HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 8/16/2006 ,/ \. . . Page 1 of2 DONOVAN James From: WALTER Eric Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:46 AM To: DONOVAN James; GORDON Gilbert; DRISCOLL Jon; CURTISS William; FERSCHWEILER Greg; ERNST Dennis Cc: BENOY Leslie; STOUDER Matt; MCKENNEY Gary Subject: MountainGate Phase 4 Final Public Works Master Plan Conditions Review Attachments: MountainGate Phase 4 - Public Works Final Master Plan Condition Review.doc Jim, I have reviewed the master plan conditions for the MountainGate phase 4 subdivision and have attached a summary of remaining conditions that need to be addressed for Public Works. The comments in red print are Public Works and I made a few additional flag comments in oran'ge print regarding other potential departmental issues that appear to require further review and attention. Jim;just a "heads-up": I will be going on vacation starting tomorrow and will not be returning until August 28th so I wanted to make sure you received the comments before my departure. Please let me know if you have any question before the end of today otherwise I will follow- up with you on the 28th. Thanks, Eric Eric A. Walter, P.E. Civil Engineer City of Springfield Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 736-1034 Facsimile: (541) 736-1021 Email: ewalter@ci.sorinafield.or.us Web: www.ci.sprinafield.or.us From: DONOVAN James Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 2: 12 PM To: WALTER Eric; GORDON Gilbert; MCKENNEY Gary; DRJSCOLL Jon; STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Copies, Eric, The next set of documents for MTGT Phase 4 Plat are on your desk for Round 2 review, I will schedule an internal mtg for us to discuss next week. An ecopy of the narrative is attached for our use in responding. These guys are pushing on the surveying and will be anxiously waiting our next response so lets make it tight. From: Lloyd Tolbert [mailto:lloyd@tolbertaS50ciates.comj <6'Ii.:?~Ob QetA Received: . p'anner:'~ - I o-f'le p~ JD 10/3/2006 <. ..... . . Page 2 of2 Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:41 AM To: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Copies The written statement is attached. Lloyd L. Tolbert, L.S. . Tolbert Associates, LLC P.O. Box 70224 (83 Centennial Loop, Suite 1) Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-359-8426/541-747-0177 fax Iloyd@tolbertassociates.com From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:06 AM To: Lloyd Tolbert Su bject: Copies Lloyd, . Can I get 2 more copies of Friday's submittal and an electronic copy of the narrative document? JD 10/3/2006 , . . , Master Plan Approval Conditions - Public Works Engineering Final Review Comments (red print below): Condition 1: Prior to final public improvement plan or plat approval the applicant must submit the following easement information: a) An approval letter from SUB Water Department for the Phase IV water system and easement locations. Done for final improvement plan. Please see attached SUB letter from Bart McKee addressing the water system and easement locations. PW: Need Fire Department approval before Public Works can approve due to existing water agreement between the developer, SUB, and the City. b) The final plat shall show all existing and proposed easements necessary to serve the site with public and private utilities. All existing and proposed easements necessary to serve the site with public and private utilities are shown on the plat. PW: Need Surveyor's Office Dennis Ernst Concurrence & approval. Condition 2: The 12" line necessary to serve Phase IV must be constructed and accepted by SUB Water and the City of Springfield. The 12" line is part of approved set of plans for MountainGate phase 3b. That phase is currently under construction and the water line is expected to be completed by September 1 st. Suntrust Land Company has an agreement with the developers of phase 3b that if said line is not completed then, that developer will put in a temporary line so that the fire flow has the appropriate capacity while homes are being built in MountainGate West. PW: Need Fire Department approval before Public Works can approve due to existing water agreement between the developer, SUB, and the City. Condition 9: Prior to Plat approval of Phase 4; (a) An agreement between the City and the applicant for the long term maintenance of storm water ponds and water quality swales located on Phase 4 shall be signed. The City of Springfield will maintain the functionality including inlets and outlets. The Association will maintain the landscaping and beautification of the detention facility and swales. The City Engineering Department is to supply their standard agreement to the Developer for signature. PW: Not completed. Pending review and approval of maintenance agreement. (b) Deed restrictions shall be placed upon the upper swale area to be established as open space and upon the detention pond to assure retention of their continued use for storm water management. The upper swale area and detention pond is shown on the plat as Tract C and Tract B, respectively. Maintenance of the upper swale and detention pond will be done by the HOA, assuring retention of their continued use for stormwater management. PW: Not completed. Pending review and approval of maintenance agreement. '. \ . . Condition 13: Prior to Plat approval for any sub-phase of development the applicant shall demonstrate that the emergency access road serving Phases 1and 2 will be maintained or is modified as approved by the Fire Marshall. Emergency access road is currently and will continue to serve Phases 1 and 2. See attached Weyerhaeuser KeylTag Permit. (Review and approval requir~d by the Fire Department) Condition 17: The developer shall include longitudinal drainage systems along the uphill side of all streets constructed on cut slopes for each phase of the development as recommended by the project geo-tech as approved by the City Engineer. These drains shall discharge to a piped drainage facility, not the street gutter. This information has been submitted and approved by the City of Springfield's Public Works Department through