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Miscellaneous APPLICANT 4/28/2011 (2)
. . Oregon Administrat~ve Rules Chapter 340, Division 35 Department of Environmental Quality TABLE 7 (340-35-035) ExistinQ Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards Allowable Statistical Noise Levels in Any One Hour 7am -10 Dm 10Dm-7am Lso - 55 dBA Lso - 50 dBA L10 - 60 dBA L,o - 55 dBA L, -75dBA L ,- 60 dBA TABLE 8 (340-35-035) New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards Allowable Statistical Noise Levels in Any One Hour . 7am-10Dm 10Dm-7am Lso- 55 dBA Lso- 50 dBA L1O-60 dBA L,o-55 dBA L, - 75 dBA L ,- 60 dBA Date Received: Planner: LM