HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 10/5/2006 . . Page 1 of 1 , DONOVAN James From: DONOVAN James Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 3:54 PM ,. To: . 'Geri Setz' Cc: Vukanovich, Mark Subject: RE: Mt.Gate Phase IV Thank you Mike, please copy me asap with a complete revised permit whenever they get around to issuing it. This will satisfy the condition of plat approval for Phase 4. JD From: Geri Betz[mailto:landplancon@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, October 05,2006 2:52 PM . To: DONOVAN James Subject: Mt.Gate Phase IV Jim, Mark V. called and asked me to give you a status of wetland permits on MountainGate. The original DSL and ACOE permits, plus a couple modifications, permit the construction fills within Phase 4. These permits are included in your subdivision approval file. We have a request to modify the permits to relocate a portion of the mitigation site to the South side of Mt.Gate to make I larger site rather than 2 small ones. Gotten verbal oks for the latest plan from both agencies but the Corps is short staffed and slow to respond. The expanded mitigation site is in the South Cluster, not within Phase 4, and will not affect the platting of Phase 4. Email or call if you have any questions. . .' . h- Mike ~ I" "',' ~..>. ....-;. ..: . ,,'-J ......._ _ ~ ..'., ,.' . '".' ,-If ~ .~ Date Recelvecl: J 0 '5 - () (0 Planner: ," ~.-1ttf.JVt . I D+~(r~ 10/1 0/2006 . . I ,. .1 ~~.~ .' ," '" '~ . --.-...\ 775 Summer Street NE Suite 100 Salem Oregon 97301-1279 Ph 503-378-3805 Fax 503-378-4844. City of Springfield 22S Fifth St Springfield OR 97477 i Friday, April 2, 2004 Page 1 of 2 ) APPLICATION No.: APP0031803 Applicant Name: Wiley Mountain Inc. County: Lane; Waterbody: Wetland; TRSaa: 18S02W03 The Oregon Department of State lands (DSl) has received an application for a project at the above-described location. This application has been assigned to DSl Coordinator Dan Cary, who can be reached'at 503 378-3805 x232. You can read or download a copy of the application via our website: . WVI/VII.statelandsonline'.com Select the County for this project and then click on the application number. The comment period o'n this apptication ends at 5:00 pm on May 2, 2004. - All comments will be evaluated and carafully considered before an authorization Is Issued. Copies of the 'applicablelaws and rules are available on the DSl website. You may also ~ubmit comments or request a copy of the appiication via US mail, fax or by phoning the resource coordinator (Dan Caryl at 503 378-.3805 x232. ':-. .' '. , . We are interested in your comments on this proposal and would be pleased to answer your questions or . provide additional information. Future notifications similar to this letter can be sent to your email address. Please contact us if you are interested. , . PLEASE MARK BOXES BELOW AND, IF NEEDED, SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS IN'THE SPACE PROVIDED OR ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS.' NO RESPONSE BY THE DUE DATE IS PRESUMED TO MEAN "NO COMMENT." I have reviewed the information and offer the following comments: o A permit is required from this agency. Permit type: o The adverse impacts of the project tq water resources, though measurabl~, would not unreasonably impact water resources or unreasonably interfere with navigation, fishing and/or' public recreation. o The reasonably expected adverse impacts of the project would be acceptable if the project design or construction methods were changed/altered (Please explain below). o An aiternative site or design should be investigated (Please explain below). o The project will adversely impact State andlor federally listed species (Please explain below). Date Recfilived: Planner. i 0 -":rn to \f-lcUllNl'::>, Afr- Application No.: APPUU31 !:lU3 Page 2 of 2 o The project will adV.IY impact a known archeological and/~r historlresource site (Please explain beiow). . ' ., o The project will adversely impact water resources. Please list/explain the expected adverse water resource impacts {e.g. loss of fish spawning area, conflicts with recreational boating, loss of high functioning wetland. . o The project will unreasonably interlere with navigation, fishing and or public recreation. o The compensatory mitigation is insufficient to compensate for the reasonable expected adverse impacts of the project. . o We recommend that this permit be denied (Please expiain below). Comments: .. Date: :".. =,'-" Signature:.. _. ::-''-:,'l' :.. : '...; ..':t~ . . . . US Army Corps Of Engineers Portland DIstrict . Joint Permit Application Form THIS APPLlCAIlON W1LL MEET 11m REQUlRFMFNTS OF Bonl AGENCmS Coros Action 1 D Number SEi'i!l ONE SIGNED COPY District Engineer ATTN CENWP-CO-GP PO Box 2946 POltland. OR 9720g-2946 503-808-4373 DIViSION OF STATE LAi-lOS REMiTTANCE a,r.n.= :\(H':NCIE..>::; Wll J. AS.'\IGN Nl)MBF.l~S; Oregon Division of Slate Lands No. '" pl'>~nON TO EACH AGENCY State of Oregon . ~jAR 0 1 2004' Di,ision of State L1Jld~ ,775 SWTImer Street NE Salem, OR 9730 J -1279 503-3n-3805 Business Phone #(541) 726-8523 Home Phone# NA FAX # (541)746-5126 1 , Appl lean! Name and Address Vv'iiey f',..10lUltBln, hlC., l.eeLYll!l, Jne Alben, J:kv. LLC/CnnlHci IvEke Evans P.O. Box 5ig CreswelL OR 9742() , I I I. 1 ; I , OCo-Applicant o Authorized Agent I -- .ConsullU1t Name and Address I Prooe,tv O,mer . I (if different tl13n appl,cant) Patrick S. 'TIlompson Consulting PO Box 1240 Marmla, OR 97454 Business Phone #(541) 933-331 R Home Phone # FAX #(541) 933-2003 Business Phone # Home Phone # ;.. Name and Addrc'Ss FA'\:# PROJECT LOCA nON I Street, Road' or other descriptive location . Legal De<;c,iPlion ! I South of Mam St {McKcn71c Hw\ And (;';'1..-';t of -:;R'f1 I q,i:lf1er Scctinn Tmvilship R,mgc I St , All 1)'\ : IRS 2W , I Tax Map # IR.02-0, , [n or Near (City or '10\'>'0) COllnly L~lne Trlx Lol101 I Springfield I , Waterway River Mile UHitude Longit1tde FEMe Wetl'Uld NA 44" 02' 15" 1220 55'"J 0" , , ,. '. , ... " !'..... ....,. ~ , t ~ i ., , r , " - \.1"... ~i b wn,ent 10 Clhcr 1'101'<:11) g"'''icd ,,) J" ~~6~~~~; I~)~~;~;~~~ ~~~{~~'~~~:: TION I Acrivir.y T)lk': 0; Fill li} Excavation (removal) 0 In-\Vatcr Stmcture 0 Maintain/Repair an Existing StruC-tllrc f Brief Description: ConstOlction of a residential suhdivision and associati.'d infra:>;tn.lchtre I (Fili \viij involve 4! ,000 cubic y'ards rulnualiy alld/or 250.0nO~ ,. ...---=--cubic yards for the fotal prqject I I S35(J.~__cubic yards is wetlands or bclO\v the ordinary high water or high tide line, I 'Fill wlil be 0 Riprap . 0 Rock, .. Grave! 0 Sand. . Silt .0 Clay 0 Organics 0 Other I IFill impact Area is 0.39 ~~_,"__.._Acres~ varies__.,---,-__length: vanes. ___ \\~d[h: varies_.. ...depth I . ,'Removal wiH Involve 25,000_. cubic yards annually and/or 150,OOO~__., ,__cubic yards tor the total project ' 56) _~~.. ___cuhic. yards is wetlands or bdovI' the ordin:lr~' high \",,'(iter Dr high tide line. I l Remov"l.wil! be 0 Rinran 0 Rock 0 Grave! 0 Sand .. Silt .. Cbv 0 Organics 0 Other I !Removal Impact Are..:'! is'O.3'9_.__~J~cres~ length: _________~_\Vidth:. _~__~__depth Is the disposal arCil' Upland'! .. Yes 0 No Wetl,uld / Waterway? 0 Yes 0 No I .~.., o No . ~ i Il Axe .VOll 3\\'3Xe of any Endangered. Species on the prqject site? Arc you avvare of any Cu!tura! Resources on th~ project site? Is the pn~jcct site near a \Vild and Scenic River o Yes .. Yes o Yt$ .0 No ONo "No If:ves, please ex!)lain in the. projecT . description (on page 2, biock 4) "J c:. -t: /,) ""C; e Lj fl' I , , . . P~gc 2 PROPOSED PROJECT PURPOSE & DESCRIPTION o Project Purpose and Need: I To constmct a 239 lot low density subdivision known as Mountain Gate with associated infrastructure such as streets and ) utilities. Phase 3 includes! ()9 lOts and phase 4 includes 130 lots. This project is a master plan development for the City of Springfield. Phfl~c:; and 4 occupy 150 of the total site acreage of 1331l a.eres. Average density-is 1.6 units per acre. which excludes 90 acre, ror open space and park that will be set aside. I Project Description: I'nle, p~oject \\'ill il1~lude construct.ion of a .residentia! subdivisi(:l~ ~nd asso~~iated infrast.~'lJct,llre, such as str~cts and utilities. All mrraSll1Jctura! Improvements. SLJch as, access roads and utIlities are eIther alread),' In place or are readIly extendable from [existing facilities. Standard constructionlllethods will be used to c.onstrucl the project. Fill material for site construction and I I backfill will be obtnined on site. Equipment used will include. scrapers, backhoe, bulldozer. ctc. Site waste that is not usable as fill material will be stockpiled and disposed of at a proper location offsite. [ i I I Estimatcd Start Date JlIlIe I, 2004 Estimated Completion Date December 2010 I I PROJECT IMPACTS AND ALTERNATIVES I I Describe alternr.tive site' and project designs that were considered tn avoid impacts to the \\aterway or "eHand. I Phases! and 2 of thIS subdiVIsion have already bec:n started and the apphcnnt IS nO\v attemptmg to complete Phases 3 and 4 of the subdl\ lSlon v.:tnch IS a pre-approved nl2,;ster plan commumty As such. no altem'atJv(' sires \\("Ie explored Hmvc\cr. I several design changes v.)ere impkmented, to avoid wetland impacts \vh,ere. pi-actical. TIllS design !im~s the \vctialld impacts to west swale to one area for a culvert croSSll1g to"3.ccess the eastern portion nrthc propel1y (D I-A, O.O_~6 acres) and to two PEMe \\'ciJand Impacts. One to a small \vetiand area in the south portion of the propeny to accommodate the radius necessary ,for a curve. in l\.1ountllin Gate Drive (H I-A, 0.027 acres), and t.he other is in part to locate Mountain Gar.e Rd, and associated fiB slope and infrast11Icture, and to maintain propostxl -devations wi~ljn this area, As this area \\!iH be impacted for the afore- men60ned purpose, the property owners \vouid like to re.clai~l t\vo lots a1 this location as well (D 1-8,0.32 acres). See att~lchmcnt B, alternatives analysis for more detail. I . fneS(Tibe what meHSlIres you \~'ill use (before and urter tonstn1c.t.ion) fo miuimiu' impnt.ts to the ...vaten'\':l)' 01. wetland. ! Best Inanagemcnt pracric-l".S \vill be fo!lmvcd at ail times during construction to minimize siltation or other mnoff problems. Properly.' installed si'it baniers (including silt f::1bric fences. stra\\' bak.