HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 4/15/2004 J...J'-' L...'....W..LI-j..'~j.lr "'"'u i.....L..'wi rl-'l'.:u.:.. tJ':::I t:Jc -' tt . REClH:lVT~D APR 1 5 2004 BY: ~ B J Equipment Company u..c , P.O. Box 543 cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone 541-747~261 Fax 541-988....320 IDf5p~ l/d~~ SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL AND COUNTERMEASURE PLAN Puroose '. I . B J Equipment Company LLC, 'Compa~y.' is committed to responSible management of hazamoos mate~als used In our op(!ra1lons Including ~Ieum ruels, Oils ane! ctlemical9. In the event of a spm as dafined below, all resources considered,lo be reasonably feasible, boIh:1ec:hnologicallyand economically, wUl be made lMlnable by us to contain anll COntrol the material. I . This plan Is for reporting, deanlng up spills and .ror the proper disposal or sUCh. The plan summar1zes oontalnment of spills, sptl response procedures'lSnd sets forth a communication system in the even! a spill may occur. A copy or this plan shan be maintained on de at each operatiolL R I itj' eSllonsibD es In the eIf",nt or a MAJOR spill, personnel at[thal site shalllmmedlat9ly notlfy 'Company's' representative of !he division where the operation is taking place, who win then contact all , O1hor nllCOSllary personnel and O1her dllanup conIractors, if neeckld. If the flm"Company" representative is not available, personnel sflall contact an alternate on the list in the attaChed Appendix 1. I For the purposes of this plan, :;I MAJOR spOI is defined as thirty (30) gallons or more of a hazardous malarial, or a material that is ~ntiallY hazardous to human health, the environment or the community. Anything leSs than thirty (30) gallons and not a hazard to human health, the environment or tho community will be considered a minor sPill. Dstailed information regarding the hazaJs and/or potentially hazardous materials stored or used at an operation is detailed on the list in the attached Appendix 2. Revised 31312004 BJ Equipment Company LLC 1 . . Prevention Training: All perronnel assigned 10 ruelJ equipment shall be famHiar wilt1 all aspects pertaining to propet operation of fueling equipment Prior 10 and foDowing each use or U19 fueling equipment an inspection shall be performed 10 Insure the fuel delivery sysl9m is mechanically sound and In proper \o\IOfl(jng wndilion. All tanks. hatches, valves. pumps and hoses shan be inspected for leaks, pmperiseCllri!y, protection and operstion. If any problem is detected. immediateropairs shall be performed prior III conduc:tlng fueling operations. AD personnel shall be familiar with the ~ and use of the "On-SiIB Containment Kit" as . detailed under readiness. I Vehicle P8/1dna and SecuritY: Care shall be taken h1 selecting parking areas so lhat W a spm occurs. fuel wiD not reach a stream or other water course. All valves, hatches. hoses. tanks and fuel delivery equjpment shall be secufeCl 'Nhen tr\ltI\s and/or equipment are not in usa. Housek~: All amtainen; that contain! hazardous materials shall be properly labeled. All personnel shall properly dispose of contaminated items including but not limited 10 filters and grease cartridges. No ha~rdous materialS or items contaminated with any hazardous material shall be discarded or discharged Onto !he sib9. . I . Readiness; All personnel shall make ever}> reasonable effOrt to immooiatelyand approprial9ly contain and/or prewn! a splD of any amount of hazardous material from entering lhe walen; of the State. ON-81lE CONT AIIIIMENT KIT The follOWing containment materials shall be lnaintained on the site of each operation in a weather- proof container. I A. Minimum of three (3). 8 foot long by 5; Inches diameter. absorbent booms designed to absorb the hazartloUS mllferials sfonld or used on the s~e. B. Minimum of 300 square feet of al>9orbenl pads designed to absorb the hazardous materials 5loroo or used on the site. I C. Two heavy-duty, long hlllldled shovels shall be on the 9fte to aid in damming a hazardous material spil., I The prooodures of this Spill Prevention. Control and Countermeasure Plan shall be reviewed annually with aD current emrloyee.