queuing calculations. Poisson distribution method was used to perform 50th percentile un signalized queuing calculations. Anticipated intersection queue lengths can be accommodated on all approaches No mitigation is recommended. Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 H:\Projects\2100J3600\ WP\ 1 00513-TlA-REV.doc Original Submitlal 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII. APPENDIX A. Figures B. Traffic Count Summaries C. Transit Routes D. Crash Data E. Capacity Calculations F. Queuing Calculations G. Scoping Date Received: SEP 1 ~ 2011 Original Submittal H:\Prnjeds\21 rrJJ3I:JJJ\WP\ 1 OOSl3-TIA-REV.OOc 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal APPENDIX A Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Date Received: GRO:fJ I AC~ DATE' 05.05.10 VICINITY MAP SEP 1 4 20 1 FIGURE DRAWN BY: MJD CHECKED 8Y: CMC Portland OR Vancouver WA Seattle WA 503.22~.9560 360.695.7879 206.749.9S9S @GROIJPIolACKDiZIE200BI.llRIGHTSRrSER\oUl ruES, ORAIIINGS ARE THE PROPERTY Of GRI)JP ~~Cl(ENl!E "'NO A~E NOT TO 8E LlSEDORR(PRODucroINANYMIJoJNERWlTKOUTPRIQRWRITlENPERMISSlON JOB NO; 2100036.00 FRED MEYER RJEL FACILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,..:lt'~I.'" ." 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I AC l \. ~ >- ~V l \. ~ >- ~V POrtland OR Vancouver WA Seattle WA 503.224.9560 3S0.aSS.7a79 206.749.9993 y^ ~ ~ ~ ,-- ~\. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-- ~V Date Received: SEP I 4 2011 Original Submittal DATE: 05.05.10 EXISTlNG LANE CONFIGURA TlON AND TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 FIGURE DRAWN BY: MJD CHECKED BY: CMC JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGRELD OR @GllOUP>lACKENZ1E20D8mllH;Hrs~=Rvro mESEORAWlNG'S I.Rl: THE PRDPERn'OFGROUPIlACI<ENZJ(ANDAR[NOT TOBE USED OR IlEPROOUctD IN ANY I.IAN~[R WlTHOUl PRIOR WRITTEN PfRl.IlSSlO/l "' 00 N<O I \ '-7 AM 1 ( y-2 . ...n n . N 0 on nn I \ '-31 PM . 1 ( y-13 . Nm n n n 00<0 N~ I \ '-11 AM y-21 1 ( . n- NN N . . ;Om Nn j \ '-29 PM y-59 1 r "'0 noo n ... "-0000 ,,-~n J j \ 25---" '-42 83- AM -210 82--.,. y-106 '\ 1 ( <oo~ oce"- G R o~ I A C K....EJi.Z.l..E Portl.nd OR Vancouver WA. Seattle WA 503.22',9560 360.695.7879 206.749.9993 @GRCUPr.lACl(ENZIE2008AURIGHTSRE5::RI/ED TMESEDRAWlNOSAAE THe:PROPERTYOfGROOPIIACI(ENZJ(ANOAA(NOT TO BE USED OR REPROIlI.IC!:D IN ANY UAIINER. WlTHOUT PRIOR WRIHON P~RMISS]O/l Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Su m 0,,-"- <O~"- . J I \ 73---" '-65 258- PM -253 103--.,. y-101 '\ 1 f nce- nn~ ~N~ g ... J \ 48---" '-19 462- PM -366 0) n J \ 15---" '-11 185- AM -318 DATE' 05.05.10 FIGURE 2010 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES 4 DRAWN BY; MJD CHECKED BY: CiviC JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACIUTY SPRINGFIELD OR . . .. <DO . .1 \ '-0 . AM ,-0 .. 1 r <00 . . <D ~ 1 \ . '-1 PM . 1 l ,-0 . 1'-0 . . <DO . 1 \ '-0 . AM 1 r ,-0 . .,.0 . . . . <D _ . j \ '-1 PM . . 1 r ,-1 . 1'-N . . . N"'~ ~"'N ) j \ ) j \ . 1---" '-1 1---". '-1 2- AM ~4 5- PM ~5 2-.. \ 1 r ,-2 2-.. \ 1 r ,-2 N.,.