--s or other matert;ls) \-vill be used and maintained bet,,,,'ccn constf1lction zones and an)' st0n11wat.cr conve:yance'featurcs such as ditches that drain of1sire. lllc 8pplic.-mt is also working with the City of I Springfield to'devciop an approved stomnvater and erosion control phiH for the site, \\.'hich must be approved b;' the City prior to development. 'n,e only change in the hydrologi' will be the one culvert and the detention pond neilher will result in a signiflcant effect I 0:1 t~l~ ~1ydrolog~v' of the site.. .', . . . I NO I i::.-: If necessary. use add!1lonal Shc.c.ts. I . A[)[}ITlONAL INFORMATION ~Adjoining Propert~y Owners and Their Address and Phone Numbers 'i (See Adjoining Property Owners List Attachment 4). . I Has the proposed activity or any related activity received the aHt'ntion of the CO'llS of Engineers or the State of Oregon in the Ipas,. C.g.. wetland delineation. violation, permit. lea,sc request. etc.? . Yes 0 No If yes, \vhat identific.ation nmnbe.r(s) were assigned by fhe respect.ive agencit:s: Corps # 1998- J 241 State of Oregon #"FP- 19503 and \VD 02-0231 Hov,: illClny project drav.'ing sheets arc inc1ud.cd \~'ith t.his npplication? .\ ~__~___ I NOTE A compicle application must include drawings and a loc"tion m~p s"omitted on separate 8 0/, X f\Vill anv m:lterial. construction debris. ll.moff et.c. enter a wetland or waterwa\'? 0 )-.es . No If VOS, ,kscribe th~ type of discharge (above) and show the discharge location ,;" the site plan II sheets t. I , I "1 , ! Page 3 City I ComIty Phmning De mellt Affidavit. (to be tompleted by loc .lll1ing official) o This projec!'is not regnlated by the local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. ~1is project has been reviewed and is c~nsistel1twith the iccal comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. o This project has been reviewed and is not consistent with the local comprehensive plan and zone ordinance. o Consistency of this project with the local planning ordinance ca~no' he determined until the foliow;ng local approval(s)' are obtained: o Conditional Use Approval o Plan Amendment o Other o Development Permit o Zone Change I ,An application OQ,as 0 has not been made for local approvals cheekedahove. . .' . kl rz ~ /!~ /' r:> J1. j/ 1p::J ,- ..:-==-- J1-~.2L-- .... +- ~-1~~lt:1F~!!{ Ii S.~ mture of loCarPlannmg offiCial TItle CIty County COASTAL ZON'E CERTifiCATION ~ , , I , , I , . . IICthe proposed activity described in )'our pe'nnit apphcRljon' is v.-ithin the Oregon coastal 7.0ne, the following certification is required before your application can be processed. A public notice .,~'ill be issued \\'ith fllc.cenifiGi'tion statement \\'hich will be forwarded to llle Oregon Department of Land Conservation ,md De'i-'elopmcnt for it!; concurrence or objection. For additional information on the Oregon Coastal Zone Management: Program, cont.act the dep,H1ment at 11)5 Conti Street NE. Salem, Oregon 97310 or call 503~373-O050. CERTlFICA nON ST A TF:I\IENT 1 certify that, to the beSt of my knowledge and belief, lhe propose-d activity described in thIS application complies \\'ith the approved Oregon Coastal Zene Mflnagerncnt Progmm i10d wiil be completed in R rnanner consistent \\,ith the program I I ,;~~t.gn~e-- ! ~-<,I/O<J Date I SIGNATURE FOR JOINT APPLICATION r I I I I Patric.k S. Thomosotl PjiRt.(rype Name Wetland Specialist Title Application is hereby made for the ,lCiivilies described herein. I cer!.i(y that 1 am familiar \:vith the. information c.onmined in the. j<1pplication, and, to the best ofmj' knmvkctge and b-clie[ th.is information is TntC', complete, and accumle. i further certify that I possess rthe authority to undertake the proposed activities. I understand that ihe granting ofol.her pennits by local, county, Slate or federal ! agencies does 1I0t release me from the requirement of obtaining the permits reCillest'ed before cO!lllncncing the project. f understand that 'payment oft.he required state processing fee docs not .b111arantee permit issuance. ~il:.v...A;..l NIl -~_0C'1A. L Print !Type Name Om,or Title , i 1- . . I Aoplicant Signature I . I certify t.~at f may. act. as the duly aut.horized agent of the applicant. v,e t. . 7 ^ -04- . __~".:1_--,--,------..__.___~_.___.,.__._. Date I Print iT ype Name Title ---.J I 1 i ! Autllorlzed !\gtnt Signature Date. . . Page 4 SUPPLEMENTAL WETLAND nVIPACT INFORMATION' (For Wetland Fills 011ly) I I I ISite Conditions of impact area ImpacI area is 0 Ocean 0 Estua!'\' o River o Lake o Stream o Freshwater \VetJand Note: Estuarian Resource Replacement is re'iuired by state law for p/ojccts involving intertidal or tidal marsh alterations, A I separate Wetlands Resource Compensation Plan may be appended to the application, IHa,s a, wetland deline.1tion been eornplel;d for this site? . Yes 0 No !fyes, by whom Terra SClcnce, Inc,( \\. D 02-(231) , . , i . j',_Dcscribe the existing Ph}'sicai a,n.d biOlOgiCal, character o.f the \\!(':tiand/\~'nte,r~.vrry s:itc by area and t)-'pe of resource. (use separate sheets and photos.lfnc-ecssary). . I The majmity of the site consists of high backs slopes and saddles, and lacks an\, dcfinc-d draimgc patiem or other wetland hyclrologv 1 indicators. However, seve~"al swales. bottomland depressions, and intennittcnt drainages have,defined v.,etiand drainages pattems . I and/or evidence of seasonal pondmg. Both the \vest and south swales occupy the-lowest positions \\~thin their respective drainage' I basins, Runoff from surrounding lip gradient areas collects into dlese swales, nows through defined channels and is disdlarged to the I soutbwest bottomland. n,e swales and associated bottomland wOllld have a Cowardin Classification ofR4UB, PFOA~ PSSC, PEMY I and PFOC TIle swales would have a Hydrogeomorphie (HGM) Classification of Riverine Flow through, and dIe bottomland would have an HGM Classification of Depressional Outt1ow. TI,e vegetation of both arcas is a combination of Oregon Ash(F ACW), willow, I Nootka rose (FAC) and Spiraea (FACW), with Meadow foxtail (F ACW): tall fesclle (F AC-),c,.mas lily (F ACW) and velvet grass 1(1' AC) as the herbacc'OUs vegetation. . ' . ' I Hydrology and Recreational information I' None of the jurisdict.ional wat~rs associated with this prqjcct are subject to 113\'igation or are habitat for fish. l11is is a private suhdivision and nol open to puhlic rccn,',,\tiol1. any rccre:.:nionai OrpOl1t1nltics ".ill he. private and con~aincd within the opcnspa~ I crc3tc.d. ' I ellliural information I A cultural asscSSI;lcnt wa." initiated during phases I and 2 undm: pennlt #AP-fll4.. A mwl oflhrec sites were .located and are in the pr()c-c~s of~bcing investig3!cd those sites were assignc.(\ lhc t()lIowing labels. ~"I ,A-! 261, 3:; LA-6:;7 and.J:1 LA-127(). r I Resource Rcpiac.emcnt ~1itigation Describe measures to be taken to repiace U1l3voidablv impacted v,~etlalld.s resources. I . ' ITI10 applicant would mitigate the loss 01'039 acres of mostly se<lsonall\' sahrrotcd Slope t1at wetland through onsi!c creation 01'0.73 acres of Slope. Flat wetlands within delineated upland area. in the southem ponton of the property. lllis area lies betv,:een t\VO delineated \\'ctlands and would thus create a larger mOrt.'; COlltlgllOllS \vetland \\.'ithin a pOli.ion of the property that is not slated for development. 1 See attached mitigation phm for ::ldditiorud detailS. , ! ~:Bccatlse this infonnatiol1 is not neccssal)' for a complete application, yon may sl.1ornit this sheet and other environmcntai infom13.tion after !\llhmitting your apphc~tion I I i , I I I I I I i j I e . Figure 1 . Site Map e. i--- r I I~ ~ r w IJ I! I ~ '. . . "~h__' ..~ ... t;.: .'~<\ 'h,'J~ .~,' 1, ..' i f; r , I I ! :S'''E i , !~ Yatfkl S'~~1~6~ CONSUL,,'NG !'hon.. (541) 933-331 S Fax (541)933-3319 ~mt"b"i ..L nW<l'p".'u''\ft n^f ,.."""'" Site Map Fig....ull"o 1 ..... " . . . FIgure 2 Mitiga~iol1 ,Plan. ;. ,. I . . Mitigation Plan for MmmtainGate Subdivision Springfield, Oregon Submitted by: Patrick S. Thompson Consulting P.O. Box 1240 Marcola, Oregon 97454 February, 2004 . ,"-, . . Wetland 'A!itigation Pl~n Afountain Gale Subdivlsion. Sprinfdield, O,..e~on Pa"ei EXECUTIVE SUM1\L-\RY This document describes proposed actions that Wiley Mountain, Inc., LeeLynn, Inc., and Alberts Development.LLC the owners and developers of Phase 3 and 4 of the Mountain Gate Subdivision located in T18S, R02W, Sec,03, Tax Lot 303. proposes to take, to mitigate the loss of wetland functions and values due to the on site construction that will take place. On site construction will include a phased Ma~ter rlan, Low Density Residential (LDR) developmcnt providing 239 lots. A total of 0.39 acre~ of wetland will be mitigated for on site through creation of wetlands for phases 3 and 4. Ibe wetlands on the property were delineated by Terra Science Inc. in 2002. The delineation has been col1curred with by Division of State Lands (DSL) and the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (ACOE). This mitigation plan includes.a proposal to create a total of o. 73 acres of Palustrine emergent (Wet Meadow) wetland. These wetlands will be protected from non point source poilution from future adjacent residential properties by a combination of installed inverted elbows and grease traps in the project's street catch basins and manholes and a large detention pond. The detention pond will consist of a siltation collection for-bay, which \\iH over flow into the approved mitigation area for Phases! and 2. An overflow pipe will be installed to allow excess flow from the Phases I and 2 areas to be piped to the proposed wetland mitigation area for Phases 3 and 4 to add additional hydrology to supplement surface flows. . " Phase I and 2 of this project has already been permitted (Corps #1998-1241 and DSL # FP- 19503). The impacts involved in Phase I were to 0.90 acres of wetland and are to be mitigated for onsite. . 