HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 4/3/2010
PO BOX 1 0827
EUGENE, OR 97440
Wiley Mt., Inc. & LeeLynn, Inc.
PO. Box 518
Creswell, OR 97426
Division of Chief Depuly Clerk
Lane Counly Deeds and Records
Lee Lynn, Inc., Wiley Mt. Inc.
P.O. Box 518
Creswell, OR 97426
00554630200400172880100102 03/11/2004
$50.00 $10.00 $11.00
Alberts Development, LLC
P.O. Box 10545
Eugene, OR 97440
hereinafter IlDcclarantsll
I. Consideration. The consideration for this easement is other than monetary and includes
Declarants complying with the terms of the City of Springficld Notice of Decision - Serial
Property Line Adjustment, dated January 23, 2004 in which Declarants are the owners.
2. Real Property. Declarants own six parcels offeal property in the MountainGate Development in
Sprjngfield, Oregon, described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference and rellected on the map marked Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein
by referencc.
3. TCmllOrary Acccss and Storm and Sanitary Easements
A. Grant of Temporary Access Easements. Declarants hereby grant and declare tcmporary
sanitary, stonn and other utility easements, and temporary access easements 50 feet in
width for vehicle access ingress and egress over and on existing roads within Parcels I, 3,
5 and 6, the location of those roads as more specifically shown on Exhibit "B" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said temporary easements are over and
across and burden Parcels I, 3, 5 and 6 and are appurtenant to and benefit Parcels I. 2. 3,
4, 5 and 6.
B. Purpose. The purpose of the temporary access easements describcd is to provide
tcmporary emergency access over the existing roads on the property as more particularly
described and set forth in Exhibit B and to provide temporary sanitary stonn and other
utility easements as may be necessary to accommodate the development of Parcels I, 2,
3,4, 5 and 6.
Date Received: ,-/-3-fO
Planner. .T]>
$71. 00
10:28:49 AM
01;h-?~ o/i
4. Grant of Temporarv Stormwater Easements. Declarants also grant temporary easements for
stormwater drainage over, across, and upon existing open water drainage channels necessary to
serve'Parcels 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. The precise location of such open water drainage channels shall
be established by Declarants after consultation with City of Springfield. Said temporary
stormwater drainage easements are over and across and burden Parcels I, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6 and are
appurtenant to and benefit Parcels I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
5. Grant of Other Necessary Temporary Public Utility Easements. Declarants acknowledge that
other easements may be necessary for public utilities to serve Parcels 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. If
deemed necessary by the City of Springfield, Declarants shall, after consultation with the City of
Springfield, designate the location of such easements on Parcels I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 prior to the real
property underlying such public utility easement being improved or utilized for another purpose.
6. All Costs Necessary for the Establishment. Maintenance and Termination of the Temporary
Easements Described in Sections 3. 4 and 5. All cost and maintenance of such easements,
including but not limited to the establishment, construction, maintenance and temlination of any
roads and easements, shall be apportioned among the owners of Parcels I -6 in proportion to their
respective use of such easements.
7. Termination. It is the intent of the Declarants and the agreement of the City that the easements
provided by this Declaration are temporary. They shall cease, desist, and expire upon the
recordation of Subdivision Plats upon Parcels I, 3, 5 and 6 and the recordation of the conveyance
of Parcels 2 and 4 to Willamalane Park and Recreation District, whichever shall last occur. This
Declaration shall also cease to exist upon any portion of the parcels that are included within a
recorded subdivision plat, and easements contained herein shall not apply to any lots or parcels
included in such recorded subdivision plat. If necessary to provide record notice of such
expiration, City shall sign appropriate documents for recordation.
8. NON-MERGElt There shall be no merger of this instrument or of the easements created by this
instrument with the fee estate in the real properties described herein by reason of the fact that
these easements or any interest in the easements may be held, directly or indirectly, by or for tlie
account of any person who shall own all or any portion of the fee estate in thc real property. It is
the Declarants' intent that until the conditions for termination are met as set f6rlh in Section 7, the
easements created by this instrument are and shall always remain separate from, and shall not
merge with, the fee ownership of the real properties.
By: ~A~~
BJ/fk-~7 /~~
, /
By: WN Ijl
3 - /D. ()l-f
County of Lane )
This instru~~nt was acjrnowledged before me on JJ:tV1fI!) 1('
-.inch! \ c\ f{'('~))tJ~J \")(l"c"d t ".-!-- of LeeLynn, Inc.
