HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 10/19/2006
Oct 19 06 01 :13p
~~~ ~~ uo U~:~lp
541 9.0423
_ Gale Lest
Tme Replanting Plan
p; I
SINd T_ SbeetT_will be pIan!l'd
ea:ll1lside of Ibie ~ Aw'''':''..-.ny 4iB6.trei5
Any ~.g tIra5 ~ ....,.1 au IIhe DIb.~ will (lJUIllt
The devdoperwilll ~samet bees every Ibirty fed
Mcmutam Gale Drive lbcitM....ub lot IlJlau a point .
Ilm: :nl6 for a total of '"n'....,.;;.....IIelIy 35 bees. From
.....Ill I comerolfJotl16lOtbeserondo:ollh.....:Je.
"'~toMDlIJnf3in Gale Driw. Imi5 wiIIIlbe
"'i'J"'''~147 tm5. AnoIher471lm15 will be P
MounfiJin Gale Drive Let...ee.b lots 116 lID 129
~ Devdoper willll'lantstred:tree5 eo< 1hiirty feet:adjacemt to the
Qoo:n:y Park fillJm!loa: 101 to Joit lJ16 b' a IDbl of 311lm15. Due to
~1l!:ia1 pad u>o~ds, !ire Ilree& anJUDd lhe Pad.: may beclluu~ blld!he
flDIaII1l!1IIIber cl tmes wiIlI.6.~.1be SlIDe. Of the stmet trees PO"'" ~ 160 ba5
will be pi'"''''''''' as jn....tir.:ollPd aIxwe,.. tbaIs 5'26 ftJft5 aue 10 !be ~. Each Joitwillll1be
mquireII to pl?;!tlt3 trees in the Jirol1It yard.li ~ :ob~ IOIaJiJmg ~ Cme6.. Thee
stn.'ft" tIra5 wiIlllbe based on die ""l'1'..,..,.,d streed: i.st!or tile Oly of ~
WJIh IIlhat the dIevdopes' Y' "1P" au ph1l .aiDOllbec trees.. 'The deftIIoper willl gt ill
CIlelIit of any trees i2Ved as iIm<'Ii~ m fbe Tree . . SIandards Plan map sbowo in
ydfow asll'~..nSbeettT_ Clumps.. TIle ~ 136 tm501r leis due to a aedit
will be 1"'"'- ~Trad""", Trad: M AM, Tr.Ji "'B'"' and TIl3Id Me"' as deRlIoper
;mdJor Tbe Fu.dltc. Doug Wolf eIeL15 with the type liIize of the tIra5 dirl2tM by
Daug Wolf.
rigbl-olf-wa:yS every fthiirty feet on
be pIaIIltEd. akmJ; the ::>thox1b.
ards 1Ibe 686 SIlRlet tree ClDl1II1lL
follows: Ab1g tIhe 50UIh side ci
-.dn of dIe!lOll1dTeast comer of
. 5iIlIJI2 poD di.~ lfOGIh 011 Ole
,1Iire saiJdiv:ision c;E 57"':) zIlII4i
every IllImty Ceell foe a tota1I of
led on !be ~d-..t side of
3Aa1e......>4_I:..MJ; The~of3
~and "'I't"""..... of The F....~ WoIIf. BwieiI on dirt quality, rodk,..
sIIopes.. eb;. Mr. Wolf wilJl decide ...k..e to plant said. ..,jd.. Trads A. B, C Ie D.
He may aIIso e1Iect to do SCIIl1le...!f.n __I :."'111 wid1in rear slopes of l!oo; lf5-9l, 92-101,.
5'7-61.41,.. 41,. 45,~, 5.1}.52,. Sf and 56 (!hose lots abn11lli TRids A" B" q. CompIetimI
~ on IIbe ...ffu.o:::ot..lion will be prior to ct any home soudIl ct tbe
jp....- I~ CJIf:1de Avrnue amd .........d_:.~-"'fp wbidt indIude IoIs 92-129 as
Shown on pllat CJlflMounlainGaae Wellt.
~____ _~ ~ ~ \D(\'\{:J (;
Madl:V.............ich O;de
SuaTnutl.-d Co.,. LLC
Date Received: 10- I Ii - () r., , 0
Planner: ~ ~ Ild...V\