~. new hfres, SUbcontraOlOl1l end vendors to ensure understanding of their rESpOnsibilkles pertaining to splRs of hazardous materials. Revised 31312004 eJ equipment Compeoy LLC 2 - >..JW ........""..., ,.,...;".., '-''-' '-'-'- . J,lppendiX 1 I SPILL NOTlFlCAnol\l AND COMMUNICATION I SPLLS THAT ARE REPORTABL.E ttazattlQUS Materials: Any quantity 01 hazardous materials thlll enters state waters (gmund water or surfaoo water. induding roadside dilcl1es)li!; to be MP01led. Any quantity 01 pelI'IJleUTn products equal 10 or greater man forty-two (42) gallons thal is dad on the ground Is 10 be repOned 10 the Agencie!l rlSled on the atl8ched Appendix 3 within 24 hours oflhe spill. Reponing Procedull!9 I Evaluate Ihe sftuaijon. If you dele:mine you are qualified 10 deel with the emergency, engage Ihe nearest equlpnenlllnd personnel 10 IIcoompllsh containment. and/or spreading of the spUI. I Contact Of h9ve som!lOl1e el."8 contact the 'Company' represenlallve. 1. 2. j, ,\.', {(h CompanY representatives: Sllndy Jeromlah Krfs Jell!mlah Harvey Epperson ~r 541.954-3467 I 541-\154-11423 ~ 541-747~261 541.747-6261 541-747.(1261 I:!!!m! 541-942-5100 641.736--9534 3. The 'Company' ",presentative win contad aD other neoossary pemollnel, agenaes and I outside C011tnldOIS, If neederl. If 'Compeny's' re~ntatIVe cannot be contacted within two hours 01 a spm, Ihe persomel dn site shaP contad lhe Reporting ~endes and Em8lgency Response Con\l'8c101SIQS listed in Ihe atleched AppendiK 3. Revised 3/312004 BJ Equipment Company LLC ., l-H'= :...r~1 I..'~ 3 !\Jlpendix 2 I . UST OF ALL HAZARDOUS and POTEIIITIALL Y HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED and/or USeD ON SITE 1 i : HaZanlous Mll1Ilrial Storaae CaD8Cilv Dil, 100 gallons Hydrguftc Oil 100 gallons 1 I Diesel Hydrnunc Oil 1 Diesel HydJ1lufic Oil .1 DIesel 1 Diesel DleL Hydmulic Oil 1 Diesel ~411Q/~~~4 Ib:~~ 1 :J41 ':l1::;;~"fj:Lt::J . Twe of StolllQll/US8 5000 G-D Drin 300 Q-O Drill 3M IR Drill Generator 3408 PickUP Loader VSI BJ EWU1PMEt'll (;U LLC . 100 gallons 100 gallons 100 gallons SO gallons 100 gallons eo ganons 8S gallons 33 gal/ons 300 gal/ons Revised 3I'Jf2004 BJ Equipment Company LLC PAGE ~5/~b 4 APJl!!ndlx 3 I . FOR SPI\.L$ GREATER TliAN 42 GALJ.ONSI OR 10 STATE WATERS I I REPORTING AGENCIES Within 24 tkUIS of a saiD I oregon Sima Emergency Management Dlvlslon (EMD) 8OD-452.0311 Oregon Departmerrt of EnvirJnmental Qualny (DEQ) 503-378-1240 National Response Center if ~II could leach navigable waters 800-424-8802 I A wrttten spin report and/or written fonow up report if rvquested by tlIese agendes. I WIthin 24 hours of a sDID I Washington Slate Emel\lenJ Management Division (EMD) 800-268-6890 . I WashIngton Department of ECOlogy (DOE) 360-407-6300 National Response Center if ~II r.ould leach navigable wall!lS 800-424-8802 ',. I A wrilIen spin report andlor written follow up report if requested by the~ agencies. I EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONTRACTORS 1. Spencer Environment Services, mh. I COvers state of Ore(lon & Tnlbcrtands I 1-2 Hour Response Time Olllces - Eugene & Porllond 2. Staton Construction, Ine. COV.1ll Sats of Oregon 3-6 Hour Response TIm..} 1"2 HOllrs in Lane Courrty OlIices - Eugene cascade Earth Scienc;es, lne. . Covers Slale of Oregon & TImberlandsl GU8A1nteed e Hour Response TImelUsually 1-2 Hour Response Time Offioes - Albany & POrlJaM I Cascade Environmamal Consuffing, rnc:, Covers Soulhwem Washington Foss Environmental ClMlrs Q'eg0ll & SouIl?Mlst WaShington Cowlitz Clean Sweep 0fIiCes- Longvlew. WA ~~i~*/~~~* iO.~J Cleaon 1. 2. Washlnaton 1. A. B. C. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, i :)4.1. :lOO"l-.::iLtJ . ~...' I:.b1U..Lr-'Mt.I'l1 l...;U LLL.,.; r'AI.:t:. t1b/~b . A. B. c. 800-733.a98 541-461..0543 800~03--0933 360-425--6163 800-331-7455 360-423-6316 36O-!ln -6399 888-423-6316 Revised 3/3/2004 BJ Equipmont Company UC 5