, 2004 by
~ lJCl..fLiJ})!Lh
Notary Public Jar Oregon
My Commission Expires: It: -,J S {'7
-........ COMMISSION NO. 369985
County of Lane
This instrum~nt was acknowledged before me on R"U..~\Ch 10
f0() \'" 11'\1./\ r)1d})u~ei -.:p ,e,;,rt i rd- of Wiley MI., Inc,
, 2004 by
.MelLl,'p tA.l( :H.f /J1Z1.A.
Notary Public for Oregon
My Commission Expires: ~'l
County of Lane )
This instrument was acknowledged before me on nlilj\ chI 0 , 2004 by
T cdd Cv b.t.1cf /J as M em Ia.e,,- of Alberts Dev.elopment LLC.
". .....S!~.':!ISSION NO, 369985
.. '." n'.. ., .........ION EXPIRES JUNE 25, 2007
.Md.f/...f. }A., 'aUf /J11tJ/\
NotaJY Public for Oregon
My Commission Expires: f/;-J.!J/Y7
N :City/l'lanning/MlngateRcvisited/DcclarntionofEasemcnt.doc
Revised Tax Lot 300 - (Parcel 1)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South
89011' 45" East 381.00 feet; thence South 1043' 43" West 322.66 feet; thence South 880 11'
48" East 385.82 feet to a point on the boundary of EASTHAVEN SUBDIVISION, as platted and
recorded in File 75, Slide 192, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; run thence along said
boundary South 1048' 15" West 212.20 feet; thence South 260 39' 33" East 139.62 feet; thence
South 1056' 38" West 135.43 feet; thence South 60 22' 13" West 64.77 feet; thence South 20
02' 43" West 150.07 feet thence North 880 11' 45" West 99.22 feet; thence South 14040' 05"
West 115.77 feet; thence South 10 43' 43" West 360.53 feet; thence South 680 40' 48" East
100.41 feet; thence South 610 4T 36" East 117.80 feet; thence South 570 59' 24" East 144.93
feet; thence leaving said Plat boundary South 790 42' 24" East 30.13 feet; thence South 1043'
42" West 982.37 feet; thence North 79044' 26" West 202.24 feet; thence South 30043' 43"
West 108.51 feet; thence along the arc of a 45.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord
of which bears South 12054' 46" West 47.79 feet; thence South 450 00' 58" East 84.96 feet;
thence South 1043' 43" West 130.00 feet; thence South 670 42' 56" East 213.60 feet; thence
South 1043' 43" West 462.56 feet; thence North 870 44' 49" West 973.06 feet to the TRUE
POINT of BEGINNING; run thence North 220 16' 34" East 923.00 feet; thence North 30046' 57"
West 92.67 feet; thence North 250 19' 10" West 96.02 feet; thence North 110 10' 22" West
131.49 feet; thence North 730 44' 26" East 54.57 feet; thence South 320 30' 38" East 121.36
feet; thence along the arc of a 46.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears
North 410 OT 32" East 13.55 feet; thence North 320 30' 48" West 226.16 feet; thence North 700
10' 22" East 99.84 feet; ther)ce North 4r 26' 51" West 44.47 feet; thence North 370 15' 32" East
109.21 feet; thence North 220 44' 11" West 90.47 feet; thence North 500 31' 56" West 154.11
feet; thence North 4~0 50' 03" East 66.07 feet; thence North 380 52' 01" West 108.94 feet;
thence along the arc of a 275.00 foot radius curve, the long chord of which bears South 450 3T
06" West 31.51 feet; thence North 4r 39' 57" West 248.05 feet; thence South 3r 15' 32" West
337.36; thence South 220 45' 38" West 236.72 feet; thence South 750 19' 04" West 654.82 feet;
thence North 770 4T 09" West 239.06 feet; thence North 50025' 29" West 231.87 feet; thence
North 240 53' 54" West 335.34 feet; thence North 150 35' 26" West 180.03 feet; thence North
14002' 28" East 281.68 feet; thence North 750 57' 32" West 120.00 feet; thence North 14002'
28" East 206.00 feet; thence North 750 5T 32" West 370.00 feet; thence North 14002' 28" East
320.90 feet; thence along the arc of a 369.99 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of
which bears North 60 44' 12" East 94.08 feet; thence North 00 34' 04" West 46.04 feet; thence
South 890 25' 56" West 120.00 feet; thence South 720 57' 20"West 129.30 feet; thence North
49050' 02" West 286.67 feet; thence South 400 09' 58" West 226.21 feet; thence along the arc
of a 250.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 640 19' 22" West
66.30 feet; thence South 380 32' 30" West 54.34 feet; thence South 80 52' 17" West 11.48 feet;
thence along the arc of a 51.01 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South
26048' 51" West 31.43 feet; thence South 440 45' 25" West 66.40 feet; thence along the arc of a
