HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Easement 2011-3-22 .'~\\ b ~1()d.. 'Q,to. Gto~ 2~ 11.~ g~4~ 1111111111111 \11111 \\1111111111111 \111111 11111111 0121265620110014049005005203/22/2011 RPR-ESMT Cnl=2 Sln=1 CRSHIER 05 $5.00 $25.00 $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 $67.00 11 :28:58 AM Lane Counly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds' and Records DECLARATION OF A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN IlY THESE PRESENTS, that Back Porch Properties, LLC are the owners of Lots 1-6 of BACK PORCH PROPERTIES subdivision, recorded 22 /Jar. ,2011, Reception No. 2011- /~o </8 as filed in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said Owners create a variable Width Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement, across Lots 1-6, for the benefit of Lots 1-6, as shown on said Subdivision and herein as Exhibit "A". FURTHER, said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots 1-6 will share said easement and said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots 1-6 will enter into a Maintenance Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared that: I. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of the above named Lots of said Subdivision shall share equally in the costs of maintenance and operatioI1 of said Easement. 2. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of said Lots may construct and maintain private utilities over and across said Easement. 3. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of said Lots shall cause said Easement to remain free of structures and parked vehicles and shall be available for access to the public road at all times. 4. Maintenance to the access facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the m'ajority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable. 5. Maintenance to the stormwater facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable or at such a time as necessary to ensure the functionality of said facilities. See Exhibit "B" for more details of the Vegetation Management Operations and Maintenance Plan. ' , 6. Emergency vehicles shall have th~ right to enter upon said Easement for the purpose of emergency vehicle access. FURTHER, The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Lots 1 -6, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00. Granted and d c1ared this A day of kzt. ,2011. ~ 6 gory D. Larkin, anaging Member Ilack Porch Properties, LLC State of Oregon ) ) 55. ) l<~"-~n~y , 2011 by Gregory D. Larkin, / -/0 -/4 t.~.... .' OFFICIAl SEAl '/, ': ".~.!' 1!.~j"HRYN M C ., . j" ",' ONNELLY . V;jjiJ;J I:Or'1RY PUBl/C.QREGON MY COMMg~~~~~~~:j~t~~Y 10 ~~~ ,.~~, ,2014 Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 4123- Variable Width Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement C:, ... .11 ",( &:~ - ~ ., ., ~ ., ~ ~ ~ kl Co, - <ci R: ,OOJI/ "" h a '" _!.P!:2E T ,0/'05l --- A< ,o<r I I I a ~ ~ ~ i'" ~ b r< ~ .. ~g~~:g ~~~~~ ;<t-';;iIl!;;:1I ~C>:::;;!<oc3 II 'l: "'" II is , 00.f/ .l338.lS UN6t I I I 3.6f.t5l./N J.6f,Y5l./N ~ -- ...... I~ '>5 ,- I lilo I~ ~ I~ '" h a '" CI") -.. h '" '" l I , I I ~ ~, C..) ~I ~ c:, I R.. ~ ~ I C..) ......, ~..~ a i:q ~, ~ (ij b - <0 g: r,.., Co; ~ R.. c:, Co; R.. '" h a '" '" h '" '" l'-' ~ b r< :::l (ij - I L I~ h '" ..., ,00'87 M.6f,Y5l./s M.6f.t<;./S EXHIBIT "B" VEGETATION MANAGEMENT FACILITIES THIS APPLIES TO . Vegetated facilities: ecoroofs, infiltration basins, planters, ponds, sand filters, swales, trees, vegetated filters, and wetlands. IMPORTANCE TO FACILITY PERFORMANCE Plants play an important role in stormwater facilities. They absorb water, improve infiltration rates of soil, prevent erosion by stabilizing so~ cool water, and capture pollutants. Plants create habitat for birds and other wildlife and provide aesthetic value to a property. Proper maintenance of vegetation improves the appearance and performance of facilities. WHAT TO LOOK FOR When identifying maintenance needs, it is helpful to have a copy of the landscape plan; this shows the required plants for the facility. Facilities should be checked for maintenance needs quarterly for the first 2 years and twice a year after that. A facility needs maintenance when: . Areas of soil are bare. . Vegetation is'buried by sediment. . Vegetation appears unhealthy or has died. . Nuisance and invasive plants are present. . Vegeta tion is compromising the facility's structure by blocking inlets or outlets, or roots are intruding into a component <;Jf the facility. . Dropped leaves and other debris are contributing to sediment accumulation or are blocking inlets or outlets. WHAT TO DO Maintenance activities Can easily be incorporated into existing site landscape maintenance contracts. Vegetation can be maintained with a formal or more natural' appearance, depending on your preference. General Maintenance . Remove dropped leaves, dead plants, and grass and other plant clippings. Plant debris adds nutrient pollution as it breaks down and can clog facility piping and reduce infiltration. . Avoid using fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides in the facility. These products add to the pollution problems the facilities are designed to remedy. Chapter 3: Operations and Maintenance Portland Stonnwater Management Manual- August 1, 2008 3-25 i J I I I I I I I , , I I EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED VEGETATION MANAGEMENT (continued) General Maintenance (continued) o Use mulch to inhibit weed growth, retain moisture, and add nutrients. Replenish when needed. Ensure that mulch does not inhibit water flow in the flow pa tho o Irrigate all new plantings as needed for the first 2 years. Caring for Wanted Vegetation Facility owners are responsible for maintaining healthy vegetation and must replace any plants that have died or been removed. .0 You are required to maintain vegetation to the density approved on your landscape plan or specified in the facility description in Chapter 2. o Replant with vegetation approved for use in the original planting plan or from the recommended plant list in Appendix F.4. o Plant in late fall or early spring so plant roots can establish during the cool, rainy seasons, before summer. o Amend, aerate, and/ or till compacted