~ "'<ON Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 original Submittal o 0 ) \ 0---" '-0 4- AM -6 o ) \ 1---" '-0 9- PM -7 G R o~ . I ACK..E...ML1...E. DATE' 05.05.10 1 YR BACKGROUND GROWTH - 1 YEARA T 2.0% FIGURE DRAWN BY: MJD JOB NO; 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OR 5 -. Portland OR Vancouver WA Seattle WA 11503.22",9560 360.695.7879 206.749.9993 @()RClUP..A~KtNZ1E 2008 All RlGKTS RESERVEO rH(SE ORAWlNCS />.RE r~E: PROPERTY OF" GROOP ~ACI(rnZI( AND ARE NOT ,0 BE t./SW{RREPROOUCED iN ANY ~ANNER W1THOOT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION CHECKED BY: CMC G R O~ I AC~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ol N<D I \ '--7 AM y-2 Ir Ol,.., ,.., N Pottland OR Vancollver WA Seattle WA 50:J.224.S560 360.695.7879 206.749.99S3 @CflOUPlOACKENzrt200llklLRIGHTSRESO-"IIED rnESE: QR~WJNGS ARE THt PROPERTY ClI' GROUP ~ACK[NZ)( AND .oRE ~OT TO 8f USEDCll RrPROOUCtolN ANYIOmN€R \\'IIHOUTPR]O'lM/IT1<NPERMISSI~ '" 0" ,..,,.., I \ '--32 . PM y-13 I ( 0l0l ,.., ,.., Ol co", N~ I \ '--11 AM y-21 I ( "-~ NN N "- coo N" I \ '--30 PM y-60 I ( NN "CO ,.., '" 0l",0l "-~,.., ; I \ 26........ '--43 85- AM -214 84---.,. y-lOB \ I ( "'''N 0"'''- Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 oriQinal Submittal ,.., ~"'Ol <D~"- . ; I \ 74........ '--66 263- PM -258 105---.,. y-113 \ I ( "',..,,.., """~ ~N~ Ol ,.., ; \ 15........ '--11 189- AM -324 ;;; " ; \ 49........ '--19 471- PM -373 DATE' 05.05.10 DRAWN BY; MJD FIGURE 2011 PRE-DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC VOLUMES 6 CHECKED BY: CMC JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'GRO:&I . I AC~ 20:< (30:<) '" I", I \ '-8 AM y-7 1 ( ""0 I . <'0 1<'0 I \ '-8 PM . y-7 1 ( ""0 I NO I \ '-0 AM y-10 1 ( . ""m I~ ...,. 0 I \ '-0 PM y-11 1 ( . "'<'0 IN DIS'TRIBUT1ON PERCENTAGES 1RAFRC ASSIONMENT AMl! <PMX) ~-27(29) EXIT - 27 (29) Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal mo<'O ) I I.. 5--' "'-6 -5- AM --9 0....... y-O ~ 1 ( 000 mo<o ) I I.. 9--' '-6 -9- PM --9 0....... y-O ~ 1 ( 000 o N ) \ 0--' "'-3 -2- AM --3 o <'0 ) I.. 0--' "'-3 -3- PM --3 DATE: 07.01.11 PASS-BY TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FIGURE DRAWN BY: MJO . . @GRO\JP"ACKENZJE20~,l,URlGltTSRESCR'iEO THtSEDRA\II1NGSARETH\:PROPERTrOfOROUP"ACKfNZIEI.NOAREN01IOB" \JSEO OR Il[PROl)UCED IN ANY MI.N~l'R. WlTHOUl PRIO'< Wi<IF pmMISSION JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OR 7 PortlSUld OR Vancouver WA Seattle WA __ 503.22~.9560 360.6S5.7879 206.749.9993 CHECKED BY: CMe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOX (25X) or-- I \ '---7 AM ...--4 I ( 00 o O~ I \ '---10 PM ...--6 I ( 00 ';-0 I \ . '---0 AM ...--8 I ( ON <00 I \ '---0 PM . . .. . . . . . . -G R 0 g . I ACK....E...1i.Z.1 ...--1 0 1 ( DISl1'lIBt1T1ON F 8'lCENT AOES TRAFRC ASSIClf-.M:NT AMX (PUX) ENTB'l - 19 (26) EXIT - 19 (26) Date Received: 0<0 SEP 1 4 2011 Origfnal submittal N.;-<O J I \ 2--' '---6 0- AM -0 0---.. ...--0 \ 1 ( 0';-0 "''''''' J I \ 3--' '---8 0- PM -0 0---.. ...--0 \ 1 ( 0"'0 o 0 J \ 0--' '---0 6- AM -6 o 0 J \ 0--' '---0 8- PM -8 DATE: 07.01.11 PRIMARY SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FIGURE DRAWN BY: MJD Portland OR Vanco~ver W,A Seattle WA II 503.2211,9560 360.6S5.7879 206.74S.S983 @GROUPMACI([NZIE20118I1l.LRlGhTSRESERII<O . THESEORAWlNGSARErH[PROI'ERTYorC~ClUP~ACKENZfEANOARl~OTrOB, USED OIl RO'ROOUC!:O IN /.NV "ANNE~ WlrHOUT ~RJ~ 'MllTTfN PfI;!olI551ON CHECKED BY: CMC 8 JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G R O~ I A C UKZJ..E..J. . Portland OR Vancouver WA Seattle WA 503.224.9560 360.695.7679 206.749.9993 . . cD OJ OJ N~ I \ '-22 AM , ~13 I ! ;:;'" N '" OV- ",v- I \ '-50 PM ~26 I ! ;:;'" '" en "'<0 N~ I \ ' '-11 AM ~39 I ! '" N ~en N " "'0 NV- I \ '-30 PM V-~ ",N "'~ SEP 1 4 2011 ~81 I ! Original submittal N 0",00 "'~V- ) I \ 33........ '-55 80- AM -205 84-.. ;--109 \ I ! OJOJN OOJ" OJ "'OJ'" ,,~'" " ) I \ 86........ '-80 254- PM -249 105-.. ;--103 \ I ! cD OJ'" "'v-~ ~N~ ;:; " ) \ 49........ '-22 476- PM -378 '" en ) \ 15........ '-14 193- AM -327 DATE; 07.01.11 2m1POST-DEVEOPMENT TRAFFIC VOLUMES 9 FIGURE DRAW'N BY: MJO CHECKED BY: CMC JOB NO: 2100036.00 FRED MEYER FUEL FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OR @GfI.(](ji'I.(ACKtNZI;;1IXJ!J~R}GHrSR[~RYW T~ESE DRAWINGS ARE T."" PROPER". OF G~OlJP ~ACKENZIE A~D ARE NOT TO BE use:~ OR R!:PROOUCEO IN ANY ~/.I/lIJ<Il. W1THO\JT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 o igina\ submittal APPENDIX B Traffic Count Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . ",0 >- ~~~ 00-0 ON~ ~~ '" ~ ~.c ~f- M w w ~~ .- ~ "'0 a:1:N O~ U(J'\ .ui"! 1-'" <(~ 1-'" 8U1 . u..'" <(0 cr:lf) .r-:~ 5:U: ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o '" ~ 6 o '" ~ f- ~ "' ~ I"'~ l-09 " ,0 ~.111~ ~z::> f-w_ (J)~::: O'w> z W o :E >= <( <r ..z Ut~ 9uti: :t" ;~~ 'Q" 0610Nlo600N ~;1 " a. .4 " :;1 ;;=)0 ~o ~O O'D 6 0 Q)1:;-1 . ~~ j' .). """I ,~ ~'. : -<;. ..: r~o~ofo~o 00 >I+~,~,:'+\, 0 <21 .- II ~.' ;U ~ 00'0 0 "o~?o~~~. 0 ...... o...~ ~'k:"~ ~ ..~r;,~~ ![ ~ 0 ~".'~.O; 0 '~;i'O ~'. 0 III "'>:!f.:. " o..~ ~I~~i~ ~iN~I~~ ~ :::l1-..2 "'''', en "'"''''~,, \,!) ~',"' .8 U) f- '?1 51 ~', \,!) ~ ~ tlO ,'~ ~ ,; ;2 ,....00 (!) '-"(1" ~ ~I~,~r~~? i~ "'~ I ~ ~IO ~.',;,',O~~,i"O~O~O I :1 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ rl~~~~'~ ~ I~ f- ~IO ~~, 0 f.~o ~~oL o III f-I j,.~ ' CO Lf"I ..D:t ,.-', '0'llJ1 f:i 1-, -,. " ;~: ..-l ..-l 6.... 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I Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal N '" 0> <U "- :E "- co N N o ~ o N ~ '" N ~ M 2 <U o t o D. '" '" ~ -0 e oj ~ ~ '? o ~ i::l ~ ~ > 'E ~ ~ - o 6 - i::l - - > ~ ~ u: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "'0 >- ~~<O 00"0 ONt? ;o~ ~.c ~I- M Ii <0 a. '" '" :==-:0 "'0 ~ II L 0; a. '" 0 I N ~ N 0 ~ I 0 U <0 ~ U. 0 N "' ""'\ if; 0 0 N ~ " 0 M . Jli "' <0 0 "' 0 "' M 0 1:: 0 ~ .. . N 0- " '" " '" 0 :EN '" 0..- 0 ~~ uo\ E ~ 0 "N ~ ~ U) " ";0 ~ u f-'" ~ '" <0 -0:"- '" ~ u. f-'" 0 Q U) " 11 ~ "" .. I u..'" M ;2~ ~ J:' "' 0 I ~I :J:: J' N f-W '" '" "U ~ 6 "' . s- a. 0 ~ '" slt ... B sa u . <0 N U. " .1S H.1l I.. 0 .0 0 .0 t ~L iila. ",g ~ .. ~" ... ~ EN ~" '0'" > ~I'- g", U " ~o ... ':' N 0; o o. ~ E u <0 U. 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Sacred LEAVE Coburg Gateway Hearl 5th ARRIVE Eugene at Station MedCtr at Springfield . Station Oakmanl BayA RiverBend "0" Station [ill [jJ rn [lJ @] . AM . 7:30 7:35 7:41 7:53 8:01 8:10 8:30 8:35 8:41 8:53 9:01 9:10 9:30 9:35 9:41 9:53 10:01 10:10 . 10:00 10:05 10:11 10:23 10:31 10:40 10:30 10:35 10:43 10:55 11:03 11:13 . 11:00 11:05 11:13 11:25 11:33 11:43 . 11:30 11:35 11:43 11:55 12:03 12:13 11:50. 11:56 12;05 PM 12:00 12:06 12:15 12:27 12:35 12:45 . 12:30 12:36 12:45 12:57 1:05 1:15 . 1:00 1:06 1:15 1:27 1:35 1:45 1:30 1:36 1:45 1:57 2:05 2:15 . 1:50. 1:56 2:05 2:00 2:06 2:15 2:27 2:35 2:45 . 2:30 2:36 2:45 2:57 3:05 3:15 2:50" 2:56 3:05 3:00 3:06 3:15 3:27 3:35 3:45 . 3:30 3:36 3:45 3:57 4:05 4:15 3:50* 3:56 4:05 . 4:00 4:06 4:15 4:27 4:35 4:45 4:30 4:36 4:45 4:57 5:05 5:15 5:00 5:06 5:15 5:27 5:35 5:45 . 5:30 5:36 5:45 5:57 6:05 6:15 6:00 6:05 6:13 6:25 6:33 6:42 6:30 6:35 6:43 6:55 7:03 7:12 . 7:00 7:05 7:13 7:25 7:33 7:42 7:45 7:50 7:58 8:10 8:18 8:27 . 