HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 9/1/2011 . . MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Subject: victoria saucier [writevikusha@gmail.com] Thursday, September 01, 2011 10:04 AM MARKARIAN Molly Re: glenwood project Thank you Molly. Yes, please include me to the list. On Thu, Sep 1,2011 at 9:38 AM, MARKARIAN Molly <mmarkarian@springfield-or.gov>wrote: Victoria, Your property is located in the residential neighborhood south of Franklin Boulevard, which is in the Phase II boundary for the Plan update. Therefore, none of the proposed policies apply to your property at this time. We will begin work on the Phase 11 area once Phase I is adopted, so we probably won't be getting started on Phase II until January 20] 2 at the earliest. By law, whenever we proposed planning changes to an area, we have to notify all property owners within 300 feet of the properties affected. You happen to be one of the property owners that fall in this category. Please let me know if you would like me to add you to the 'Interested Parties' list for Phase II of the project so that we can keep you in the loop when work on that phase begins. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks! **Please note that my new em ail address is rnmarkarian@soringfield-or.gov ** Molly Markarian Planner III . City of Springfield - Development Services Department 54] .726.46] 1 mmarkarian@springfie]d-or.gov From: victoria saucier [mailto:writevikushaiqlgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 20114:25 PM To: MARKARIAN Molly Subject: glenwood project Hello, My name is Victoria Saucier. I am the owner or 4009/4005 E 17th Ave, Eugene property in Glenwood. I received the Open House invitation, wruch unfortimately I am unable to attend due to being out of town, I 1 Date Received: 1 ! I / } J Planner: MEM . e. MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Subject: . Swrputts@aol.com Thursday, September 01, 2011 9:07 AM MARKARIAN Molly Re: Check out La Maestra Community Health Care - City Redevelopment Agency SUm GreaLI know you're busy--thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Hope you're feeling welL. not much time to go so enjoy the quiet nights while you can! Steve In a message dated 8/31/2011 10:48:03 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, mmarkarian@sprinqfield-or.qovwrites: Steve, In looking over the City Heights'development scheme as described in the article you sent, here is how this type of development scheme could fit into the Glenwood Riverfront: . Something like the Senior Housing Project could develop in either Subarea A or 8. . Something like the Office and Retail Project could develop along the Franklin Boulevard frontage of Subarea A or in Subareas B, C, or D. . Something like Medical Clinic/Office Retail Project could develop along the Franklin Boulevard frontage of Subarea A or in Subareas B, C, or D. . Something like the Park could develop in all Subareas. **Please note th~t my new email address is mmarkarian(a)soringfield-or.ROV ** Molly Markarian Planner III City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 m m a rka ria n@>springfield-or.gov From: Swrputts@aol.com [mailto:Swrputts@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:17 PM Raee~'ljed"~ I !.!. Of"~~~ne~:. ~\i~ /-- .- ........l. ...., 1 . . MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Subject: MARKARIAN Molly Thursday, September 01, 201112:05 PM RUST Mark E RE: OLeo Notice Mailed Yes. **Please note that my new email address is mmarkarian(O)soringfield-or.gov ** Molly Markarian Planner III City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 mm arkaria n (al spri ngfield-or .gov From: RUST Mark E [mailto:Mark,RUST@co.lane.or,us] Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 12:04 PM To: MARKARIAN Molly Subject: RE: DLCD Notice Mailed Ok Great. Thanks. This if for the Glenwood Refinement plan right? Mark Rust, AICP I Associate Planner Lane County Department of Public Works Land Management Division 125 East 8th Ave, I Eugene, OR 97401 Office 541.682.4541 I Fax 541.682.3947 mark,rust(cj)co,lane.or.us I www.lanecoul1ty.orq/planninQ From: MARKARIAN Molly [mailto:mmarkarian@springfield-or.gov] Sent: Thursday, September 01, 201111:39 AM To: RUST Mark E Subject: DLCD Notice Mailed Mark, Just wanted to Jet you know that I put a copy' of the packet we sent up to DLCD today in themail for your records. Thanks. **Please note that my new email address is mmarkarian@lsoringfield-or.gov ** Molly Markarian Planner III City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 mm a rka ria n (al spri ngfie Id-or .gov 1 . . .41/ /I Date ReceIVed. I Planner: MEM