HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-8-4 ThelollOwlngprojectassu. " -. zoning, and does nol require specIfic lend use epprovel. n ~ , L;>'- , Zomng <6- o.f- 'i "\ ATTENTION:Oregon law requires yo.:. 10 Dale - d,o,"'" f II I dId b Ihe (lr.e.o~lltilit\l ,2.Z.5,,;Ii,n>T!J~F'= l~, 0 owruesa ope Y ."EW:; CAL PERMIT APPLICATION Autho"Sl>1Uil'C!FiELD, OREGON 9 7 4 77 Notificalion Cenler. Those rul~~ i:Il " lIvllII INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 inOAR952-001-001~thrOughal\-e93~iP(1~Umber qq;j 1<'2.s OFFICE: 726-3759 0090, You may obtain copies milie rU1~S oy ,- [; 7 0 3 calling the cel31!lr. (elffipi.!/ITEeFEEoSCHEDULE BELOII 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION -SlumberjhrtheOregon Utility Notilrcatlon '""R, ; c\ 1--<- C = _ a. t- - ~ Cent€riA?1-8fl(h{lCR'e"s'1"'d~ntial-Single or /&OZ.O'f/f (J'f" 70'0 Multi-Family per d\Jelling uni t. , LEGAL DESCRIPTION '7\_ \ .l. Service Included: --r-~"'o(-l.,;1,",,'~ h.q~...L",',l Items Cost 1000.sq.ft, or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion Permits are non-transferable and expire thereof if \Jork is not started \Jithin 180,days Each Manuf'd Home. or of issuance or if \Jork is suspeiIMlO&: Modular,'D\Jelling 180 days, THISPERMITSHALL~I~1QlE~r / 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONL1\UTHORIZEDIBt;D~W~~RW'lfl~gIrs COMMENCEC) OR ISIlffMij~nQRAl t era t ions Electrical Contractor_r/Q -" YH ~11\'~A-y1pERIOlY. Relocation: Address 2 \l '1 8 i ~ '-\ -5 1-7c. I..- A,N -<: 200 amps or less / 201 amps to 400 amps Phone5"LI)- "\"l1-36.,s-\ 401 amps to. 600 amps' 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only JOB DESCRIPTION J 00 \\~ P S.P.R v~"-~ ~"'''-'~)) City FJo~ _.N~-< Supervisor License Number .3?3 J -, ~ Expiration Date c::. - ,_<:> '" Constr Contr, Number :J 0-3'/(,.-C Expiration Date ) ""-\-0::>'-" . Signature of Supervising Electrician -:is;/1 ~~? Ollners Name f'...'1... JAI Address '7 'J '" )...j...... ~ Ci ty_ C.-1'1 ...~..... J3 "~.,~...J '71 ,JO 6.Ji-'gg't7 Phone 01lNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I Olin IIhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent, Ol/TIer~ture: '- ~ DA~E~------1~~1-q1-----~~----~--------- RECEIPT ~: t1, , OIJ) 5'/ iJ 0 RECEIVED BY: ~ ~~ Sum S 85.00 $ 15.00 ," , 'fool -.$ 40.00 < $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130,00 $300.00 $ 40.00 t;1J C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps' 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 10qO volts D. Branch Circuits $ 40,00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see "B" above .' , Nell, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or \Jith Service? or Feeder Permit ) $ 35.00 $ 2.00 ~ Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation ' Pump or irrigation ' Sign/Outline Lightin~ Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm E. 5, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE l'1oSta te Surcharge 37. Administrative Fee TOTAL $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20,00 $ 36,00 ,1~/OO q,6.(). -IfI- I. W