HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-16 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLIC.JNIPEHMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 3q 51 /qi-h/{L;,< J , /f'(};2I)/;'I/ 05tctJ AnGcnGor.-; Nap H Suhdiviaion: - ,-","-- 1'c.-r Lot H i?jJ her' P /1) i I (I (J\L. Address: 3CJ51 fJ /c...hla/flrf__1 City: ,5IJ0 /) a.mer: n n n n Nm,) .1dditiclI Remodel :1ohi Ie lIomo ) /~&)rfC1 Date of Application Contractors General ; P l.umbing i r,lechanLcnl I E~t-:c t r:i.s<J-1 I Sll()er'V:t.-'S~_ng I~lectr.ic inn 7t-!-"}- q 3t7 Q7U- '7 ~ Phone; Zip: De3CF'~bc II/ark: ~~w;ud Value Address LiflC. II /\_1.(11'8 1~0;lr(l, p('~. Phonl' """"i" )~/7 , ~ {:VI"r.'~ lJ"te: U I ( 1110 J;(C1 I ,/ E;~ 11:~ :"{.,!:, ~ , ~ I ~ It io the renponGibiLity of' tho permit hold,w to sec that aLL inapcction:; arc r.:adr; at t.he PI'!...,;:,,::' tU:I;;, that ';;C.cll .:ddres;, is Y'cc.::a:::tc'! from the street, and that the permit card is located at tll'! fl'Ont of tIlt; P"f)I)(!J'f;y. ~Bui!di~1!l D{.ui::io~: appl'ot.:ed plan ::;lu.:ll l'r.mai'l on tlze Bu-:.ldiurl Sit.; at all am;>:;. PHOCSDURF: FOR IN::PEX'TTON RE'OUF..:.T:CALL 726-3769 (rccoT'dl'ZrJ :;tato YOUl' city .:l~::i!I'Z;ltcd .-jO(; 't:ll..:bcr.. Job aC':;J'i;:;:;, tl,lP"? of i'::;pac;'Lc'; roaqucGtcd a~d whIm you !.Jill be ready fa'/' ir.:;pcction.. COlltl'netcY's at' Oww:'n ,It:''7'1t;! ,~nd ;:i:m:i-: Il:irlb,:~'. R,~qw~~;:[: received be/cl'l] 7: 00 .-:'~ :..'ill be made th€ same day.. requcwts mG.de arta 7: 00 a7l lJiU b.:; lTtlde the next :.1Ul'!<{I1..J dal;. .1?nmliY-'f"n T"n'?f'~f;1:rmn o o SITE INSPE:C~"ION: To be made aftar excavation.. !:mt p'/'ior to [Mt up of form" , UNOERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1[. ,~ /ofECHMnCA L: To be made beJol'e ,-my wcwk in ~ovcl't:ci. o FOOTING B FOUNDATION: To be lrade after trenches are excavated mul form:; are eT'ected.. but prior to pouring cc,wret,;. UNDSRGROUND P~UMBINC. SEr/ER. W.1TEH. DRAINAGE: To be mado prior to fil- Ur{j trencheD. [] o UNDE.'RFWOR PD(jf.:BING ,I) MECHANICAL: To be mado prior to irl3taLZation of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be ",.adc prior to instal1.at.iclI of [loor imnoZatior. or decking. ROUGll PDlj,'mIllC, Fl,F:CTR!CA[' ,p' MECI!- ANICAD: No 1JOrk i:; to he /Jovor'cd until these in3pectioJ~:; h:we bem.. made arul appl'oved. FIREPDACE: Prio'/' to placir.(l facing mato'/'ials and before framina innpec- tior:. FRAJ~INr;: Mu:;t be reque:;ted after approval of rouah plwr.bing" :;lcctY'i- eal & mech:mical, Al! roOfing bracing & chimneys" et~. nr~st he completed. ,I/o /J.:}J'k is to be con- cealed unt.iZ tlliD inspection ha:; 'baen made and approved. o o o o YOUl' City D(J[Jigl;nted .Job NwnbGl' I::: o TN{jf}T"tTmN/VIlI'OH [?:IHRIf:R [.'1:,'':'/~'C'Fff)i': 7'0 he made after a/.l i'l:;ul..