HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 6/11/2006 . .' Page 1 of6 DONOVAN James From: Sent: To: GRILE Bill Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:12 PM Mark Vukanovich Cc: MOTT Gregory; SUMMERS Sarah; DONOVAN James; BROWN Dan; 'Lindsey Taft'; PAPPAS Cynthia Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Mark: Internally, we're going to need some more time to work out the arrangement between the City and Willamalane. I don't know that this will hold you up. I hope not. You shouldn't view this with alarm because none is intended, The simple fact of the matter is that the City and Willamalane will need a bit more time to flush out the details of our arrangement re the annexation and plan amendment fees. Everyone is busy... and I know you understand that. Patience has never been one of my virtues and I :sense you and I share similar traits in that. respect. I believe Jim Donovan will have more to share about this tomorrow or by mid-week. He and I need to connect, and we'll do that tomorrow. In the end, I suspect the impact to you will be as I described. Thanks. ...BiII From: Mark Vukanovich [mailto:mark@suntrustland.com] Sent: Sun 6/11/2006 S:49 PM . To: GRILE Bill Cc: MaTT Gregory; SUMMERS Sarah; DONOVAN James; BROWN Dan; 'Lindsey Taft' Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Bill, it sounds as though things are coming together as we continue through the process. Thanks for the information and I look forward to working with Jim Donovan on the ,various issues as they come up. Mark. Mark Vukanovich 780 NW York Drive, Suite 204 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 312-9640 - Office (541) 350-1060 - Mobile (541) 312-9641 - Fax Please make note of my new email address: mark[a)su ntrustland .com 'I~ SunTrust t,;AND GJ:.\WANY u;c From: GRILE Bill [mailto:bgrile@ci.springfield.or.us] Date Received: (p.1/ -() (:; Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:47 AM To: Mark Vukanovich Plann~r. . r Ii1f11 A.Jy Cc: MaTT Gregory; SUMMERS Sarah; DONOVAN James; BROWN [)an (;ri.C#J,uAij ~v '-,"~I . Subject: RE: Mountain Gate I af & Thanks Mark. I think you can probably tell that I'm sensitive to the issues you've raised but your interests are beS;~ 6/13/2006 . . Page 2 of6 .( served if we let Jim Donovan handle this from the City's end. He's, our go-to guy for MountainGate. What I can share, as I believe I might have mentioned, is that last week or the,one before Bob Keefer, Gino Grimaldi ana I met to discuss cost sharing re the annexation fees and for processing the Metro Plan amendment. That , discussion produced a pretty fair solution, in my mind. Willamalan!" will pay the City's actual, incurred costs for processing the annexation proposal, along with the Boundary COnr,mission's fees... assuming the City Council agrees with a fee change staff is proposing concerning the annexation of lands for public parks and public school uses. Concerning the pian amendment, the City will initiate the action and work the costs for that with Willamalane, charging the District our actual, 'incurred costs. Willafnalane staff will be writing up the plan amendment. Jim, Sarah Summers, Greg Mott and I need to still figure out what we can do to deliver expedited processing for your project, and then we need to see what Dan Brown is able to do on the Public Works side as well. I do hope you can see that we're doing our best to help move you along as quickly and fairly as possible. Have a great day. ...Bill From: Mark Vukanovich [mailto:mark@suntrustland.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 S:21 PM To: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Bill, I just received your email below after my last email that I sent out to you. Didn't want you to think that my last email was in response to your email below, but if you do have any time in the morning tomorrow at 8:30 or 9:00 or maybe Friday or Monday if Keefer can be there, that would be great. I do hear your message loud and clear and if next Friday is it, could you be there as well to help negotiate. . Thanks Bill, Mark. Mark Vukanovich 780 NW York Drive, Suite 204 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 312-9640 - Office (541) 350-1060 - Mobiie (541) 312-9641'" Fax Please make note of my new email address: mark@suntrustland.com ,;1%'~' f,1?,~ --::;;~~- Sun Trust 1./,;-';1) CiJ-\~f'/,;..Y'tH: From: GRILE Bill [mailto:bgrih~@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:49 PM To: Mark Vukanovich Cc: Geri Betz; DONOVAN James; KEEFER Bob (SMTP); Lindsey Taft; HYDE Greg (SMTP); SUMMERS Sarah J Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Mark: I need to hear from staff before I wade in on this and so please work through them and then let's see if that gets you the solution you seek. I'm sensing we are heading in the right direction. Thanks for your patience. .., Bill 6/13/2006 . . Page 3 of6 From: Mark Vukanovich [mailto:mark@suntrustland.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 2:45 PM To: DONOVAN James; KEEFER Bob (5MTP); 'Lindsey Taft'; HYDE Greg (5MTP) Cc: GRILE 8i11; 'Geri Betz' Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Jim: We really do need some resolve on this issue. Can Bill Grile attend on your behalf? Please call me to discuss. 