HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 5/5/2004 . .' Explosive Technical Service Inc. I Portlarid, Oregon I I Ma)\ 5, 2004 Land Planning 1070 Harlow Rd. Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: MountainGate Project, Robert Shelby letter of 4/30104 Attn: Mr. Mike Evans Dear Mike, Thank you for passing along Mr. Shelby's letter regarding his concerns that ;. 1 manufactured homes are more susceptible to damage from ground movement than , conventionally built wood framed homes. [This premise is not correct. As a.matter of fact, exactly the OpposIte IS the case. The steel support members that underlIe manufactured homes is much stronger andlmore elastic than conventionally constructed foundation and beam supports. Manufactured homes are designed to withstand highway I travel with all the attendant jolts and vibration without damage. Also, wall and ceiling material in manufactured homes also are t)pically lighter and stronger than those used in conventional wood frame homes and as a tesult are less susceptible to damage from vibration. Our blast design is based on causing no damage to lath and plaster interiors which represent the least strong interior construc~ion. 1 have a high confidence that there will be no structural damage to any homes in the area as a result our blasting. Respectfully, Dick Daniel Lt/r tit S'1"'7!~)' i.A r-JJ1AI u i/...S?fVv~ RECRTVED. MAY 0 5 2004 ~~