8:45 8:50 8:58 9:10 9:18 9:27 9:45 9:50 9:58 10:10 10:18 10:27 10:45 10:50 10:58 11:10 11;18 11:27 . * Trip ends at Gateway Station. Elviajeterminaen laESfacionde Galeway, . . . . . . . . . From: Springtield Station To: Eugene Downtown via RiverBend Name: 12 Eugene Station via Gateway Sacred Oakway LEAVE 5th Heart Gateway Center ARRIVE Springfield at MedCtr Station on Eugene Station "0" RiverBend SayS Coburg Station ~ @] W rn [jJ 6:44 6:49 6:56 7:10 7:16 7:25 7:44 7:49 7:56 8:10 8:16 8:25 8:44 8:49 8:56 9:10 9:16 9:25 9:44 9:49 9:56 10:10 10:16 10:25 10:13 10:18 10:26 10:40 10:46 10:55 10:43 10:48 10:56 11:10 11:16 11:25 11:13 11:18 11:26 11:40 11:46 11:55 12:05 12:11 12:21 11:37 11:43 11:53 12:09 12:15 12:25 12:07 12:13 12:23 12:39 12:45 12:55 12:37 12:43 12:53 1:09 1:15 1:25 1:07 1:13 1:23 1:39 1:45 1:55 2:05 2:11 2:21 1:37 1:43 1:53 2:09 2:15 2:25 2:07 2:13 2:23 2:39 2:45 2:55 3:05 3:11 3:21 2:37 2:43 2:53 3:09 3:15 3:25 3:07 3:13 3:23 3:39 3:45 3:55 4:05 4:11 4:21 3:37 3:43 3:53 4:09 4:15 4:25 4:07 4:13 4:23 4:39 4:45 4:55 4:37 4:43 4:53 5:09 5:15 5:25 5:07 5:13 5:23 5:39 5:45 5:55 5:40 5:45 5:54 6:10 6:16 6:25 6:10 6:15 6:24 6:40 6:46 6:55 7:20 7:25 7:35 6:58 7:03 7:11 7:25 7:30 7:40 8:20 8:25 8:35 7:58 8:03 8:11 8:25 8:30 8:40 9:20 9:25 9:35 8:58 9:03 9:11 9:25 9:30 9:40 9:58 10:03 10:11 10:25 10:30 10:40 Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal 2007 Ridership hits 10 million annual boardings. Ef numero de pasajeros por ano abordan nuestros autobuses I/ega ala mil/ones: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westminster Presbyterian ChurCh~ &... '" ff i'U '-'" Oakway l1J OAKMO'" Center Post ~ Office s= w ". Gateway ~ Mall ~l OAKOAIE Gateway\!!) f2i Station ~ HARLOW ~ ~ ~ is 8, INTERNATIONAL WAY Pacific$ource o ~ Symantec ~ ~ LTD Park & Ride \ CD @ @ ~ ~ BELTLfNE ::E is [JJg Sacred & Heart ~ Medica! Center at RiverBend L TD Station Estaci6n de L TO .;; '" '" m " i S rg ! HARLOW HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY -~_ Fred Meyer LO Shopping Center OST 111- I . 0'; " :5 Hamlin Middle Schoof CENTENNIAL BLVD i ~ ~ ~ Springfield ..c: City Hall LO Ubrary Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Ori inal Submittal From: Eugene Downtown From: Springfield Station To: Springfield Station via RiverBend To: Eugene Dowmown via RiverBend Name: 12 Gateway Name: 12 Eugene Station via Gateway Sacrecl Sacred Oakway LEAVE Coburg Gateway Heart 5th ARRIVE LEAVE 5~ Heart Gateway Center ARRIVE Eugene at Station MedCtr at Springfield Springfield at MedCtr Station '" Eugene Station Oakmont Bay A RiverBend "0" Station Station "0" RiverSend BayS Coburg Station lliJ OJ ~ [1) GJ ~ [1] [1) ~ OJ '~~t " AM 7:45 7:50 7:57 8:10 8:16 8:25 7:27 7:38 7:45 7:53 8:45 8:50 8:57 9:10 9:16 9:25 8:30 8:35 8:42 8:53 9:01 9:10 9:45 9:50 9:57 10:10 10:16 10:25 9:30 9:35 9:42 9:53 10:01 10:10 10:45 10:50 10:57 11:10 11:16 11:25 10:30 10:35 10:42 10:53 11:01 11:10 11:15 11:20 11:27 11:40 11:46 11:55 11:00 11:05 11:13 11:24 11:32 11:41 1':42 11:47 11:55 12:10 12:16 12:25 11:30 11:35 11:43 11:54 12:02 12:11 12:12 12:17 12:25 12:40 12:46 12:55 PM 12:00 12:05 12:13 12:24 12:32 12:41 12:42 12:47 12:55 1:10 1:16 1:25 12:30 12:35 12:43 12:54 1:02 1:11 1:12 1:17 1:25 1:40 1:46 1:55 1:00 1:05 1:13 1:24 1:32 1:41 1:42 1:47 1:55 2:10 2:16 2:25 1:30 1:35 1:43 1:54 2:02 2:11 2:12 2:17 2:25 2:40 2:46 2:55 2:00 2:05 2:13 2:24 2:32 2:41 2:42 2:47 2:55 3:10 3:16 3:25 3:12 3:17 3:25 3:40 3:46 3:55 2:30 2:35 2:44 2:56 3:04 3:13 3:42 3:47 3:55 4:10 4:16 4:25 3:00 3:05 3:14 3:26 3:34 3:43 4:12 4:17 4:25 4:40 4:46 4:55 3:30 3:35 3:44 3:56 4:04 4:13 4:42 4:47 4:55 5:10 5:16 5:25 4:00 4:05 4:14 4:26 4:34 4:43 4:30 4:35 4:44 4:56 5:04 5:13 5:42 5:47 5:55 6:10 6:16 6:25 5:00 5:05 5:14 5:26 5:34 5:43 5:30 5:35 5:44 5:56 6:04 6:13 6:00 6:05 6:13 6:25 6:32 6:41 6:42 6:47 6:55 7:10 7:16 7:25 6:30 6:35 6:43 6:55 7:02 7:11 7:30 7:35 7:43 7:55 8:02 8:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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'195.r:;v~""'-",~;o""-;,,--,,,,", ~~J!!!)