1111s mitigation proposal for the remaining phases is a direct result of several meetings with both DSL and the ACOE to formulate a wetland master plan I,n the remainder ofthe project. The purpose of this master plan was to develop a pianthat WOil!d protect as much of the existing wetlands as possible, and to produce a plan that will create future wetlands that will provide for a larger cohesive wetland with increased function, viability and the ability to withstand outside impacts. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document describes proposed actions thai Wiley "'fountain, Inc., LeeLynn, Inc. and Alberts Development, LLC, owners and developers.ofihe Mouiltain Gate subdivision \"ish io take to mitigate the loss of wetland funciions and values due to the proposed construction. The on site constructiOl~ will include a phased LDR subdivision providing a total of 239 lots, A total of 0.39 acres of wetland will be mitigated for on site, through cre>ltion of wetl&'1ds in phases 3 and 4. The purpose oflhis plan is to show compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Patrick S. ihomp-son Consulting (54i) 933-33i8 . TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUlv1MARY .... INTRODUCTION.. .. 1.1. Location & Prqjec.l De-scription. 1.2 Responsible Parties". . . 1.3 Function and Value of Mitigated Wetlands. . PROPOSED MITIGATION.. 2.1 Goa!s and Objectives.... 2.1.1 Hydro!ogy.. 21.2 Vegetation ... Function Impacted hy the propose.d Mitigation.. Design Assuniptions.. Design Details.. 2.4.1 \Vat.er Sources.. 2.4.2 V~gctation,. . 2.4.3 Grading and Erosion Control 2.4.4 Operation~ Schedule... 1.0 2.0 2.2 ., 0 ....-, 24 J.O MONITORING PLAN... CONTINGENCY PLAN... 4. I Funding. 4.2 Rcsponsible Parties. 4.0 5.0 LONG TERM PROTECTION.. 60 FINAL CONCLUSIONS. LIST OF FIGURES Figure I Figm"e .2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Site Map Mitigation Plan Typical Cross-Sect;ons Planting Plem Cross Section Pkll\! Species List Plant. Contrac.lor Notes <111d Plnnting Dc{ail LIST OF A'ITACHMENTS Attachment A Attachment B Attac.hment C AUachmcr~ D Attachment. E Attachment. F A ttachmcnt G Alternatives Anal~':sis Drafi. of Band Restrictive COVCn3!lt Lnngllage Adjoining Property Owners List/Labels !)e!illcat.ed \Vetlands MJ'lp and Concurrence leUe.r Previously Approved ivritigation Area Map Cornpens-atory I\'fitigation Form . ..........1 HH.2 .3 ...4 ...... ..4 H4 .. .....4 ... ...6 ........6 .....6 ............i . ...7 . .7 ....7 .. ........7 H8 ....8 ..8 i .8 .... <) Palik'/..' S'. Thr)ftlp.1;rm COlf.whing (54 T) 933-3318 . . Wetiand Mitigation PIon Mountain Gate Subdivision, SprinR.fiela: OrcJ!on Pafl:e2 applicable Oregon Revised Statutes proposing logical actions that, when successfully implemented, will restore the wetland functions and values lost due to the construction activity. U Location & Project Description The project area is located in the City of Springfield, in-between Main Street and the old Weyerhaeuser Road (see Site Map - Figure I). TIle site is located in 1I8S, R02W, Sec. 03 Tax Lot 303. The property has been used historically for cattle grazing, timber production and as a rock quarry. . f i I f- I On site mitigation will he occurring to compensate for the development of 0.39 acres of wetland that is somewhat degraded from past agricultural practices. TIle mitigation will create wetland to make a larger contiguous wetland. adding 0.73 acres of created wetlands to the existing ansiie wetlands in the southern portion of the property. The 0.73 acres of wetland creation will generate a total of 0.48 credit acres (0.73 ac @ 1.5:1 = 0.48). The actual credit need is exceeded by 0.09 credit acres; however, we will do the entire area in order to connect all of the existing wetland to the newly created wetland proposed. This will result ill an increase of wetlands forming a larger contiguous wetland that lies within the lowest position in the landscape on the southern portion of the. property. TIle actual credit r .j ! The proposed impact is to 0.39 acres of wetland. The impacted wetlands are to wetlands with a hydrogeomorphic (HGM) classification of Flat Slope and Riverine Flow Through. These areas consist of 0.39 acres in three separate areas of natural seep slope and surface fiow drainage from the higher elevations on the property. The vegetation in these areas. consists primarily of a mixture of pasture type grasses and weeds. . 'O,e meetings mentioned above held with the DSL and ACOE, both on site and at the DSL and ACOE offices, were to detemline how to hest approach a master plan for the entire site. The existing wetlands were looked at to determine what areas could be developed and have the least impact to the overall we.tlands as a whole.. We then looked at how those. wetland areas proposed to be impacted could be mitigated for and what benefits the mitigation might have. to the overall wellands as well as adjacent wetlands. This was done in order to look at a broader picture of what this area and the surrounding areas mightJook like, and be able to contribute to the overall resources within the local geographical area. TIle design efforts of the plan were to create wetlands that would . become part of a much larger contiguous wetland area located in a portion of the property that y,~llnot be impacted by development and could he linked to other wetland systems on adjacent properties all of which will help contrihute to stonnwater control andquality for the City of Springfield. The function and value of the proposed mitigation project should exceed that of the wetlands to be impacted and will be located in an area that is not proposed for development. -nle.rnitigation site will be retained as openspace with the Mountain Gate development that is anticipated to ultimately bee-orne a part of the. Willamalane Park Districts park and open space system. Patrick S. 17.ompson Cnnsu/ring (54/) 933.3318 . . Wetland A1itigation Plan Moun/oill Gare Subdh'ision. Sorinfdieid, O,.eRon PaRe] 1.2 Responsible Parties Applicant and Owner Wiley Mountain, Inc., Lee Lynn, Inc., Albeti~ Dev. LLC P.O. Box518 . Creswell, OR 97426 Owner COlltact Mike Evans Land Planning Consultants 1071 Harlow Rd. Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-8523 . Wetland Consultant Patrick S. Thompson Consulting P.O. Box 1240 Marcola, OregOll' 97454 Phone: (541) 933-3318 Fax: (541) 933-2003 1.3 Function Assessment of Impacted and Mitigation Wetlands .. ..i l I 'n,e wetlands on the project site were delineated by Terra Science, Inc. in 2002 and have been concurred with by DSL and the ACOE. A total of 4.66 acres of wetlands were delineated on the property. A previous Joint Removal fill permit and mitigation plan . (ACOE #1998-1241 and DSL # FP-19503) was approved for 0.90 acres of impact involved in Phases I and 2. This application is for 0.39 acres of additional impact associated with the master plan development for Phases 3 and 4, There will be no wetland impacts associated with Phase 3. However, Phase 4 ",'ill require some additional impact in order to construct Mountain Gate Drive. For the exact loc.ation of these additional impact areas see Figure 2 Mitigation Plnn. i. There is a description of onsite wetlands in Section I. I Project Loc.atio!l and Description above. A more detailed'description of vegetation. hydrology, and soil1 can be found in the delineation report. Table 1 is an HGM assessment of both the impacted wetlands and the p.rojected functions of the proposed mitigation area. Table 1- Wetland Functions for the 1m acted and the Pro used Mitiaated Wetlands , Functional assessment Impacted Werlands Mitigation \Vetlands w 2.Sediment Stabilization and Phos horus Retention Moderate Moderate I 3_Nitroo-en Removal Moderale Hi-h 4. Thermore U latetion Moderate Moderate Patrick S. Thompson COnfmlting (54i) 933-33/8 . . f.l?etlana' A1itigation Plan Mountain Gate Subdivision. Sprinftfie/d, OreRon Page 4 !. d' Moderate, Mode-rate 5.Pnman.l Pro ucnon 6.Resident Fish Habitat Sunnort NA NA I 7.Anadrornous Fish Habitat NA . NA -,- Moderate to Hi.m 8.lnvertabrate. Habitat Sunmf1 Low to Moderate I Moderate 9.Amphibian and TUftle Habitat Low IO.Breeding Water bird Support LOll,.' I Low I 11. Wintering and Migratory Watei bird SUppori' Low Low - I I 12. Songbird Habitat Support I.ow to Modernte High 13. Support of Characteristic Vegetation Low Moderate As can be seen in the above table the proposed compensatory mitigation project is expected to provide gains in almost all wetland functions and most significantly improved functions of water storage delay, ~itrogen removal, invertebrate. habitat support, amphibian and turtle habitat, songbird habitat support and support of characteristic vegetation. 