86.99 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 260 48' 51" West 53.60
feet; thence South 80 52' 17" West 240.59 feet; thence along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius
curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South r 09' 33" East 128.34 feet; thence South
66016' 12" West 140.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 365.00 foot radius curve to the right, the
long chord of which bears North 90 03' 18" West 184.94 feet; thence North 810 OT 43" West
110.14 feet; thence South 780 08' 12" West 52.37 feet; thence North 850 29' 07" West 140.29
feet; thence along the arc of a 665.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears
South 90 34'21" East 325.30 feet; thence South 230 43' 48" East 214.39 feet; thence South 47"
33' 40" East 149.89 feet; thence South 73046' 36" East 146.91 feet; thence South 520 02' 41"
West 202.38 feet; thence North 370 35' 18" West 200.00 feet; thence North 32041' 22" West
200.73 feet; thence North 250 55' 29" West 469.14 feet; thence North 5023' 54" East 356.05
feet; thence North 840 36' 34" West 63.51 feet; thence North 52005' 07" West 150.00 feet;
thence North 37054' 53" East 205.05 feet; thence North 890 12' 45" West 389.74 feet; thence
South 1031' 59" West 623.78 feet; thence along the arc of a 796.19 foot radius curve to the left,
the long chord of which bears North 670 23' 21" West 553.13 feet to a point on the centerline of
581h Street; thence along said centerline South 1038' 28" West 49.89 feet; thence leaving said
centerline and running along the Northerly right of way of Weyerhaeuser's private roadway
along the arc of a 745.71 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 620
50' 06" East 636.11 feet; thence South 370 35' 19" East 979.83 feet; thence along the arc of
542.57 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 520 39' 49" East 282.23
feet; thence South 6r 44' 19" East 192.07 feet; thence along the arc of a 602.57 foot radius
curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 320 06' 19" East 702.11 feet; thence
South 30 31' 41" West 291.00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly right of way South 880 22' 34"
East 1437.38 feet; thence South 1035' 59" West 396.60 feet; thence South 870 44' 49" East
879.75 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said
parcel contains 126.49 acres more or less.
EXCEPT THEREFROM: That portion deeded to Lane County in a Warranty Deed recorded
August 8, 2000, Reception No. 2000-045367, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon.
Revised Tax Lot 1101 - (Parcel 2)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WillameUe Meridian; run thence North
1051' 15" East 483.01 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 302.54 feet; thence North 20 08' 53"
East 286.21 feet; thence North 880 06' 26" West 66.00 feet; thence North 890 59' 53" West
72.85 feet; thence North 87045' 08" West 347.98 feet; thence North 00 41' 30" East 374.02 feet
to a point on the Southerly right of way of McKenzie Highway; run thence along said right of
way; North 880 01' 08" West 260.76 feet; thence leaving said right of way South 1038' 26" West
660.00 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 970.02 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; run
thence North 880 01' 08" West 1124.64 feet; thence South 1041' 21" West 923.37 feet; thence
North 890 12' 45" West 14.45 feet; thence South 520 05' 07" East 24.58 feet; thence South 370
54' 53" West 300.00 feet; thence South 840 36' 34" East 63.51 feet; thence South 50 23' 54"
West 356.05 feet; thence South 250 55' 29" East 469.14 feet; thence South 320 41' 22" East
200.73 feet; thence South 37" 35' 18" East 200.00 feet; thence North 52002' 41" East 202.38
feet; thence North 730 46' 36" West 14691 feet; thence North 470 33' 40" West 149.89 feet;
thence North 230 43' 48" West 214.39 feet; thence along the arc of a 665.00 foot radius curve to
the right, the long chord of which bears North 7" 25' 45" West 373.30 feet; thence North 80 52'
17" East 460.75 feet; thence North 16025' 07" East 185.22 feet; thence North 420 38' 17" East
648.27 feet; thence North 610 31' 29" East 389.01 feet; thence North 57025' 33" East 222.21
feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel
contains 16.51 acres more or less.
