HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 8/29/2006 FAX 15~262509 ODOT DISTRICT 5 OFFICE -,------- ~001/001 08/29/2006 TOE 10:38 '1"11..;\,,1..,,<:: 1(, l~ll")nl\'l~L-i.. (,nv<::rn!\f DCIH\t'lmcnj of'rl':lIlSIHlI'lation Dislrh:.15 MHiutcnnllcc Office 644 "^ -, SITCl't SIlI'illUtic1d, OR 97477 Tdc,.hultc: (541) 72(1-2552 I'll" (541) nc,.25IJ9 Oregon L DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION: Local Jurisdiction: City of ~p.!!!!9field ZON2006-00044 Local File No(s): Applicant: Description of Action: SunTrust Land Company, LLC Jlevelopment Issues Comments !!:. ODOT RESPONSE: ODOT has no significant comment on this action (at this time). xxx Proposed usJ! is consistent with provisions granted under Highway Approach Permit Application No, 5-1';> "fZ.. ODOT has concerns about the potential impacts of this dellO'-" ...---.-- ,mend the following: "01 ,l> I q po."" , . ~~~ o~ Applicant should ""-.- 761\ '/7 b f{.€-~ view of sitepJanand . ..a,Note f'o~'nfCO '-:;1 ldprior to the final he I'ost.~\.. j)~~-'- GO. 0)) o. -~( s::: __ toJ ,....., ,(left} _"',>o"oll-g.~ Applicant mllS\ JOoP".$ Ilftf-~"----:- . ~ suing a building perrr, GO 'J 1'., II ___ b ~c :.------ . The following cc ,,>' II 1 z.-& " :3 ... '" your conditions of approval: ~ XXX Other Comments: ,^f;r;(ll'dint:( 1,0 (1)0'1' Appmach Permit No. ~)542: Consideration of It traffic: signal at Mountaingat(: Drive ~1IH.1 MHin SI:rc:cl would be dependant on. Hctuo.llt'arfic volumes ulilizinj:!; l.hrJt ilHC'i'scc:don, AppJicam WHY submit ~I Tr~lnk Signul Warrant Analysis in ~l.lpport of a traffic sip,.nalupou llil~ n,,~vc:~lopmct1t achicvinr, 100 \.\nit~ of !?.$.:.9!.mIJ!DJ).. Mid ~1 ndditiollal 100 units of QS3~Jl'..tl.H9JJ l.hcn:~lnf:l'. Aj;pilc.ii"ii"in::l.Y contact 000'1' for [\.lrtl1(:r in.stnletions rq~:~{li{llUJ~JJ!.(}(;c:-\~, ~ ODOT appreciates your notification of this application. Please contact me If you have any questions concerning our comments. x ~. /f:.'Z'/~' ...."..-.... "RoEier! Heyman, . Access Management/Development Review Coordinator ODOT - District/Area 5 (541) 726-2552 (541) 726.2579 - FalC DatE! Reeelve!:\: Planner. ~ '2~ -oro cllfprt;lll,ud~ ~wt5-'---- ~f'