the PIP process. See page 32 of the approved plans. PW: Revised additional 59th St ("0" St.?) work does not comply with this requirement. Not completed. Pending review and approval of documents to be resubmitted. Condition 20: An agreement between the applicant and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District for the transfer of Mountain Park and West Park into public ownership shall be executed prior to the platting of any lots south of Phase 4a (Phase 4, Lots 1-49 and the north cluster). All documents and plans shall include the language "public parks" and names West or Mountain Parks, deleting references to "City" parks. Agreement is forthcoming. Terms have been agreed on, but document is not yet finalized by Willamalane's attorney. (Not completed. Pending Parks Department review and approval) Condition 21: Prior to Plat approval for any lots south of the southerly intersection of "Park Drive" and MountainGate Drive, an agreement between the applicant and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District for the transfer of "Quarry Park" into public ownership shall be executed. Also and within this timeline, the applicant shall submit to the District a reclamation plan for the quarry that will demonstrate that the proposed rehabilitation of the quarry will result in a site suitable for its intended purpose; i.e., a neighborhood park. Agreement is being finalized by Willamalane's attorney. The Quarry site is being designed in conjunction with Willamalane and will result in a site suitable for its intended purpose. (Not completed. Pending Parks Department review and approval) Condition 22: Prior to final Plat approval for any portion of Phase 4 located south of Lots 1-49 or the North Cluster, the applicant shall execute an agreement to transfer to the Park District open space and pedestrian areas necessary for connection of Mountain and West Parks. Agreement is being finalized by Willamalane's attorney. (Not completed. Pending Parks Department review and approval) Condition 25: The Metro Plan amendment for open spaces shown on Conceptual <\. . . Master Plan, page 1, Figure I of Exhibit 2, including Mountain Park, West Park, park access easements, and archaeological Site 35AL657, excepting the "Quarry" Park must be initiated, with concurrence by the applicant, by the City and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District prior to platting any lots south of Lots 1-49 and the North Cluster. The zone change shall be initiated by the applicant prior to platting any lots south of Lots 1-49 and the North Cluster. Agreement is being finalized by Willamalane's attorney. (Not completed. Pending Parks Department review and approval) Condition 26: The "Quarry" Park shall be designated Park and Open Space on the Metro Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map. The Metro Plan amendment shall be initiated, with concurrence by the applicant, by the City and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District, prior to platting any lots along MountainGate Drive south of the intersection with Park Drive (Street "C") including the South Cluster. The zon(J change shall be initiated by the applicant prior to platting any lots along MountainGate Drive south of the intersection with Park Drive (Street "C") including the South Cluster. Agreement is being finalized by Willamalane's attorney. (Not completed. Pending Parks Department review and approval) Condition 31: a. Execute and record a joint-use access and maintenance agreements over all areas of shared access proposed for: 1) Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2) Lots 44, 45 and 46, and 3) Lots 13 and 14 1) & 2) & 3)- drafts of easements have been submitted to surveyors. PW: Need Surveyor's Office Dennis Ernst Concurrence & approval. Condition 35: Prior to the filling of wetlands delineated within Lots 50 and 51 the applicant shall obtain a joint DSUUSACOE permit to allow the fill to occur. No approvals have been given to fill wetlands delineated within Lots 50 and 51. See page 9 of the Supplemental CC&R's under "Lots 50- 51." PW: Approval and permit needs to be obtained otherwise no fill allowed. Hillside Conditions of Approval DRC2003-00066 Condition 36: Erosion control measures required to minimize erosion and stabilize disturbed areas must be implemented by October 15th of any year that construction activities occur. Measures may include temporary means such as grass seed, straw bales and bioberms; the establishment of vegetation or other techniques for permanent stabilization, or a combination thereof. The means and timing for soil stabilization methods shall be specified as a note on the public improvement plans and required LDAPs. The site complies with LDAP; see page 32 of the City's Public Works approved plans. Erosion control measures are in place and functioning. PW: Review and approval required by the LDAP Section .f.. . . Condition 38: Prior to final plat approval the applicant shall record deed restrictions that establish restricted or prohibited building areas and explain the purpose for the restriction and uses otherwise allowed within the non-buildable areas. The restrictions shall be reviewed and approved by the city prior to recording. There are no needed recorded deed restrictions. The vegetation setbacks are shown on the Plat. PW: Need Surveyor's Office Dennis Ernst Concurrence & approval. Condition 39: Prior to final plat approval a fire protection plan approved by the City Fire Department shall be recorded as part of the deed restrictions established for the development. All lots within Phase 4 are incorporated into the CC&R's which include the fire protection plan. (Review and approval required by the Fire Department) Condition 40: Any lot deemed by the City Fire Marshall to be located within a vegetated area subject to wildfire shall have restrictions requiring buildings to have a Class A or B roofing. The restriction shall be recorded in a CCR document and shall be specified on the Hillside Developrrient Plan. All lots will have a restriction for requiring Class A or B roofing and will be reflected in the CC&R's. (Review and approval required by the Fire Department)