Revised Tax Lot 1100 - (Parcel 3)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence North
1051' 15" East 483.01 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 302.54 feet; thence North 20 08' 53"
East 286.21 feet; thence North 880 06' 26" West 66.00 feet; thence North 890 59' 53" West
72.85 feet; thence North 870 45' 08" West 347.98 feet; thence North 00 41' 30" East 374.02 feet
to a point on the Southerly right of way of McKenzie Highway; run thence along said right of
way; North 880 01' 08" West 260.76 feet; thence leaving said right of way South 10 38' 26" West
660.00 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 970.02 feet; thence South 570 25' 33" West 222.21
feet; thence South 610 31' 29" West 132.75 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; run thence
South 1038' 08" West 161.63 feet; thence South 580 21' 52" East 308.47 feet; thence South 610
23' 16" East 101.56 feet; thence South 420 45' 43" East 204.72 feet; thence along the arc of a
140.00 Foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 13036' 13" West
68.54 feet; thence South 370 28' 08" East 99.92 feet; thence South 730 45' 17" East 136.77 feet;
thence South 87" 09' 32" East 547.55 feet; thence South 30 19' 06" West 72.16 feet; thence
South' 36039' 21" West 771.82 feet; thence North 750 51' 32" West 370.00 feet; thence North
14002' 28" East 320.90 feet; thence along the arc of a 369.99 foot radius curve to the left, the
long chord of which bears North 60 44' 12" East 94.08 feet; thence North 00 34' 04" West 46.04
feet; thence South 89025' 56" West 120.00 feet; thence South 720 51' 20"West 129.30 feet;
thence North 490 50' 02" West 286.67 feet; thence South 400 09' 58" West 226.21 feet; thence
along the arc of a 250.00 Foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 640
19' 22" West 66.30 feet; thence South 380 32' 30" West 54.34 feet; thence South 80 52' 17"
West 11.48 feet; thence along the arc of a 51.01 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of
. which bears South 260 48' 51" West 31.43 feet; thence South 440 45' 25" West 66.40 feet;
thence along the arc of a 86.99 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears
South 260 48' 51" West 53.60 feet; thence South 80 52; 17" West 240.59 feet; thence along the
arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the,left, the long chord of which bears South 70 09' 33" East
128.34 feet; thence South 66016' 12" West 140.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 365.00 foot
radius curVe to the right, the long chord of which bears North 90 03' 18" West 184.94 feet;
thence North 810 01' 43" West 110.14 feet; thence South 780 08' 12" West 52.37 feet; thence
. North 85029' 07" West 140.29 feet; thence along the arc of a 665.00 foot radius curve to the
right, the long chord of which bears North 60 43' 41" East 49.74 feet; thence North 80 52' 17"
East 460.75 feet; thence North 16025' 07" East 185.22 feet; thence North 420 38' 17" East
648.27 feet; thence North 610 31' 29" East 256.25 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, in
Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contains 29.38 acres more or less.