541-350-1 060 Mark. Mark Vukanovlch 780 NW York Drive, Suite 204 Bend, OR 97701 . (541) 312-9640 - Office (541) 350-1060 - Mobile (541) 312-9641- Fax Please make note of my new email address: mark@suntrustland.com '(~ '" --,-"" Sun Trust LAXnt'n~.if'!\\;Y u.c From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfjeld.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 2:05. PM To: KEEFER Bob (5MTP); Lindsey Taft; HYDE Greg (5MTP); Mark Vukanovich Cc: GRILE Bill; Geri Betz . Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Gentlemen, I have to reschedule. Please let me know what works for next Thursday mornin9. JD . From: Bob Keefer [mailto:BobK@willamalane.org] Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 20062:00 PM To: Lindsey Taft; HYDE Greg (5MTP); DONOVAN James; Mark Vukanovich Cc: GRILE Bill; Geri Betz Subject: RE: Mountain Gate I can make 8 am on Thursday and will plan on that time unless we hear otherwise. From: Lindsey Taft [mailto:lindsey@suntrustland.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 06,20069:31 AM To: Greg Hyde; 'DONOVAN James'; 'Mark Vukanovich'; Bob Keefer Cc: bgrile@ci.springfield.or.us; 'Geri Betz' Subject: RE: Mountain Gate 6/13/2006 . . Page 4 of 6 Let's plan on Sam, Thursday morning at the city, if that will work for everyone. Lindsey Taft 780 NW York Drive, Suite 204 Bend, Oregon 97701 (541) 312-9640 - Office (541) 598-6573 - Mobile (541) 312-9641 - Fax Ii ndsey@suntfusHand.com .~. SunTrust t.A~;n{~<l~.~f.^:~\'I.I.C From: Greg Hyde [mailto:GregH@willamalane.org] Sent: Tuesday, June 06,20069:10 AM To: DONOVAN James; Mark Vukanovich; Bob Keefer Cc: Iindsey@suntrustland.com Subject: RE: Mountain Gate Jim, I could meet anytime on Thursday. Bob's out of the office this morning, but I checked his e-calendar: Looks 'like he has to be at a Special Districts Association meeting at 11. That's probably in Salem. If so, he would need to leave here by about 10. So, he may be able to attend an early morning meeting, say from 8-9. It would be best to meet when Bob can be there, but if it just doesn't work, I think it'll be OK to go ahead and meet without him. Greg Hyde, Planning & Development Manager Willamalane Park &' Recreation District 200 South Mill Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541-736.4050; 541.736-4025 fax From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 20068:49 AM To: Greg Hyde; Mark Vukanovich; Bob Keefer Cc: lindsey@suntrustland.com Subject: RE: Mountain Gate . Does any other time on Thursday work for everyone? I am out of the office on Friday. JD From: Greg Hyde [mailto:GregH@willamalane.org] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006.10:08 AM To: Mark Vukanovich; DONOVAN James; KEEFER Bob (SMTP); Geri Betz Cc: GRILE Bill; Iindsey@suntrustland.com Subject: RE: Mountain Gate 6/13/2006 . . Page 5 of6 We'd prefer Friday morning after 10:30. Thursday at 10:30 doesn't work for Bob. Greg Hyde, Planning & Development Manager Willamalane Park & Recreation District 200 South Mill Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541-736-4050: 541-736-4025 fax From: Mark Vukanovich [mailto:mark@suntrustland.com] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 9:06 AM To: 'DONOVAN James'; Greg Hyde; Bob Keefer; 'Geri Betz' Cc: 'GRILE Bill'; Iindsey@suntrustland.com Subject: Mountain Gate Jim: I have been having some discussions as you know with Willamalane on the possible dedication and who is responsible for what as it relates to rezoning, plan amendment, annexation, etc. As I understand, The City and Willamalane is to initiate the Metro Plan Amendment for open space and the Developer is to initiate the zone' change as indicated in our master plan and phase 4 approvals. In discussions with Mike Evans, he indicated that he has all along felt and expressed to The City and Willamalane that these applications/processes go hand and hand and that he was expecting The City and Willamalane to handle. I'm not sure why the-Hearings Officer had split the responsibilities on this issue since it really should be one large application, while avoiding having two applications repeating similar/same information. As I mentioned to you Jim, I am planning on filing a zone change application, but I don't want to repeat and create additional work for anyone, including yourself as you review the applications. Is there a chance we can meet this Thursday at1 0:30 with The City and Willamalane to resolve who is to do what, who pays what fees and lastly, who if anyone should be paying these whopping new annexation fees that potentially could be a sticking point on our negotiations with Willamalane? I am also available Friday morning if that works better. I am paving phase 4A later this month and was expecting to submit our Final Plat for phases 4A, B & C this week. Our conditions make reference that the plan amendment and zone change need to be initiated prior to phase 4B & C final platting. I think it would be very helpful that the appropriate parties at Willamalane and The City participate in this meeting to get a resolve on these issues. Let me know what works for everyone either on Thursday or Friday. Mark. Mark Vukanovich 780 NW York Drive, Suite 204 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 312-9640 - Office (541) 350-1060 - Mobile (541) 312-9641 - Fax Please make note of my new email address: mark@suntrustland.com 6/13/2006 . . . .~. ,::-.,.", c_ SunTrust [J.Nn (')J}'~f'A~)' U~: 6/13/2006 Page 6 of6 I