2.0 PROPOSED MITIGATION 2.1 Goals and Objectives The goal of the mitigation is to create 073 acres of seasonally flooded Palustrine' Emergent wetland. The created wetland area will be graded to approximately the same slope as the surrounding existing wetlands and.fed via a small existing drainage ditch and surface flow from the surrounding hillsides.' These water sources will be collected within a small trough like depression at the upper'edge of the created seep slope. This trough wili be graded level so that the water will sheet Dow evenlv across the constructed wetlands ~ . ~ . creating a slope flat wetland. Alto 1.5 foot convoluted berm ",ill be constructed at the downJ~iH edge of Zone 2 to c.fe~te a more diverse'Pa!t!strine etnergent plant c.O!l11nunity within the wetter area near the lower portion of the creation area (See D-D Cross . Section). The houndaries orthe existing wetlands will be surveyed prior to construction of the created wetlands and a four jt)ot'high hright orange construction fence will be put in place so that it is clear where the construction limits are. The excavation will be conducted by a hydraulic excavator reaching in from upland positions outside the wetland area to make sure that no inl-pacts wiH occur to the existing wetlands. In general, the constructed wetiand area \viII be exc.avated to ret1!ove the non native/non wetland vegetation and to lower the position in the landscape to that of the existing Patrick S. Thomp.\'on Consulting (54!) 933-3318 . . Wetland Mitigation Plan A{ountain Gate Subdivision, SvrinJ!./ield, Ore~on PaKe5 wetland areas. TIle bottom of the excavated areas will have a very subtle undulating topography, and the sides of the' excavated wetland areas will be convoluted to assure a natural wetland configuration. A restrictive covenant or other approved document wi Ii be placed on the mitigated wetlands as well as the existing wetlands. This will create an. entire protected eeo-system that wiil remain an oasis in the quickly developing urban environment: 111is created wetland will add to the overall acreage of the wetlands, improve the water quality, provide longer seasonal saturation, improve the wildlife habitat and expand the wetland so that the perimeter to area ratio wili be smaller, which will allow a large contiguous wetland to f'lIlction with less intrusion from urbanimtion, 2.1.1 Hydrology Objective To create 0.73 acres of wetland through inc.reasing the hydrology in an upland area. This will be accomplished by a combination of activities including: )> Capture surface flows in a shallow trough at the upper edge of the , mitigation area which will aHow the water to sheet flow evenly across the entire constructed wetland area. . >> Lowering the overall elevation of the adjacent upland areas between 1 and 2 feet in elevation. )> Creating low bemlS on the down slope portions of the project to decrease mnoff and increase detentIon time. 2. I .2 Vegetation Objective: The created wetland areas will he dominated (at least 70% cover) by desirable wetland vegetation. Zone! will consist of wet meadow/emergent vegetation and Zone 2 \>.~I! be dominated by a more obligate vegetation community, such as .funcus patens, Carex ohl1upta and Scirpus microca1]JUs. Performance Standard Zones 1 and 2: By year' two after initial planting herbaceous species wiII have at least 70% cover of the species planted. A combination of both planted and volunteers will be used to determine this c.over rate. No more than 15% of the individua[s\viH be invasive, undesirable herbaceous species' and no more than 50% cover of anyone plant species. These ratios will be maintained throughout the monitoring period. A combination of both planted and volunteers will be used to detennine this cover rate. These ratios will be maintained throughout the monitoring period. 'Non-native, undesirable species to be included: reed canary grass (Fha/aris arundil1acea), purple loosestrife, (Lythrum salicaria), Canadian rhistle (Cirsium arvel1se). Scotch broom (Cylisus Pat~.ick S. Thompson Consulting (541) 933-3318 . . J}'etland .Mitigation Plan Alountain Gate Subdil'ision, Svrinrd'ield. CkcRon Par<e6 scoparius). Himalayan blackberry (RI/bus discolor). and tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea). . Methodology: Three sample plots in each of the created wetland zones will be assessed according to the performance standards. The sample plots will be randomly placed within each of the created or enhanced wetlands areas. Each herbaceous layer sample point is the ce.nter of a circular plot, the diameter of which will be a minimum of 10 feet. Established site photo stations will be used in each of the monitoring years to provide a visual record of the overail health of the wetland vegetation. Photo station locations are included on the Mitigation Plan (Figure 2). , 2.2 FlInction lmpacted hy th~ Proposed Mitigation There will be no long-term adverse impacts during construction of the proposed mitigation. Some minimal impacts will occur when newly created wetland areas are joined to existing wetlands. During the creation process there will be short term impacts to the existing wetlimd. Site work will be conducted during the dry weather months to . decrease possible turbiqity problems, and hay hale~ and erosion control harriers will be put in place prior to beginning excavation. .' 2.3 Design Assumptions Succes~ful implementation of this mitigation plan assumes that normal rainfall will occur over the establishment area and mLinitoring period, (nomml rainfall being consistent with historic precipitation in regards to amount, form, and seasonality). This assumption is necessary in order for surface water to serve as the primary hydrologic connection. In addition~ it is assumed that sufficient plant material will be available to execute tire plan. Suppliers have been identified in Horllis Wes', 1999 Volume 10, Issue I, for each species proposed, however. none were specifically eontacted as of this report for verification of particular plant materia! stock on hand, In tbe event that the prescribed speeies are unavailahie~ other native. wetland plants c.3pable ofprqyiding similar functions will be substituted. Finally, due to the complex nature of successfully creating \verlallds, a trained wetland specialist will be the ,wetland projed manager and he' on site for the majority of tbe nlitigation work. 2.4 Design Hetails The mitigation pla.fl shows tbe detailed site and planting plan tor this mitigation effort. The following will detail measures to be taken regarding water sources, grading and erosion control, vegetation establishment, and the operational schedule. . '. Patrick S Thompson Conwftinf!, (54i) 933-33i8 . . Wetland kfitigation Plan li..fauntain Gale Subdivision. SvrinJdield, OreRon P(lf[e 7 2.4.1 Water Sources The hydrologic source fm the proposed created wetlands is a combination of exiting precipitation, existing surface water runoff, and the seasonal high water . . . table of the area. 2.4.2 Vegetation As soon as possible after construction the wetland areas will be planted with the species, amounts, and in the locations shown on the planting plan (Figure 4). If the planting is delayed for some reason, such as it is the wrong season for planting, the entire area will be seeded to alleviate the threat of erosion. The temporary seedi11g will be done with a mulch-seed mixture consisting of red fescue (Festuca rubra) at four pOlll1ds per acre; and western manna grass, (Glyceria occidentolis) at two pounds per acre. Available native upland grass species will be included for any disturbed upland arellS. 2.4.3 Grading and Erosion Control The proposed created wetland areas wiil be graded by hydraulic excavator, scraper, or bulldozer to the designed elevations and gradients to supply the prescribed saturation levds outlined in the proposed mitigation pllLfl. The grading will be accomplished by working from the upland areas and reaching into the creation areas to the fenced existing wetland boundary line. This will be done for the purpose of linking the existing to the created wetland. and will be done so as to create as little disturba~ce as possible. Site work will be conducted during the dry weather months to decrease possible turbidity problems. Every opportunity to use equipment that causes the least amount of disturblLflce to the area, such as rubber tired, or equipment that can reach in rather than tread on the area wili taken. 2.4.4 Operations Schedule The development of the mitigation site will take place during the summer months as soon as the ground is workabie foJiowing acceptance of this phm by DSL aJld the ACOE. Planting of the mitigation site wili begin once the hydrology of this phase has proven successful, and upon indication from DSL and the ACOE that this plan is acceptable. 3.0 MONITORING PLAN Photos will be taken throughout the summer and fall months to verifY that the hydrology will be adequate to assure success of this plan. These photos will also be submitted to DSL &'1d the ACOE for review. An initial vegetation survival survey will be completed in the spring following the planting of the site and then again in the fat! to document planting success and to Patrick S. Thompson Consuitil1:? (54/) 933-33/8 . . ~Vetla!1d 'Alitigarion PLan Afountain Gate Suhdivision, Sprinf!field, Ore}!on Paf!.e8 initiate any remedial action that might be required to meet the applicable perfomlance standards. The results of the fall vegetation survey, as well as the as-huilt survey vvill be induded in the first annual monitoring report to DSL and the ACOE. Additional monitoring reports v.