Revised Tax Lot 1102 - (Parcel 4)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence North
1051' 15" East 483.01 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 302.54 feet; thence North 20 08' 53"
East 286'.21 feet; thence North 880 06' 26" West 66.00 feet; thence North 890 59' 53" West
72.85 feet; thence North 87" 45' 08" West 347.98 feet; thence North 00 41' 30" East 374.02 feet
to a point on the Southerly right of way of McKenzie Highway; run thence along said right of
way; North 880 01' 08" West 260.76 feet; thence leaving said right of way South 1038' 26" West
660.00 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 970.02 feet; thence South 570 25' 33" West 222.21
feet; thence 'South 610 31' 29" West 132.75 feet; thence South 1038' 08" West 161.63 feet;
thence South 58021' 52" East 308.47 feet; thence South 610 23' 16" East 101.56 feet; thence
South 420 45' 43" East 204.72 feet; thence along the arc of a 140.00 Foot radius curve to the
left, the long chord of which bears South 13036' 12" West 68.54 feet; thence South 37028' 08"
East 99.92 feet; thence South 730 45' 17" East 136.77 feet; thence South 87" 09' 32" East
547.55 feet; thence South 3019' 06" West 72.16 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING;
thence South 360 39' 21" West 771.82 feet; thence South 14002' 28" West 206.00 feet; thence
South 750 51' 32" East 120.00 feet; thence South 14002' 28" West 281.68 feet; thence South
15035' 26" East 180.03 feet; thence South 240 53' 54" East 335.34 feet; thence South 50025'
29" East 231.87 feet; thence South 770 41'.09" East 239.06 feet; thence North 750 19' 04" East
654.82 feet; thence North 220 45' 38" East 236.72 feet; thence North 370 15' 32" East 337.36
feet; thence North 370 15' 32" East 342.39 feet; thence North 130 11' 28" East 195.36 feet;
thence North 410 45' 21" East 174.09 feet; thence North 50 58' 51" East 75.67 feet; thence North
46038' 24" West 189.35 feet; thence North 450 35' 29" East 135.84 feet; thence along the arc of
a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 510 10' 19" West
125.34 feet; thence South 55029' 32" West 182.62 feet; thence North 410 11' 19" West 417.51
feet; thence North 560 02' 20" West 151.40 feet; thence North 86014' 33" West 148.96 feet;
thence South 690 43' 24" West 80.92 feet; thence South 770 51' 10" West 284.96 feet; thence
South 800 04' 49" West 255.33 to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, in Springfield, Lane
County, Oregon. Said parcel contains 59.24 acres more or less.
Revised Tax Lot 602 - (Parcel 5)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence North
1051' 15" .East 483.01 feet; thence North 88001' 08" West 302.54 feet to the TRUE POINT of
BEGINNING; run thence North 20 08' 53" East 286.21 feet; thence North 880 06' 26" West 66.00
feet; thence North 890 59' 53" West 72.85 feet; thence North 87" 45' 08" West 347.98 feet;
thence North 00 41' 30" East 374.02 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way of McKenzie
Highway; run thence along said right of way; North 880 01' 08" West 260.76 feet; thence leaving
said right of way South 1038' 26" West 660.00 feet; thence North 880 01' 08" West 970.02 feet;
thence South 57025' 33" West 222.21 feet; thence South 610 31' 29" West 132.76 feet; thence
South 1038' 08" West 161.63 feet; thence South 58021' 52" East 308.47 feet; thence South 610
23' 16" East 101.56 feet; thence South 420 45' 43" East 204.72 feet; thence along the arc of a
140.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 13036' 13" West 68.54
feet; thence South 37028' 08" East 99.92 feet; thence South 730 45' 17" East 136.77 feet;
thence North 17024' 27" East 189.27 feet; thence North 560 32' 00" East 176.59 feet; thence
North 670 42' 52" East 175.03 feet; thence North 640 42' 01" East 105.13 feet; thence North 710
09' 08" East 43.10 feet; thence South 380 44' 40" East 138.76 feet; thence South 67" 09' 44"
East 78.23 feet; thence South 86040' 54" East 235.61 feet; thence North 14004' 12" East
214.76 feet; thence North 1038' 01" East 33.53 feet; thence North 840 18' 16" East 101.71 feet;
thence North 1038' 01" East 223.63 feet; thence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to
the right; the long chord of which bears North 860 14' 53" East 24.49 feet; thence South 55059'
27" East 10.48 feet; thence North 340 00' 32" East 60.00 feet; thence North 550 59' 27" West
10.48 feet; th"ence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which
bears North 180 13' 47" West 24.49 feet; thence along the arc of a 180.00 foot radius curve to
the left, the long chord of which bears North 11039' 02" East 49.36 feet; thence South 86005'
48" East 105.66 feet; thence South 10 57' 15;' West 110.92 feet; thence South 880 07' 08" East
26.00 feet; thence North 10 57' 15" East 110.00 feet; thence South 860 11' 43" East 113 02 feet
to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contains
29.19 acres, more or less.
