HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 3/19/2004 . ,'f " . . . . ,: .~ ,.',,' ,..... "",' " RECEI"I~D MAR 1 9 ZU 4 BY: -~. Decision Jo. No. 95-{)2-39 May 13, 1998 ' Page 15 of 42 e Mount Vernon Road and the Jasper Road areas and will reduce traffic impacts' on ountainGate Drive and on the proposed two main access points at Maln Street and th 58th Street. ' ,,',. ,; b. Lots that ar djacentto the termination of extended streets will s e advantages such as additio off-site parking and bicycle riding areas an ther benefits of being adjacent to ortions of improved streets that are noln essary for vehicular ,': ' ' access. c. ~ . The extended streets wiliProvide necessary second access to the development ' " for police, fire and life sai'e~~ervices.They will so provide emergency egress for residents when other intemal a~ssways are eked by emergency equipment or for other reasons. . . d, The extension of water lines to the bo ~r ofthe subject property is important for ""; reasons of public safety. ,The desig of wllter lines that loop through adjacent, , developments and then back into e MounhQnGale development provides, . redundancy in water pressure ,the hydrant~erving the development and allows for the continuation of adeq e water pressure i!xen if another section of the line within the MountainGate velopment is damage~.. ' , e. The continuation of t storm sewer system to the bou arles of the subject . property is necessa to handle storm runoff from imperv' us surfaces created by" the development at will impact the areas adjacent to the ex nded streets and to address the sit tion where development proposed by the app ant will affect, and be affected b ,natural drainage on the subject property from adJ ent properties f. The full tension of sanitary sewer lines gives to property owners w'lots . adjace to that extension more flexibility in determining how homes WI ook up to th system and provides for more freedom in the design and placement Ii st ture on the affected lots. This factor, in ttirn, allows for more options f' p serving trees on the affected lots and in designing around the topographic onstraints of the subject property. This flexibility is especially important to corner lots which are allowed to contain duplex development. . THE REQUEST (10. No. 95-02-39) FOR MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE MOUNT AlNGA TE SUBDIVISION IS CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. PRIOR TO SUBMITTING ANY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE APPROVED MASTER PLAN, THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE A REVISED CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN INCORPORATING THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF THIS DECISION: Water I. All new water system facilities and modifications to water system facilities both inside and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in the street right-of-way at a location . and depth of bury that meets the standards of SUB. Where street right-of-way width is inadequate to accommodate the facilities, then the applicant must provide pub!Jc utility I Df 3fl~ ~ I I , :> 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. . . , ',.' .....,' ' fl.. ,", Jo. No. 95-01-j9;~'; May 13, 1998. .'f' i Page 19 of 42' master stormwater system sufficiently to comply with Section 32.110(4) as determined by the City Engineer. ',.! . Prior to or concurrent with development of any phase south of Line ."A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E, the applicant shall provide detailed plans for the detentIon ponds proposed at the "SchoollPark" site. Prior to or concurrent wilh the development applicAtion for any phase north of Line "A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E, the applicant shall provide detailed plans for the detention pond and wetland mitigation near Aster Street and MountainGate Drive. For all publicly maintained ponds, maintenance vehicle access must be provided around the entire perimeter of each pond. For publicly mAintained open drainage channels, access paths, a minimum of 7 feet wide, must be provided along at least one side of every channel. Access must also be provided and guaranteed for all storm drain manholes located outside of a street right-of-way. Discharge of stormwater from public facilities onto private property is expressly prohibited and all lots tributary to such storm drains wiII be restricted from development . until a connection to a public system is provided. The design engineer shall incorporate drainage benches, private stomi draiit systems, and other features as may be recommended by the project geotechnical engineer and approved by the City Engineer, at the top of all cut slopes, and along the exposed face of all cut and fill slopes to reduce the potential of erosion on these slopes. Transportation 33. The following design modifications shall be made: a. A variance request must be submitted for K, M and I Streets and any other location where the maximum length of a cul-de-sac (dead end street), excluditlg the bulb, exceeds 400 feet. b. The length of a temporary dead end local street (due to phasing sequence) cannot exceed 1000 feel. Local dead end streets in excess of City standards shall not be allowed without a financial guarantee (bond) that the streelwill be completed through to another outlet point within three years. The temporary dead end street wiII always provide appropriate turnarounds for emergency vehicles. c. Temporary dead end streets in excess of City standards will be provided with a temporary, secondary emergency vehicle access until the completion of the street provides a pernJanent secondary access. d. . Temporary dead end collector streets requirements are addressed in the evaluation of development phasing. .._..-..--..-..--:--'_....~~- . . . . . . . .~. . 10. No. 95-02-39 ,; May t3, t998 ..' Page 22 of 42"/" '. of MountainGate Drive within tlnee years. . ".~ i, :'.~';, 51. Appendix E of the MountainGnte Master Plan is revised to relocate Line "A" to a point along Street "0" no more than 1,000 feet from the intersection with MountalnGate Drive provided a secondary emergency access is provided, otherwise, 400 feet front Ihe . intersection. 52. Secondary accesses to each phase of the Master Plan for police and fire response Inust .' be provided as development progresses along the directions Indicated In Appendix E of the MountainGate Master Plan. Protection of Resources 53. This decision is founded, in part, on the assumption that the provision of adequate park and recreation and other services will be adequate to serve the proposed development because the resources will be transferred to public ownership and because they.",lIt be . appropriately designated on the Metro Plan Diagram alld rezoned accordlngly.ltUegard to the former expectation, the following shall apply: . : . a. An agreement between the applicant and the WiIlamalane Park and Recreation District for the transfer of Mountain Park and West Park into public ownersWp shall be executed prior to the platting of the subject property south of Line "A." ~ b. An agreement between the applicant and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District for the transfer of School/Park (Quarry Park) into public ownership shall be executed prior to the platting of the subject property south of the intersection of MountainGate Drive and Street "c." Also,.and..wjJhin this timeline, the applicant shall submit to the District a t~f1!!mati(Jn pl~r the quarry that will demonstrate that the proposed rehabilitaUon'oft~quarry will result In a site suitable for its intended purpose; i.e., a neighborhood park. c. An easement providing pedestrian and bicycle access between Mountain Park and West Park shall be executed prior to the platting approval of Phase n of the proposed development. 54. Open space depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page I, Figure I of Exhibit 2, Including Mountain Park, West Park, park access easements, and archaeological Site 35AL657, excepting the School (quarry) Park, shall be designated Park and Open. Space on the Metro Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map. The Metro Plan amendment shall be Initiated, with '. concurrence by the applicant, by the City and the Willamalane Park and Recreation '. District prior to plattmg any lols south of Line "A" on Exhibit 2, Appendix E of the. ." Master Plan. The zone change shall be initiated by the applicant prior to platting Imy lots south of Line "A" on Exhibit'2, Appendix E of the Master Plan. .' . 55.. The School Park depicted on the Conceptual Master Plan, page I, Figure I, of Exhlbil . 2 shall be designated Park and Open Space on the Metro Plan Diagram and classified Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map: The Metro Plan amendment shall be initiated, with concurrence by the applicant, by the City and Ihe '.