..;;_J~l!..1t _ !-~d2i;~~_~~~l!:l.iL::J.,_';t:";,;~::Z:::~:",);Sf:"_":;;:\~""'~' ...~.::;,;:..s~::JL~~C'.l:i'~~:';ltli1~:"::'L!f::_.;:.s..i,j Average Queue (It) 28 64 52 80 56 72 21 27 104 ----.-~~r-~};"';""':'t'f:"":7f":'~-~:'"'"-~r1':~;~.-..-,.7-;-'~;.-:r--.....r;;~,v;.,~"''':"R~-"'"-:-rll-~r",,;.~.::rr"""'7.rY1""-"""::'r,~~--:-:"';7' 95th Queue (It)"l')'.:"~ _.~~.;",.1@62""'J,;j,18_"'.,...,;99 . <148;,.,.:102;..',126.,~,..51'.,r"j' 60,,<,,.,.180-,,.,',.,,,':',,,, .,'.i, ,<c.,,) _~_._ _ ....,_.....~_........':;;,''',. ~Q,~'"'~_--..:_""""_,_.,,~~.._"_~..~J......."-_..;;..'Il.J<>j_~"'......~..,.~,.,__..........,""'" __........~,,',_.-"--__~,_.__,,_,__.. Link Distance (It) 358 358 295 165 165 165 198 198 '~'-.. ~- '--_."--:~---:w.:~ -. 'i'lf~'i1I""""""!:;""""-""--"~'''"''"''~<S''''''"''''''''''''-'''-'''''-'--'"'''''''''~''''-~_n~'~'....,r~-'''...,.....---~r"-_.,-- ...-:/"'-....,... 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(veh).~~"\r'YI',:~"~~~.;f .5~':ix:~:;\:cti~fr't ..~~ ::~ ~ ,O>>i~" 'b ''il'dr" ,"^:'"J ",'.;f,~;;: . ~?9 ~i,t.lW~.A.i~',~.i;'~:,,\~t;{}t!'''~~:, J "'\~'~,~ it.~",;:;\\2t.;~~:\' ~,:"'f .,),,' I(~{~f';' ""-O's1 ..._ ~1J;. _ _.o;.,"~,.___---"D-,w;..'..."..........--."'...._,~.~~'"'..;,;.,.--'~__". ~_,,,...__"""-~........_........._...,_'...,~;,:,;;-;.;;;~""'"- '. -"......,,,~ Intersection: 2: Q St. & Mbvemer\t;il~~~.'li!l.lilt~EBi;:~SB~'3~I€~.:~j'~~.i;.\\i.~_~~~:!l~\t~~ii.l!l Directions Served L T LR MaxjmurifQueU'e!(n)!~~2~J~l9.Q~~~'36'i~~l~~~~1:,~;trb~~~1~totf}~~4J.~;j[~$t~gj~b~];f~~~r;,~~a.t~l:J~:~~ Average Queue (~L .. _ ." 7 ,.29 ...~ _., ,. _. , ,. 95th'Q" "'~(ft)... ",",,,"~, "7i=~""~36 '""""32=""1l'C-", "'",,",""" ,c,r':2l:"",q1'17',~' ...."'."_.~. '-""""~'",-- f~~_',W'" "'.."..., .. , ueue ;' ";;;"-"~"". "'.' Yt~..'W'-~,'U:" o'l '~~~ ,'%~"~' -:TL'i#';.~,'-:a'f>'l'f;. "'ii "$,''':'\, '" 'Jiiii'i$."j <Ii;. 'm'i;.;''''~'''{:' -;j;{{.,;i:l~'$"::'l'~.!:~;;'-~"'-" "''''' ,!,:JlI.,<. 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"~'''''"'-"'': '~~"~~~r.;<i~;'; Queuing Penalty (veh) ~S "''''-B 'O,e-("""It)' -.-r:=_-'_iii1>,=~...-,-,.."~~~,~~..,~q~"""?~=.'r~~_,""'~"""""',,,,,, " ~" torage, ay~.:.@i IPJ!;>jt;y~~:t~~::E:~\;~:';T'~~E:t:th,sr::{;L';.:~'d!::i:;W;'::~~~~~;~~~h}\~~~t1it2ti <>'~ m;'F")t{'i~'t}t:1litfj~~$ '';., (~ Storage Blk Time (%) 'Q~~~~'-'~'P'~lt.~("'1""'~)~l;~~'~~~"'~..\1"'-~~~~I':--'~W0M~~"".A"'''''t''iih*-'';'v~ ')~.i.'!I'""l"',--~.-l, "; .-. 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Queuing and Blocking Report AM Post Development REVISED Intersection: 4: FM North Driveway & 5th St. 6/30/2011 Mbvemerit~t::~~'6:t~;~WB~~~:,N8l1ir~SBiit!~t:~~,;'~I~?~ih"t~~~~{~~~~~.J7{~:t:'~~~~~.,jI~~ii~,~t~a Directions Served LR TR L "";~=""~Q~:-(ft~)"",.'id-:--.\tZ~~f0"':1'$"'1'~0-4~:rt~-"r'"l'"."'4~';:1",,,,,,, ~4"3-:-~~"v,;7'':''''''' ''''?'TW';~ '''";-!;"'''l;'~:,,-t'''(..7'';~~:~':1i~'''-n'-'''',;l'lff'i>y,;-~::;>~7':,-''''~ :~7:'%'~t'<-::;~-,;"'7"r "',;r.:'"'J Maximum,' uell.t ~ l1~~f.;;~~:r~\'j; ,"'1j1\::!::'~<J:.:i~\..c~t':~',I~:"'"',~I;.:~;:it'.o)tk::.:...