~li be filed with the DSL and t..'le ACOE every year for the five years that is required. These reports will 'specifically address how weil progress towards the performance standards is being achieved; as well as remedies that were taken, to correct any , deficiencies that might have occurred in meeting the prescribed standards after approval by the DSL a.'1d, the ACOE. Four permanent photo points providing representative perspectives oftl1e mitigation area will be set and surveyed. One color photo from each photo point will be included in each annual report. 4.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN In the event that the necessary inspections and surveys indicate that failure to meet one or more 'performance standards is probable, an analysis will be conducted to determine the cause or causes oftne impending failure. An immediate actionplan wi!! be implemented to bring the mitigation elfort back on track to meet the prescribed perfomlance standards. Particular attention wi!! be given to monitoring the status of the wetland species (F AC, F ACW, and OBL) to insure that they are becoming stable at the levels necessary to meet the hydrophytic vegetation criteria , 4.1 Funding The proposed mitigation is a total of O. 73 acres and will require a bond be posted with DSL and the ACOE. The bond will be supplied by the applicant upon approval of tile mitigation plan. A copy of the DRAFT borid la'1guage is included as Attachnient 2. 4.2 Responsible Parties The following individual will be n!spon~:ible for the implementation and monitoring of the Sl1ccess oftlle mitigation plml. . \Viie-y tviountain, Inc_ LeeLynn, Inc., Alberts Dev. LLC P.O. Box 5!8 Creswell, OR 97477 5.0 LONG TERM PROTECTION The mitigation area is owned by Wiley Mountain, Inc., Lynn, Inc. and Albells Development LLC. A restrictive covenant and or olher protection as decmed appropriate by DSL and the ACOE will be placed on the mitigated wetland area for future. protection. Wiley Mountain, Inc., LeeLynn, Inc. and Alberts Development LLC is in the process of working \\~th Greg Hyde, of the WillamllJane Park lmd Recreation District of Springfield to create open space within the project and a long ienn maintenance plan '(,r the created wetlands proposed as ,[}atrick S. Thompson Consulting (54l) 933-3318 . . Weiland Mitigaliol1 Plan J,..{ountain Gate Subdivision, Svrinfdield, Oree.on Paf<e9 mitigation for all phases of this project. A homeO\~l1ers association will also be formed wit.'1 CC&R's that will provide additional long tenn protection fC)T the existing and created wetla11ds. 6.0 FINAL CONCLUSIONS The successful completion of this mitigation plan will enable the property owner to best utilize the property within the residentiaily zoned area of the City of Springfield. They ",ili be able to replace the somewhat degraded wetland lost dlle to the development through onsite mitigation. The mitigation area will be outside the proposed development area, and will contri bute high wildlife, aesthetic. and impact resiliency values. that will be protected by a restrictive covenant or other type of permane.nt protection. Pmrick S. Thompson Consulting (54/) 933-j] f8 . . Figure 3 ; j. r ! r ; I I I ; i I : I ! , , i i ,'. ! , . i i . I , ! Typical Cross Sections For Proposed, Itupact Areas . i [ . . N ~ ~ o 0_ H- len r'l ("") --/ o z: rn I rn ;v -.,- ~t.=~ ~. :>> s<("") );:0---1 'e::>- <",,,,, ocr>cr> , ,. ~ I~ 0 cr>..,.1 Il~CO t..'1 Cl II Ono o c:- n~~ en ~-<~ ("")>;0 -<"""'" :>C1lf) ;oVl o t/) ~ F' ,. z o C '" " ;0 o " o t/) cr> o C:> ;0 O. C Z o '" x Vi oj z: (;0 9 o c z: o l____..... -,- , ,'-' ,j :;:0 !'-J 0 ~ 0 -.i )> 5" -~ ,- n :T Z a (,j II '1 :;:0 '" '" J> "-' -j u () ~ T ., -. () I Vi ~ , C) I ~ F _J.. ,-- \ 0 f'l \ \ , , \ \jFRTIC/\LCR,l\PiIIC: SU\I I:: '," .~ ; m-~ __H_, 1..Iil!i........ ",,~Jj'J_H_ to 70 _~~~. ,J ( iN FFFl ) 1 inch j() It. . :;O::::'J~ CTl,,, ::;:0;:,>- 0<::0 <0-'-' :>>'J> r-C:o <S::::;-n Of""""l:p E:tlO ~L-J":" en> " 0 ~II '-" " Co Q~O '-~~~ 92"-<01 C)>> --<;:On > Otn :0 :0 CTl <:) en en . 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( 1.33.3 Nf ) . -". ~m-l I___~ ,~ IIlllIl ~ Cd 0 O~ '''1 H .J'..J \ ", ".II. UV OJ ll;i 'ii' >-Jl ^ ) . "-' ...L ,:.:1_.1\ ){ CJ Z ::J o '" '-" o LU <f) o Q. o '" Q. /) -~. ~'-.J 1, " ...-.... -., . -, - -< w ""' z o _ I'--J -:~ a z ::J ~4'-... -.: '-" '-" - z >= ,n X I,d "'--:=1. ;;.'."; ~ f:~ r-J .....;.~ l.w _S-' t5 "':', hi . o I o ,- ~ o I-- U LLJ UJ / . . . , Figure 5 <. Plant Species List < , , , . . MOUNT AINGA TE SUBDIVISION PHASE 4 MITIGATION PLANT SPECIES LIST Herbaceous Species. Common name Botanical Name Size Size SpaciQft Zone Status Quantitv Small-fruited bulrush ScirplJs microcarpus rz clumps 3' oc 2 GBL 1000 Slough sedge Carex obnupta rz clumps 3' DC 2 GBL iooo Spreading rush Juncus patens rz clumps 3' oc 2 FACW 500 Common camas Camassia quamash sd Broad"ast 1&2 FACW 31b Spike primrose Epiiobium densiffora sd Broadcast 1&2 FAC 11b Grass Species Common name Botanical Name Size Size SpacinqZone Status Quantity Slough grass Beckmania syzigachne sd Broadcast 1&2 GBL 21b/ac Meadow barley Hordeum brachyath~rum sd Broadcast 1&2 FAC+ 21b/ac Creeping red fescue Festuca rubra Broadcast 1&2 FAC. 21blac Tufted hair grass Western manna Grass Deschampsia cespitosa sd Glyceria sd Occioontalls Broadcast Broadcast 1&2 1&2 FACIN 21blac FACW 21blac rz = rhizome sd = seed DC::::: on center clumps = 5-10 rhizomes .' Note: Species are dependent upon availability at time of pl;mting. If unavailable, a suitable wet/and native replacement will be substituted. Figm-e 5 Plant Species List . e. Figure.. 6 Plant Contractor Notes . and Plantillg' Details , . . Piantinll Contractm' Notes: I.. Contractor shall verify ail planting qtl8ntities, measurements and site conditions. 2. Work seqnence involves five steps. ^) Clearing and grubbing of created wetland areas. B) Grading according to grading plan. C) Revi.,e grading if necessary. 0) InstaU plants and seed. .3. /\ pre-grading meeting will he held with the contractor and wetland spedalist to discuss' concerns. Contractor shari notify wetland speciali,t at least five working day~ prior to initiation of any work to coordinate this meeting: 4. ^ post grading meeting will be held with contaclor and wetland specialist to review grading. Contact wetland specialist at least five working days prior to this meeting. 5. Provide wctland ,peciali,t with nursery "shipping lisr' to verify proper species and quantity at post grading in,pection meeting. . 6. Landscape contractor shaH delineate proposed planting areas by staking or other readiiy visible means for wetland specialist review at post grading meeting (ie) Outline emergent plant areas; show beginning and end of shrub drifts or outline areas; mark tree locations. Some field adjustment maybe necessary to reflect actual grading. No planting will.he prefonned before this mceting. . . 7. Planting period is weather dependent and pl81!ting sequellceshall be adjusted according to soil moislure. All planlingsshall be complete by the thirtieth of November unless planting period is extended by thc wetland specialist as a result of .continued mild weather. Herbaceous wethnd may be planted in late slimmer if groundwater moistens those planting areas. However, woody plant materials shall not he planted until fall rains have moistened uplond locations. 8. Keep emergent wetland plilIltS soturated and shaded until installation. Saturate emergent planting areas after plont instal!ation. 9. Plant \vcHand species in an irregular, "clumped" ~p:icing pattern that averages trian-gni<lted di~ances. Trees and shrubs to be pl:mtt.-.d as shown on the pian. to. Lke must:foom compost (or other approved muIch) under trees and. shrubs. 11. Rroadcast seed in wetland areas shown on plans. Erosion control measures shall be maintained until site is completely ~egetated. '2. ^H plants, material. pl~ntitlg and !->ecding activities shan confonn to nonnnl_ ,"noseape industry stondards. J 3. Contractor shall control any blackbelTies, reed C"Mry grass, purple loosestrife, and te-~sel by methods approved by the wetland specialist, should these weeds develop 011 site during \~3rranty period. , ,~ . . ---- MUlCI-! -- 2" MIN. /-- FiNISI-! GRADE / . . ,1-'---- NATI\/f: SOIL WITI-l 2 E_ . FERTlL IZER TABS -'_ry~l: AT 1/3 PIT DEPT!-! - "',----- - .. ,_u__ EXISTING SUBGRADE 5~RUB PLANTING PET AIL NOT TO SCAL E . TREE TIES b" -~-'-'-'-'_."- . r--1ULC1=J 2" 1'1 IN_ ROOT CROU.N I" ,~BOVE SURROUNDING GRADE, REMOVE BURLAP AND ROOT PRUNE IF NECESS/lPf ' BERM FlNIS/-j GRADE ~jATIVE SOIL IlilTI-! 3 PLANTING TABS /l. T 1/3 PIT DEPH~ UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE /~ ~~ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ',~ ~ % /~~ K~\ 0:~, ~~~ -.. ~~~~ i/(~~~. ~'<:~~~~, ),;, WV>0y>$> PROPER DEPTI-I VERTlc.~L POSITiON CORRECT PROPERL', .TAMPED cot-1PETING VEGETATION REI'TOvED PL'\NlING DEPRESSION CREATED, . . . '( /V'-.~V >::~~ ---- /~' A0 ~~ ~V'" /, //, //, // PLANTED TOO DEEP [Ulll CAUSE STEl-l ROT llND DEATI~ ~~'f/4'- ~ ' .~ ' ~ ~~~--- }:t~-0 /, / /. / // / PLANTED TOO ~IGH ROOTS APT TO DRY our 'F /~ , \ ~ 'T ',>- 1uJf, 1'-.~~~rJ!if$; VV/, .tY~ i/'-./ 1/'/> r'-. "-:<:1: v, ".'V"-,-.... "'-./1 /""/ ' ~V /ly/ /)y / "-~~~ f"LNHED AT ,ANC,lE CAUSES CRooKED STEI-1S INCORRECT 10 CUBIC INCt-! 6\ PLu:".IN5TALLATION DETAIL CV NOT TO .oC/.LE . . BARE - ROOT cLUl"lP (TAMP SOIL WELL AROUND CI.Ut1PS) RHIZOME ----.,.---- FINIS~ GRADE --~-\ - BULB OR TU~,- ' '~ \ ' ,_. '\y /' L_III:::JI - - -- . 1::':11 [-:IIC.::I ~.