~/;':;;-;-(I..:{i rcqui1'ed uapm' bW'l'ierll Gl'l1 -ill pt<."W{: but befor'n any lath, g!fpmuII hom'(! In' llUU coverinu in applied, w"i bOj'01'C aJly inr.ulatioll ia C01IC':fll..:d. ~ql ~/q . [:'f~-,':, 11,['I'IO:'/ OR .~:,JVF'-' [l"l[,Or:,'I"J.'J .I o DUj'ftAD/, INSpeCTION: 7'0 be r,nde aFter all dl'YlJall ia in pUl<..!G" but prior to mzy tapinu. ',',..",..,-,..../....."." -l ,I, ..~"'~, "',u. ~apil(::d ::t. p~'oi',:!'t:i Zi,';,7 o MASONRY: Steel location.. nond beam:.>.. grouting 01' vm'ti(!(:l~ ill a.-:cordtvlce z.n.th u. B. C. Sact7:0n 241.5. ~ ~. . ,,',. .' -,. .' _..~.- "oJ "-'11 ..J ":'h -".....". -.l "'~I_l,.l.~ "(U,, /}." :,,,,(. G._. ; ~ ,,_t, w~ :; ..~.. . ---, .f-'inGi. - {/iu;r: (:h.-:u,' i 1.0:1:: 0)',-" cc.'7'1plct,:d --1 m:d r..:lwll d~.""ci.:.~io'; it: c:ompi~tc 01' st:.",:- tw'{: ,..Ioved a1l:;' ;Jl'.:."ii:;,;:z ~...il;'-;'Ile:i up. 'Mon7:Zr;. !lClnm; ~ ~ lJlOCk1:'lg wui S.:t-;Ip ['t..m/binJ coml<?::t.i.Clln :7.:;rJm' and water D 1I00DSTOVf:: ccmpleted. Aft'er installation il; I f:l.cctrica7. Ccm:et.!ti.oll - Blocki,l:!. sat.:I? --.J (HId plwnb/:Hfl ccm:actiOlIS m~:;t. 1;e ap?l':x:,;.;' ve/OJ'I: l'cqll.cat:'llg e~ec;!'ical i,:spcc-t;io:: :=J ,1c.::r.::;::OI':i Buil;:'i.,,,..? I Final - I.[tcr '(:J!'e.i:t:D.. ~ etc. Q1'G ecmpl.-;;.;;a. ski.rti.ng. dccka, o CURB Ii APPROACH APRON: Aftm' Form:; arc erected but p~'ior to pouring .:!on<:l'Qte. SIDEIIIlLK Ii DRIl'EW, Y: For all. con- crete paving wit1li.,! r:t1'er.:t l'ia7zt.- of-IlX:Y.. to be made a[tcl' all exca- vating cQnplate & jOl~ ~~rk & ~uh" ba::;e 1OO.teriaL in pln.~a. o All pl'o;icct c:ondit1:mm.. ml.<..!.l-. m. Ow :'Il:.t.tlilai;i,t-'Il or [;:'l',.:..:t tl'.:e.';, ....;......;r,l.,;i,~,m of t.;u: r..:quimd landncl':p7:r:g" etc.. mu~i be naLi.;;;'I:crl b':f'v~',-; U:e Bl.'If.DT,':r: FI:.';1I. Cr.1I hJ; rsqllc:Jt.-,:d. o FINAL PLUMBIlIG o FINAL ME[;'IIANICAl. o FINAL EL6"CTRICIoL o o PINAf., BUlUJING: Tilt! Final Building _hwp,;r:LiOH "iiwi ba l'cq14'J:;tcd ,:/:.r;I' t.i:,; FiliaL rLumhi'l:; Elcctl'ical.. and Mechar.ical 1I1spcctiOll:l hal..loJ berm mad,; (lIui appl'oIX;:'. D o ....ENCE: ~'1wr. compl..~tc -- Provi.cn gates or movable :;acticn::; Ul1'OU{!J: P.U.E, /tAU, ,.!ANllC{;ES ANn CLEANOUTS }flJST m: ACCF.s:;r13~F., 11D.IUS7'::.~:,'JT TO rij-~ ,'.:.IN: ::: :':0 t,\c;,; :-'0 r!7''f I F'.:...,' i oJ':: I o I JOB NO, oc:'~a~,:,IR{;,:~"W S I.,..... .:..,...... ILot Sq. Ftg. l:t ,'1" lot C:;VCl'a(!:: N oj' ::to,-ia:l 1110tal Height I 'fopo(jl'aphy [~"f:N S(,'.F'!'