~~~~~21~':Z~'i~;L;.1)c::._ii.ll_:ifLWt:~'::h~."i,J~';:-;; ';,:;d~,'jd.:..i~ Average Queue (It) 47 0 4 -~-"'-"""---~"'^''If:'Y''''''''''-,,",''''-'';;<:::r::;-'''''"'.~'~---~4!''~'rl'''''-'.'''"''~~"'':orr '<O...~~_..' 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Queuing and Blocking Report PM Post Development REVISED Intersection: 1: Q St. & 5th St. 6/30/2011 MiNemerit~*,::"'li~"~~!~~EB~EB'!;;,,;fA~WB~,!tWBL~j!i,NB.~,~NB~JiNB~"l<SB!~SBl:~g;lill~Jik~i~:t(,i;1!ciil Directions Served L TR L TR L T R L TR ~"~""~-":~~~f'''''-~;'-'-''''';''--:-U-,_')-'''''"''_':'7'l''''''~'''~---';f':~-~~-~~~"''''-~;~,'''1'''~~''r;.'7:'~':'''''''''''''-''''' Maxlmum,Queue(ft),: }"';""1J;~,'t1~6!,,,,1f:278,,~:~'i149,<~' 270'::1!. 162M,!,\183i'1Ti':" ]31'," h125t1:)j.x;:202hi ::;1:,,;1\ :". 'fe':',: i',,:,~..:,: "____''''--_,_" ~.........W,...."."__~_~__._~."""._.__.......~_,-,......-,__,,_.. .......,_"'"'.... .. ~'~_'''''''_~''"-_'''''''..:~ AverageQueue(ft) ,.61. 138 61 123 79 118 33 52, 113 ~th),@"eue~(n)~~~~~~~~t!j:,;i11~?;:f~,~14'"'.~w1i)~~~2~$~!ff~~!~1~F~~1T~~;rf:11~ Link Distance (ft) 358 358 300 168 168 168 196 196 -.. .. ~ .. , '-'~~~'~'~7' M .. ,'''-'; ":""'\>:'"'~~"r,,,"'''~'r.\.'''''''+:c~rr~.-'';\''W1''''-::C~~''~l::-'~'~:r~_<i'n'".""'-".f"""""''-''''''-'~~~''~-~'''''_'~'~''''~''''l l:Ip.stream .Blk'1ime'(%J!'.'"i' 1!"~'-"'\\;;''';?1"~!?'2::#'o,Ov. "'-"'"';t-~ ,"-,;f' ,~BO" :,-{ ;t...-<O""'';K~li'.s;''-:2~t.J." ,~<~ ':1:P-r'.t~ ,""-".j" :';j;;;.'~:;' c"1' J. "\"'. '-.'.l' 'r~ \/, _l~,~ <{'"~"",,, _ _~' . -.___ ~u.;u...:...z.:."';:~~:;4~~~,-t..,:..,,;:;~\..-" -~'".' ~~..t:~..e.;....."::"'~t~:->'. ~";"",'-'_~~~t..'l~^,,..;..;._~.:..-t~~~.-~:"J4.~,,,2:' Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 0 1 -__~~~~~''''''''''''''''~''__''''''''.'I'''1jJ_J__'_''''''''t'.,v. .'. . I ,:,>m~.":"'~:'."-~'-w<-~~'-"""-""~-'~~""''''{'''~'''''''''~-~''! Storag. e..Ba\i(Dist'(ft){L,1-~;;?:w,i'~\r':.;,',:d i~,tt,:~. 0, ,,' ~:':_,~, ,P;150;:~~"~~: "'~'~;;-- ",;.,;;'::';t~'_v.~l;)1:?~~;. /'.~~ft~14l~i.~:~:~-~~~'"Jr;~~;(,;il---:~'" ~"'{ ,,~ "ft;): ->t ~)c:.'~:;;,,p;'Ai :"_; /> '-" J _,........... _J_~ _ ~ c_. --. ~_.....~,_~~:".",.=",-~.....,~". . ... ."""'" . . ~......-__ .",-~_,~~.",",",,-,~ Storage Blk Time (%) 0 4 ~'~.:!r":'~~<iI~"'''''''~~'''-';'~~:;ji' . ;'-:-~1':""'~~-1"-'~"'~"'''''-~.''"l!![-''--'I''1'r'''~.e~~'Tr:F''<.l'I'.'''i\~-:~'''~-''''l'--''''''-'~"~~""'~''':''- Queuing'f?e'naln' (ven)~,,:if'''':''''~\~'''~';'''?''!~';'''t ,t14i)';\c't;~...}- .!)\L:QJ ?1<\~"1:~4'-: '" . r::"~'''J:, ~($c::.r'"il"::i~",;_ ,~.k.h'. -':1--);..i'~~> ,c.J~:'l,;r:~1';~':1 ~-.~i;<,;~ ..,&~+"~""t:':"'~i\>" _' (;<.. >'r,:".: ~ ~u _ ~-.d....t;.~"",,~:J'it;, "-':~"'::';"',,,~.._~~l.-,~.,.;~1i;.;.;"i:-,td.:;';\;W~~;;l\c;~~...-f';":;!J,,,,\t;,;~.~~':"-"'.:J...:::~' ""~,,~,~,~''''''. '1--;.;..,..:.,. Intersection: 2: Q St. & MOVEfmerlt~1M~~~tilli!.,'1'~~5!3I1<<;SBg~!,:~!X~;,t~~~}~~~~i~,,~~~~~,"J Directions Served L T LR M.. .,. ..' ..""" " . ." '(ft-)~':::\'\%11<1'f"""'--"~'W'J._-"t""',~'--"',"';m~W::~.1~!""'~f::;:;'~'#;'l';7~ . ~"''' r 1{/";;:"'Ii;Ii.~";;B;~~""'~~,,..~, {". A ~..?xlm1Lm"Queuej _ ~~j~].tl.01~1f..?1&fit~1:~J[ci~:~~1,'h:~Ai:~JjJ'$.g;#~~W:;~;"~fc-";b~dfr:-~t:i.:~.~~~~~f0~i;5~; J;1:""~h~~#;!'*;t~,,;: .,,~LI::ii Average Queue (ft) 27 25 -~,,~~,""--'~w";'!~'~-"fOi;'r~'~'J'~"~';'i;';~~~''',;::r~';'''Al'':m'~ayi!..r"~~~~~~)'T'~":"""'""'.,P--:":';'~"'7:~'F.-'"'~ 95th'Queue)(ft)wi~,~,:')4';;"-i:;:'<4~]' -&\\.~88'e '" ~~...46:,$'-$AN , ',,$( -,'('" 'i,',;~';/"l.:t;..;; "..::J"1f;"i:1<'iiJj ffi'l-'im, ; 'lSii< .t" f0,.