-jn-.,lDfr~~--" ':;P ~n~fi' n I m-~l 'l~~rll,l'I-III~11 '-=:111,::111=111 II ,-, I I ==,-1 '=111_11\ 111=''-' ,,[11- 1l::=111 Ill. 111= ""'-III.ITUV ~~~~IN~~-GFCCfl~~_____j , - WETLANDS (1 ~;,:::~:.cEOUS PLANTING DETAIL ~~/. . -> . . Attachnlent A Alternatives Al1alysis . . LAl\fD PLANNING CONSULT.t,,"lTS 107:1 HARLOW ROAD SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone 541-726-8523 FebIlJary 25, 2004 Oregon Division of State Lands/US f\rmy Corps of Engineers 775 Summer Street NE Salem, OR 97301- i 279 RE: Oregon Division of Stale Lands/US Anny Corps of Engineers Permit Application No. FP 19503 (DSL)& No. 1998-01241 (Corps) MountainGate Development, Springlleld, Orcl\on Dear Me. Cary and Ms Hanson, As you are aware the permits referenced above were issued in September 2003 to permit the filling of 0.90 acres required for street and detention pond construction within Phase I of the MountainGate develol1menL That Corps penllit also approved additional impacts . anticipated for the remaining pOltionsofthe entire MOllntainGate project although detailed plans for street locations and designs had not yet been developed or approved by the City of Springfield. ," " Detailed construction designs for additional phases (3 and 4) of MOllfltainGate have now been prepared and are expected to beiapproved by the rity in early March. Phase 3 will extend Park Drive around the east side of the 60 acre M.ountain Park to connect with Ivy Street:. Phase 3 will not impact any wetlands or drainageways in addition to the two crossings WM-I and WC-I authorized by the previous Corps pennit The previous Corps permit approved bne street crossing at D-l that will impact 0.036 acres. Street alignment and cutting arid filling necessary to develop the property as currently proposed would impact an a'dditional 0.35 acre that is not authorized by the current Corps pennit. The DSL peml!t involves the total 0.39 acres that would be impacted within Phase 4. During our preappI!cation meeting on February 12, 2004 tv1s. Har~son requested us to provide an alternatives analygis for the devcJo.pmenl a~ proposed. Although there rnay be different f()rmat you would prefer I submit the following Rnalysis far your consideration to explain our efforts to avoid ill1pact~ to wetlands and waterways. . . Backgroun.fl: MountainGate is a 330 acre parcel located south of Main Street in the eastern portion of the Springfield urban growthbollndary. It is designated as Low Density Residential on the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Comprehensive Plan. T\.follntainGate underwent a five year process for a'Masler Planned residential development tbat was granted final approval on Ivlay 11, 1998. The approved Master Plan requires that approximately 90 acres be set aside for park and open space including West Park facing 58'1, Street, Mountain Park in the center, Quarry Park in the South, Archaenlogical Site 35LA657 and connecting accessways 800 residentiallInits were approved including 300 units within two cluster developments on 30 acres and 500 single family units on 210 ac.res. The single family residential density excluding clusters, parks. and open space "'as approved at 2.4 units per acre. The current owners acquired the property in March 200 I, prior to submittal of any detailed designs to the City of Springfield for any of the several anticipated subdivision phases. Phases 1 and 2 were soon thereafter submitted to the City for subdivision approval which \va$ i~stled in rv1ay of 2002. During. the Master Plan review and approval process a wetland delineation was done for the Phase I and 2 areas hut did not include the other part of IvlountainGate. Although not shown in detail, it is fairly clear (hat the original Master Pian had intended to locate the existing drainageway and possibly the adjacent weilands along the back lines of lots. It is unknown whether the original owners underestimated the amount of wetlands or had intended to fill large portions of them 10 achieve the approved design Shortly after acquiring MountainGate the current owners engaged Terra Science Inc. to conduct a wetland delineation for the entire project, The delineation was granted concurrence by DSL on July 24, 2002. This delineation revealed that the street and lot pattern designed within the approved l'vlaster Plan would require signiftcant filling of wetland in order to be developed. At least 22 lots could not be built upon without the filling of wetlands; the main coliector street (r'v1ountainGate Drive) cro5sed \.vetlands a.t t\VO locations for a distance of about 200 feet; and secondary roads crossed \verlands fi)r about! 00 feet ill aile location and \.vould have filled edges of wetlands in several other locations. It is estimated that at least 80 percent (] acres) oCthe wetlands within Phase 4 would I,ave to be filled in order to develop it as designed. R~de$.ign~,Otl~iderations: The Master Plan approval contained 61 conditions, several of which were imposed to carry forwar'd requirements that were otherwise applicahle through Metro Pian Policies, 2 . . speCial studies and City code. Some of these dictate elements of the Master Plan design that could not be changed. They include the follo'ving: - - ~ I. Mountain Park, West Park, Quarry Park and archaeological site 3SLA657 are required to be protected as op~n s'pace by a Statewide Planning Goa! 5 ESEE analysis adopted by Springfield in 1985. The arch site boundary cannot be altered and only minor alteration of park boundaries is permitted. . 2. MountainGate Drive is a collector street that is required to be extended from a future lighted intersection at Idain Street south through the development to connect with 57th Place and ultimately 1-105. Conditions establish timelines required for this filii street conhection (3 years after any extension south of Phase. J). .j. Approval for the two cluster developments were independent land use decisions that were incorporated into the. Master Plan approval. The locations where they are approved are site specific. ;They may be revised to slightly adjust size and configuration but must substantially conform \,vith the locations approved. 4. Dead end streets (cul-de-sacs) 'are limited to 400 feet. Street connectivity for secondary access is required. Given these factors we looked at nUmerous alternatives that could recognize these limitations and requirements and also be consistent with the approval for the overall ".laster Plan development pattern Our priorities were to reloc.ate MountainGate to avoid crossings; to reloc~te secondary ac.ces~ roads to minimize crossings to only those required to meet City connectivity requirements; and to relocate or eliminate lots to minimize .impacts to wetlands. Our ultimate selection of alternatives for the priorities above are included in the current proposed development design as discussed bela,\,: , I. MountainGate Drive Location:. , The original Master Plan showed Ivloul,tainGate extending south from Phase I bv crossing the north end of wetland D, p~r?.lIeling the west ;ide o[the wetland the,; crossing the south part of the wetland and cOl1linuing south. The engineer considered'several alternJti\'es for rv10ulllainGate Drive that would maintain its location west of wetland D ?,Iid aiso:meet vertical and horizontal curve standards. AI! ofthc alternatives required crossing the wetlands. Therefore, MountainGate has been relocated to the east side of wetland D to avoid any cros."ings. I.t is as far east as practical lo.avoid a steeper grade just south of Phase J and (0 maintain the north cluster location and park boundaries Fill required to nieet street grades wil! impact a smaJl isolated wetland (H-I A) southeast of the quarrx , .' . . 2. Secondary StreetS: The originall\.1aster Plan shows a secondary street t.hat would impact wetland D to some extent for a distance of approximately 800 lineal feet. . The secondary streets have been relocated to the west side of the wetland Only one crossing exists at the narrowest part of the wetland to provide required secondary access and street connectivity The previous Corps permit has approved this crossing at D-I. 3. Lot Pattern and Density The original Master Plan included 226 lots within the area encompassing Phase 4. In efforts to avoid impacting wetlands the number of lot.s has been reduced to 139, which is 62 percent of the original approval. The original planned density of 24 units per acre has been reduced to 1.6 units per acre within the proposed Phase 4 design. Except at one location discussed below, no wetlands are located within lot boundaries. An open space corridor between back lot lines will include the wetland area within a protected area. . The development proposed would require filling a 14,000 square foot portion of wetland within Lots 50 and 51 adjacent to MountainGate Drive ^side ft'om the economic issues of not including these lots-within the development there are several practical reasons for requesting a permit to fill. MountainGate Drive has been relocated as far east as practical to achieve desirable street grade and to maintain the n01th c"'ster and park boundaries. Street construction and lot grading require filling on the west side of Mountain Gate for both stabiiity and aesthetic value. it is desirable to extend the fill from the southwest corner of Lot 49 straight south to the northwest corner of Lot 52. The alternative is to have fiii slope along the south houndary of Lot 49, the west side of MountainGate and the north boundary of Lot 52. The resuliing appearance is not desirable in this development where street trees, landscaped yards and back drops of natura! forest vegetation will exist throughout the remammg areas. '" Also, without Lots 50 and 5 I MountainGate Drive would provide direct genera! public access to the open space area containing the wetlands. This open space wi!! be. privately o\:vned and mainta.ined by a homeowne.rs association. Physical access \-vii! be limited to 2 locations and will be. controlled by the use of bollards. Only the City of Springfield and homeowners will be allowed access. The purpose of limiting access to the open space is to control its appearance and function. With direct general puhlic access the area Is susceptible. 