HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 8/31/2006 i'/._ I:' . City of Springfield Mr. Jim Donovan Via: Email RE: Recording of MountainGate West Dear Jim': '. 8/31/ t!J{:. .- VI" .!fJn-.:( SunTrust Land Company, LLC has been working through for the last two to three months with the Surveying Departments at both the County and City to get our plat ready for recording. We believe that we will have all the plat details completed and accepted by the end of this week. SunTrust was required to submit a bond prior to starting construction of Phases 4A, 4B and 4C (Officially beirig platted as MountainGate West). That bond is in place to guarantee that the required improvements will be completed. Typically, this type of Perfonnance Bond is given to a Jurisdiction in order to get a plat recorded prior to all the' improvements being accepted by said Jurisdiction. In this case, we have a bond somewhere in the range of three million dollars. I believe that this bond should allow us to record the plat, but I wanted to let you know where we are currently at with the , remaining improvements to be completed. In addition, this letter will outline our expected limitations that the City may place on the development and the disclosures that we will give to lot buyers. ' WATERLINE: My understanding is that Alberts has submitted a bond for the waterline and it was to be completed per my agreement with the McDougal's by September I, 2006. Eugene Sand and Gravel has been contracted to do that work and they have given me a date of completion of the third week of September. That would include all ihe water in Phase 4A (lots 1-49). The waterline should be completed well before any building permits would be ready to be issued for Phase 4A. I would be fine with the City not issuing any building pennits for Phase 4A until the Fire Department has deemed that we have the appropriate fire flow protection for Phase 4A. Water will not be installed for Phases 4B & 4C until November, December and January. Again, it would be my expectation that building permits would not be issued until such time that fire flow protection is completed for those phases. I would not expect to transfer any lots to a third party until such time that water is available'for a given lot and that building pem1its can be issued, ROCK PILES: Lots 17-19 and 20-23 of Phase 4A will have the two piles removed by October 1 st, The following lots in Phase 4C will have rock piles removed as follows: Lot 58 - October 1''' Lot 86 - October 15th, Lots 76-77 - November I s" Lots 89-91 - ' November 30th and lots. I 02 & 103 will be in the summer of 2007, A portion of tl1e rock piles will be used for trench backfilling and the remainder will be stockpiled for the future development of the North Cluster and Phases 6 & 7. . . Date Received: ~ '~I;O{P PI~nn~r: ..' I 0 f L~~ ~,~~ "i. .. . . PAVING: Phase 4A is complete. Phases 4B & 4C are scheduled to be completed by November 15th The newly designed "0" Street within Phase 4B affecting lots 121-127 is not scheduled to be completed until March of2007. ELECTRICAL: We expect to have Phase 4A (lots 1-49) energized by October I st. Phase 4C and lots 116-120 should be energized by February of2007 and Lots 121-128 should be fully .energized by April I, 2007. RETENTION FACILITY: Final grading of the site with the new dike is being completed now. I anticipate having the facility functioning by September 30th. I plan on seeding and planting portions of the facility based on the design that Willamalane finalizes for the park improvements in October and November. The remainder of the park improvements including irrigated field, basketball court, playground structures, picnic tables and benches will be completed in July of 2007. I would expect that building permits would not be issued until the retention facility is functioning adequately based upon our civil engineer's and the City engineer's approval. I have drafted a Stormwater Treatment Facilities Long Tenn Maintenance"Agreement based upon a template supplied to me from the City. I will forward this onto my engineer for his review and to the Public Works Department for their review and approval. CCR'S: I have drafted a supplemental document to the original CCR's that identifies, amongst others, maintenance obligations for the common areas. WILLAIvIALANE: "I have signed off on an agreement that Willamalane had put together; accomplishing the requirements for plat recording. Jim, I am hopeful that you have found this information helpful and will support our request to record MountainGate West. We do have 30 lots presold to 5 builders and will not be transferring title to any lots until such time that all services are available to a given lot. In general, the buyerlbuilder would not want to close until he knows that services are available and building permits canbe issued. Jim, I have too much invested within the City of Springfield to do anything that would have an adverse affect on the City, myself or the relationship between us. As I mentiom:d before, getting the plat recorded as soon as possible allows for our builders to submit for pennits so we can start having lot closings occur in roughly 30 days after recording. Thanks for your attention on this matter and we look forward to getting the City to allow for plat recordation. I look forward to discussing with you in greater detail on Wednesday morning. Sincerely Yours, Mark Vukanovich