~'%f'~-<:',1;t\i;r;., 'Iit]:!',",:;:h wll-/"'; t'\~'t <)1,:"",1;;:," : , hij:i::1."~:~ . ~;';'.'~,~~'""''-'''''' "t:A.~M~'~l1o..":'.'''''''' ..-..........:-.:.-'-."..."....-". ..~t<J'.c.." .....-.......,-~;,.,'-\f~~::.;;.J. ......,c,:;;:...." Link Distance (ft) 300 430 ~~:':"I1-";~"C-''"'"''f\r,;r-'''''''''''I~''''P''''''''' ,~,...~,...,\"\'t~'--~r~-'-;r:(~~~'Il.~~~',~~~:;...--.-,7:r-"1-r,'.-....,,--...-.r-.-"~"""!"'"'~ Up.stream. Blk~Tlme '.(,%)\',1,~.,~~-:;",~~ 'j;^,,1,,;;:,?:.;;"'1-0il-;~i":4, 1~4t"4~~ 'ii\~~>,:~tJf~": k: ~'i!w;.;$-":'''JJf~t':''7~':.'~"''['iffli.~3~j;,;~~l{'''~;~'-:..;~:~;,>t' .> -;; ::"..~ 7;, \.,; t..',;v ,f:~~l);.v, ~t _ ~-_........'"""".""""'"~:.o..c~"""",......,..;w:..,~"".aG:..:.~...,...~""',(ij$....-... ---:'';:'~'':;''~~A....". .,...-.". ..........;.....::.' - Queuing Penalty (veh) .....,,~.r::-.~n~r'~;::r':">;<><'~~.~..,""'F-:"l'.,.~~....~....,~'"J!1y~<r"."""""'(.~~~"~'c~~..-'-.,...,......,..."'"''\~'=~,.......J StoragelBay',Dist m)~t'"V~i-':~;h\t',\;~;*~~'~!; ~~:;if~~~ '~'~~';? G.i;c~~~>i:c~~~~'~c7tf.~7,'(~jdf:~,)&'J~~~i:"~l:':.i~",'Z.:. -:;';flj~:k.~~1t, ,'\i~~!'~~;:p~~2"t ~'~~~:,IS!~' Storage Blk Time (%L ..... ~ ..._.. .. . ~Q"--" ... 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Queuing and Blocking Report PM Post Development REVISED Intersection: 4: FM North Driveway & 5th St. 6/30/2011 fV1ovement*i~BfZ!~t2~~~8JijWB:.u~'~SB~,~~~~:~~~:::{'h%;~0~~?I~~~r~~t:~",~,~'~~~~j~N{1i'~:1I~z~ Directions Served LR L ~aX;m~:m..Qu~~fj}:it.~~:?~):i~T?11:~Ji~~tEIfi~~Iir:~12~~t(:~;~:~.r:~":3g~~~2~~t~!'@;;J:~L~:s~jlfk!'G3jf=~~':'ci Average Queue (It) 33 9 .~-"--'-'",-<,:,\~-'Hr;:'''''''~' ""\t:'7".,..~~~'Il't'~-''!':"'-''''''.'''''0~'''~-':'t''''~,''4''''''-'r:-~'''''~'''''-'~'~''''';'''''''~'~";.oJ1'''-~~~~'''''''~'~~'''''''''''''''''''''''~''.'''~'' ''I..''''%'''''''~."'''-'''''''''''N;;~~ 95th Queu e:: (It) :~i' ," i~' N~ ;,~;.,_~,:.";~t~:!~ 58 ~/,:~~~~:.:;! 32:3 :;\~':,f;:,'c~;f' .&iJ,~:~',;A::!2~:::~9 t~; ""\~l;;~",€:!~z::;,;' : :~;l.:~;i:k I" ~'~o~;~' \~~$~~ ~t";"?~'.1~;;'\.I\~~j"i l~:, ;,,':;c.~!;,:"~";\.'~.,I6.,~.;<!~:.~:>4 ./ -h' ,j __........__.. ~ >n-__. ~,___ "'_..' _".........___,.__._....__....__~~......_..... ,,,._^,~_.~...._"=___.."".."w__~_."",. ."._..._...'''',,''';,.....,''''''.~__........,_.,'"'"''""'''--' ,,--.._~. 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Date Received: SEP 14 2011 Original Submlttal____~_=,_ _ Weekday Peak Hour SimTraffic Report Page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX G Seoping Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPE OF WORK Date: February 11,2010 Consultant: Group Mackenzie P.O. Box 14310 Portland, Oregon 97293 Project Assumptions: , , . Fred Meyers Gas Station Northeast Comer of 5tl1 Street and Q Street ITE Codes: Gasoline/Service Station (944) Size: 10 Pumps Access: Via 5th Street & Q Street Completion Date: Estimated 2011 . Project Name: Location: Land Uses: General: The proposed development will impact city streets; therefore the supporting traffic impact analysis will need to address Springfield Development Code (SDC) requirements. Because the development is anticipated to generate over 1,600 vehicle trips per day, thereby adding approximately 10% to the present 5th Street and Q Street intersection traffic load (without accounting for any trip reduction), a "major traffic study" will be required as per SDC 4.2- 105(A)(4). The study should address all the criteria outlined in Springfield Public Works Department policy (See enclosed S.O.P.P. #T-6.1), except that certain