10 dumping of debris and garbage, vandalism and damage ii'om trespass and u,e of motorized and nonmotorized vehicles. 4 . . ~<;:Q.Domi9_factor$: As previously stated the number of lots within Phase 4 has been reduced from 226 to.139. Certainly this will reduce total overall income from lot sale and development but it is anticipated that this loss will be partially recaptured by higher values for larger lots with. the amenities of adjacent or 'nearby op~n space features. However, a primary component of any successful residential development is to maximi7.c the ratio of lots to the length of streets constructed. Ideally, a row of lots would be developed along each side of the entire street length The fVloun(ainGate project has unique challenges in that regard because much of the length of the required collector street will not p~ovide lot frontRges. Also Springfield development code requires minimum lot frontages of 90 feet and steep slopes require wider tj'ontages for access. f\10untainGate Drive has R length of7 ] 25 feet which equates to ] 4,300 feet of street . If'ontage. 5275 feet of the street ii'ontage (37 percent) does not serve any lots within the. developmcnt The engineers cost esti'l1ate for street cOlls!mctionis $330 per foot or $165 per foot of street frontage. Thereforelthe cost tar the street to'serve a typical 100 foot wide lot fronting I'vlountainGate Driveiincreases from $ f o,SOO to $26,140 due to the requirernel1t to construct street sections with no lot ii'ontAges. The ability to recover the cost for street constmction fronting Lots 50 and 5] would help reduce t.he amount of nonrefi.lIldabie development expenses. More impol1antly these two lots are critical to the financial viabili!y Mthe development where 87 lots have otherwise been eliminated Lastly, the desired aesthetics and open space functions of the development can best be obtained by developing lots SO and 51. We believe that a non quantifiable but real value to the livability, maintenance and long term flll1ction ofrhe development will be achieved if!he filling of wetlands is all owed wit.hin Lot.s 50 and 5 I. The portion of wetland to be filled ;s the upper edge of a larger wetland that extends west and south within an area that is to be preserved and protected a.s open space. The wetland to be filled will be replaced at the southe;n end of the project where increased hydrology alio\.v::: the creation of nc\v \vetlands th~t v>liB connect (lod combine two existing v..letlands with wbat we believe \vill h?'v'c higher function and v(j.ll1e~. . Sincerely, V\.;\ :t...- ClIr;----'~ Mike Evans 5 . . Attachmel1t B Draft Bond Lal1guage Bond Language . . Page I of I . ~:e.p.' :~~~ent \ ".m"".,, ! ~ '~~*'!i~::;:./i; of State Lands RKMOVAL-FiLL PERMIT BOND ORS 196.800 et seq. DSL Permit No Surety Company Bond No. Principa!(s) (full name of permit holder)'hold a removal-li!I pennit under oRS 196,800 et seq, Surety, (full name of surely) is an a(Jthorized surely insurer licensed by the State of Oregon. ' L F I , ,.. Principal(s) and Sl)rety bind themselves and thei r heirs, executors, administrators, personnel representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the State of Oregon, Division of State Lands (Division), in the sum of dollars ($ ), !awful money oftlle United States, to secure Principal(s)'s compliance with all tenns and conditions of this removal-fill penni! ; I . i This bond is effective beginning (mn/dd/yr) and shall remain in effect until released, canceled or extinguished as provided herein. If Principal(s) fully comply with all terms and conditions of removal-fill pem1it # , as determined by the Division, then this obligation shall be extinguished When the 3 (or 5) year r110nitoring period is complete and the Division has deemed the mitigation site successful. after removal of all illegal fill and inspection by the Division as specified in consent order #~xxx, other (specifY accol:ding to permit conditions) The Surety may not cancel this bond without sending written notice within 45 days of said proposed date and receiving written permission to do so.from the Division. The Division's address is Oregon Division of State Lands, 77S Summer Sf. NE, Salem, OR 97301-1279 Cancellation shall not affect the liability of the Surety for acts or omissions occurring before the effective date of the cancellmion. ' i I , i I . . Attachn1ent C Draft RestrictiveCovel1ant Language . . ~ DECLARATION OF COVE.US ANTI RESTRICTIONS . Page I of 4 ~ , SAlvfPLE DECLARA TfON OF COVENANTS AND RESTRiCTIONS FOR THE {Naille of Project} THIS DF-CLARA TION made this day of , 1999, by (your firm's name), ("Declarant"). REnTALS 1. WHEREAS, Declarant is the O\\iner of the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as; the "Property", and desires to {create restore or enhance) thereon wetlands to be maintained in accordance with the Pem,it Number approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands ("Division"); ,"" 2. WHEREAS, Dec.larant desires to provide for the preser\'ation and enhancement of the wetland vaiues of the, Proper1y and for the maintenance and management of the Property and improvements thereon, and to this end desires to subject the Propeny to the covenants, restrictions, easements and other encumbrances hereinafter set forih, each and ail of which is and are for the benefit of the Property. , NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Property shall be held, transfen'ed, sold, conveyed R.lid occ,upied subject to the covenan~'s, restrictions. ea~ements and other encumbrances hereinafter set forth in this Declaration ARTICLE 1 DEFINiTiONS i.1 "Declaration" shaH mean the covenants, restrictions. and all other provisions set forth l!1 the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. , '> "J..!.. "Declarant" shall mean and ,'eier 10 (your fiml's name), Its successors or assigns. 1.3 "Removal fill pemiit" shall mean the tinal document approved by the Division ., that fonnal1yestabhshes the wet.land l:litigatioD and stipulate.::; the tenl1S and conditions of its c"onstnlction, QECLARATION OF COVENAN.NDRESTRICTIONS . Page 2 of 4 operation and long-teon management. 14 "Property" shall mean and refer to ali real property subject to this Declaration, as more pa,rticularly set forth in Exhibit" A".(an exhibit of conservation area must be attached} ARTICLE 2 PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION The real property which is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to this Declaration' is located in County, Oregon and IS more particularly described in Exhibit "A", (*Exhibit "A" should be a survey and legal description,) ARTICLE 3 GENERAL PLAN OF DEVRLOPMENT Declarant currently manages the site for the purpose of wetland mitigation. Current management is in accordance with Permit Numher ARTICLE 4 USE RESTRICTIONS AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSrInUTiES '. The Property shall be used and maflnged for wetland mitigation purposes in accordance with Permit' Number Declarant and all users of the Property are subject to any and all easements, covenants and restrictions of record affect; ng the Property * (Insert Covenants here,. List, by I1UIllber, all of the reserved rights and things not allowed in the conservation area. See following examples) I. There shail be no removal, destruction, cutting, trimming, mowing, alteratiOli or spraying with biocides of any vegetation in the Prorlerty, nor any disturbance or change in the natural habitat of the Property. 2, There shall be no agricultural, commercia!, or industria! activity undertaken or allowed in the Property; nor shaH any right of passage across or upon the Propeli)' be allowed or granted if that right of passage is used in conjunction with agricultural, commercial o~. indust:!ial activity. 3. No domestic animals shall be allowed on the Properi)'. 4 There shall be no filling, excavating, dredging, mi,ning or di-ining~ no removal of tOpSOil} DECLARATION OF COVE.TS AND RESTRICTIONS . Page 3 of 4 sand, gravel, rock minerals or other materials, nor any dumping of ashes, trash, garbage, or of any. other material, and no changing'ofthe topography of the land of the Property in any manner. 5, There shall be no construction or,placing.ofbuildings, mobile homes, advertising signs, biilboards, or other advertising materiai, or other structures on the Property. DECLARATION OF COVENAN.ND RESTRICTIONS . Page 4 of 4 ARTICLE 5 RESOLUTION OF DOCUMENT CONFLICTS In the event of any conflict between this Declaration anri Pelmit Number shall control , the pemlit fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being Declarant herein, has executed this instrument this day of _____ . ' 19__ "( our firrr\;s n;:jrne Coun"', Oregon ..-----......- ') By__ Title STATE OF OREGON ) S8: County of ) Thi s i nstrurnent was acknowledged before me on ___.._.. ______(date) by (name of person) as (title) ofYollr finns name of __~_County, Oregon. Signature of Notarial Oft1cer My Commission Expires. . . ; j . ; , i " l , ~ , ~, i" i '. Attachlnent D ... ! i i i Adjoining Property Owners List/Labels 1 t i ; , j" [ i I , i rS-O)-03.23 tI 24()o 1'. & J. Parra 5999 Kalmia Ln Springfield OR 97478 . IS-02-03.23 tl 2400 F. & J. Parra 5999 Kalmia Ln SpringfIeld OR 97478 . Li1ud Planning Consulirmts 1071 Harlow Road Springfield OR 97477 18-02-03.23 II 3600 1.'.lkan .)984 Lilac Ln Springfield OR 9747R 18-02-03.23 II 3600 E. Dean 5984 Lilac Ln Srringlield OR 9747R P;11 Thompson P.O. Box 1240 Malcola OR 97454 18-02-03.23 113700 n. & I). Spencer 5~)l!(} Libc Ln SpringfIeld OR nn8 18-02-03.23 II :nOO G. & D. Spencer 5996 I ,ilne I,n Springfield OR 9747R \Viley f\,lI1LccL~'nn Inc. r.o. Rox 518 Creswell OR 9742(, 18-02-03.23 II 3g00 R. Broom .