HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 4/28/2004 (2) . . \ Attachment "B" MountainGate Quarry/Park Reclamltion - Discretionary Use ZON2004-0006 Recommended .Cofnditions of Approval The following is a compilation of the recoJmended conditions of approval to the . I Hearings Official arising from the review of all Discretionary Use materials submitted. Discretionary Use: Condition 1: Under normal operations and unlkss authorized by the City, all rock will be moved from the quarry/park site to the construction arbas north ofthe quarry using the proposed . , f . MountainGate Drive east and north of the quarry. Blasting and Operations Plans: Condition 1: The submitted Blasting and OpeIfltions Plans are adopted as conditioned by the Hearings Official and must be implemented in the field and documented per industry standard reports and forwarded at the end of any week th~t activity occurs for review and inclusion in the City's DiscretionaryUse file. I . . Condition 2: All consultant, contractor and suO-contractor licenses, certifications, insurance and bonding information nOffilally required by state' and federal requirements for safe quarry and , blasting operations must be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the commencement of the proposed work.. I .. . . Condition 3: The City of Springfield shall be aaded as an insured party to the owner/applicant or blasting contractor insurance policy in a manne~ and amount acceptable to the City Attorney. . Condition 4: Pursu~t to SDC Articles 27, 32 Ld the City's intent to track fill on public and private properties to provide safe public in1pro~ements and private building sites, a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP) may be re<1uired at the discretion of the City Engineer to track public and private fills in coordination with puolic in1provement projects. The pennit must include material specifications and fmallocations of prbcessed materials, truck routes on site and offsite, electrical and water source locations, dewaterirlg and temporary drainage locations and ero~ion control measures for operations and stockpile sites. The applicant must also submit required DEQ, DSL and USACOE permits for City review with the PIP plans and/or the required LDAP permit. Condition 5: The estinlated total amount of JCk extracted during the life of the quarry reclamation shall be tracked in industry standArd status reports to the City of Springfield under the LDAP and Discretionary Use files. The qJarried and/or crushed rock's ultimate destination on site shall be identified to the extent practical. Condition 6: The applicant shall submit a proposed testing and inspection progran1 of maierials generated by this project along with the inspecting firm's resume and qualifications for review and approval by the City Engineer. Inspecting for quality control of fill and aggregate materials proposed to be used within public rights-of-way shall be in accordance with industry standards and J as approved by the CIty Engmeer. Date Received:- L/, -2$-0 Planner. .j)~-~ Y'\~ \ 6 f 2. p~ fd <-1-)$~ . , . . " Condition 7: The applicant must document the fact that materials used in public improvements meet and/or exceed the minimum requirements for embankment and fill material in public rights-of- way in compliance with the City of Springfield Standard Specifications Sections 302, 303, and 305. I Condition 8: The applicant must submit a geotdchnical report for the stability of the finished rough , grading condition at the quarry/park site, I, I I Condition 9: Stockpiles of on-site material shall be placed prior to crushing operations in accordance with the Noxon, PE, March 3, 2004 Memo, , ! Condition 10: The hours of operation shall be 8 a,m. to 6 p.m. for crushing and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. for other activities. Days of operation fori crushing shall be Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, Condition 11: Blasting at the quarry site shall De limited to 35 work days and crushing at the work site shall be limited to 75 work days over the 2 year life of the project. Additional crushing may occur at the two alternate crushing locations shown on the plan submitted by the applicant. The City'may, at its discretion, extend the limitation~ if unanticipated are encountered, Condition 12: The pre-blast notice and surveylg boundaries must be extended from the southerly property line along'the quarry site 250 feet. C d't' 13 S' ' d' .' I, b' d' d on I Ion : elsmlC an nOlse momtonng eqUIpment must e Hnme tate rea -out models for monitoring reports, I ' Condition 14: The City of Springfield will be included in all pre-blast notice procedures. Condition 15: Upon request, the Springfield Utlity Board will be provided a pre-blast' survey and ground monitoring equipment durin~ blasting. Condition 16: A site specific Spill preventioJ, Control and Countermeasure Plan shall be submitted for City review and approval prior tb the commenceIi1ent of work on site. The approved plan must be kept on site and be available for review by City staff upon request. Condition 17: The applicant shall contract witl a wildlife expert for ongoing survey and monitoring of rattlesnake populations and rel6cation of snakes found on the neighbor's property during blasting and crushing activities.