elements of the study may be confined to the scope outlined below. Trip Distribution and Assignment: Site traffic would have three primary routes available for access to/from Springfield's street network, and that is through two driveways on 5th Street and one on Q Street. The distribution pattern of existing traffic at these driveways is likely a reasonably reliable indicator of future site-trip distribution when comparing the two access points on 5th Street to each other. However, the Q Street access point "ill draw far less traffic proportionally than would be represented in present distribution pattenlS. Work with Transportation Staff on determining a reduction factor for the Q Street access point in order to come to a r~asonable distribution. Study Locations: . Intersection of 5th Street and Q Street . The two site access points on 5th Street . The site access point on Q Street Trip Generation: Use appropriate data from the ITE Trip Generation Manual for IrE Cod\l.. . . 944-- Gasoline/Service Station. uate KeCelVed. Traffic Impacts and LOS Analysis: LOS Analysis Methods Use the current Highway Capacity Manual methodology. SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal Page 1 of2 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period{s) - Analvsis Year AM and PM Peak Hour ~ 2011 Scenarios No-Build, Build Signalized LOS Analvsis Asswnptions Ideal Saturation Flow Rate = 1,750 vphpl (per ODOT practice, re NCHRP 599) Peak Hour Factor = 0.95 for all movements Area Type = Other (Not CBD) Queuing: Provide 50th percentile and 95th percentile queuing analysis by 2000 HCS method (Synchro output is acceptable). '~ Traffic Crash Analysis: Summarize most recent three-year crash history along both 5th Street and Q Street within 200 feet each direction from beyond the site's borders. Additioual Requirements: Provide the dimensions of the gasoline delivery truck and a turning template through the site. Parking Study As the proposed site plan will bring the number of parking stalls below the minimum code requirements, a parking study will need to be performed to show that the addition of the gas station will not inhibit the Fred Meyer parking lot from being able to handle peak hour and peak season parking demands. Choose two Fred Meyer stores that are comparable to the 5th and Q Street establishment in terms of proximity to similarly classified streets, similar economic activity, etc. Before performing any parking studies, consult with City Transportation staff and provide the specific store locations you plan to study' and why they are comparable with the subject site. These reasons should also be listed in parking study. IlIclude this Scope of Work ill tlte appelldix of the Tr,;,ffic Impact Study Date Received: SEP 1 4 2011 Original Submittal I. . Page 2 of2 H: ! ,\ "-"0-..1 (;-:":\ ~... i; \7~ "[:-:::-J f~: \,1:' ~ ./.,_J q'~:J' '"-~ r--.' L" L~, \~'1 r;-....... """ ~ J 1(,;0-1 uJ_..I " r, ~-- ,t 1 1 , , \; 1....1 L=I " " , -", I ;1 I 1,'\ '( -;,1 '1 I" , 'I _II, ,,;{ ,,:,:.('", .': . ! ., :1,'1 '.', ",' ; II . ;;;,,~.ili,"li'b~:"'1\JJ;:illlHg'\>~:i'="~~~d~.~ ~c:k'~ ,'i.;,~~_'lu '.,,",:, ','.-,,' ::'c_""o'_oI~..:.J.'" - 'irk... . ~~ ~J F,=-~ lr-:; r-J " , We<' ~..j n ~.' F~ ~.' ~ ~,.;--: .. , r! fJ r,-,~ IZ.',,] ."] CO; t""1 l!~ _1 o In f" ~ bl u o fFj L, ~& m-r-' 'f~~lf''7:''~i''~,......'",",:l\\'" ....., , '_" ,I" :.: .' ,e I. , 'I , ('-I ,. " L. ! I' I' I', I: ,. I , I. I" , " , I I:" [, I: ,- I I. li- ",,".-(.' - -- ~'_-=-.." - I.; _