~J997 Lilac Ln Springfield OR 9747R I 8-02-03.2:l II 3800 R. flroolll .\997 Libc Ln' Springfield OR 9747R 18-02-03.23 tI 8400 J &A Cox 2148 2"" St Springflcld OR 97,177 18-02-03.23 tI 8400 J. & A Cox 21482""SI Springlleld OR 97477 I 8-IJ2-03.23 II 8500 (jn~en Tree Servicing PO. !lox 3290 Felbal Way. \VA 1)80(,.1 18-02-03.23 II 8500 Greell Tree Servicing 1'.0. Bo.' 3290 Fellera! \Val'. W A 1'8063 Pal ThcmljJsolI P.O. "ox 12.10 Marcolo OR 97454 I g-02-0.l.2.l Ii ~6{)O J. & C. Player :)~.\9g Me Vernon Rd Springfield OR 97418 IS-IJ).0l.2] t1 86011 J. & C. Player .'\998 MI Veillon Rd Springfield OR 97478 Wiley MilLc~.L)'nn.lnc. P.O. Box:;!:\ Crc;~\\'ell OR 97426' 1 ::-02-03 II 600 \Vc\'crhaeu:::cr Co. PO. Box 9777 Federal Way. \VA 98063 I R-(}2.03 II ('oil Weycrlmctlser Co. P.O. Box 9777 Federal Way, \VA 9W63 1.:'lIId Plnllnillg Consultants 1071 Harlow Road Springfield OR 97477 I R .02-03 [I 508 ",. & t._ Evans \9]9 f\1t. Vernon Rd. ;pringliclel OR 9747R IR-02-0311508 M. & L. Evalls .-"919 rvtl. Vernon Rei. Sprin~ficld OR 97HR :':ily or Springlidd 215 nnh SI ~prii!g(jdd OR 97477 Cily or Springfield 225 Fillh SI Springfield OR 97477 . .. " ~ . \ 1 !':. i I i ! ! ; I ! i i Attachment E . . ..' l I I . . Delil1eated Wetlands Map . and. Concurrence Letter. -..] ! t ! I ! ! ,'. SDURC~:. AdCH~iO~ from. Bn:meh Eng!nlUlrll"lll. Inc.. f1'tlXl'grdphlc IfJ!Ylt)'. , WEfL4ND DElINEATION REPORT fOR I": Terrq' Science,' inc. THE MOUNTAINGATE SUBDIVISION SITE I~l SoH, Wa'ler ~ Wiirllond C6Acull-cnh spdn;gHeld,. lan~ Coun.ty, .Oregon I!;.~' - . I;'~~'!}i ..- ; .! If~ ",.. SCAI-E, \; I!<{)H~475 : nfl ;:.~~~~ & ..l..,. ~'O :..-~38 .. .(.15 . I i I I I I ....1. I I I 1 ~ s.~. 2'1.,,1~ I~ .' CL ,\ ~ ~ Iv f c \ I' ..... VI tv}>"l I o --N;.., ," . o (,Q: im, \, ~ ~ & 'iOC-~-'~I~ --- 0. m.' ;." J.. 1'1, .."l!:.','//V..' .~ .' \,,~ ,,~,.--~ ~.' - <;:-<.. ; ] . 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';/jj' .,.1 ~ /;--:::.-- jlll 'oi~~' ,', ~ - ::._- .:0-- -, . ~~~1 0-;' "I' < -- ::...:' I~n --, I I~~ ,~"j:c:'(M1ri~ij) ((/.r;:::=;!am((/r!' '(t:J":r:1/;~. k~[Di~1 '~\"<;' ,;"~,I 'I r~ :. 1!!I)'!#.!~0f;f;;j0.t!jljLi.i{'i:,lfW~+f[r'\- ,', "~rLnr" I!~"W~ I C!~ 11;0 1\ II I't;: ~ I ::i _ ;; t"l ' '., \G r~ ~g:[-I )';' ~ ~~ ~~ i ~tD J " QJc '*- .. OB ~ '-. \ .. h:,. '0 "' "'~ ~ . !\. . c 0 -'" I < 0' "'. o' 10. '" , 0 C 0. o - a . o !l. -< !' . 0' r n '" '" !" -, 0 '" ,~ "0 , ~ '-I !i- 0 U< ;, ;; . " c a. Q 0 ;; a , I ;; ~ :; a 0. !!.o '" 0 o:E -. ~ , ~ ,,!' Q . .. c CO , .'0 "- Vl'Q . va !' 1 le'I . "',,,, (0", !!.)( 0.- .!l. E,[~ ~ . 0: ., il I , I I I .1 I , I -.... '" ~, ~ /\ / 0.-' V o !l P' - n' .'" . ,. ; ; FEET . 950 JURISDiCTIONAL DRAINAGES. \ WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND \ ~ SITE TOPOGRAPHY I G) c :AJ !.m I", 1_-' Mav 2002 . regon Division oE Stale Lartds 775 Summer Slr""~ Nil. Sirlle too Solem. OR 97301-iv9 (503) 378-3805 fAX {S03l378-4S44 htt p:! ;.<talel." cis .d.llllnki.o,.us John A. KltmOOf!f, M:D_ G0....t.mot July 24, 2002 Sl.t~ Utnd Bo.t:td ')ohn A. Klh:hnber Gove:::nor Greg Swenson Terra Science, Inc. P.O. Box 2100 Portland, OR 97208-2100 BiI1llredhltry Secretary of SlMa Randan Edwards State Tr!:a5urer Re: Wetland Delineation for Mountaingate Subdivision, Springfield . DSL # VVD 02--0231: App. #25970 Dsar Mr. Swenson: I have reviewed your weiland delineation report for the above sfte and discussed the sile with Dan Gary, who conducted a sIte visit with Steve Morrow and you to discuss permit . and compliance issues. Based upon my review, I concur wflh your delineetion of . wetlands and olher waters of the state as mapped on Figure 7 of the report. All of the mapped wetlands wIth the exception of the two artinc!aHy created wetlands associated with the rock quarry are subject to perm!! reqUirements of the state Removal-Fill law. In addition, the main stem of tile intermittent south drainage (up to Weiland H-3) Is subject to state Jurisdiction. The basis for that determinallon Is that, based upon available Information, It Is a food-produclng area for food and qame fish (direct tributary to the Wlllamette River). Please note that this delineation's to be used In conjuncUon with the previous dellf1aatlon by Scoles Assodates (WD 96-0319) of the large wetland/upland mosaic at the north side of the property; this weth'lno Is referred 10 as the "North Bottomlands. In the current reporland on Figure 7. This concurrence is for purposes of, the state Removal-Flit Law only. Federal or local wetland permit requirements apply as we!1. The Army Corps of Engineers wll! review Ihe report and make a determination for putposes of SA-r.tlon 404 of the Glean Water Act. Please be advised that state law establishes a prefRrence for avoidance of weUand irnpacls. Because measures to avoid and minimize "velland Impacts may Include reconfigurlng parcef layout and slze:'.or development design, v.le recommend that you work wlti1 Division staif on appropriate site design for future development phases before completing the city or counly land use approval process. This Jurisdictional delennlnalion is valid for five ye::H~ from the dateaf this leiter, unless new lnformaUon necessltat8s a revision. Glrcurn~t;mces under which the Division may change a delerrn!nallon and procedures for renew"l of an expired delennination are , L r ,'- i ! i ,>' " t i ! l l ! I I .rJ . . found in OAR i 4 i -090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). A request for reconsideration of this determination may be submitted In writing by the applicant, landowner, or agent within 60 calendar days of the date of this lelter. . . Thank you for your report. Please phone me at extRl1slon 236 If you or your client have .any questions. Sincerely, ""-f M~-.\:-- c- kOv"~'"V"\ Jan~ C, Morlan. PINS Wetl:'Hlds Program Manager ~Jf /,. f\PlwWed lbY /71t . J hn E. L1,ly / . sslstant Dlreslc>r CC: Dan Cary, DSL Mark Gronceski, Corps of Enalneers Todd Alberts, Alberts Development, 2000-8 Cnl Young Road, Eugene, OR 97401 CnY of Spnngfleld Planning Department K:1W~tlnm~!:\D'!'!I- \"v'N letters\1002\02-0231 MDl.mlainGale.oor. . .. Attachnlent F Previously Approved l\rfitigation Area I\1ap /, ///'...---,//, .-'/,./ //;/:~>>/>-/ , l \...- -~--...... I Ir" ',"/"-:///..-..- . '/://-' ---'\" \...r;RAt=' ('CAlr. 1,/.<////:'-;';.;::>/ -~//,'_<_ '- _~~ '- _I, ~_ ' // './ ,. ///?,//../.--- //." I. ..';! +:~:'t>)~ :J:::::: 11>:1 ~'~ <CC ~I >' ".' / .,;>~.:<.~/;'<<"';,~;/ / :/<(:"-- .",,~, - ':.....,......1 _ _ -',', '..<"/-"'......::---:....,./I}/,,..:,,'.... /......:::: ~~. --.J ,,,.., ' . / /. -'/ ~... ,./ ,..;. " h~ ,- I '//</::.//;<, /;gy;;'-/_'V ,,' ;',J '> ,--,,,,~ FtC') I . , ...,' / ..' .' / " , " f "/ " .. . 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Division of State Lands Compensatory Mitigation Form (rr'Fixed 5/4/96) If the permit involves multiple compensatory mitigation projects at di'fferent locations then use a @arate sh~~LfQ.r each location. Please be sure to complete Item #1 and the grand total acreages for impacts and mitigation, hems #2 and #3. Give breakdowns by Coward;n dass onlv if known If using a wetland mitigation bank, please provide written proof of use from the bank operator. and check the mitigation bank box below. Complete only Item #1 if using a mitigation banK. I. Wiley ML, Inc, LeeLynn, Inc Alberts Dev. I,LC -~_._-"._.._..- (Applicant) Permit No. (if knO\vn) MITlDA TlON SITE LOCATION ~1jtigat.ion Site if 2 Adjacent \Yaten.vay Wetlands County Lane Section :i To\vnship.1 ~~ Range 02\V Tax Lot~ 303 (J.S.G.S. Hydrologic Unit Code (HUG) No _UnkJlQWIL River Basin Name Willamette River Mitiel1!icU! B~mk Tn fie IJtili'U.'_d WETLAND IMPACTS 2. What wetland type or types wiil be filled or converted by your removal-fill project? (Not the compensatory mitigation project.) List ali of the types. \Vhere I\vetland iypesll are requested on this form, the Division uses the COIVardin' wetland classilication codes found on National Wetland InventolY Maps. Below are the most common wetland types. If your wetiand type is not listed, use one of the blank spaces and fill in the appropriate code. Also, indicate the acreage involved for each wetland type you list. Acreages should he listed to the I! I 00 of an acre if possible (F == Fi!!, R ,." Remove. C - C'nHvefl) PF.!\4 )rss J PH'} Acres lo~ I R l=dB r-r---,---i 0 Acres 1'1"1'[0 ~B Acres r F T R I c I l-.. i i [ I o o .0 Acres ~ Grand Total of Wetland Impacts Acr-cs 0.039 COM..PENSA TORY MJTIGATION 3 List ail ortlle wetland Iypes (on the reverse side) that will result irom your proposed cornpensatory mitigation project by mi,tigation kind and \vetland type. Indicate the acreage fT1volved ftJr each wetland type ym.llist . . RESTORA TION Acres .Acres ' Acres Acres !.) PEt..! 0 0 ors, 0 0 0 opm 0 0 0 Restoration Total Acres ENHANCEMENT Acres Acres Acres Acres --- 0 0 " PJ:J\.i 0 n pss 0 0 0 DpfO 0 0 0 Enhancement Total Acres CREATION Acres Acres Acres Acres OI'EM 0.73 0 0 0 Ops~ 0 0 0 OPPo 0 0 0 Creation Total o 73 Acres = 0048 credit ____.n Grand Total of \Vetland Mitigation 0.73 Acres 4, Is part or all of the compensatory mitigation project site a prior converted cropland, a farmed wetland or a former wetland that is now lIphnd~ [fknown, state which type below: 5, If an upland buffer is proposed, please give average width and type: Width (ff Acres Forested Scrub/Shrub H erbs/Grasse,s I I I Buffer Total acres ACI'e -"",' 6, Form completed by ~igll.!i.'e) , Patrick S Thompson (printed Name), 02/24/04 (D..e) Cov,-'<Hdin. Classification ofWerh-lIlds and Deeo\varer Hibitill.,'LClfJl!e United StaleB, i979. OregQD DivisiQILOfS1Ms;j..andsJVetlli!.19 inventorv User's Gt.liqt;. 1990.