Revised Tax Lot 303- (Parcel 6)
Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land
Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South
89011' 45" East 381.00 feet; thence South 1043' 43" West 322.66 feet; thence South 880 11'
45" East 385.82 feet to a point on the boundary of EASTHAVEN SUBDIVISION, as platted and
recorded in File 75, Slide 192, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; run thence along said
boundary South 1048' 15" West 212.20 feet; thence South 260 39' 33" East 139.62 feet; thence
South 1056' 38" West 135.43 feet; thence South 60 22' 13" West 64.77 feet; thence South 20
02' 43" West 150.07 feet; thence North 880 11' 45" West 99.22 feet; thence South 14040' 05"
West 115.77 feet; thence South 10 43' 43" West 360.53 feet; thence South 680 40' 48" East
100.41 feet; thence South 610 47' 36" East 117.80 feet; thence South 5]0 59' 24" East 144.93
feet; thence leaving said Plat boundary South 790 42' 24" East 30.13 feet; thence South 1043'
43" West 982.36 feet; thence North 79044' 26" West 202.24 feet; thence South 300 43' 43"
West 108.51 feet; thence along the arc of a 45.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord
of which bears South 12054' 46" West 47.79 feet; thence South 450 00' 58" East 84.96 feet;
thence South 1043' 43" West 130.00 feet; thence South 6]0 42' 56" East 213.60 feet; thence
South 1043' 43" West 462.56 feet; thence North 870 44' 49" West 973.06 feet; thence North 220
16' 34" East 923.00 feet; thence North 300 46' 57" West 92.67 feet; thence North 250 19' 10"
West 96.02 feet; thence North 110 10' 22" West 131.49 feet; thence North 730 44' 26" East
54.57 feet; thence South 320 30' 48" East 121.36 feet; thence along the arc of a 46.00 foot
radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 410 07' 32" East 13.55 feet; thence
North 320 30' 48" West 226.16 feet; thence North 700 10' 22" East 99.84 feet; thence North 470
26' 51" West 44.47 feet; thence North 370 15' 32" East 109.21 feet; thence North 220 44' 11"
West 90.47 feet; thence North 500 31' 56" West 154.11 feet; thence North 420 50' 03" East
66.07 feet; thence North 380 52' 01" West 108.94 feet; thence along the arc of a 275.00 foot
radius curVe to the left, the long chord of which bears South 450 37' 06" West 31.51 feet; thence
North 470 39' 57" West 248.05 feet; thence North 3]0 15' 32" East 342.39 feet; thence North 130
17' 28" East 195.36 feet; thence North 410 45' 21" East 174.09 feet; thence North 50 58' 51"
East 75.67 feet; thence North 460 38' 24" West 189.35 feet; thence North 450 35' 29" East
135.84 feet; thence along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of
which bears North 510 10' 19" West 125.34 feet; thence South 550 29' 32" West 182.62 feet;
thenc.e North 41017' 19" West 417.51 feet; thence North 560 02' 20" West 151.40 feet; thence
North 860 14' 33" West 148.92 feet; thence South 690 43' 24" West 80.92 feet; thence South 770
57' 10" West 284.96 feet; thence South 80004' 49" West 255.33 feet; thence North 30 19' 06"
East 72.16 feet; thence North 870 09' 32" West 547.55 feet; thence North 17" 24' 27" East
189.27 feet; thence North 560 32' 00" East 176.59 feet; thence North 670 42' 52" East 175.03
feet; thence North 640 42' 01" East 105.13 feet; thence North 710 09' 08" East 43.10 feet;
thence South 380 44' 40" East 138.76 feet; thence South 670 09' 44" East 78.73 feet; thence
South 860 40' 54" East 235.61 feet; thence North 14004' 12" East 214.76 feet; thence North 10
38' 01" East 33.53 feet; thence North 84018' 16" East 101.71 feet; thence North 1038' 01" East
223.63 feet; thence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of
which bears North 860 14' 53" East 24.49 feet; thence South 550 59' 27" East 10.48 feet; thence
North 340 00' 33" East 60.00 feet; thence North 550 59' 27" West 10.48 feet; thence along the
arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 180 13' 47"
West 24.49 feet; thence along the arc of a 180.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of
which bears North 11039' 02" East 49.36 feet; thence South 860 05' 48" East 105.66 feet;
thence South 10 51' 15" West 110.92 feet; thence South 880 01' 08" East 26.00 feet; thence
North 10 51' 15" East 110.00 feet; thence South 860 11' 43" East 113.02 feet; thence South 880
01' 08" East 302.54 feet; thence South 10 51' 15" West 483.01 feet to the Place of Beginning, in
Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contains 72.25 acres more or less.
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