(,' x Mai~l r;':par.e Car'V01't ,lecc:wor'u I I TOTti!, VM,UE I S./U'. rvcWcJ 1.5x BuildinU PcPmi t , State SUl'cJwrge Tota l Chn:'[lC3 liTEM INU, I Fixtures I Residential (] VaeM I I sanitary Sewer' I Watm' I ;'f.'1: Plwnbing !'el'r:ii t State SUl'c1:m'ge Tota! Chc.l'gen 11'l't'M I Res. Sa. r NO'1 I I I I I I Fn: ftn. NaLJ/Extend Circuits Tempopary Service Elc~tl'ieal Pemit State Surduu'qe Total Charces I ['l'SM r~n:1C() HTU'S I E:::hau8 t Hoo.:!. I Vent Fan I I Woodnto:Je I I NO. n:f: I I I ~~~opt Pal'mit J:J:;wmc.; Me::hanic:: l Pemri t State SW'cherne Total CharaeD -- l:.'NCROACHNENT -- 5c(!".,(T'itl/ D2ponit Storage Maintenan~e Permi t Total (''harncs I Cur~(.'U; ! Side"" Zk I F'en::c 1 F.lcctrical [..abal l Mobile lIame 1',"O'f'1L ,1,'.!OU,'/T our:: ~ , LOT TY?F: Trli,:,.tCI' COI'1WI' Part/wild f.e CI.l--d':-:;I1;: Valllt~ CJltlHr;E CHAffce C!lANCE /5,D~ /5,0-0 /5.00 t':!gc i;; R EQ,- L-COC-l;; I Dot Faces - I ~etbackn I P. (" . f{OlWO ' r:fl1'Q(lf! INm'ih 1/\'(1$( lsvuill )r,::Jt ~ Bed,'oomD: En81'(/U So:~rcC:J 1 !I~at 'ACr.:C:I:I. 1 WatCl' Ilrwtf?l' 1 I Ranye I I F-i.l'cvlar.:e I I Wood:; tove II TIme T~'pe/Cor..s t: f'3ef; I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I 1 I I I Building Value & Permit T}li:; pcnrrit in granted on the express condition that the said construction sJulll, in all. respect:;, conforo! to the Or'dinar-co adopted by the City of Spl'Lnafield, incZuding the 'Zoning Drdi.,lanee, regulating the ccnntru-.:ticn and twe oj' lJl~iZding:J, and m:::.y be su:;pended 01' revoked at CJ:Y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Qpdir~nce8. I PZan Cheek I Dote Paid: jRecdpt H: !Sig"ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No [WI'DOII s}Ulll constPlwt, install, aUer 01' change any neJJ cr e:::isting plwnbing Or' dl'ainage syste.71 in whole 01' in part, unless such per'son io the legal possessor oj' a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plw,'lbing work to pl'Opel>ty which is o1.J1led, leaBed 01' operated by the appli- cant. I I. I 1 I I I I Electrical Permi t f{here State f..aw requil'es tr.at the clectr'ical IJOrk be done by an Electrical Contl'actor, the electrical portion of thiB permit shall not be valid untiZ the label JUlB been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit Plan r.xam1.ITel' VOte I I. I I I I FJ.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~mation hereon is true and correat, and I further> cel>tify that any ar.d aU JJork porfo1':1led BhaU be do~e in accor- dance with the Ol'din::znces oj' the city of Springfield, and th;; La-..:s of the Stato of Oreg:m pSl't..::ining to the woI'k described hcrei.~IJ and that NO OCC!J- Pfl.NCY wi II be IMde of any structur'tj lJithout permis3ion. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractorfJ and C.71pl:Jyecs w}:o are in co~pliance with ens ?Ol.055 wilZ be used on this pr'oject ~I),,, .1.\- ~\J) 5,,,",,</ ~ O' - (f P.J. 11.1'7 r .LJ~ I~- Date gL