HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 8/30/2006
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From: WALTER Eric
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 20062:21 PM
,To: DONOVAN James
Cc: VOGENEY Ken; BENOY Leslie; GORDON Gilbert
Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Recording
. Per our Development Code Article 35.100, the subdivision can clearly be bonded for the public improvements.
And, there is a bond presently in place for all of those public improvements. I think the main issue here is
whether staff has the authority to allow the developer to bond for master plan conditions that have not been met.
The master plan conditions, as written, does not appear to allow a "financial guarantee" as an option to satisfy the
condition (. ..shall be completed prior to final plat). If we are going to allow bonding in lieu of completing a master
plan condition, in my opinion, that option should have been included in the condition (...completed prior to final
plat or a bond for $X shall be submitted). Some of the conditions are difficult to put a monetary value to,
particularly unforeseen issues or where it requires performance from others. I believe this question needs to be
answered before we can move forward with allowing this bond. If we do have the authority to make a different
interpretation, at the bare minimum, we should review the outstanding conditions to see if it makes sense. I think
there are a few that may be difficult particularly around water contract and parks. Public Works has identified the
remaining master plan issues that appear to be outstanding.
Eric A. Walter, P,E.
Civil Engineer
City of Springfield
Public Works Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Telephone: (541) 736-1034
Facsimile: (541) 736-1021
Email: ewalter@ci.sQrinqfield.or..us
Web: www.ci.sQrinqfield.or.us
From: DONOVAN James
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 4:50 PM
Subject: FW: Mountain Gate Recording
This just in, it's' the letter requested to complete the second round of platting review documents, Its not at all what
I was expecting. I have to sleep on it and cool off before I respond.
From: Mark Vukanovich [mailto:mark@suntrustland,com]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:55 PM
Cc: 'Lindsey Taft'; GRJLE Bill
Subject: Mountain Gate Recording
Jim, please see the attached letter that we have been discussing.
,Date Received: ~ /fS/)'D?>
Planner. ~ I of 'Lp~
LiA~ ~
I hope this addresses your concerns, As you
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know, we are very eager to get our plat recording. Thanks for your attention on this matter. Call me if there is
anything you would like to discuss prior to our Wednesday meeting. I have mentioned to various individuals at
both the planning department and public works over the last 8 months that because they are requiring a bond to
get started on the infrastructure that we would require the site to be recorded early due to the fact that we have a
bond in place. I have not heard anything on the contrary from Public Works that they would not be supportive on
this. For this reason and for just trying to be somewhat efficient, I went ahead and submitted one plat for phases
4A, 4B and 4C for one recording. Grlles assured me that Planning is the authority to sign off on the plat and that
he was okay with the plat being recorded with a bond in place assuming that any other issues can reasonably be
worked out. I cannot think of any issues that should be a problem.
I look forward to discussing with you in greater detail and if you feel that there are others in Public Works that
should attend the meeting, please invite them along.
Thanks Jim,
Mark VUKanovich.
780 NW York Drive, Suite 204
Bend, OR 97701 .
(541) 312-9640 - Office
(541) 350-1060 - Mobile
(541) 312-9641 - Fax
Please make note of my new email address:
Sun Trust
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