soils before replanting by adding compost to increase nutrients and enhance soil texture. o If plants ~e not surviving, determine the reason for the plant die-off. Survivability may be improved by planting vegetation better suited for the site conditions or by irrigating more. . You may need to test planting bed soils for pH, moisture, and other factors such as nutrient levels, soil structure, and organic matter content. o Grassy facilities are designed for routine mowing. Mowat least twice a year. o Grass should be mowed to keep it 4 to 9 inches taIl. o Grass that is at least 4 inches taIl captures more pollutants and is hardier. Grass over 10 inches tall is considered a nuisance by City regulations. Nuisance and Unwanted Vegetation o Remove nuisance and invasive vegetation such as Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, and reed canarygrass before it goes to seed in the spring. Do additional weeding in the fall. A list of nuisance plants can be found in the Portland Plant List. (See Additional Resources, below.) o Immediately remove vegetation that is clogging or impeding flow into the facility. o Remove potentially large and deep-rooted trees or bushes when they might impede the flow path or compromise facility structures. o Provide erosion control on any dirt exposed by vegetation removal. 3-26 i I I I I ; i I I i I I , i j ! i Chapter 3: Operations and Maintenance Porlland Stormwater Management Manue/:- August I, 2008 EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED . VEGETATION MANAGEMENT (continued) Wildlife Vegetated facilities create habitat, especially for birds. . The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects all native bird species. Birds and other animals will generally adjust to human activity. However, there are simple measures that should be taken to avoid disturbance: . Wall< the site before you do maintenance. Look for nests, burrows, and animals in the facility. Reroute around animal areas by at least a few yards. I I , , i ! ADDlTIONAL.RESOURCES City of Portland resources: Naturescaping courses, native and invasive plant posters: www.portlandonline.comfbesf index.cfm?c~dcbec Environmental SerVices Watershed Revegetation Program: www.portlandonline.comfbesf index.cfm?c~dffci Chapter 3: Operations and Maintenance Portland Stormwater Management Manual - August 1, 2008 3-27 , i I l I , i I I i I I I I I I ! ! , I , , I I , I I i i I I I ! , i i \ Portland Plant list (native and nuisance plants) www.portlandonline.comfsharedf cfmf iroage.cfm?id~58951 Plant identification: Native Plant Society: 503-460-3198 www.npsoregon.orgf Master Gardeners: www.orst.edufextensionfmgf Native plant nurseries: Plant Native: www.plantnative.cirg Lane County Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Reco~ds ,~1I.~ I ~~O~ PUBLIC ELECTRIC UTILITY EASEMENT 111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111" III $42,00 01212657201100140500010012 8 03/22/2011 11:28:5 AM RPR-ESMT Cnt=l Stn=l CRSHIER 05 $5.00 $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned Gregory D. Larkin, Managing Member, Back Porch Properties, LLC, for agood and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge, does hereby grant unto the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement along with the right to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is South 88"20' 15" East] 2.2] feet from the Southwest comer of Lot 5 of BACK PORCH PROPERTIES subdivision, recorded 22 AQrch ,2011, Reception No. 2011- /~o~8 as fi'led in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence run North I '54'39" East 2.50 feet; thence South 88'20' 15" East 5.00 feet; thence South I '54'39" West 5.00 feet thence; North 88'20' IS" West 5.00; thence North I '54'39" East 2.50 feet to the point of beginning. Said property is shown on attached said subdivision. And to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace therein an underground electric distribution line, including vaults, transformers and other necessary facilities, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintain, and protect said lines. SUB shall have a right to permanently maintain the underground facilities, and its agents and employees shall have the right to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing the underground facilities, to remove and replace fences, lawns, and trees to the extent necessary to construct, operate, maintain, and protect said lines and facilities, provided SUB shall leave the real property in the same condition as before, excluding reasonable, fair wear and tear arising from such activities. No part of any building or any permanent structure will be placed in the easement areas, other than pavement, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons, made with such materials as Grantor deems appropriate, without the express consent of SUB. This easement does not restrict the installation ofQwest Communications and Comcast facilities provided installations meet Springfield Utility Board's approval. . The undersigned covenants that it is the owner ofthe above described property and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except all covenants, conditions, restrictions, encumbrances, easements, and liens, ifany, affecting title which appear in the public records, any of those visible fTom a physical examination of the property. nde sign d has set his hand and seal this -& day o~ ' 20] ]. ~ D. Larkin, Man ging Member Back Porch Properties, LLC STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on the ~day ofF,-~(,.,,-y ,2011, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within named Gregory D. Larkin, who is known to be the Managing Member, who executed within instrument on behalf of Back Porch Properties, LLC, who executed the same fTeely and voluntarily pursuant to its by laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. OfO~~ My commission, expires: /-10-1'-( OFFICIAL SEAL MTHRYN M CONNELLY NOTARY PUBLIC-oREGOI'I MY C COMMISSION NO. 445631 ,. 9.~~I~S!ort~X,=!RE.S JANUARY 10, 2014 Springfield Utility Board accepts this easement. / p:;/ Approved by: ~~""7~-<"~~- ~Ol1a Meduna '"' 'Electric Director Springfield Utility Board Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street. Suite 200, Springfield OR. 97477